WELCOME TO MY THREAD..... Post... thing....
My name is Kyra, I am 23 years old, I love dogs, anime, food, anime, food, ani- wait I said those twice....
Oh well
I am a Swedish Japanese South Korean Prince(ss) Charming Time Traveler Peter Pan Lost Girl who is a mess at life but survives it well.
I'm crazy, but not TOO crazy (lol my friends would say that I have just lied xD)
I can understand 4 languages:
But I can only speak two of those fluently without major mistakes:
The rest of them I have some slight trouble with. All the more reason to keep travelling to those places to learn ^-^
I am currently in the United States, and WOW it's cool. Turns out I didn't need to over stress my practice of English, seeing that people are kind enough to keep their language simple enough for me to understand and respond to when they talk to me. (Some of the different sounding words confuse me)
Bit either than all that, I'm not new here, and most/some of you have probably seen me around here before.
Just dropping this here so I can officially introduce myself <3
_____Kyra M._____
WELCOME TO MY THREAD..... Post... thing....
My name is Kyra, I am 23 years old, I love dogs, anime, food, anime, food, ani- wait I said those twice....
Oh well

I am a Swedish Japanese South Korean Prince(ss) Charming Time Traveler Peter Pan Lost Girl who is a mess at life but survives it well.
I'm crazy, but not TOO crazy (lol my friends would say that I have just lied xD)
I can understand 4 languages:
But I can only speak two of those fluently without major mistakes:
The rest of them I have some slight trouble with. All the more reason to keep travelling to those places to learn ^-^
I am currently in the United States, and WOW it's cool. Turns out I didn't need to over stress my practice of English, seeing that people are kind enough to keep their language simple enough for me to understand and respond to when they talk to me. (Some of the different sounding words confuse me)
Bit either than all that, I'm not new here, and most/some of you have probably seen me around here before.
Just dropping this here so I can officially introduce myself <3
_____Kyra M._____