Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by GreivousKhan
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GreivousKhan Deus Vult

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<Snipped quote by GreivousKhan>

No one said you had to care, part of the reason I put the 5 page reply in a hider, though last I checked you all were interested in my thoughts on stuff concerning the arena. :P

I'm only trying to solve issues that I see and keep in mind logic. We aren't exactly simple organisms and while it might be more balanced and easier, it sort feels like Logic is taking a back seat in this regards.

Taking what I've seen in the tourney and other such stuff:

A few questions that come to mind about preps.
  • What usually requires a prep? Just magic or can other abilities that aren't physically defend-able require them?
  • Is only magic that needs it?
  • What sort of things can be considered not needing a prep and why?
  • What sort of descriptions can be classed as preps for magic or an ability?
  • What happens when you do a prep, can you still defend yourself while doing it or when someone goes to attack, in order not to get hit do you have to stop? Would that just cancel out all the preps?
  • Is a prep's time based on the power level of it and if you cast it premature, should it have a penalty? Or just lowered in power that is possible?
  • How do you determine when an interruption is successful?

These are only a few questions off the top of my head that I don't know where or how to find the answers to.

Honestly this will answer most of your questions. This is from Eden site which is also posted in the arena by Skallaoldbones awhile ago.

Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Fallenreaper
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<Snipped quote>

Usually just magic, but anything can be prepped. Any ability you possess, unless stated as passive, and even then, can use a prep to make it stronger. That's what preps, and sometimes interchangably charges, are for. To increase the power, or other stated /thing/ of an ability.

<Snipped quote>

No, but primarily it's what its used for. Preps on other things affect different stuff. You can prep a gunshot by making it more accurate, you can prep a sword swing to make it more powerful(often doesn't matter, as some folks will just swing full force anyway).

<Snipped quote>

Mostly things that normally don't need one. You don't need to prep a gun, but you can. Passive abilities as well. Skills, which I classify as different than magic.

<Snipped quote>

Basically anything, a sharpening focus, a complex movement, anything, so long as you note that it IS specifically being used to prepare an ability. For example:

Kei'taro's preps are noted by his tattoos beginning to glow as specific to the ability. If Alphonse wanted to sharpen the edge of his blades using Chi, then they might glow light blue.

<Snipped quote>

You can, depending on what you need to do for a prep. If your prep requires you to focus intently for x amount of seconds, then you can't defend, or if you do, it cancels it. For me, it only cancels out the most recent of preps. So if I've already prepped twice, going for three, and you manage to stop me - I still have two preps, just not the third. This could, obviously, be different for others.

<Snipped quote>

The longer you prep, the strong your attack will be/the sharper your accuracy(if using a gun), etc., etc. If you use it with one prep, it won't be as strong as someone who casts it with two preps. Now, if you have it written that you can cast your magic without a prep, but it has a cost, be sure to factor that in as well.

<Snipped quote>

An interrupt is successful when it's logical, basically. If someone is trying to do too many actions in a post, you can interrupt between any one of them if possible. If I'm throwing 100 punches(Stated in a post), you can stop me at 2, 5, 43, 78, 99, whichever number you want if possible. If you can successfully do that, without metagaming, godmodding, or otherwise cheating, then you're successful. It basically will cancel out the entirety of my post after the point in which you interrupt me. So if you stop me at 43, then I have 57 punches that just aren't there anymore.

All answers are based on my own interpretation of T1, @Skallagrim, @Melonhead, DJ, even @Vordak may have a different view on each question. @Fallenreaper

You've been actually been the most helpful to be honest. And main reason I ask stuff is to get different views on everything which can also help in telling who understands it and who doesn't correctly as well as the different ways to do it. Something that helps a lot for individuals not familiar with the system and getting the flavor of the arena battlers. It also makes it feel less like I'm being expected to swim or sink too.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by DJAtomika
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Did I hear my name what's going on
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Fallenreaper
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*points at her post*
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Skallagrim
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<Snipped quote by Rilla>

You've been actually been the most helpful to be honest. And main reason I ask stuff is to get different views on everything which can also help in telling who understands it and who doesn't correctly as well as the different ways to do it. Something that helps a lot for individuals not familiar with the system and getting the flavor of the arena battlers. It also makes it feel less like I'm being expected to swim or sink too.

Well no one is expecting you sink, flounder about some. But then everyone does when they first step up to bat. The best way to learn to fight, is to fight. Trust me if you make a mistake, and you will, ask then. It is easier to use teachable moments to show you one, two or several ways that mistake could have been avoided. You can learn all the theories, but practical has to come from experience.

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by DJAtomika
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@Fallenreaper If you want I could spar with you, unranked. Like, a simple fist fight or sword fight.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Fallenreaper
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Fallenreaper ღ~Lil' Emotional Cocktail~ღ

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@Fallenreaper If you want I could spar with you, unranked. Like, a simple fist fight or sword fight.

Currently in a match with Rilla, though the intro is turning rapidly into a 4 page gdoc making me wonder if there's such a thing as too detailed for an intro post. 0_o
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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by DJAtomika
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I usually keep my intro posts short and succinct. If it's supposed to have a story, maybe longer.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Fallenreaper
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Fallenreaper ღ~Lil' Emotional Cocktail~ღ

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I usually keep my intro posts short and succinct. If it's supposed to have a story, maybe longer.

It is sort of does as it's adding and rewriting Jacer's start history. I just want to overwhelm Rilla with a shit ton to read, though I might end up rewriting some segments in his character sheet before things ever get fully started.
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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by DJAtomika
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Lol. XD
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Fallenreaper
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Typos suck... I mean I don't want to overwhelm, unless he forfeits because of it. XD
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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Rilla
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Rilla SuperNova Generation / The Lazy Storyteller

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You don't need to add all of it to the intro post, most could easily be added in during the fight. My intro isn't gonna be that long. Hahah,.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Gun
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Gun Ðℯṧ℘ℯяαḓo

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Yo. Long time no see, people.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Vordak


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Yo. Long time no see, people.

yo, welcome back.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Gun
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Gun Ðℯṧ℘ℯяαḓo

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Been a few months now. When I was last here I was new, had a few fights set up, but shit fell through due to turmoil with my at-the-time allies. In any case, anyone care to make a bored guy not so bored and throw down?
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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by ShidenBlades

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@Gun What ya thinkin?
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by DJAtomika
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@Gun Oh hey you're back. Welcome back.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Rilla
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Rilla SuperNova Generation / The Lazy Storyteller

Member Seen 3 mos ago

Bumping this:

So, as we prepare for the next season of our Arena stuff, I had some stuff I wanted to open up discussions for.

1)There is still no ETA on the upcoming system changes on Mahz' side for the ranking system. So, his current one will suffice as the global system, and I, or another, will handle the season by season rankings. Wagers will be nixed in terms of points, however you can still bet a weapon or item.

2) There has been talk that the current T1 system doesn't work for most, or all, of us. I am wondering why no other system has been proposed, or much talked about. When we wanted a different tier system we got one, though it sort of fell in our laps. Is that what we are also hoping for here?

3) In terms of tournaments, I am an advocate for one of the following:

3a) Either accepting the GM's acceptances
3b) Gms offering a discovery phase wherein all tournament participants can chime in on characters before the matches start.

Once matches start then there should be no mention of folks being OP. It really detracts from the actual matches, and in one point, caused one person to drop out. We have to trust that the GM knows what he/she is doing

4) What changes would you like to see in next years ranking system? I am in favor of everyone fighting everyone once, instead of cycling through the same few people. It'll open up people to new fights and keep people from farming points from one person.

5) I am still looking to host the Rookie Tournament, but there are also plans for me to move so my internet access may be dodgy around Thanksgiving and forward. I still want to do a preset character tournament, in terms of powers, but leave physical attributes open to the character creators.

6) What other types of tournaments would you guys like to see. or would you even really like to have the rankings continue?

7) ALso, next month I'll make the thread for the Super Card in December. Has anyone else wanted to join it? I'm confirmed for the show, but not sure who I'll be facing. I think Skally and Melon are set to battle each other there as one of the main events.

-- Possibly more to come ---

Just gonna bump this again.

Also, welcome back @Gun. If it wouldn't be too insensitive for me to ask, can you explain what happened? If memory serves, things went south here for you guys, when someone revealed the characters belonged to someone else.
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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by DJAtomika
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To point 4, why not host a round robin type thing? Get a whole bunch of people, rookies and vets or whatever, level the playing field, then everyone fights everyone else once. Tally up scores based on wins and losses and whoever emerged as champ gets a reward?
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Rilla
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Rilla SuperNova Generation / The Lazy Storyteller

Member Seen 3 mos ago

In theory I could, however, it comes apart when more people get added to the line-up
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