All funnymakings aside, Allen is an excellent writer, and he has my due recommendation even if that doesn't mean much to you folks. Or him.
Yes, I am easily the most fabulous Roleplayer in all of casual. I have decided to grace all of you with my magnificent presence. Love me!
By the way, I've already started my first character. She should be done fairly soon since the first and hurtle would be the backstory, which I already have thought out.
Chimpanzees are 96% to 98% similar to humans, depending on how it is calculated. Cats have 90% of homologous genes with humans, 82% with dogs, 80% with cows, 75% with rats and mice, and 67% with mice, the fruit fly (Drosophila) shares about 60% of its DNA with humans, and we have about 50% of our genome in common with a banana.
Reptiles? We have about 65-75% of our genome in common with them.
Now lets think for a moment. Just what would happen if that gene that altered your eye color at the age of eighteen happened to change something else? What if the gene that suddenly altered itself to code for the production of an altered pigment happened to be mutated, or disrupted by a Transposon of sorts? Instead located in that junk DNA that we don't use during our development in-vitro. At the age of eighteen, you, like everyone else, begin to change. It's slow, and gradual, but slowly and surely your second puberty begins to take form. At first you don't notice anything. Your skin gets dry and itchy and it hurts a little bit from time to time. Your growth rate is 150% over what the average is, and your doctor is worried. You eat, you eat frantically in an attempt to quench the ever present hunger in your body that clings to you with both hands and wont let go. Your family hides from you, scared of you. You snap at your mother and when your father comes to yell at you you stand up in a fit of hunger induced rage and you realize you are far taller than him now. Your gigantism grows and soon you are diagnosed with it, and Ichtyosis. Every day is painful for you, and things are looking bleak. Soon your rear hurts and when all seems to be bleak when your skin itself tears off your body to reveal a bleach white coat of scales. The first stage is complete.
The changes are more rapid after this, your body's skeletal structure begins to alter, and you get even taller than before. In a process of medically induced gene therapy you are kept alive throughout the ordeal. You are in constant pain for six and a half months. You notice your fingernails begin to fall off and replaced by black claws, and your pinky finger is all but gone. Your toes begin to web together, and soon you are left with only three on each foot. Your ankle join shoots upwards and you need to walk pigeon toed to balance right. Then, you feel your tail bone and really lose your shit, as your development continues and more muscles are formed, creating a tail for balance. Suddenly walking is much easier.
By the end of the ordeal you look like a dinosaur and a human did the do, and you are a result, but you are alive, and no longer in pain. Just scarred for life by the life changing event that will affect you for the rest of your days.