Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Jangel13
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Jangel13 The angel of fortune

Member Seen 14 hrs ago

(this is a copyrighted image, I do not own this picture or its affiliates)

In Katakura town it is as peaceful as one can expect, even in peace their are hollows and their are soul reapers that make sure to kill them and perform the konso on whatever soul it happened to be chasing. As nice as that is, it isn't the life we have. we are visors, at least that what we call ourselves, its a lot better then criminals or monsters that the soul society decided to call us simply because we lived through our traumatic ordeal and have gained the power to create hollow masks which in turn strengthen all of our natural abilities for a few moments. Even though it is peaceful Angelo cant shake the feeling that something big is going to happen. Angelo is a visor as well, at least he leads the visors. Maybe its because he has been a visor longer or because he was going to be a captain before the shit hit the fan it could even be because he has a loose attitude towards things but when Angelo found other like him they just followed him. Angelo was getting groceries for the gang and considering that they hardly had any money to spare it wasn't much to eat but something was better then nothing as he walked back to their warehouse in the outskirts of town where their base was. Out of the way and secluded just what every outcast wants...

(this is a copyrighted image, I do not own the rights to it or any of its affiliates)
in the soul society:

The soul society the place where all pure souls go to live in eternity. It is also the home to the soul reapers in the center of the soul society is the place called the seretei where all soul reapers reside. All soul reapers have gone through training to be a member of their own personal squads, each squad has their own objectives and their own reason for being. Each squad has a captain a captain is one recognized as a powerful soul reaper and has learned bankai and shikai. The many different ways to become a captain but that is not important because soon their will be chaos in the soul society before long. The head captain knows this his name is head captain Katsuo and while all captains are powerful the head captain is meant to be the one that leads them in times of crisis and organizes everything as needed. Such is the duty of squad one also known as the emergency force. Head captain Katsuo is doing regular report today and as such expects his fellow captains to do their paperwork as one would need to...
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Archmage MC
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Archmage MC

Member Seen 1 day ago

"This place is so much more interesting than hell. More things go on here and everything!" Light said to herself, walking along a busy street in Karakura town, watching as the humans did their daily lives unable to see or feel her except for the few that bumped into her who looked confused afterwords but ignored it otherwise. Light was a hollow, but unlike other hollows, Light spent most of her time in Hell, having found a way there when one denizen of hell was dragged back, Light following him out of curiosity and finding herself a mixed blessing.

Hell was a world of pain and survival, but also of opportunity. While nearly everything wanted everything dead, and the world was very strange, strong souls were a plenty, and kept on coming back even after being eaten multiple times. This gave Light far more strength than she should have as a non-menos hollow, although she herself was unaware of much of a hollow's lore or standards as never learned these things having spent a great deal of time in Hell getting stronger and stronger, and only escaping just recently. Having seen other hollows from time to time, Light found it odd why they were so weak, and why they wanted such weak souls for food, especially since such weak souls had such interesting things.

Even though being a hollow, the local Soul Reapers really didn't bother her much as she didn't 'feel' like a hollow to them, or so she was told by other hollows she had fought. Nor did she act like a normal hollow, so besides one incident with a soul reaper who seemed to be fresh ou tof the academy, they mostly just left Light to her own devices.

The sun was setting as Light was watching a strange show on television about some sort of colorful pirate guy wearing a straw hat. The store owner, closing up for the day, turned off the television, forcing Light to wander until she found herself in the park, a place she noticed where hollows seemed to frequent. Hungry, she waited a bit to see if any hollows were going to pop in and say hi, or barring that, step back into Hell for a bit and come back when the humans were busy again. Her patience was sound as a human who had apparently been killed recently wandered by, and a large hollow appeared nearby.

Stepping between the two, Light motioned for the hollow to stop. When it didn't, Light punched the large lizard thing to the ground. Gesturing for the human soul to leave, as she had no interest in it, she looked at the hollow who's attention she had gotten by decking him. Light found other hollows detestable for the most part, as while they made a decent substitute for the hell souls, they weren't nearly as clever or as fun to hunt. They were often barbaric, mindless, or just plain old stupid, and Light hadn't found one that she really cared much for.

"You hunt the weak, I hunt the weak hunter." Light said at the large hollow's confusion as to how someone so small could be so strong. Hopefully she'd finish up the fight before a soul reaper got involved or something, she didn't want another skirmish with an academy newbi who had a strange notion of attacking her on sight. It was a shame too, Light'd more than happily sit down and have an idle chit chat with them if they had offered, but no, she had to accidentally knock his head off. And unlike the hell people, the soul reavers didn't regenerate at all.

TDLR: Character introduction and Light is now fighting a hollow in the park.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Shadolord


Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Luna Heron could easily be found in the division 13 Office constantly filling out the paperwork needed to keep her higher ups appeased. She had all the privileges of being the third seated officer. But the curse of being a Liutenant or a captain whenever she went to the world of the living. Her kido talents are simply too strong. So she frequently just stays in the barracks instead of going on runs to the human world to hunt hollows. She was aware of the hollow attacking karakura town. She was planning to dispatch an unseated member of the squad. but decided maybe she would go this time. She sent a hell butterfly to the captain and the kido corps requesting they open the Senkaimon. WIth that she placed the seal on her left hand and began to use hoho to reach the senkaimon.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by 64-Hit Combo
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64-Hit Combo The Invincible Lucifer

Member Seen 10 yrs ago

Sitting alone in the haphazardly organized room that the 11th division had set aside for regulatory and legislative purposes, Kaede swiped at sheets of paper with an ink brush. The captain had left the paperwork to her. Again. She suppose that after fifty years she should be used to it, but his absenteeism still made her bristle.

"Lazy, no-good, do-nothing sumbitch..." she muttered under her breath, her words a heavy rustic drawl. It seemed to her that the only time the captain actually got off his ass was when he figured there was a good fight brewing, and anything less was beneath him. That meant that most of the actual running of the division fell to her.

While the hierarchy of the squads had been stable for decades, it was widely recognized that she'd be a strong contender if a captain position opened. The last real hurdle was her bankai, which she'd been working at for eleven years, and those in the know considered her 'past due' for it.

Finishing off the last few strokes of the report, she blew the ink dry and stacked the papers. Rolling them into a sheaf, she bound them with a ribbon and stamped it shut with a wax seal. Dozens of hollow exterminations, hundreds of konso rituals; the report had been long and exceedingly tedious to write. It wasn't a fun job, but it was hers. When she had the parcel bound tightly, she tucked it into an inside pocket of her shihakusho and made her way towards the 1st division's offices to deliver the report.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Jangel13
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Jangel13 The angel of fortune

Member Seen 14 hrs ago

Angelo walked into his little warehouse knowing it was going to be his home for a long time as long as their are soul reapers that want to destroy anything hollow related then he will always be on the hit list but at least he wont make it easy for them. Angelo put away his groceries and walked to the couch nearby as he started to take a nap deciding to eat dinner later.

head captain Kustuo sighed as he kept filling out reports then he heard a knock on his door, most likely another report to fill "come in" He said in his deep voice, the voice he had was deep and as a result when he raised his voice to get attention it almost seemed like the earth shook. He let the woman inside knowing she would have another report for him. soon he also gotten a hell butterfly and he heard it was a request to go to the land of the living alone to take on the mysterious hollow that has been sighted their. he sent the hell butterfly back to the sender saying that her request has been granted and he sent a second one to the kido corps to open the senkaimon for the soul reaper...
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Shadolord


Member Seen 3 yrs ago

While Luna moves toward thé senkaimon. A hell butterfly returned giving authorization. She sent it on to the Kido corps letting them know to prep the seal That would adorn her body unless she had true nend to authorize her full power. The senkaimon was already open. Ready for her to pass through. Luna shot through and as she did thé seal slapped her arm.

Luna was looking out over town. Trying to get a feel for all the souls to follow a ribbon. But the hollow ribbon she found had another weird one near it. Flying through the air until Luna was above the lizard. Deciding ambush tactics were the best bet. So luna began dual incanting "Sprinkled on the bones of the beast! Sharp tower, red crystal, steel ring, bears the name of Man! On the wall of blue flame, inscribe a twin lotus. In the abyss of conflagration, wait at the far heavens." performing the double incantation of raikoho and soren sokatsui releasing three giant pillars of lightning down upon the hollow lizard. Granted their power limited by her seal.

Dropping onto the ground in front of the hollow noting the other soul and calling out. "I am Luna Heron. Please back away this is a very dangerous place to be."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by 64-Hit Combo
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64-Hit Combo The Invincible Lucifer

Member Seen 10 yrs ago

Sliding open the door, Kaede strode two paces into the room before bowing briefly. She held her hand forwards with the sealed roll of papers, saying "Here's the captain's paperwork you wanted for your report, captain-commander." It was a conscious effort for her not to let sarcasm slip into her voice, as her division's captain hadn't even touched the papers.

Kaede put the scroll in the inbox tray on Captain-commander Katsuo's desk, noting the amount of work the head shinigami had waiting for him. Privately, she was thankful that she didn't have as much responsibility as him; if for no other reason than the amount of work that would imply.

Taking a step back from the desk, she bowed again and waited to be dismissed, saying "If that will be all-"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Archmage MC
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Archmage MC

Member Seen 1 day ago

"C'mon. Your supposed to be a big-bad hunter and your getting slapped around by little ole' me." Light said as she backhanded the follow repeatedly with her left hand. Fortunately for her, when she pulled away from the hollow to get a large punch in, it was struck by 3 pillars of lightning, meaning she wasn't anywhere near the electrical explosion. She looked up and saw a female soul reaper who was calling out to her to move away, apparently not looking in Light's direction as she did so.

"Great... And here comes someone to ruin the fun..." Light said as she stepped behind a tree, out of the vision of the soul reaper. When udner cover, Light yelled. "Hey, theres that plus soul over there. Think you wanna do something with that? You sorta cooked this lizard thing and I don't think its getting back up anytime soon." indeed it did look like after the beating Light had given it, along with being zapped by lightning, that the hollow stood there, blackened by the lightning strike and letting out a stunned sound as it stood there motionless.

Light was hoping the Soul Reaper would take the hint and attend to the human soul over in the area where it was hiding so Light could nab a few bites of the hollow before fading back into the night as it were. She wasn't too keen on fighting a Soul Reaper in the middle of such a large space, especially after new flowers had just been recently planted that Light liked.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Shadolord


Member Seen 3 yrs ago

"Exorcising the hollow comes first." Luna called out to what she assumed was either a vizor or another plus. "Rise! Ao Tsuki." Releasing her zanpakuto she didn't have too much time to worry about 2 Plus souls. Luna discarded the incantation for Sho and charged her blade with it. She wanted to blow the mask away but knew going straight for it would be a problem. Luna after looking this over swung as hard as she could cutting edge away from the hollow as she wanted to flip it and take the mask while it was in the air. While swinging she got a rather strange idea and began chanting.

""Carriage of thunder, bridge of a spinning wheel. With light, divide this into six!" Finger pointed directly above where the hollow was so that when she struck he would be flipped and caught in Rikujokoro. with it caught in this cage she charged another spell in her blade "Ye lord! Mask of blood and flesh, all creation, flutter of wings, ye who bears the name of Man! On the wall of blue flame, inscribe a twin lotus. In the abyss of conflagration, wait at the far heavens." As she finished she buried her blade in his mask destroying the lizard.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Jangel13
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Jangel13 The angel of fortune

Member Seen 14 hrs ago

Angelo was already eating a rice ball and some instant ramen when he felt the presence of increasing spiritual pressure. As much as Angelo wished he could ignore it he decided best to just go and see what was going on. He quickly finished his food before he grabbed his zanpacto and flash stepped until he got to where the spiritual pressure was increasing and apparently it belonged to the soul reaper trying to kill the hollow killer, Angelo knew about this one because it was hunting the hunters so to speak and it wasn't a bad thing as long as he kept ignoring the souls that they were chasing. "you guys mind not fighting id rather you guys just talk things through. The hollow your trying to kill has eaten nothing but hollows so leave that one be" Angelo called out to the soul reaper...

Captain Katsuo decided that he would send this soul reaper to the world of the living as well, better to send her in case something happens to the other soul reaper that decided to chase the strange hollow seen in the world of the living "actually now that you mention it. I would like you to go to the world of the living, their is another soul reaper their that's gone to fight the strange hollow found in the world of the living. I need you to go and make sure to back her up in case things don't go smoothly. I will inform you captain for you so just go immediately theirs no telling how strong this particular hollow might be" he told her as he sent hell butterflies for the senkeimon to be opened and to inform the captain of this decision...
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Archmage MC
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Archmage MC

Member Seen 1 day ago

"Great, bloody great" Light said as what was going to be her snack was basically vaporized. Most of the soul reapers around the town weren't that good when it came to the bigger ones like the one she was just fighting. When they got knocked out, she'd often swoop in, beat the big one up, eat it, and go on her way. Most soul reapers at that point just assumed one of their buddies helped them out or something, since Light didn't care much for the loser of the fight anyway.

This was different, a strong soul reaper, which was rare for Light to deal with. Sure she tried the arm of one soul reaper, distinctly disliing the lack of a 'brimstone' taste she had gotten used to, so she wasn't too keen on having a bite. At the same time though, she was interested in why some soul reaper who took a large hollow down as eaisly as they did was here. Thankfully they referred to Light as a 'plus' so they weren't overly hostile right away.

And then another Soul Reaper came out of more or less nowhere pointing Light out and telling the newcommer to not be overly hostile towards her for the time being. "Bloody hell..." Light said with a sigh as her cover was blown in an instant. She'd at least give it a shot at talking with the soul reaper, maybe things would be different than the newbis, but she doubted it. She stepped out from behind the tree she was hiding behind, keeping her face in shadow as she waved a hello.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by 64-Hit Combo
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64-Hit Combo The Invincible Lucifer

Member Seen 10 yrs ago

When she heard her orders, the hair at the nape of Kaede's neck stood on end at the mention of a strange Hollow. Kaede nodded her head once and answered "I'll check in on her." Turning on her heel to face the doorway, she made her way to the Senkaimon with haste. Perhaps a little more haste than was entirely necessary, but the memory of what had happened to Tobio was still fresh on her mind.

She'd known Tobio since way back, when she still ran with the gangs in the 54th district. He was a young soul; headstrong, a show off, and a brash twerp. He used to call her 'Anego', and was almost like a younger brother to her. When she up and left the district to train at the academy, it didn't take long for him to decide he wanted to too. On the other hand, it did take him a while to grow strong enough for acceptance. By the time he entered Shin'o, Kaede was already a lieutenant.

Whatever had killed him, they still hadn't found it, and it hadn't look like they were going to find it. For exactly that reason though, Kaede was eager to get to Karakura town. If it was still there, she owed it to Tobio to get some pay-back.

A string of consecutive shunpo brought her to stand at the foot of the gate, where she caught her breath for a moment as the Kido corps finished their preparations to open it. As soon as the portal was made, she dashed through it, a limiter seal forming on her as she made her way to the world of the living.

When she arrived, she took up a high vantage point atop a telephone pole before visualizing the spirit ribbons. The distinctive red of a soul reaper's reiryoku formed two ribbons quite nearby, which gave Kaede pause for a moment. The captain-commander had only mentioned one soul reaper already in the field. Whatever the case might be, Kaede made her way towards them at high speed, coming to a stop balanced on the corner of a roof. The spot overlooked a scene where a man she didn't recognize, and Hollow in a dress, and the third seat of squad 13 stood in a face-off. She made no effort to hide herself, and drew Higanbana from its sheath.

"What's going on here?" she asked, not singling out any of them for an answer. Her eyes narrowed as they fell on the Hollow.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MysT3CH
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MysT3CH The Wordsmith / ★★★★★

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Hiroshi Masumata

Soul Society - Seventh Division Barracks

"- that is what it means to have 'strength'."

Miyako Kita's eyes darted over the many faces that stood around her. Some were bored, either because they were forced to come here or because they were more eager in fighting themselves, but the majority of the collected Shinigami listened to Lieutenant Masumata's words intently. Fortunately, Masuamata was a man of action and not one of words, and he soon declared the first match. Anxiously, she watched him stretch a bit before arriving at the arena. A smile lined her lips -for a moment- and then she flash stepped into the arena herself. Unbinding her scarf before she tossed it to the side.

Hence she stood in front of Masumata, her face stern and concentrated, not betraying any of the headache-inducing, organisational stuff flying through her mind. Yet, a self directed 'no' served to refocus her mind.

The shinigami put her hands together and bowed.

With his eyes trained upon the blonde, Hiroshi studiously raised a brow. It was only after he had returned Kita's bow, that he spread his legs to shoulder length, adapting a deep squat as he shifted his upper body slightly to his left. Keeping his feet squarely facing Kita as he curled his left palm into an lose upwards facing fist. As he pulled the hand towards him, tucking it against his side at waist height, Hiro also let his right arm fall limp before him. Letting it dangle between his knees as he stood on the balls of his feet and eyed his subordinate with an lax yet studious gaze. The result being an low stance which left him poised to strike, whilst sturdy enough to easily defend.

He exhaled as he stood in wait.

With just a few meters distance between them, Kita remained at his from. She decided to adopt a front stance. Her left leg went forward, and it was bent slightly at the knee, while the right leg went behind her, creating a small distance of one and a half shoulder's width. She balled her hands into fist, and raised them before her torso, making sure that every inch of her body was in the correct position.

She inhaled. She exhaled. She inhaled. And she lunged.

As she lunged forward, Hiroshi took a breath. Resting his eyes upon hers as she approached him. It was only after she had closed the gap and made her attempt to strike him, that the man shifted his weight. Letting his left knee slam into the floor. Causing her fist, which was meant to impact his right collar bone, to sail just past the area between his shoulder and neck.

There was no hesitation. The instant his knee had hit the floor, Hiro had shot his left fist towards the girl's ribs. Attempting to deliver an uppercut into them at the same moment that her strike would have just missed him. Though he did not throw all his force into it, hoping to avoid breaking her ribs, the speed of his attack combined with her own moment, would easily leave her side bruised if it were to hit.

In the heat of battle, one must realize that knowing is futile, and sensing is bliss.

The fraction of the second in which Hiro moved just a few milimeters to the side was enough for Kita to realize that she wouldn't hit. What she had to sense now was what Hiro would do next.

His left fist. The automatisms of instinct kicked in and Kita's steady right arm dashed to block his attack on her ribs. Her hand made contact with his wrist, yet it still hurt somewhat. Regardless, controlled pain – or rather, a bit of aching in the hand – was preferable to whatever that blow would have done to her ribs.

In what appeated to be a moment of panic, she flash stepped two meters away. That attack failed, and thus distance had to be created, or she'd risk getting trapped by her Lieutenant. Her chest heavy yet slim frame ressumed the aforementioned stance.

Satisfied with the fact that Kita had managed to block his attack, Hiro quickly bounced back to his feet when the shinigami flash stepped away. Instantly, he began to sway his entire body back and forth rhythmically. Maneuvering his feet pseudo triangularly as his arms alternated between a high guard before his face, and a mid guard before his torso as he moved from side to side. Moving in a manner similar to that of a Capoeira Ginga.

He repeated this twice before skillfully launching himself into a shunpo. Seemlessly closing the gap between Kita and himself before he begun to strike. Remaining low to the ground, Hiro immediately attempted a forward leg sweep as he exited his flash step. Hoping to sweep her legs out from under her, leaving her off balance long enough for him to follow up with an additional strike.

Having sparred with him before, the girl observed her lieutenant's footwork. Feeling as if she was aware of what he was planning, despite the fact the she obviously could not be sure. Yet when the flash step came, she managed to jump into the air just in time.

In her mind, this was an excellent moment. A moment to show her progress in both Hakuda and Hoho. She bent her legs, turned mid-air so that she positioned horizontally to the ground. Then she unbent her legs again, intent on kicking Hiroshi in the face.

However, when Kita had jumped up, Hiro smirked. Sure, going airborne was usually a solid way of avoiding an attack, but it was also the best way to become vulnerable. Keeping his momentum, the brunette continued through the motion of the sweep. Using the force he had put behind it as a propellant, Hiro then pushed off of the ground with one hand and swung himself onto the same foot he had previously used to attack with.

Spinning about to face Kita just as she begun to unbend her legs, Hiro proceeded to swing his left foot up towards Kita's own feet. Using his foot to intercept her strike as he executed an axe kick. If the counter went as planned, she be knocked of balance by his kick's follow through. Allowing Hiro to leap of off his right leg and deliver a right flying knee towards the woman's abdomen. She grew verbal.


The mistake wasn't that her leg was blocked, but rather, that in that instance, her body wasn't sure how to react. Hestitating means losing control. Thus, Kita let out a grunt when his knee connected with her abdomen. Yet conversely, the blow was enough for her to regain control of her own body.

This time Kita decided she would not wait after creating distance, and so flash stepped to the side of the room - four meters away from the her opponent. Then at the moment a single foot made the slightlest contact with the ground, she flash stepped again. Behind him, she attempted a leg swipe.

When she vanished, Hiroshi readied himself. Quickly raising his arms infront of him readily in a loose and attentive stance. With his eyes, he followed her movements as she reappeared only to vanish again. However, just as he sensed her reiatsu behind him, something within his mind clicked - causing him to experience a sudden sensation of familiarity.


For a moment, Hiro's body weakened. In that same instance, the world grew dull to him as his mind threw itself back in time. Remembering the first time he had sparred with his deceased fiancé. Almost everything in the way she moved on that day was now mirrored in Kita's movements. The shinigami felt his heart ache at the thought of his lost. Then his mind clicked once more.


By the time he realized his error, it was too late. He could feel himself fall off balanced as his feet fell out from under him. A painful smack resounding from beneath him as he collapsed to the floor. Hitting the back of his head in the progress. He groaned.


While she had clearly both seen and heard his body hitting the floor, for a moment she was surprised. Genuinely surprised. It wasn't that she didn't try, but she felt that she wasn't supposed, and couldn't win. The crowd stayed in silence for a moment until the designated referee raised the signal that this battle was, indeed, over.

Recomposing hersrlf, she stretched out her hand towards Masumata. Her mind still pining over her success.

Perhaps this was just an odditiy, something that just happened due to the pure factor of chance and forutne. The girl refused to believe he could ever do this on purpose. Infact, she was sure. There had to be something else, but...

“Are you alright?”

Despite his loss, Hiro sat up. While he was internally disappointed with himself, when Kita offered him a hand, he accepted. Returning to his feet before reassuring her of his state. He moved as to summon one of the many Jugokucho which actively fluttred about the gardens surrounding the barracks.

"I'm alright." He lied.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Jangel13
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Jangel13 The angel of fortune

Member Seen 14 hrs ago

the Seretai was peaceful until a hell butterfly was given to the head captain. It was saying that squad captain 11 captain akane, one of the only females that has ever become a kenpachi in squad 11 was cutting down soul reapers like it was nothing and is smiling the whole time. While this was bad the worst was that it wasn't all, apparently their were reports that the captain of squad 10 captain Daisuke was sending his troops to blockade all forms of relief the squad 4 barracks were currently under guard and forcibly occupied making escape near impossible for them to assist in the kenpachi killing spree. Then their were the reports that squad 8 captain, captain Hotaka was forcing all of the reserve forces usually meant for this situation all back to the barracks leaving most forces except squad 11 weakened with lowered man power. This was a state of crisis for the soul society for it seemed that their own captains were betraying their squads and their duties. Captain Katsuo immediately called for all captains that haven't gone completely mad into the conference hall immediately for an emergency meeting along with the lieutenants to immediately gather all their forces that haven't been controlled into action and await instruction. Captain Katsuo made sure that his lieutenants sent the hell butterflies and to send two for the soul reapers currently in the world of the living to be informed of the situation by means of their soul pagers so they know not go to their captains when they come back but to instead report to him immediately....

Angelo back in the world of the living saw a second soul reaper show up and ask what was going on so he decided to answer "well I was off minding my business until this idiot attacked that hollow and just decided to do so without cause other then its a hollow, this hollow was just enjoying her meal of another hollow which in retrospect actually helps you guys by lightening your load. I had to come out here because the spiritual pressure was annoying me and I couldn't eat my food in peace." Angelo said deciding to sum it all up for the new girl...
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by malmshodes
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Member Seen 10 days ago

All the various escalations of spiritual pressure did little to wake the sleeping man at the back corner of the warehouse. What did was his tossing and turning, but not the actions themselves. It was his body suddenly finding itself off the desk he was napping on. He didn't hang there for long, in mid-air like a cartoon character before he fell flat on his face. The floor complained, but only with a low groan, which was drowned out by the long stream of curse words the white haired man let out. He didn't aim his vocal tirade at anything in particular, but let loose on everything until he was out of breath with a face that was red enough to give Christmas ornament makers inspiration.

"Oh God damn it." He muttered, pushing himself off the floor. "That hurt, and I was right in the middle of a pleasant dream." It wasn't pleasant, but he'd already forgotten it. "Crap. That's it for today's napping, because another fall like that might kill me." He popped his back, and stretched out his arms. "Maybe not, but I"m not taking any chances." There was going to be more, but the part of his brain that watched out for danger kicked him in the teeth and he stopped as if he'd been slapped. He turned and stared wide eyed in the direction of the new shinigami(s) whoever they were.

"Come on." He muttered, shaking his head, and rubbing his throbbing temples. "If its not one thing its another." This wasn't true since there hasn't been anything for the longest time, but Jynmi wasn't about to admit that to anybody. He liked complaining and damn if he'd be the one to take that away from himself. "Just one break is all I ask." There were a lot more request to the universe too. "Okay I'll go." He frowned as he hurried through the door reappearing with Angelo.

"Hey Angelo." Jynmi said, doing his best to hide the fact he was out of breath. His strange colored eyes moved from Angelo to the others, and the tension in the air was almost enough to make him puke. "What's going on? Please tell me that whatever it is isn't going to involve violence."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by 64-Hit Combo
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64-Hit Combo The Invincible Lucifer

Member Seen 10 yrs ago

Kaede looked back over to the soul reaper she didn't recognize as he summarized his version of what had happened. While she listened, her brow grew more and more creased as she started to frown. Whoever he was, he had a twisted sense of propriety if he was talking down to Luna for attacking a Hollow. When another man arrived, again one she didn't recognize, Kaede paused for a moment before growling a response to Angelo's commentary.

"A Hollow eating other Hollows doesn't help. That's how a Menos forms, dumbass; Hollows cannibalize one another until a bunch of them come together."

She could hardly believe the man was actually a soul reaper, to be saying the sort of things he was saying. Whatever his circumstances were, it seemed like he had some very unusual opinions about how Hollows should be handled.

Hopping down from the lamp post, Kaede landed next to Luna. She was about to issue a last ultimatum to the pair of men, when she was interrupted by the emergency ringtone of her soul pager.

"What?!" she snapped into the communicator, her sword still in her other hand and at the ready. Shock crossed her face as the voice on the other end of the phone explained what was going on in soul society. "Wait, slow down! What the hell?"

She looked a bit dazed as she closed the soul pager and put it in an inside pocket of her shihakusho. Looking at the hollow and the two men, she shook her head. "This'll have to wait," she said, turning to face to Luna "Soul Society's gone bat-shit insane. We need to get back there."

Thrusting her sword Higanbana into the air in front of her, she turned it clockwise to open the Senkaimon for them to return through.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Archmage MC
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Archmage MC

Member Seen 1 day ago

Light watched curiously as the scene unfolded above her. The normal reaction with soul reapers, IE of hostility, was expected. But when some soul reaper-ish person approached and seemed to be mostly friendly, things got interesting. Although 3 soul reapers didn't look very fun if they all started to become hostile.

"So uh... Anyone want to have some tea or something? Or are we going to have some unnecessary fight?" Light said. Although to answer her question, the most aggressive of the trio told the first one that had killed her prey that they had to go back to the soul society because of some attack or something, she didn't really care.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Jangel13
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Jangel13 The angel of fortune

Member Seen 14 hrs ago

Angelo sighed a little at the woman and he knew What it took to create a menos but the point was that this hollow was obviously unique Although Angelo couldn't tell if she was an arrancar or a vasto lorde concealing her spiritual pressure but the point was that she wasn't attacking them so it meant she had other things on her mind besides eating endlessly like a normal hollow would. Angelo heard that ring tone and immediately understood that their was an emergency in the seretei an Angelo knew he wasn't a soul reaper but from what he heard about the woman saying that it was "bat shit crazy" he couldn't just let them head back on their own. When that soul reaper tried to open a senkeimon back to the sereteai Angelo had to stop her so unfortunately he flash stepped and kicked her in the gut hard enough to make her jump back away from the senkeimon "are you stupid, an emergency is happening and yet your first thought is to go back without a plan or strategy? I will not stand by and let you throw your life away on a battle you wont win"

Captain Katsuo immediately went to the conference area to see the captains that were not insane come to him and hear him speak "listen to me carefully, this is declared a state of emergency and as a result everyone is to report to their battle stations. I am declaring a war time emergency allowing all captains the use of their zanpacto as they see fit. squad 2 will go and help squad 4 out of their current blockade, if possible avoid causing casualties so that squad 4 will be free to help those that are being killed by the captain of squad 11. The less busy they are the better. I will instruct that each squad handle their current crisis of lowered man power due to squad 8 as they see fit. This is a time of emergency now everyone we are at war" He called out and the captains nodded as they left to do their duties...
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by malmshodes
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Member Seen 10 days ago

"No wait don't." Jynmi said, raising his hand as he saw Angelo move to intercept the woman, but it was too late. She was already experiencing the sensation of a kick to the gut and her body flying through the air. "Well so much for a good start." He shrugged and shook his head. "Good starts. Meh. Who needs them? Why, let's have an awful start, and see if we could get things nice and clean by the end." He shook his head again.

"Come on Angelo, why do that? Why not just say no, and stand in the way? You've got long arms. Its not like she can just walk through you. " He turned to the lady his associate had just kicked. "I'm sorry about that." He pointed at the other Visor. "He's not a bad guy, really. I promise. Uh. He's. How should I say this? There's this dramatic side to him, you see, and when it wants to come out, it comes out. There's no checkpoints it has to pass, or write ups for probable cause it needs to talk to a judge about."
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