Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by The Grey Dust
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The Grey Dust The / Grey

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Well, the lore of the books was that they were scattered after the war. That is, they existed before X became god of secrets, and before the gods were divided as good or evil. The books themselves could be written by Hal and Darko, yet this would be a highly inaccurate statement as they are beyond the scope of both gods in terms of content. What would be more likely would be that sections of the books were written by multiple gods and compiled by X into two compendiums. During the wars, the mortals stole these books from X's archival library and used the tomes, including some others penned by X's Bookkeepers. From there, X is unable to retrieve these books back into his library directly, but can seal them as part of his power. That being said, why X has not recollected his books is a question to be addressed given the dangerous contents within them...

Also... what part of god of secrets did Darko mot understand? Truth, mystery and secrets. That which he rules over, he can lie and tell the truth at the same time....

Edit. The books translates itself to the reader. Knowledge without understanding is useless. Thus at the time of creation X made it the books are comprehensible by those who would read them. Also remember, these books preceded the dark and light definitions of gods. Which is why your claim to be written in a specific language should be moot.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by ActRaiserTheReturned
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Why is everything about X superior about the other gods?
This isn't a fair camping ground.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Thantos
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Thantos Grim Reapers Minion

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Why is everything about X superior about the other gods?
This isn't a fair camping ground.

Because x is the god that, we'll knows all...but the thing is from a earlier OOC post x being secretly evil. The grand creator knows if x is good or evil. There for hiding it is impossible and x became the god of secrets after being the god of knowledge.

But in a way x seems a bit overpowered. Like there should be a limitation to his mind wipe to the gods. Like only able to keep one memory of the gods contained instead of multiple. I mean it's gotta be hard enough to try to keep one dangerous secret from rolling over and such.

but at the same time every god is in a way overpowered. Darko controls the after life and decides when someone's time has come including the gods. He collected a lot of souls in the clash and some of them souls of the gods. Preserving them. If you will
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by The Grey Dust
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The Grey Dust The / Grey

Member Seen 30 min ago

X is OP because he is quite frankly, the aspect of Omniscience. Omniscience in itself is beyond the other gods, that is to say, they may have partial knowledge of events and occurrences, but they would not know the entire web of information as X does. Hence why he appears to be far more powerful than the rest, because in this aspect of his domain, he is. After all, knowledge is power. Beyond that he is not the avatar of magic and thus does not rule the magical realm, nor the lord of death and thus cannot determine when something dies, but he can lend insight to both aspects as Knowledge is a conceptual.

I tend to have four classifications of the gods as follows:

1) Primals: These are Gods which rule over a Material/Element, e.g. Water, Light, Flesh.
2) Patronals: These are Gods which rule over an Event/Activity/Product, e.g. War, Trade, Art.
3) Eternals: These are Gods which rule over Fundamental Forces, e.g. Death, Magic, Chaos.
4) Ideals: These are Gods which rule over Ideas and Concepts, e.g. Knowledge, Justice, Corruption.

His "mind wipe" doesn't in itself target the memory of the gods, but rather purges from the universe the identity of the being. Everything else around the being suddenly forgets who that being is such as in the case of Cal, can operate under a new identity. That being said, anyone can look into X's Ledger and find the identity of the targeted being and restore it. Which is why he keeps his ledger with him at all times, should Cal desire to restore his lost divinity. And this is only capable of being done to affect the divine with the assistance of the Creator who is the aspect of Omnipotence. Yet as powerful as you can perceive him to be, X does little to directly influence the Mortal World compared to the other gods. His job, I suppose, is to keep the mortals from becoming beyond the grasp of the gods by making sure forbidden knowledge is restricted.

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Master Crim
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Master Crim Hunter of the Paleblood Moon

Member Seen 3 mos ago

I have I bit to add to this conversation, but it will have to wait until after work.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by ActRaiserTheReturned
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X is OP because he is quite frankly, the aspect of Omniscience. Omniscience in itself is beyond the other gods, that is to say, they may have partial knowledge of events and occurrences, but they would not know the entire web of information as X does. Hence why he appears to be far more powerful than the rest, because in this aspect of his domain, he is. After all, knowledge is power. Beyond that he is not the avatar of magic and thus does not rule the magical realm, nor the lord of death and thus cannot determine when something dies, but he can lend insight to both aspects as Knowledge is a conceptual.

I tend to have four classifications of the gods as follows:

1) Primals: These are Gods which rule over a Material/Element, e.g. Water, Light, Flesh.
2) Patronals: These are Gods which rule over an Event/Activity/Product, e.g. War, Trade, Art.
3) Eternals: These are Gods which rule over Fundamental Forces, e.g. Death, Magic, Chaos.
4) Ideals: These are Gods which rule over Ideas and Concepts, e.g. Knowledge, Justice, Corruption.

His "mind wipe" doesn't in itself target the memory of the gods, but rather purges from the universe the identity of the being. Everything else around the being suddenly forgets who that being is such as in the case of Cal, can operate under a new identity. That being said, anyone can look into X's Ledger and find the identity of the targeted being and restore it. Which is why he keeps his ledger with him at all times, should Cal desire to restore his lost divinity. And this is only capable of being done to affect the divine with the assistance of the Creator who is the aspect of Omnipotence. Yet as powerful as you can perceive him to be, X does little to directly influence the Mortal World compared to the other gods. His job, I suppose, is to keep the mortals from becoming beyond the grasp of the gods by making sure forbidden knowledge is restricted.

I know that your intentions are good, but I don't understand them. So you're basically Hermaeas Mora (Google it if you don't get the reference). Problem is, I should be able to claim a whole bunch of things based on my PC, Tyrwin, he should be powerful enough to crush everything. Hey X, "Yes Tyrwin"? You think you know Divination! HAH!!! Hey God of War? "Yes", I'm all Odin up in this dog! Oh, Queen Isis? Yeah, you who stole the power of Ra? "Yes?" Marry me! "No, I already have a husband, Osiris." Oh, so you're saying you cheated on him with me and didn't tell me you were married? What will you tell the baby?
Hey Darko Despair? "Yes?" You think you know Necromancy? HAH!!!! You don't know dog poop about Necromancy! That's a form of magic! There are so many ways I can use this logic to my advantage that I would quickly take over most deities I can imagine.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by The Grey Dust
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The Grey Dust The / Grey

Member Seen 30 min ago

This is probably true.
But then again what is power when you are a god?
Does it matter? You are dealing with ludicrous amounts of power.
It's not a my wand is bigger than your wand competition after all, this is constructive RP.

And there is nothing stopping you from doing this. Magic is your domain after all.

Also no he is nothing like Herma Mora, as X does not require followers or knowledge. He already has what he needs, he is the embodiment of knowledge, and thus unlike Herma Mora needs to know secrets, but rather protects knowledge from being abused by making them secret. Two very different motivations.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Thantos
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Thantos Grim Reapers Minion

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@ActRaiserTheReturned really think dark doesn't know necromancy he is the death god. His entire power is about death and plus if he can Raise a army of the dead how do you think he does it. So technically that statement about darko is foolish. Point being the first scene darko appears in. Messed up to say without X and Hal and Darko there wouldn't be any for of magic. For necromancy death needs to take place. In order to know magic. Knowledge or secrets need to exist. Creatures of myth need to exist from Hal his army's are mythical creatures. So sorry to bust a whole in your logic. Magic forms wouldn't exist with out the other gods. Furthermore Darko wouldn't even talk to the Magic god.

I'm not trying to make anyone mad on what I'm saying it's just logically things need to take place for certain magic to take place.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Master Crim
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Master Crim Hunter of the Paleblood Moon

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I will first say that I am not pleased that people seem to be bickering at each other over what powers they do and don't have; this is a RP about deities who have vast, if not infinite, amount of power within their selected Domain. If you want to do all out with your power, be my guest, but don't expect any kind of special treatment when it comes down me, the GM, telling you when you are over stepping your bounds and I will not hesitate to kick anyone how want to try and test me. I have no patience for complaining and hate it when people whine about this kind of senseless garbage like gods have set amounts of power.

Sure mages can wreck havoc with magic to do all kinds of stuff, but if you raise the dead Darko can still steal control of them. you want to see the future beyond what X will tell you, sure but nothing more than what X and myself choose to tell you. You want to challenge the non-existing, at this time, god of war, be my guest he would crush you with a single battle. Each god has full control and power within their own domain. Just a heads-up: This will make them super OP. Tyrwin has the Domain of Magic which means that you have very, very, VERY strong magic abilities that no one can top, but if you try to use them in another god's Domain they will ALWAYS trump you.

The gods have a sense of need for each other in order to exist, like Thantos stated Without Darko there would be no death. Without death there would be no need for champions and heroes through Hal. Without Hal Mythical creature that inspire most sources of magic would not exist. Without those creatures there would be no need for a magic god. If there was no magic or divination then there would be no need to keep secret the ways of the gods because they would not exist. See how this works? 1 can't equal 2 without another 1.

I will have to talk with you The Grey Dust about the exact extent of you abilities, not that you can't do what you said, but that I have a thought about it that will work a lot better than what I have read.

I am sorry if a come across blunt, rude or anything else, but coming home to read what had been happening was very disappointing.
@Thantos@The Grey Dust@ActRaiserTheReturned
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by ActRaiserTheReturned
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I wasn't angry. I don't understand why constructive criticism is weird. I'm not challenging anyone.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by The Grey Dust
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The Grey Dust The / Grey

Member Seen 30 min ago

It's the tone.

Internet writing is devoid of tonal inflections. Hence we are to discern everything from text.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Thantos
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Thantos Grim Reapers Minion

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

By the by I'm waiting for a post from Hal and from the Grand Creator the father of the gods.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by The Grey Dust
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The Grey Dust The / Grey

Member Seen 30 min ago

A post from Cal would be nice too...
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Master Crim
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Master Crim Hunter of the Paleblood Moon

Member Seen 3 mos ago

Yes I am really sorry guys, I have had three papers that are like a four page minimum due this week and last week. This is my last week of college before break then I will be more active. Sorry for the hold up, and thanks for keeping with it!
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Thantos
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Thantos Grim Reapers Minion

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@The Grey Dust well then we could worm in the werewolf and death shroud fight
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Master Crim
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Master Crim Hunter of the Paleblood Moon

Member Seen 3 mos ago

Finals are done! I will more than likely be more active in the coming weeks. Sorry for my inactivity.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Wraithblade6
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I should be back Wed.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Thantos
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@The Grey Dust waiting on Wolfman to challenge the shroud
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by The Grey Dust
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The Grey Dust The / Grey

Member Seen 30 min ago

Challenge a ghost without blood? Rethink your logic there.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Thantos
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Thantos Grim Reapers Minion

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

He's not actually a ghost. And he is a physical aspect. The Death Shroud gets his name because he can become a specter. But he does do fair fights. Unless you wish him to fight the bonelord who does bleed. Ocassionally
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