Not even close.
@Drifting Pollen
I'll give it a go if you like; here is my character.
Ranked is preferred but that's up to you... not that I even know how to set that up. ._.
Another noobie here, wondering if I can get A: Some tips as to what kind of requirements apply to arena characters...maybe a character sheet format or something, or whether or not the one I made recently (I might link if necessary) is acceptable, and B: A training fight going. Since I see one person looking for a ranked fight, and one person just looking for practice, I would love to challenge either one or both of you. And while I may be completely new to this particular arena setting...I would like to think I would put up at least a challenge in a ranked scenario due to past experience...
I would if you wouldn't mind giving me some noobie pointers on how the heck this is done. Besides the obvious combat RP part, I mean.