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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Vesuvius00
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Vesuvius00 ~| Guardian of Flame |~ / ~| Superhero |~

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Emiko Lexi Fae

Even before I opened my eyes, I knew what it was that I would see. The moonlight, drifting down through the trees to illuminate the quickly moving river I could hear nearby, while the light also reflected off of the forever frost that covered everything in the White Forest. I could feel the cool, soft pile of snow beneath me as I tried to comprehend the pain I could feel getting stronger with every beat of my heart.

I slowly open my eyes, looking at the beautiful wintry forest around me as I sit up in the snowbank. Suddenly, I understand my pain, and begin to spread my wings to take flight. There's a Demon nearby! Somehow, when I fell, I had returned from my Warrior form into my true form, a pure Angel, which was much more vulnerable to a Demon Warrior than even a human could be. The pain, a built-in genetic warning to tell me that I was too vulnerable, was a blessing that had saved my life many times.

I was able to take flight and change back into my Warrior form within seconds. Surveying the area, I noticed the Demon almost immediately. She was literally on fire, although the trees and brush around her did not catch, which meant that it was simply a weapon of her Warrior form. I did not know if she had noticed me while I had been asleep, or if she had not seen me until just now, but either way she was looking right at me as I hovered in the air.

"What is it, why do you stare like that Demon? Have you never seen an Angel before?" I say the words while amplifying my voice. hopefully I will not have to fight this Demon, I may be able to simply scare it off.

"Oh, I've seen Angels before. I've just never seen one when they aren't a Warrior. You should stay that way more often, you were much cuter then." The She-Demon's voice was too sweet, too cold. It almost hurt to listen to her, but I did.

"Begone Demon. I've no reason to fight you at the moment, and I'd rather not have to deal with you right now."

"Fine, but tell me one thing. Why'd you fall from the sky like that? Or would you rather not tell a Demon?" The She-Demon laughed at the end, as if she thought she had told a funny joke. So, She did see me before I woke up. I was lucky then, that she didn't kill me as I slept. I did not want to continue speaking to this Demon, however she had asked a question that I myself wanted an answer to.

My memory of the time before I woke was still foggy, however as I thought about it I was able to work out the most important details.

As I remembered, I was thankful for the fact that I healed quickly, and briefly wondered why the Demon Nevil and my sister Ryba had not come to finish me off. I quickly did an inventory of my injuries, finding that the dagger had been removed from my abdomen, leaving a rather tender scar above my navel, while the wounds on my back and wings had healed completely thanks to the snow and were now only slightly sore.

"You're right, I would rather not tell a Demon. So if you'll excuse me-" I had turned around in the air to head away, when suddenly in front of me was yet ANOTHER Demon. I'd say he looked quite terrifying, especially because just seconds before the warning pain in my neck had become almost unbearable. His eyes glowed a deep blood red and his skin was an ashen grey color. He wore a hooded cloak of shadows, likely a familiar, and no wings, which meant he was especially skilled with magic.

I backed up into a tall tree in my attempt to run away. I had no idea how I looked, but I was 99.99% sure that it wasn't like a powerful Angel should.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Luna
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Luna Markiplier Fan

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((Pritius POV))

I walked slowly towards the little Angel that had backed herself right into a tree, my hood hiding my eyes perfectly. My ears twitched as I heard my sister walking behind me. "Tell me angel...why are you all the way down there. I thought God loved his little angels and did not allow them to come down here." I asked, spitting out the word 'God.' It left a bad taste in mouth when I said that dreaded word.

"Now now brother, I found her first." I had to smirk when I saw the Angel's face turn as if my sister just insulted her, which she probably did, but who was I to care about that. I hide my amusement with a sigh of annoyance.

"Koko, shut up. You can have her once I am done questioning the wench." I said and my sister grew silent and I could tell she bared her neck in submission. I turned my attention back to the Angel.

"Are you going to answer, or am I going to have to tear each feather out of your wings one at a time?" I threatened in a growling voice, not liking to be ignored, my father did that way too much and I grew sick of it. I heard my sister behind me snickering from her place in the tree.

"Hmm... I do wonder what Angel blood tastes like." Koko said obviously licking her lips. I rolled my eyes and looked at the Angel. I pulled out a dagger that was coated in blood.

"This is the dagger that struck you, am I right?" He said holding it out to her, the blood dripping on the ground and making my nostrils flare at the smell it let off. Her blood smelled delicious, though as a demon I should be repulsed by the smell.

Her eyes widened as she definitely recognised the blade, her hand moved to cover a spot on her stomach and she stared of into the space in front of her for just a fraction of a second. "Yes, it is. Why do you have it?" She asked. Her voice was light and nice to hear, but I could hear the pain she was holding back.

"Well it was in your abdomen and I took it out. I am surrpised that a sharp looking Angel like you didn't notice that it was gone when you woke up, leaving only a gaping wound that bled profusely." I said with a smirk as I spun the dagger in between my fingers, the blade not cuting me but it did soak my fingers in her delcious smelling blood. I grimcaced at that and shook my head mentally, knowing I couldn't or should I say shouldn't be liking the smell or have the desire to lick it from the dagger or the wound on her stomach.

She was silent for a while, watching me and glancing a few times at my sister behind me. Then she seemed to find her voice again. "Why am I still alive? You could have killed me easily as I was knocked out."

"Now unlike most Demon males...and females, I have honor and don't kill an enemy who is knocked out. I perfer a battle." I said calmly, no trace of lying in my voice. "Besides, you're lucky it was me and my sister who found you or you would have been Demon prey." I said turning my back throwing the dagger into the air and I heard a thump on the ground as it landed, burying the blade into the snow covered ground. I mentally relaxed when some of the smell from her blood faded, but the blood that was coming out of her wound was alot.

"Koko, take this girl to our camp and bandage her up. I am going to scout the area for any....unwanted guests." I said quickly before running off before my sister could say anything. I needed to get away before I did something I knew I would regret.

((Koko POV))

I blinked when my brother suddenly gave me a command to take the Angel back to the camp, and I sighed knowing that I couldn't disobey. I jumped down and landed on my feet turning my head to the Angel.

"Come on, lets get your wound bandaged up. I don't know what my brother thinks of your blood smell, but it smells repulsive to me, and I'd pefer not to smell it any longer." I said before walking slowly back to the camp that was in the opposite direction from where my brother went.

"While I thank you for sparing me as I slept, I feel that I would rater not go willingly with the enemy." I heard the Angel say that and then... A song, light as the clouds in the air drifted through the forest, and I felt myself falling asleep.

((Pritrus POV))

I stopped when I heard something in the distance. I allowed myself to get lost in the sound knowing it was the Angel's voice singing it. It allowed peace to take hold of my body and my power rushed through me turning my hair white and my eyes blue. I sighed as the wings on my back twitched and went limp against my skin.

"Well better hurry, then I can make sure my sister did what I asked of her." I muttered before running off to patrol the area around me and my sister's camp, her song still running though my mind.

Once my patrol was done I returned to my camp to find my sister asleep in a tree, and the Angel passed out a few feet away. I sighed and shook my head before walking over to the Angel picking her up gently bring her close to the fire that was burning and crackling in the center of the camp. I took out some bandages that I brought me and began to bandage her up.

Once that was done I laid out a simple futon bed that I had brought from a small country not far from this land and laid her inside it so she had some comfort in her healing. I grabbed my sister and put her in a different one. I jumped straight into a tree just inside the camp perimeter, intending to keep watch.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Vesuvius00
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Vesuvius00 ~| Guardian of Flame |~ / ~| Superhero |~

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Emiko Lexi Fae

The male Demon approached slowly, his sister close behind him now. While they bantered back and forth, my mind was reeling for a way to get away. I had stupidly trapped myself in the branches of the tree, so I could not go any direction but down, and that was not a good situation to be in. The Demon got my attention again by taking out the dagger that had injured me and prompting me about it.

That is my sister's... Dear Lord... I absentmindedly moved my hand to cover where the wound had been, my armor stained red by my blood. "Yes, it is. Why do you have it?" I said. My blood... They must be able to smell it... so much still dripping from the dagger... The effect of an Angel's blood on a Demon can be very different from Demon to Demon. Those who find the smell repulsive are more likely to kill the Angel quickly, so as to get away from the stench. While those who find it appealing might play with the Angel for as long as possible before killing them, or turning them if possible, because a turned Angel's blood is the same, and then they are bound to that Demon.

"Why am I still alive? You could have killed me easily as I was knocked out." I had to ask, it seemed too bizarre for two Demons to simply wait around for an Angel to wake up. Most Angels that fall from the sky are killed by prowling Demons before their teammates are able to save them. My, teammates...? Ryba would not have saved me, or even have spared a thought about me, being a newly Fallen One... Fisk may not know that I was wounded so much, he was retreating and I hadn't told him I was going back for Ryba... No one will come to save me... The thought was so distressing that I thought I might as well beg these two to kill me.

As I was thinking however, I had not noticed the warrior's departure. I saw his sister still near me, and she said something about my wounds and how my blood repulsed her. I saw her start to walk away, as if she expected me to follow. It was a risk, but I had to get away from them while I had a chance. I had no idea if the Warrior was close enough to be affected still, but if he was then he would be put to sleep, just as his sister would be. I thanked the Demon for my life, as I felt that they did deserve that, and began to sing.

My voice lifted to the sky and carried my lullaby on the wind, and I felt the forest begin to quiet. The She-Demon fell asleep immediately in the tree she was standing in, and I hoped the Warrior would not come searching for me as I left. I flew just above the treeline, but was unable to go very far. The wind had picked up, filling my wings and blowing me back into the trees. I landed on a low branch and looked up at the sky, feeling my consciousness begin to slip.

My fear and adrenaline had gotten me through a confrontation with two Demons on my own, but now I was too spent to retreat. I drifted down to the ground, a last attempt to get away as I began to walk. I had gone no further than a few feet before the strength left my body and I fell asleep.

My dreams were nonsense, a coupling of memory and fear and the cold dread of the future while I slept. I saw my 'sister' Ryba many times, and had flashes of things I have never seen before, like a dark palace lit by sconces that wielded flickering green flames, and many, many Demons.

When my vision faded, I could still hear the crackle of a fire and sense the presence of Demons, however the feeling of dread had left me and I was comfortable and warm. Slowly opening my eyes, I saw that I was lying in some type of bed near a fire. I attempted to sit up, only to gasp and lay back down as the pain went through my body.

I closed my eyes again and traced the path of the pain with my mind. Oh, I slept with my wings tucked underneath me... Ow... I opened my eyes again and nearly screamed as I saw a creature of white smoke hovering above me. The creature jumped back as I forced myself out of the bed and away from it, ignoring the soreness in my wings.

The creature growled at me, a strange sound for a strange being. It looked like a dog made of white smoke, with piercing blue eyes. As I watched, the creature turned from smoke into a solid form, and then someone appeared by it - someone with the same white hair and blue eyes as the dog. I recognized it as a Demon, but did not feel any type of warning about him, meaning that it was either weak, or not in its warrior form.

The Demon patted the animal on the head, and it stopped growling at me. Then he just looked at me. “Where am I, and who are you?” I asked him slowly. I hoped the fact that he was not in his warrior form meant that he currently meant me no harm, although there never is a way to know for sure. He looked much different from the warrior I had seen before, as he had wings and his eyes were blue rather than red, however I wasn't able to tell for sure because, as I looked around, I noticed the She-Demon from before laying on another of the strange beds not too far away.

“I didn't think you’d be able to recognize me like this, at least not right away anyway. Did you sleep well, little Angel?” My suspicion was answered then, voices do not change with appearance. This Demon was the same warrior I had spoken to earlier, his harsh voice proving his identity. My recognition and despair at not being able to get away must have shown on my face, because the Demon smiled just slightly enough that had I not been paying attention I would not have noticed.

"I know who you are now." I said as I stood up. Luckily, I had not accidentally changed forms in my sleep again, so I was a warrior facing a Pure Demon. I don't know much about the strengths or abilities of a Demon when they were not in their Warrior form, though I would assume that they have the same kind of limitations as I do when I am my Pure Self. "Why am I still here?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Luna
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Luna Markiplier Fan

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Priturus Le Geass

I chuckled hearing her question and continued to pet my beloved wolf demon as I stared at the fire before loving the warm it was giving to my cold body. I had to chuckle mentally in repulsion. 'I guess angels are lucky, they get warm bodies while us demons are stuck with cold. I really am jealous of her...I would do anything to have a warm body for one in my life' I frowned more and shook my head mentally freeing my head from the dark thoughts for once. I saw her stiff a little and I knew she could sense my aura becoming dark. I allowed my aura to go back to its pure state.

"You are here because you are wounded are you I not. I did bandaged your wounds the previous night and changed them an hour ago while you were still sleeping" I answered honestly playing with my white hair with a smirk on my face. In the pure demon form I looked no more than 20 years of age to a human. If it wasn't for the demon features like the wings and other things I could easily be a human.

"Don't worry, other demons don;t know you are with me and it's best it stays that way.I have a barrier around the camp and if you try leaving, demons that are currently here will sense your wounded save and smell the lingering blood from the wound. I wouldn't do you good since you cannot fight without risking your wounds opening up again. I have a barrier around the camp to hide your scent as well as mine and my sister's" I saw a look of confusion on her face when I told her I was also hiding me and my sister's scent but I ignored it since I didn't want to give to much away to an angel who would probably leave when her wounds were healed and tell someone.

I heard footsteps and felt someone enter the barrier, but I knew it was sister coming back from the hunt for food. I turned my head to the sound of bare feet hitting the ground waiting. I saw my beloved wolf get up looking in the same direction.

I watched as my sister appeared. I saw she had transformed into her pure form which was rare but not uncommon for her whenever she was hunting for our meals. Her pure form consisted of long blonde hair that reached her waist. The blonde bangs in an arch way stance against her forehead while some of was pointed to the side with one or two pointing to the ground against her pale face. She was wearing her usually black dress that had thick stripes cloths against her breasts blocking any private parts there. The sleeves where detached from the dress and had the same thick stripes at the top of the sleeves but as it went down it started to form paths until they reached around her arm to her wrist. The dress on the bottom had fluffy that was the same color of her hair and it arched her knees. She had no shoes on and I shook my head since I hated it when she didn't have shoes on.

"I thought I told you to wear yours in very form you go in Koko" I grunted out and she just smirked at me carrying a very large boar over her shoulder, her hazelnut eyes going to the angel that was up.

"Well since when do I listen brother. I see your little friend. I hope you like meat cause that's what we are having" she said to her before going to the fire and put stripes of meat over the fire to cook.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Vesuvius00
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Vesuvius00 ~| Guardian of Flame |~ / ~| Superhero |~

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Emiko Lexi Fae

They are both in their pure forms! Are they trying to show that they mean me no harm, or are they trying to trick me? I made no move to do anything, I didn't want them to attack me to try and keep me here, but I have to get away from them as soon as possible. I was surprised to hear that the Demon had bandaged my wound, and then wondered how. It is not possible for my armor to be removed, even in my sleep... He must have used some form of magic to apply the bandaging.

I didn't like the way these two Demons were speaking to me, as if I was a part of their group. I ignored the She-Demon as she went to prepare a meal, and kept my focus on the other one and his dog. They had not moved any closer to me, and the stance I was holding was causing me pain, so I relaxed into a still-guarded stance but with my wings closed behind me as a sort of shield.

"It is true that I can not risk a battle at the moment, however I do not worry that any Demon would be able to get close enough to me to harm me once I leave." The male Demon seemed confused at my wording, so I rephrased what I had meant. "I will leave, and you along with any other Demon will leave me alone."

Immediately after I spoke, I took off. I had no idea how far up the Demon's barrier went, so I decided that if he could tell where someone breached the barrier that I would just have to be fast enough to get away and out of the forest before he or any other Demon could catch me. From where the sun was in the sky, I could tell that it was early morning. I don't know how long that meant I had slept, but I felt well enough to fly to the nearest city under my own power.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Luna
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Priturus Le Geass

I watched as the angel took off and I strength my barrier just before she made it and I could feel a ripple in myself and knew she hit it. I knew my barrier wouldn't hurt her but I knew she couldn't leave unless I allowed her too and with her wounds I knew I couldn't let her leave until her wound was completely healed with would be a while since she wouldn't lay still. I got up and walked calmly to where she landed which was about 5 yards away.

"My barrier is really strong so unless I allow you to leave you cannot go anywhere except the perimeter around the camp and with your wound broken open again I will have to change the bandages and restitch it" I shook my head and d ignored her weak protests as I lifted her up like human men would do to their women walking into their home after they got married. I smirked when she had tried to resist but her strength was no match for mine with her wound.

I arrived back at camp and I set her down. I chanted something in a language and the bandages from inside her armor came out soaked in dripping blood. I heard my sister gag in disgust but I ignored it knowing that if the angel lost too much blood she wouldn't be a pure angel anymore. I chanted something again and placed my glowing hands on her abdomen since I had paralyzed her.

I allowed my mind to sink into where the would was and with my magic I had begun to restitch her wound which took a while. feeling my energy weakening I quickly re-bandaged over her wound tightly this time and allowed my mind to sink back into my body. Staggering to my feet ignoring the angel's look and my sister's concerned glance at me.

"Just rest until...you heal" I wanted to cruse as my voice wavered and I staggered back to the fire only to fall and be caught by my wolf demon and brought back over to fire.

"Brother please stop trying to help people like that you know what that does to you" my sister said to me.

"I can't help it. I am a healer by nature and I cannot fight my instincts' I rasped out laying my head down against the soft fur of my pet closing my eyes. The camp fell silent as Koko continued to cook the food.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Vesuvius00
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Vesuvius00 ~| Guardian of Flame |~ / ~| Superhero |~

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Emiko Lexi Fae

The barrier stung me when I hit it, and I nearly blacked out when I hit the ground. I had felt my wound reopen when I hit the barrier, and silently cursed my ignorance. Of course the Demon can control who gets in and out of his barrier! I tried to fight him when he picked me up and brought me back near the fire, but the dizziness from hitting the barrier and my wound reopening made me too weak to do anything.

When he set me down, he paralyzed me and used his magic to stitch and re-bandage the wound. I tried to tell him not to waste his energy, that it would do me no good, but the paralysis kept me from speaking as well. He told me to rest and then disappeared from my sight, I heard his sister say something to him, and his answer. Demons have healers? News to me...

My thoughts as I focused on weakening and breaking the paralysis spell were the only thing I could hear, the Demons had gone silent and I assumed it was because the male was taking a nap while the She-Demon finished the meal. He wasted his energy... This wound will not heal until I can get away from these two. I felt the moment I had managed to break the spell, and so did the male Demon by the gasp I heard.

I sat up gently and spoke before he could get up. "You need to let me leave or I will die here. The dagger I was struck with belonged to an Angel, and was Blessed so that any wound caused by it could not heal unless the wounded was blessed by a Priest. It is a good tactic against Demons, as they utterly refuse to have anything to do with Priests, however I do not believe that anyone ever thought an Angel would be wounded by a Blessed blade and then held captive by two Demons."

I hoped my voice was harsher and more powerful than I felt, as I was almost about to faint again. I was loosing too much blood, at this rate I'll be dead by the time I woke again if I were to sleep now.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Luna
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Priturus Le Geass

He sighed and sat by her wounde form a ball of white magic that seem to match the power of a pirest filled his hands that were both cup together "Why do you think I am in my pure form, I can heal like a priest thanks to the training I got during my time here so I can keep my sister safe and unharmed" he said gently looking up at her.

"Let me heal you before you become a fallen angel from blood lost" he said.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Vesuvius00
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Vesuvius00 ~| Guardian of Flame |~ / ~| Superhero |~

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Emiko Lexi Fae

"That's... Impossible... How...?" I couldn't keep myself sitting up anymore, I tried, but just kept getting dizzier and dizzier. I lay back down as gently as I could, my words no longer able to be heard. How much blood have I lost? I know I could turn into a Fallen One from blood loss, any extreme wound really, that is- if I don't die first. I saw the Demon move closer, just before I closed my eyes, trying to will myself to stay awake.

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Luna
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Luna Markiplier Fan

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Priturus Le Geass

"You see no one knows about this, but when my mother died, I ran away from home since I knew my father was the one who caused her death. I passed out in front of an old church near a human village. The priest who -was old and was failing in health- found me and took me in. This was way before I discovered my warrior form so I was still in my pure demon form..." I sighed and started to heal her, the power warming up her body as the wound slowly healed.

"After a month he knew his time was coming, and he decided to pass his legacy and powers to me as his 'son' since he considered me so though we were enemies really. For several weeks he trained me in the arts of the Holy powers, and by the time he passed away I had fully mastered the power." I said, continuing on with my story.

"When I got my warrior form, I discovered that I didn't have my priest powers in that form. So I did a little research and found out there was a case just like mine several hundred years ago where a demon was born from a human priest and a female demon. What shocked me was...it was part of my bloodline and those powers passed onto me after so many years of it being bred out of my family tree." I finished.

I couldn't tell if she was still awake, her eyes were closed and she said nothing, although her breathing was too shallow for sleep. I frowned and continued healing her until I was sure the wound was closed enough to the point she wouldn't bleed out anymore. I checked her forehead to make sure she wasn't getting a fever from anything that could have possibly entered her body through her open wound. I sighed in relief when she was not getting a fever though her slightly cold skin did concern me.

I gently picked her up, mindful of her wings, and carried her back to camp laying her down near the fire to keep her warm. He sighed and sat near her staying quiet so she could try and get some sleep.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Vesuvius00
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Vesuvius00 ~| Guardian of Flame |~ / ~| Superhero |~

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Emiko Lexi Fae

I heard the Demon speaking, although I could not make out the words. He did not sound like he was angry, in fact his tone seemed to hold more sadness and worry than any other emotion. How did it come to this? I thought to myself, in the growing calmness of my mind. I felt my wound closing, just barely aware of my body, my slowing heartbeat and shallow breaths. I can't allow myself to fall asleep, I can't let myself die like this...

I felt warmer now, and I grasped the feeling and forced myself to take deeper breaths. Warmth... The fire... I forced my breathing to cease, to shock my mind. I continued to manipulate my breathing until I was able to open my eyes, until I could see the now darkened sky above the camp. The warmth from the fire had helped me regain control of my thoughts, and my base physical functions, now I needed my hope back. I focused on the distant stars and forced my breathing to be deep, as if I were asleep, reciting my prayer under my breath.

My first prayer, the one that made me an Angel.

In my vision, the stars seemed to flicker out one-by-one, and the area around me faded to nothing, until I felt as if I were floating in the midst of a never-ending sea of night. All I could hear were my own thoughts and the slow prayer on my lips. The thought crossed my mind for only a split second, The wound of the blessed dagger has been canceled, healed through some form of holy energy. The joy of this thought strengthened my voice, until I found myself chanting my prayer to the sea of darkness around me.

My eyes, unblinking, stared into this darkness and found the last thing I needed there. Hope. My will, from the start never fading. My consciousness, my main foe. Finally, the hope brought to me through my prayer. All these brought me back to myself, and I felt my body healing as the darkness around me lightened to the sweet pink that comes with dawn. The stars faded back in before the rest of the world swirled around me, I was flying with the familiarity of the newborn day in front of me.

I closed my eyes, and re-opened them to reality. I was in flight, but I was simply hovering over the camp of the Demons who had saved me. The Demons who had... saved me? Truly, is this reality? I finished my prayer, which had turned to song at some point, with this question echoing in my mind. I felt no pain, and I knew my wounds had completely healed, however I could not comprehend how. That Demon, was raised by a Priest? It's not unheard of, if the Demon were saved... But the pain I felt when he was in his warrior form... He has not been saved. I landed lightly on the ground next to the now dead campfire.

While I was in my healing trance, I had changed into my pure form. I am no longer weak from those wounds, and I am no longer weary from the battle with the Demon Nevil. If I must, I can fight my way away from these two, and return to My Lord's realm to report on my experiences, as I doubt Fisk has returned there yet. While I thought this, I surveyed the area. Both the demons seemed to be asleep, although that may have been my doing. I had started singing my prayer, that may have affected them to the point of them falling asleep. I approached the male Demon, to see if he truly was asleep, although before I had gotten within a few feet of him his eyes snapped open.

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Luna
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Luna Markiplier Fan

Member Seen 2 yrs ago


I was talking to my sister when suddenly we heard our angel guest beginning to sing. I was memorized by the voice and I looked towards her not noticing that my sister had left, going to her usual tree drifting off to sleep by the voice. I suddenly yawned as the voice began to lower me into slumber and I allowed my eyes to shut, the sweet sound luring me to sleep.

I was suddenly awoken when I heard the sounds of footsteps and my eyes snapping open and I frowned when I saw the angel obviously trying to escape again.I sat up and looked at her with a stern look "And where do you think you are going huh" I asked seriously crossing my arms with my clawed fingers tapping against the bare flesh.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Vesuvius00
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Vesuvius00 ~| Guardian of Flame |~ / ~| Superhero |~

Member Seen 2 mos ago


"Going? Well, you are correct. I am leaving, I should not have allowed myself to be around two Demons such as yourselves for even this long." I spoke calmly, keeping the melodic lilt to my voice so he'd be less on guard. "Now I am healed, your barrier won't be able to keep me here anymore, and if you insist on fighting me to make me stay now I sould inform you that you cannot win as I am now."

I took flight and changed into my warrior form as I did so, proving to him that I truly am strong enough to fight him now if that's what it would take. I scented the air and found that any scent of my blood had vanished, possibly purified when I healed myself, and smiled as I realized that if I had truly purified this place that he and his sister would not be able to be in thier warrior forms without being cause some sort of pain.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Luna
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Luna Markiplier Fan

Member Seen 2 yrs ago


I sighed as I watched her take flight. I knew when she healed herself she had purified the entire area so I couldn't go into my warrior form. I strength the barrier and watched as she hit it unable to escape and I smirked when I saw her glare. I stood up quietly careful not to wake up my pet and sister and I allowed my wings to open up and I too took flight eager to win the fight that was about to happen.

"And I said I dont want you to leave, I cannot simply trust an angel like you not to expose where our hideout is" I said with the word 'angel' spatting out of it like it was acid and it gave me a acid taste as well.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Vesuvius00
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Vesuvius00 ~| Guardian of Flame |~ / ~| Superhero |~

Member Seen 2 mos ago


I flew to leave, but got stung by the barrier as I tried. It didn't hurt me, just annoyed me to the point of glaring at the Demon until he joined me in the air. "And what reason do you have to believe that I'd waste my breath after being away from home for so long on pointing out the camp of two fairly insignificant Demons? I personally have no reason to ever think about this after I leave, so if you're only worried about someone finding you, you might as well let me go and go about your lives as normal. I have more important things to return to."

As I spoke I took my own blessed dagger from it's sheath and held it with the blade forward semi-threateningly. "This too is a blessed blade, if you insist on fighting me I can promise you that you will get hurt."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Luna
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Luna Markiplier Fan

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I glared at her for calling us insignificant Demons and I readied my blade. "Listen here you little Angel, we are more than that. We are actually children of nobles who ran away to escape us." I snarled, unable to hold back my anger. I saw a look of slight fear cross her face but I didn't care whatsoever for it and I rushed at her attacking her with my sword. It was a long sword that had a large width to it with a thick red streak that was the color of blood going from the tip of it down to the hilt, which was covered in black silk stripes so my hand wouldn't be sore after using it.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Vesuvius00
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Vesuvius00 ~| Guardian of Flame |~ / ~| Superhero |~

Member Seen 2 mos ago


What he said surprised me, I had no idea that Demons had a system of nobility. Unless they were born of humans, however that was extremely doubtful. I dodged his attack easily, and flew around behind him to slash at his back with my dagger. "Sorry I seem to have offended thee," I started with venom in my voice, "But surely thou are not so dim as to misunderstand when I say I have no qualms about vanquishing thee." My tone of voice reminds me of Fisk, and again I wonder where he is.

Dodging any attacks the Demon made after my announcement, I get an idea. The Demon had specified earlier that the barrier only let in whoever he wanted it to, and only let out whoever he wanted it to. There was no barrier against objects, just people. I hummed a melody under my breath and summoned a white rose, picking off one of the petals and throwing it straight up and through the barrier. Once it was through, it transformed into a bird and flew away. I looked to the Demon, triumph on my face. "Soon I will not be fighting you alone. That messenger will tell other Angels, much stronger than I, to come here and rescue me."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Luna
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Luna Markiplier Fan

Member Seen 2 yrs ago


I narrowed my eyes at her and I smirked as I hide my emotions behind a cold mask. I pulled out a small skae and dug my hands into it pulling out this weird black dust. I saw her look and I /almost/ wanted to smirk but I did not allowed myself as I let it seep into the barrier causing it to turn black. "This dust will prevent your little helpers from finding us, thing of it as a green screen humans use to make whatever background they want, all they will see is more wilderness" I said
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Vesuvius00
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Vesuvius00 ~| Guardian of Flame |~ / ~| Superhero |~

Member Seen 2 mos ago


I wasn't about to let him get away with such a trick. As he thought the strange powder was absorbing into the barrier, I hummed a song under my breath so that he wouldn't hear, nullifying the power of the dust. The barrier turned black, and I smiled despite myself. "You really think that's the best move? Angels can sense each other's presence within miles of each other, if they're searching." I don't wait for him to answer before I start to sing. A lullaby, soft as the clouds above, rang out from me, and though the song was lulling to any who heard it it invigorated me. I lunged at the Demon with my dagger, but not aiming to harm. I need to keep him on his toes, so the song affects him even more.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Luna
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Luna Markiplier Fan

Member Seen 2 yrs ago


I struggled not to fall asleep as the lullaby reached my ears and kept myself on alert as she lunged at me with her dagger. I pulled out a dagger that seemed to be weird looking. It was a blade that seem to be backwards where the sharp edge was facing on the inside towards the sheath. The sheath itself was designed to look like a dragon wing which was a blood red color with black in the design to look like veins. I chuckled at her bewildered look."I better you never seen a blade like this before"
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