D-Don't Worry! Everything is under control!"

Name: Samson Cull
Age: 6
Gender: Male
Height|Weight: 3'3" | 34lbs
Physical Appearance:Short, thin, and frail, Samson's body is more comparable to a little girl's. Though he is as fit as a fiddle and active to boot, Sam is obviously going to be on the short and skinny side for the rest of his life, much to his despair. Long, curly blonde hair frames his round face and large green eyes peer out from beneath pointed bangs. He will at times dawn glasses during class, further strengthening the largeness of his gaze, and they will often slide down to rest just at the tip of his extremely small nose. Small lips stand out against porcelain skin, and round cheeks flush red at even the slightest mistake. Though his body is otherwise bare of blemishes, he has tattooed magic circles onto the palms of his hand out of curiosity. They have yet to go away, and always seem to cause trouble in the end. Normally dresses in rather cute but fancy outfits, his favorite being a white button up and black overall shorts. He likes to dress cutely, and even favors dressing up in his sister's old gowns and skirts on sunnier days.
Race:Witch, or just a human with magical properties. This hereditary trait was gained from his mother, though her powers lay dormant and unknown.
Bad Habit(s): When upset or nervous, small magical anomalies appear close by. Most are harmless, like a sudden toad or two appearing on the windowsill, but he has also been able to make thunder storms brew in seconds. Eve tries her best to keep him calm in an effort to stop these sudden magical influxes from harming anyone or thing. Other than that, Samson is very clumsy, especially when it comes to spell casting, so be wary of haywire wand swishes.
Petals: Two
Repercussions:Spells cast accidentally will normally backfire onto him and will last for a maximum of two hours. Latest backfire had left him as a rabbit for a good hour. It wasn't very fun.
Family: The Cull household is, uh, religious to say the least. Both of the kids' parents are rather obsessed with Christianity, so when they discovered that one of their children was a witch and the other was practically possessed they hightailed them out of the house to live with their Aunt Perry. Aunty Perry is a very eccentric witch with a reputation for putting silly curses on any neighbors who dare tread across her lovely overgrown yard. The siblings adore her.
History:The Cull household was generally quiet and calm... Until this magic-making child was born. His first days in the ranch-style abode were simply a blur of furniture raising and books vanishing. Mr. and Mrs. Cull thought that their child was possessed by a demon, but the more he grew the less these odd occurrences happened, and besides, Eve seemed to adore him. He was treated normally up until the year he turned four. That's when the... Accident took place. The accident that left Eve in a coma for a good year. Samson, who's development as a witch had come faster than most could expect, tried his best to revive his sister, blaming the whole ordeal on himself, and then one day, on the eve of her eighth birthday, one of his potions succeeded, and Eve was up within moments, trying to scream but failing, eyes bulging at things others could not see.
Well, if that didn't scar a kid then what did? Anyway, in the next year both children were shipped off to Aunt Perry, a chubby woman with a smile that filled her eyes and an array of dead creatures hanging in her kitchen. She trained Samson in the black arts, though eventually she had to send both off to the Academy in an effort to control both his sudden magical outbursts and his sister's poltergeist-ish tendencies.
Other:Taught himself sign language so he can understand Eve's frantic gestures.