Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Gowi
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Fatal Souls


The Kingdom of Caelia
House Caine
Duchy #1
Duchy #2
Duchy #3
Duchy #4
Duchy #5
Duchy #6
Duchy #7
Duchy #8
Duchy #9
Duchy #10

The Kingdom of Erayis
House Kentham @DeadBeatWalking
Duchy #1
Duchy #2
Duchy #3
Duchy #4
Duchy #5
Duchy #6
Duchy #7
Duchy #8
Duchy #9
Duchy #10
Duchy #11

The Kingdom of Euritia
House Thralon of the North
House Gahnt
Duchy #2
Duchy #3
Duchy #4
Duchy #5
Duchy #6
Duchy #7
Duchy #8
Duchy #9
Duchy #10
Duchy #11
Duchy #12

The Kingdom of Gradiar
House Tahren
Duchy #1
Duchy #2
Duchy #3
Duchy #4
Duchy #5
Duchy #6
Duchy #7
Duchy #8
Duchy #9

The Kingdom of Perhyr
House Balkr @Gowi
House Frosk
House Hiroir
House Kulvur
House Norvulr
House Olak
House Olmaekir
House Roliikr
House Skogr
House Ulaar
House Vaald
House Volkar

The Kingdom of Reinoa
House Crowe
Duchy #1
Duchy #2
Duchy #3
Duchy #4
Duchy #5
Duchy #6
Duchy #7
Duchy #8
Duchy #9

The Kingdom of Skavia
House Hafrek
Duchy #1
Duchy #2
Duchy #3
Duchy #4
Duchy #5
Duchy #6
Duchy #7

The Dominion of Stormtir
House Marlowe
Duchy #1
Duchy #2
Duchy #3
Duchy #4
Duchy #5

The Kingdom of Terijas
House Thralon of the South
Duchy #1
Duchy #2
Duchy #3
Duchy #4
Duchy #5
Duchy #6
Duchy #7
Duchy #8
Duchy #9
Duchy #10
Duchy #11
Duchy #12
Duchy #13
Duchy #14
Duchy #15

The Kingdom of Veronia
House Valian @Gowi
House Blackwater
House Edrid
House Goldmane
House Hawke
House Heartspire
House Irongrove
House Lull
House Moone
House Nandell
House Rosehill
House Seawind
House Steelpine
House Surwick
House Vayle
House Weston
House Wolfheart

The Kingdom-Republic of Voltaani
House Antar
Duchy #1
Duchy #2
Duchy #3
Duchy #4
Duchy #5
Duchy #6
Duchy #7
Duchy #8
Duchy #9

Free Agents
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Gowi
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago

House Name
House Balkr


House Words
"We Shall Not Yield."

House Specialty
Vaskrveurr Infantry - Nicknamed “Northern Guardians” by southerners, the Vaskrveurr Infantry holds a tradition to being the hardiest and devastating warriors on the battlefield. In older times they were seen alongside the Hafrstaka Calvary as the most dangerous troops to come across in war or raid. Rumors have floated around for centuries that Vaskrveurr are so powerful and dangerous merely because of the diet they are put on that includes herbs such as troll’s branch. But no such assumptions have ever been proven.

Ancestral Weapon
Vetreldr - Roughly translated to “Winter’s Fire” in the common tongue, Vetreldr is a northern great sword forged of runesteel with a simple handle wrapped in brown cloth. Throughout the blade there are etched carvings, though what they mean has been lost through time.

Important Members

Courtiers & Retainers
Chancellor Martijin Balkr
High Priest Rayvar
Marshal Davok Skogr
Sage Ethias
Sentinel Jorvik Volkar
Spymaster Tedor Olmaekir
Steward Ifrik Adelkr

House Hiroir Duchy of Bynirhold
House Ulaar Duchy of Fellhold
House Vaald Duchy of Frosthold
House Volkar Duchy of Gjorhold
House Olak Duchy of Hofghold
House Frosk Duchy of Jarnhold
House Norvulr Duchy of Norvegrhold
House Kulvur Duchy of Svellhold
House Roliikr Duchy of Rolhold
House Olmaekir Duchy of Vagrhold
House Skogr Duchy of Viorhold

Duchy Borders

The Kingdom of Perhyr, The Northlands of Orlandis

Primary Holding
Skjaldhelm - Located on the tip of the cliffs of Snaervatn Bay which draws in the longest river in northern Orlandis, Skjaldhelm is seen as the warden of the northern seas as the northlander castle towers over the city of Fiskrheim which sits beneath the cliffs and operates as a major fishing, wharfing, and trade port. The castle itself has several escape routes carved by the best masons of their time as it runs through the cliffs and into the countryside, hidden from the common eye.

Ardvar’s Gate - The “entrance” from the northlandic countryside to Skjaldhelm. It is disguised in the cliff-side as sculpted stone statues of King Ardvar ‘Stonehammer’ Balkr and his allies; in reality a highly adept system of chains and pulleys allow individuals to open the disguised gate and flee. The town of Grindborg lays not far and has ample stables to aid in a royal escape.

Vassal Holdings

Influence & Relations



The Rift - Established by one of the earliest rulers of Perhyr, The Rift is a vague association of territory across the Sea of Echoes in the vyntic homeland, but most notably it is the collection of outposts and strongholds that keep watch on the unruly primeval tribes of raiders, conquerors, and savages. People sworn to be Keepers of the Rift are generally burdened but hardy and know their responsibility well—for Perhyr it is rare to banish someone to the Rift as it should be a duty not a sentence. The current leader of the largest stronghold of The Rift, Vororborg, is the aging uncle of the current King and is known throughout the Northlands by his nickname “The Troll” as a mythic honorific of his strength. The current relations are good, but distant.

Exports & Imports
Fish - As the holders of a major fishing port, House Balkr supplies a healthy supply of sturgeon, herring, northern cod, haddock, shark, and northern pike. It is perhaps one of the largest exports of the house.

Furs - Traded to the south for their winter seasons, northlandic furs are seen as a good commodity for the harsh winters. Typically made from hides of wolves, goats, elk, bears, and foxes.

Gems - Gems are not valued particularly well in the northlands thus when diamond or sapphire is discovered in the mining communities it is often seen as easy gold to make to the people of southern Orlandis where engagements and royalty is shown with gems whereas rings in the northlands are generally simple metals embodied with runic writing.

Herbs - Northern flora is essential in certain recipes for medicinal alchemy, and as such is commonly traded. Unsurprisingly, southern Orlandis as well as western Atularis has a much more diverse set of herbs and are generally valued and thus imported.

Ore - The north has plentiful mountains, despite most of them being frigid and frozen thus the most determined of miners can access the mostly untapped supply of ore in the northlands. This also includes the largest deposits of mythrite a gray-blue mineral that when forged has the consistency of steel but with a lesser weight value.

Recent History
    Viktor Balkr is born (857 AE)
    The Invasion of the Sealord of Praxis (881-883 AE)

Other Information
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Vahir
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Member Seen 1 yr ago


"From Duty Runs Rivers of Gold"

House Specialty: The Carlisles see themselves as custodians of their land. Certainly, they demand absolute obedience from the rest of their countrymen, but it is for the sake of mutual prosperity. Life in the highlands is rough and short, and thus the Carlisles have no particular love for war, unlike many of the other noble houses. Instead, they seek to endure the hardships of their land, and more: To not only endure, but thrive.

Ancestral Weapons: The Carlisle Kings have passed down for centuries the magnificent claymore Ragenclau, an ancient mythril sword rumored to be forged by magic, lighter than a blade its size has any right to be. On its flat end is inscribed in the old tongue of the highlands the words of House Carlisle, which gleam with coated gold.

Vassals: There are eleven principle duchies which, in addition to the lands of the crown, administer the kingdom:

+ The Duchy of Elgin
+ The Duchy of Mar
+ The Duchy of Eglinton
+ The Duchy of Rothes [M]
+ The Duchy of Terrisford [M]
+ The Duchy of Roden
+ The Duchy of Wexford
+ The Duchy of Lauderdale [M]
+ The Duchy of Stormont
+ The Duchy of Reay
+ The Duchy of Cavan

**[M]: These duchies are considered Royal Marches, and their holders are titled Mormaer, a prestigious title.**

Courtiers & Retainers: [To be determined with possible Vassal players]

Realm: House Carlisle is the royal family of Erayis.

Primary Holding:

The Carlisle seat, and the capital of the Kingdom, is the fortress of Galenave, a half-ruined citadel said to have been built by the old Highlanders a millenia ago, nestled into the mountainside. Every King of the Highlands since those days has been crowned in and ruled from Galenave, and it has become a symbol of the Erayan people themselves.

The fortress sprawls over a great region, though most of it is ruined beyond use. Now, only the New Keep is garrisoned, a deceivingly-named castle built over a hundred years ago, which nevertheless stands taller than any of the other abandoned sections of Galenave. To reach the New Keep, one must follow a winding path through the ruins, and many an invader have lost themselves there.

The castle ruins are overgrown with vegetation, and infested by honey bees; one needs only take apart bricks in a wall to find honey snuck in by the creatures. These hives are tended by the Carlisles, who harvest large quantities of honey from their uninvited yet welcome guests.

Vassal Holdings: [To be determined with possible Vassal players]

Influence & Relations:

Exports & Imports: The Carlisles, like other highlander families, are not a rich people. They inhabit a rough land, unsuitable for intensive agriculture. Instead, the highlanders of Erayis are primarily fishermen and sheep-herders.

Recent History: The reign of King Maendon of Erayis has been long and prosperous, his name toasted across the realm, his reputation one of wisdom and kindness. Few rulers have the love of their people the way Maendon does. Yet he is a deeply unhappy man, who has had to watch as his family suffered tragedy after tragedy. At 54 years of age, he seems a man a decade older, his hair a tangled grey mess, his face sagging and unsmiling, and where he once had a great beard, now there remains only a sad remnant.

Born to the throne, he was a single child, his mother suffering from countless miscarriages. He grew up alone, lonely in the vastness of Galenave without children of his age to play with, his father always battling some rebellious earl, with only his mother to entertain him. Because of this, he grew very close to her. Unfortunately, when he was fifteen, his mother died in childbirth after a long period of suffering. Yet this time, the babe survived, and was given the name Targan by their father.

By then, however, the age difference was too great, and Maendon mostly ignored his brother, feeling something of bitterness towards the latter for the death of their mother. He duly inherited the throne at the death of father. Faced with a dangerous faction of discontent earls, he married the daughter of one of their peers, Eilidh of Mar, to keep the peace. Contrary to his expectations, she proved to be both beautiful and clever, and they quickly came to love one another. Many say that it was she who ran the kingdom, and not him.

Unfortunately, Eilidh also proved to be infertile, and produced stillborn after stillborn, with none of their children surviving past the first year of their life. This took a toll on her, and less than a decade after their marriage, she died of a fever. Maendon was devastated, and never fully recovered. Despite the urging of his vassals, he refused to take another wife, and became more and more reclusive.

It was at this time that his young brother Targan, before now living under his elder's shadow, began to build his reputation, for better or worse. At the age of 21, Targan led a royal force against the rebellious Earl of Trethclyde, earning victory in a bloody storming of the castle. He hung the Earl from the ramparts upside-down, with the Earl dying only after the sixth day of this torment. For this victory, he was granted the defunct rebel's titles, and became the new Earl of Trethclyde. His renown only grew from there, and he became known for his fierce hatred of the Stormbroken, taking every opportunity to smash their raiding parties. He flayed every stormbroken he could get his hands on, and posted their skins on posts all along the western coast of his fiefdom as a warning to their kin.

Yet for all his heroisms, news of his sadistic deeds began to spread, and King Maendon grew increasingly displeased with his behavior. Targan went through wife after wife, whose deaths, it was rumored, were not accidental. He had an icy relationship with his children, the oldest of whom were his sons Fergus and Malcolm. Matters finally came to a head when Fergus, his 19-year old heir, confronted him over another burst of violence on Targan's part. The argument grew heated, and, angered by his son's insolence, Targan beat him to death with an iron rod as his wife, his children, and his entire court watched. He then made his now oldest son Malcolm drag his dead brother out of his sight. This ended whatever patience the King had for his brother, and he banished the earl from Erayis. Now, Targan is 41 years old, and is currenty serving in a mercenary company in a foreign land.

Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Gowi
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago

House Name
House Valian


House Words
"We Shield the Weak."

House Specialty
Veronian Ranger
The ancestors of House Valian were scouts and trackers for the original ruling dynasty of the kingdom, House Etlas. The specialty units of the Kingdom of Veronia descend from that lineage—they are known as Veronian Rangers. Unlike other specialty troops in neighboring countries, Veronian Rangers are not brute frontline soldiers but rather the ones supporting them. Equipped with mid-range bows and a short sword, they are doubled as support troops as well as scouts. It has been once said that, “whilst they do not have the range of longbowmen from the Hinterlands, they are the most accurate and tenacious archers that one could come across in Orlandis”.

Ancestral Weapon
A shortbow made out of blackwood, the strongest timber in all of Orlandis. Carried down since the days it was crafted and given to Alaric ‘the Ranger of Kanthill’ Valian. This bow is older than some legendary swords and is mired in mythic rumors like surviving being lit aflame.

Important Members

Courtiers & Retainers
Chancellor Alester Valian
High Priest Tristram
Marshal Virgil Hawke
Sage Mathias Goldmane
Sentinel Egon Vayle
Spymaster Ramsay Moone
Steward Gregor Blackwater

House Blackwater Duchy of Black Lake
House Edrid Duchy of Bridgehall
House Goldmane Duchy of Goldheart
House Hawke Duchy of Skyhaven
House Heartspire Duchy of Heart's Spire
House Irongrove Duchy of Irongrove
House Lull Duchy of Liera's Point
House Moone Duchy of Moonholt
House Nandell Duchy of Rilltown
House Rosehill Duchy of Rosehaven
House Seawind Duchy of Seaholt
House Steelpine Duchy of The Steelpines
House Surwick Duchy of Eastport
House Vayle Duchy of Oldcliffe
House Weston Duchy of Westhold
House Wolfheart Duchy of Wolfvale

[url=]Duchy Borders[/url]

The Kingdom of Veronia, The Lowlands of Orlandis

Primary Holding

Vassal Holdings

Influence & Relations
Caelia & Voltaani



Exports & Imports

Recent History

Other Information
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Heat
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Heat Hey, nice marmot

Member Seen 1 mo ago

House Casares

"Always strike quickest"

House Specialty:
Woestian Chargers - An elite type of infantry that fights with a spear in one hand and a large shield in the other. Chargers are rigorously trained and are amongst the finest warriors in the kingdom. Typically lead the charge in battle (hence the name).

Ancestral Weapon:
Ezladéku - A storied and ancient war spear passed down to and from each king. The weapon itself is made of high grade steel, a small gold chain at one side just before the blade. The names of every king are etched into the handle of the weapon.

Important Members:

Courtiers & Retainers:
Chancellor Daan Pomeroy
High Priest Cédric Caine
Marshal Arbitio Casares
Sage Edgar Arculf
Sentinel Arjen Zwentibold
Spymaster Aubin Sens
Steward Robin Leufroy

(1) House Renger, Duchy of Grandjean
(2) House Boudet, Duchy of Ybarra
(3) House Abaroa, Duchy of Voskus
(4) House Brochard, Duchy of Ochoa
(5) House Hullen, Duchy of Breider
(6) House Moreau, Duchy of Duval
(7) House Crull, Duchy of Léger
(8) House Kasper, Duchy of Clair
(9) House De Guignes, Duchy of Klaasen
(10) House Ola, Duchy of Tabois

Kingdom of Caelia, Realm of the Expanse.

Primary Holding:
Caedeux is the capital of the kingdom, large stone walls surround the city which sits on the desert shoreline peninsula below the Expanse. It is well known for its large and prosperous harbor which is filled with many fishermen each day. Another feature is the marketplace which sits near the main entrance to Caedeux, tents set up by merchants are a very common site here.

The great capital has a lower population than many of the other kingdom's capitals due to its location right in the desert, despite this it is a populated place, most of the travelers to it being merchants or sellswords aligned to the kingdom.

Castle Caedeland sits imposingly in the back of the capital, near the harbor. The castle is heavily guarded all hours of the day by a rotating shift of guards. The throne room is large and almost awe inspiring, paintings sit on the walls, just behind the throne is a large window which gives a breathtaking view of the sea.

Vassal Holdings:
Feel free to be as brief or descriptive as possible with your vassal holding(s), though to reasonable form.

Influence & Relations:
Voltaani - The Kingdom of Caelia has a long history with their neighbors, now a longtime ally. Recently relations have been tense between the two. King Joren and his council have been keeping an eye on their neighbors in recent time, due in large part to the crowning of King Mateo. Still trade continues between the two kingdoms and the last thing Caelia would want is a war.

The Ivory Hand - Caelia and the sellsword company have had a strong relationship for years, this relationship has tensed with the death of Ordono Qaizos and the ascension of his second in command as the new leader. Troubling reports have reached the King and he is concerned.

Imports & Exports:
Fish - a very common export, particularly from the kingdom which sits right by the ocean. All types of sea life are harvested and exported away.

Gold - A common and well traded resource, gold makes the kingdom a large amount of money in exports. Rings, necklaces, even weapon hilts and more are just some of the things that are made from this valuable resource.

Gems - While not as common as gold or fish, gems are a valuable trade item to the kingdom. They are often times combined with gold in order to create flashy, but expensive jewelry.

Mercenaries - While the kingdom has soldiers of its own they still use foreign mercenaries alongside their own. King Joren sees it as a priority to establish good relations with the mercenary groups.

Recent History:
King Joren Casares II's reign began at the age of 29 when his father, King Casares I died one fateful night. Foul play was not believed to be the cause, and the historians jot it up to a sickness. Nevertheless a new king had risen in the Kingdom of Caelia. Joren knew that the day was coming and had begun to prepare himself right after news of his father's passing broke.

From the start of his rule Joren tried to rule in similar fashion to his father who was well liked and respected across the kingdom, though the man was not nearly the warrior his son was. Quickly after his ascension he was matched with Rose De Guignes, the daughter of a duke of Caelia and someone who was said to be the most beautiful woman in the land. He was hesitant to marry a woman ten years his junior and someone that he had not seen in years, but went through with it after some talks with his supporting council.

Shortly after the consummation of their marriage Rose became pregnant with child. Months later Joren's first child was born, a green eyed infant boy who was named Julien after Rose's grandfather, a noble and respected man.

The new king made it a priority to strengthen the military despite the fact that his kingdom had smaller populations than the others. He spent some of the Kingdom's coin on increased training, research of tactics and better weapons and armor. Though thanks to their location beside the dangerous Expanse Caelia had rarely come under attack in the past, it was better to be prepared for anything.

Other Information:
Theme Song: Mastodon - Ember City

Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Cerberov
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Cerberov The Mountain That Reads

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

House Name
House Antar

A golden, two-headed serpent upon a purple background. In the left mouth of the serpent, there is a sceptre. In the right head, there is a sword. The serpent is coiled on a pile of coins.

House Words
“Speak Softly, Strike Harshly”

House Specialty
The smiths of House Antar are one of the few houses left who fully understand the secrets behind Voltaani Steel, and are the primary exporter of the alloy, predominately among their vassals.

Ancestral Weapon
Mordedura de la Serpiente - A falchion, made from a specific alloy of Voltaani Steel meant to be rust-resistant and hold an edge through weeks of heavy use, whose formula was lost prior to the Voltaani exile. Its pommel is carved like a snake's head, and an inscription on the gilded, jewel-encrusted hilt reads “know no fear” in ancient Endosi.

Important Members

1: House Arvarid, Duchy of Txau
2: House Roivas, Duchy of Castillo
3: House Perris, Duchy of Corazon
4. House Navar, Duchy of Notura
5. House Casca, Duchy of Sebin
6. House Artez, Duchy of Surta
7. House Valari, Duchy of Corte
8. House Leon, Duchy of Valdis
9. House Iniigo, Duchy of Montas

Courtiers & Retainers
Chancellor Florentina Leon
High Priestess Haieza de Corte
Marshal Maxwell Barton
Sage Ignacio Rojas
Sentinel Dominique l'Soldat
Spymaster Zorion Black
Steward Mitxel Casca

Kingdom-Republic of Voltaani, Realm of the Verge

Primary Holding
Joya del Oriente – The Jewel of the East is the capital city, and seat of the Voltaani royalty. In its spot on the eastern coast of Voltaani, it is the gateway to the countries across the ocean. Both small galleys and cogs made to stop through ports along the rest of the peninsula and continent, and large, royal three-masters meant to sail overseas, are held in one of the largest ports in Orlandis. The influence from trade is tangible, Endosi architecture mixing with Overlandic and Exlandic facades, and spices, dyes and tapestries, both foreign and domestic, flow through the town day by day.

La Ruta del Oro - Outside the capital city, in the outskirts of the duchy it rests upon, stone roads cut through the mountains to the north, and into the southern steppes. Taverns dot these roads, ready to receive the nobles and wealthy freemen who frequently travel to the capital for their business. Due to the high rate of banditry associated with these rich routes, mercenary companies bid ruthlessly for rights to ply their trade on the roads around the capital, with the rights changing hands nearly every other month.

Vassal Holdings
Castel del Corazon – A stronghold tucked into the mountains, Castel del Corazon is the only major settlement not predominately protected by mercenary companies, instead preferring to rely on a well-trained levy and the natural defenses afforded from the single pass out of the mountains. Due to its lack of arable land, Castel Del Corazon relies heavily on imports, and the strip of farmland ahead of the pass. Despite this, it stands as the arms manufacturing capital of Voltaani, importing Voltaani Steel from the royal seat and exporting swords, spears, and armor across the country. Ironically, House Arvaraad's greatest customers are the mercenaries they prefer not to hire.

Influence & Relations
Caelia – Caelia is a long-time ally of Voltaani, though they have warred in the past. Current relations with Caelia have been tense, partly due to King Thiago's spurning of a marriage two decades ago, and partly due to a growing sense of arrogance and nationalism among the Voltaani court. Though war is the last thing wished by either side, disputes have risen in recent years, including disputes of the succession order of duchies on the Caelia-Voltaani border. Though the disputes have been resolved through trade concessions, there is the chance of them igniting yet again.

The Ebon Blade – Originally a bandit company founded by an Overlandic expatriate, the Ebon Blade was reformed not long after its founding into a mercenary company catering to the personal defense of nobility. Much of the Guardia Real, the Voltaani cavaliers assigned to protect the royal family, are drafted from the veterans of the Ebon Blade, and as such, they are considered a powerful ally to have among Voltaani nobility.

Veronia – Veronia is the source of most of the overseas trade that comes into and from Voltaani. Despite this, relations with Veronia have never been more than neutral, both countries preferring to keep to themselves. A major push to improve diplomatic ties was tried by the late King Estevo, but its backfiring was considered one of the biggest weaknesses of his reign.

The remnants of the Imperium of Vndos - The Kingdom of Voltaani is the largest piece left of the once proud trading empire that it came from, but other parts exist. The Republics of Ortan, Orm, Nevra, Ralos, and Naeos are seemingly mere provinces compared to their might at the height of the Imperium, but they are both invaluable as trading ports, and the few pieces of the Imperium that escaped the collapse following the Voltaani Exodus.

Templo del Refugio - The Eastern Paragon stands as a prominent figure, both in terms of spiritual leadership and political sway. When a noble child is sent to be educated outside their house, there are two choices: the most trustworthy noble house nearby, or the Templo del Refugio. As a mentor to the powerful and the authority on what is just and good, the Paragon has the power to bring any house, including House Antar, to their knees. The main reason why the Paragon has not done so is a need for stability, especially in these growingly turbulent times.

The Western Paragon - The Western Paragon has little sway over the people of the Verge, but still exists as a highly respected religious leader.

Exports & Imports
Spices – Voltaani itself grows many peppers and herbs that would not survive outside of the Verge. Combined with the import and resale of more exotic spices from beyond the sea, they have easily earned their nickname of “Spice Country”.

Wine – Wine is a very important cultural drink among the nobility and freemen of the Endosi, and Voltaani consumes enough of it that they have to import it from other countries, including the kingdoms of Caelia and Veronia.

Textiles – A thriving textiles industry exists in Voltaani, exporting clothing and tapestry to the rest of Orlandis, made from both the native linens and cottons of the Verge, and more exotic fabrics imported from the east.

Gold – The eastern mountains of Voltaani are rich with gold veins, and while the majority of this gold is minted, the remainder is taken by jewelers and goldsmiths, who turn it into works of art and jewelry designed to cater to nobility. Gold is by far Voltaani's most lucrative export, though the current difficulties of finding ore in the mountains have slowed trade.

Soldiers – Foreign mercenary companies are commonplace in Voltaani, to the point that they often have their own degree of economic and political pressure.

Recent History
The rule of King Thiago III Antar, though peaceful, was an era of erosion for both the prestige and the influence of House Antar. His council had begun to turn on him due to the favoritism of his wife, and his children's wild behavior had only contributed to the image of an ineffectual king, incapable of keeping his own household in order, much less the kingdom. The fact that he had been struck by apoplexy, in the middle of court, did not help the nobility's declining opinion on the state of the royal family. The succession of his son Mateo has been met with some hope for a wise ruler, but even more fear of the infringement of the nobility's rights, as well as the welfare of the economy.

Also present in the time following the last High King of Orlandis, and most likely prior, is a growing sense of detatchment from the continent. A nationalistic portion of the Voltaani nobility has been growing as a vocal minority, demanding the reinstitution of the military system of old, where a professional army of freemen was considered the staple of the army instead of the foreign mercenary companies that are now heavily relied upon. In spite of the oft-repeated restrictions of manpower, the logistics needed to support an army infrastructure, and the loss of support from many sellsword companies that have now become political institutions, the debate continues to rage.

A less vocal minority, however, are the Decentralization Faction. They see the loss of power of the monarchs and the growing sway of the nobility as a natural next step in the growth of the nation, and wish to see the monarchy either reduced to a figurehead, or outright abolished. This is not an overtly popular faction following the illness of King Thiago and the rumors of poisoning, but the sentiment remains.

Other Information
Theme Songs, Notes, and so forth.

(Still WIP)
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by babbysama
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babbysama The babby

Member Seen 7 mos ago

House Name

Great House Antar, ruling house of the Merchant-Kingdom of Voltaani


A spartan, yet striking icon: a white-gold disk on a field of undulating chevrons of burnt umber, the symbolism of House Antar’s sigil is twofold. Principally, the disc represents the cyclicity which lies at the heart of Voltaani’s Diosaean belief---but it can also be seen as a direct manifestation of the sun, a powerful icon in the culture of the Huanapada, the indigenes of the Verge whom the Voltaani displaced following their exodus, and a symbol which reigns in the hot and arid lands of the kingdom.

House Words

“Sun and Steel”

House Specialty

Shrewd Tradesmen: Whether it be trading in silks, spices, precious minerals, wine, oil, and even flesh, House Antar are renown for being one of the wealthiest houses in Orlandis, in no small part due to their successful forays into commercial enterprise. The Antar maintain scrupulous relationships with the great merchant families of Voltaani, and have their finger on the pulse of trade in the region and throughout Orlandis. This has led to the adoption of the appellation of “Merchant Prince” to describe certain members of the house.

Ancestral Weapon

Oagílas, roughly transliterated into modern Voltaani as, “Amber Tongue”. The ancient blade of King Ignál---the ruler who founded the Antar dynasty far in the mists of antiquity---who, according to mythological record, forged the sword from the smouldering ore of a fallen meteorite and the tears of his virgin daughter. Even today, the erudite smiths of Voltaani have been unable to replicate the techniques which were used to craft the sword. An icon of unparalleled mythical significance, Oagílas has been kept close throughout the centuries and has followed House Antar across the waves to Orlandis---not even in the confusion of the Rape of Gran Voltá was Oagílas lost.

Important Members

Courtiers & Retainers

The Small Council

Chancellor: Prince Erasmo “The Wise”
High Priestess: Ajora, Keeper of the words of the Santo’Libro and voice of Saint Jovita
Marshall: Duke Carlomagno Ojeda y Fantón of the Duchy of Montáz
Sage: Faisal, a Brother of Weisheit from Atularis
Sentinel: Ser Basajuán Estèbe, Captain of the Royal Cavaliers
Spymaster: Ibiza, also from Atularis
Steward: Leandro Dalphés, heir to the merchant House Dalphés

  • Ser Enzo Huertas, Constable of the City Guard of Léonez
  • Ser Barnabas “The Tankard” Axto, a famously drunken cavalier in the service of House Antar.
  • Princess Ursulina Caspár, wife of Prince Efraín
    • Princess Lupita, eldest daughter of Efraín and Ursulina, age sixteen
    • Prince Teodór, only son of Efraín and Ursulina, age thirteen
    • Princess Rigoberta-Flores, youngest daughter of Efraín and Ursulina, age nine
  • Princess Yona, wife of Erasmo “The Wise”
    • Prince Fabrizio, eldest son of Yona and Erasmo, age nineteen
    • Prince Orlando, youngest son of Yona and Erasmo, age fifteen
  • Mirabel, Xevera, and Isidora, courtesans in the service of Prince Efraín
  • Aurelio, the Court Bard
  • Antón, the Court Jester
  • Portas, the Royal Chef


  • House Artejo, ruling house of the Duchy of Ordón (3)
  • House Ibrál, ruling house of the Duchy of Calmejos (5)
  • House Edur, ruling house of the Duchy of Txau (1)
  • House Navaraño, ruling house of the Duchy of Ximénes (7)
  • House Borocón, ruling house of the Duchy of Miramanto (9)
  • House Uvadarse, ruling house of the Duchy of Zuerta (6)
  • House Ignáz, ruling house of the Duchy of Montas (8)
  • House Umbertamos, ruling house of the Duchy of Umbería (2)
  • House Llose, ruling house of the Duchy of Orgales (4)


The Merchant-Kingdom of Voltaani, the Verge of Orlandis

Primary Holding

The Grand Port of Léonez, Capital of the Merchant-Kingdom of Voltaani
Léonez, being situated at the easternmost tip of the Verge, serves as the gateway to Atularis and is perhaps the most bustling port of Orlandis. It was the landing point of the exiles of Voltaani, uninhabited (or so they surmised) and near fresh water, and thus the foundations of the city were laid shortly thereafter. The Quayside is the largest district of the city and where most of the port’s trade is conducted---large shipping houses line the water's edge, constantly abuzz with the activity of exchange; all manner of tongues, creoles, and pidgins can be heard, and seamen and traders from a thousand nations can be seen; hawkers cry their wares, selling oysters and clams and sweets and all manner of foods that titillate the sea-weary sailor; at the far end of the Quayside there are the public houses and whorehouses, offering the two things irresistible to sailors. Few habituate the district, however, for the scent of fish and mud and the raucous clamor of the wineskins do not let up until dawn.
Adjacent to the Quayside is the Bell Quarter, where most of the city’s wealthy live. Here can be found the grand mansions of the Great Merchant Houses, and the first chapterhouse of the Merchant’s Guild. But a short walk from the Bell Quarter is the Plaza of Annunciation, in which stands the sweeping spires and steeples of the Templo del Refugio, one of the two seats of the Diosaean faith in the known world and a site to which many pilgrims flock. Rising above even the Templo del Refugio, shimmering atop Mount Cascalboa stands Ignál’s Holdfast, the home of the royal family and the seat of government.
Below that stretches the craftsmen’s district of Berlanga’s Ingle, so named because of its smoke from the forge fires. It is in this quarter that the great smiths craft the fabled Voltaani steel. Adjacent to “The Ingle”---as it is known to locals---stretches the ancient Bazaar Carbajal, where most of the city’s trade is conducted. It is said that anything known to human beings has passed through the Bazaar, and that in some nook or cranny of the marketplace, if one looks, one can find peddlers selling the dust of faeries and the powder of dragons’ bones.
Finally, the smallest district of the city is simply referred to as “The Slums”, for that is exactly what they are. Once a monasterial complex which was lost to fire, the city’s poor live out their miserable lives in sight of some of the richest people in the world.
The outskirts of the city offer some of the most excellent farmland in Orlandis, and many plantations have been erected there. The principal crop is sugarcane, but date palms, oranges, wine grapes, wheat, carob, pistachio, almonds, prickly pear, olives, figs, and pomegranates also thrive and feature heavily in local diets. Further in the interior, many tropical foodstuffs---custard apple, avocado, coffee, and some cultivars of banana---introduced from Atularis, have been introduced and found some success.
Vassal Holdings


Influence & Relations

  • The remnants of the Imperium of Vndos: The Kingdom of Voltaani is the largest piece left of the once proud trading empire that it came from, but other parts exist. The Republics of Ortan, Orm, Nevra, Ralos, and Naeos are seemingly mere provinces compared to their might at the height of the Imperium, but they are both invaluable as trading ports, and the few pieces of the Imperium that escaped the collapse following the Voltaani Exodus. (taken from Cerberov)


Exports & Imports

  • Wine: Wine is ubiquitous, both on the tables of freemen and of nobles, and Voltaani is known for its fine sweet wines. The hill country of Calmejos and Orgales in particular are renown for the fine vintages they produce, and these are some of the most prized wines throughout Orlandis. Date and fig wines are produced in the south, and while few beyond the cultured gourmand has developed a taste for these in Orlandis, they are extremely popular in the former trade republics of Vndos.
  • Gold: The eastern mountains of Voltaani are rich with gold veins, and while the majority of this gold is minted, the remainder is taken by jewelers and goldsmiths, who turn it into works of art and jewelry designed to cater to nobility. Gold is by far Voltaani's most lucrative export, though the current difficulties of finding ore in the mountains have slowed trade. (taken from Cerberov)
  • Spices: Voltaani itself produces a variety of spices, such as cassia, olibanum, cumin, poppy seeds, and saffron, but is heavily involved in the Atularian spice trade, and thus provides Orlandis with much of the spices valued by the nobility and in doing so reaps a fortune.
  • Mercenaries: Foreign mercenaries are commonplace in Voltaani, comprising much of the military power of the nobility---yet the Order of the Palm, the state-subsidized mercenary company, is commonly hired out by the squabbling lord of both Orlandis and Atularis and famed for their prowess on the battlefield.
  • Wheat: Voltaani is one of the “bread baskets” of Orlandis, and provides many areas with climes inclement to wheat with the valued grain.
  • Sugar: Grown in the subtropical lowlands near Léonez, it is exported in the form of stamped muscovado cakes all throughout Orlandis. A common crop in Atularis, Voltaani exports almost all of its sugar to Orlandian clients, who in the past have satisfied their sweet tooth with carrot, beet sugar, or honey.
  • Textiles: Voltaani exports silks, fine damasks, and light cotton vestments to a mostly aristocratic clientele around Orlandis.
  • Slaves: Infamous even in Voltaani though not entirely illegal, slaves gleaned from Atularis comprise one of the most lucrative Voltaani enterprises. Many Orlandian clients have even begun selling to the Voltaani in hopes of cashing in on the trade. Most slaves are touted as status symbols by aristocrats in Orlandis, though they are gaining traction as field laborers to some of the more affluent plantation owners in southern Voltaani. Still, they are far too expensive to ever replace the peasantry.

Recent History


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Vandy Post Apocalyptic Superman

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House Name

House Hafrek


House Words

Strength and Glory

House Specialty

Skavian Berserkers: The people of Skavia are said to have one of the finest fighting forces on Orlandis. The Skavian Berserker is their deadliest soldier. A sort of marine force specializing in everything from boarding enemy ships, to sustained infantry combat, to guerrilla tactics. The Berserker is a member of a shieldwall, a sort of phalanx/pike infantry and short sword unit hybrid. They can be utilized as heavy infantry but still have above average agility and stamina due to their extremely durable, yet light, Vyntic armor. The use a round shield made of hardened wood and steel along with a longspear and choice of short sword or battleaxe. Finally a Berserker is capable of entering into a 'battle trance' in which they seem to be completely impervious to pain. In this trance they become insatiably blood thirsty, causing many of their foes to flee in fear.
Ancestral Weapon

Stormbrytare, or Storm Breaker in old vyntic was forged for the first Hafrek king by house Balkr over three hundred years ago. It is a Runesteel battleaxe hardened with acid during the craft making in nearly eternally sharp. Rumor says that King Erik "The Dragon slayer" Hafrek and his shield-brothers once killed a dragon using Stormbrytare over two hundred years ago. This rumor may be false, but king Erik and his men did bring back a dragon's head to Hovedstad that to this day hangs over the deck of Drage.

Important Members

Courtiers & Retainers

Chancellor Raegnald Rodrekrson (Crach)
Chancelor Ylfing Biarni, the Duke of Grense (Loki)
Marshal Hallgrim Avaldi (Crach)
Marshal Jorund Erilarson (Loki

House Biarni (Duchy of Grense)


The Kingdom of Skavia
Primary Holding

Hovedstad, The Island of Therifel
Hovedstad, the old Vyntic word for capital city (and also know as the floating city by most of Orlandis), serves as a massive bridge over the Skavian channel between Therifel and Gardifel. It is a city built of the ancient ships used by the Vyntic refugees on their original voyage to northern Orlandis. (Well on the coast of Therifel anyway, the rest of the city is comprised of Skavian ships built throughout the centuries and even captured enemy vessels.) These ships are reinforced by stone support beams that reach to the surface of the shallowest part of the channel. Other buildings have also been built without the bodies of ancient ships and resemble the mead halls found on the mainland. Each ship has been refitted into serviceable buildings and are supported by an abundance of anchors. They are all connected by wooden and steel bridges nailed tightly together to keep the current from carrying the ships away. The King's palace is located on the central ship in the Floating City, Drage, the largest ship ever constructed in the history of Orlandis.

Hovedstad is also the largest port in Skavia and its central trading hub. It attracts tourists from all over the world due to its unique construction and is viewed as Skavia's greatest architectural achievement. No man or woman who has ever visited the Floating City has forgotten its wonders. It is believed that the gods themselves watch over the city and its people because it has never been destroyed. Storm, war, and disease have all attacked the city, however instead of being destroyed it always grows larger.

Vassal Holdings

Influence & Relations

To be determined with other players.

Exports & Imports

Timber: The abundance of forests throughout Skavia provide excellent timber for everything from ship construction to firewood. The timber trade in Skavia is the most lucrative career for both nobles and the common people.

Furs: A great number of wild animals roam Skavia. This grants an excellent opportunity to the common hunter. The furs and shipped to the south where they are used in southern fashions.

Fish: Due to the unique position of the Floating City, Hovedtstad is the world's largest fishing village. The people there catch everything from shrimp to shark and sell in markets all over the world.

Mercenaries: Skavian warriors are known to be extremely fierce, because of this a Skavian mercenary is greatly sought after. While this brings no direct income to the kingdom, Skavian kings have been known to lend out small units of troops to other countries for a hefty fee. Although relations between the two countries are seldom that friendly.

Recent History

For nearly eighty years Skavia was ruled by "Old Man" Thorir Hafrek. Becoming king at the young age of 14, Thorir ruled his people peacefully and fairly. Civil strife was unheard of during his reign and not a single peasant revolt was raised during this time. He is believed to have been the greatest king of House Hafrek and perhaps in Skavian history.

Twenty years into Thorir's reign his wife gave birth to Fjorn Hafrek, the heir to the Skavian thrown. She died in childbirth however forcing Thorir to remarry. He found a woman of low nobility from Perhyr and four years later she gave birth to Crach Hafrek. Although Thorir's obvious favorite was Fjorn, the son given to him by the woman he loved.

Over the next twenty years the two brother grew up together. Crach was largely ignored by his father. This caused the young man to becom bitter and rash, often trying to prove his honor and worth to his father. During this time, Thorir gained the nickname "Old Man" Hafrek in his mid fifties.

In 864 AE, Clan Friedyar from Vyntarland declared war on Skavia. They began raiding northern Therifel and burning down hundreds of acres of farmland. Crach Hafrek led his first ever battle against a Friedyar fleet in the sea of echoes in late 864. While the young man was an extremely gifted warrior, his rash strategies led to the largest Skavian naval defeat in 200 years costing the lives of 7000 Skavian sailors and 1000 Berserkers. He returned to Hovedstad in disgrace where he waited out the winter.

Over the next two years Old Man Hafrek and his sons defended the northern coast in many naval battles and the odd large scale land battle. The most famous of which was the victory of Fjorn Hafrek in the siege of Nortdaven where he defeated a Friedyar army twice the size of his own.

In the year 870 AE Crach Hafrek led a massive invasion of the Friedyar lands in Vyntarland. He razed the Clan's lands to the ground and killed thousands of its people. He ordered his men to rape the women and children. He also ordered them to kill two out of every three members of the clan that was captured. An order which caused a mass mutiny in his ranks. The mutineers had to be put down and silenced. He raped the chief's wife and daughters in front of him before slitting their throats and burning him alive. This enraged the other clans of Vyntarland and many of the southern clans began preparing for war. What was meant as a way to end the war swiftly backfired.

When Crach returned home his father was enraged. He banished the young prince and then executed all of his officers in hopes of halting Vyntic rage against the kingdom. Three other Vyntic Clans declared war against Skavia but the war only lasted for another year on the condition that the Skavian crown helped the surviving Friedyars rebuild. After the war ended however, a rogue Vyntic company of one hundred men murdered the majority of House Hafrek leaving only Old Man, Fjorn and his two daughters, Crach, and Sigi Hafrek a distant cousin. The company was hunted down and killed by the Vyntic chiefs in order to maintain peace.

For the next eight years Crach traveled Orlandis as a mercenary with his cousin turned lover Sigi. He visited every country on the continent and quickly became recognized as one of the greatest warrior in Orlandis. six years into their travels they were married and Sigi gave birth to Svein their only son. While in Voltaani, Sigi had her ovaries ritualistically removed by and Alturian sage.

When the couple and their baby finally returned home, they learned that Old Man Hafrek had done the impossible at the age of 72. He impregnated a peasant girl from Terijas who gave birth to another son Loki. The infant was immediately legitimized and his father treated him as he treated young Fjorn. Crach attempted to smother the babe but was unsuccessful.

As young Loki grew up, it was quickly apparent that he was destined for greatness. The youngster learned the art of combat at a faster pace than even Crach. He was a quick study in everything from military tactics, to history, to mythology. He was an instantly likable person and had charm to rival his father's.

By the age of 19 Loki was already accepted into the ranks of the Berserkers and was a veteran combatant. This is also when Old Man Hafrek's age finally caught up with him. At the old age of 91, he died in bed leaving the kingdom to Fjorn who was 57 years old and had no male heirs.

The Skavian people held the largest funeral since the days when the first royal dynasty of Skavia was executed by Kristof the Zealot. The entire nation mourned for their beloved king and every vassal and subject without exception payed their respects to the old king.

Three days after the funeral feats in Drage (and before the coronation o the new king), Crach murdered his older brother Fjorn in cold blood allowing him to succeed to the throne. The murder was blamed on a group of Stormbroken mercenaries staying in Hovedstad who were all executed without a trial. For the last three years Crach has ruled Skavia tyrannically. Even from the early days, the people knew their age of relative peace was over. Crach began using his powers to rape peasant and low noble women with greater regularity, execute farmers and miners for their land, torture petty criminals for fun, and worst of all raised the feudal tax by 30 percent.

Three months ago Crach tried to kill the last real threat to his rule, Loki. Loki and his shieldwall had returned from a raid on the coasts of Stormtir (if that's not okay I will change it) and were resting in one of the many mead ships in Hovedstad. Crach himself attacked Loki with his own shieldwall. Only Loki and two other men were able to escape with their lives and fled to the Duchy of Grense. The Duke there was situated furthest away from the Floating City and was known as an avid enemy of Crach's administration.

Ylfing Biarni, Duke of Grense has spent the last few months trying to convince Loki to lead a rebellion against his brother. He has even resorted to using his daughter Astri and her charms on the young man. Now it looks as if Loki is starting to agree.

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House Cragmore

House Specialty
House Cragmore gained their wealth, which in turn gained them their rule of Erayis, by breeding goats. The Black Herd is a specialized cavalry of House Cragmore’s infamous Diregoats -- Although not as swift or agile as horses, the Diregoats bred by House Cragmore are capable of ramming through shield walls and barricades, as well as traversing hills and mountains without breaking much stride. The Black Herd is also used as a tool of psychological warfare, as historically, the infamous Dread Horns are sounded shortly before the cavalry’s deployment.

Ancestral Weapon
House Cragmore does not pass down a sword, but a shield known as Tempest. The ancestral shield of the Cragmores is small enough to wield with a sword or axe rather than a pike, and large enough to cover most of a man's torso. A circular shield, Tempest is made of mythrite, with gilded diregoat bones framing the edges. It was used in The Rebellion of Gullytown, wielded by Percival Cargmore, where he used it to infamously bludgeon Prince Kenten Gahnt to death.

Important Members

Courtiers & Retainers

Chancellor George Kentham
High Priest Toki
Marshal Cedric Warwick
Sage Ramsay Graves
Sentinel Solomon "The Orphaner" Black
Spymaster Theodore Webb
Steward Thomas Espen

Vassals and Holdings

House Kentham of Stormgully
House Kentham supplies House Cragmore with the majority of their shepherds, servants, cooks, and guards. They are the only house but Cragmore to have access to diregoats, and many are their breeders and keepers. Their sigil is a brown lamb on a white field, and their words are "Dutiful and True".

House Blackburn of Fairpool
House Blackburn, formerly known for their skill in stonesmithing and architecture, has been in charge of King Igor's salt mines for two decades for their proximity to the mountains. Although one of the oldest and richest houses, they have very little respect for their king as their duties have been shifted from building and mining, to acting as glorified wardens. Their words are "Above All, Create" and their sigil is a black hammer on a yellow field.

House Graves of Marshtown
Aptly named, House Graves has supplied soldiers to Erayis for generations. While not necessarily more skilled than other soldiers, they are known for their unwavering loyalty to their ruling house, and their bravery. Although somewhat poor, they are the largest house in Erayis, with 46 members, All children, grandchildren, and great grandchildren of Ferris "The Fruitful" Graves. Their words are "Let Them Come", and their sigil is a red falcon on a dark blue field.

House Espen of Espen's Port
House Espen is known for their naval skills, being situated in Erayis's largest port, and within close proximity to the Stormbroken. They supply Erayis with the majority of the country's seafood, as well as seasalt and croaker meat. They are by no means a house of naval warriors or raiders, but generations of sailing have made them some exceptionally swift. In the rare skirmishes they do have, they are known for their hit-and-run tactics, spearing their enemies hulls and making quick escapes. Their words are "Brine And Blood", and their sigil is a golden fish on a dark blue field.

House Miller of Millden
A simple farming house, House Miller is known for little but their bread and humility. They supply a great deal of grain to their country, and are fairly wealthy as a result. Although a small and unassuming house, it is a well-guarded secret that their lord, Daniel Miller II, is only seen with his wife for coronations and appearances, and with Ser Omar Artejo, his bodyguard, all other times.

House Powell of Felarof

House Powell has an unexceptional history, but noteworthy members. Leroy Powell is their lord, who stands a head higher than most men and wields a heavy staff made of steel. He has taken to the Kaardic faith, and has made it his duty to preach and spread temples in his own land. He does not prosthelytize outside of his own lands on the orders of King Igor, but is eager to convert as many in his own duchy as he can. As a show of faith, he has given his three sons traditional northern names – Ulfrik, Uri, and Utir. Their sigil is a purple sun on a red field, and their words are “None So Mighty”.

House Webb of The Webwood

House Webb is, unsurprisingly, synonymous with spiders. They keep the largest nest of spiders in the world, an immense subterranean labyrinth larger than their own keep, housing millions of spiders of varying breeds and sizes. They are notoriously strange, quiet, and all-around unsettling. They are a very rich house, continuing to make large profits selling spider silk, venom, and spider eggs, which are used in potions. Their sigil is a white web on a grey field, and their words are “Spinning Always”.

House Abner of The Green Valley

By every definition of the word, House Abner is a simple house. They are shepherds and farmers, with a small keep and few riches. If anything, they are known by their subjects for being charitable and just. It is rumored that their crippled lord, Gregory Abner, uses his bastard sons as spies. Their words are “All Is Right” and their sigil a brown ram on a grey-green field.

House Croft of Galetown

House Croft the smallest duchy, but one of the grandest castles. Known for their hospitality to guests, their castle, Croftkeep, has been the site of many weddings, as well as hosting Erayis’s army when they are passing through Croft’s land. Their sigil is a grey tower on a green field, and their words are “Ale, Fire, Feast”.

House Southton of Brinepier

House Southton is the house of traders. Although founded by a smuggler, they are in charge of the shipment and oversight of nearly all trade in Erayis, known for their skillful business practice. When sheep are in abundance they sell wool, and when crops are failing, they sell seeds. Their words are “His Breath, His Word” in reference to their loyalty to their king. Their sigil is a blue bird on a yellow field.

House Warwick of Trenchton

“All Things Burn” are the words of House Warwick. Their sigil is a black hand, reaching from flames, on a black field. One of the more grim houses alongside Blackburn, Webb, and Graves, House Warwick is known only for their skill at waging war. In The Great Rebellion, it was Derric Warwick who led the siege on House Gahnt’s ancestral castle, and Derric Warwick who stomped their infants to death. They are trained to be immoral and vicious from a young age, which is reflected in a strange family tradition of giving their eldest son grim second names. Their current lord is Angus Ripred Warwick.

Kingdom of Erayis, The Highlands of Orlandis

Primary Holding

Stormhall is the ancient seat of House Cragmore. Atop Mount Stonereach, Stormhall boasts a near impenetrable design. On the clearest days it is said one can see from Stormhall to the edge of Erayis, and on the cloudiest days, one can see the trees nearest to them. Aside from being at the peak of a mountain, it is also protected by Erayis's natural stormy weather, and the craggy terrain -- Horses have great difficulty climbing Stonereach, aptly named for its steep, narrow path. Diregoats, however, can quickly climb the mountain with no difficulty. This leaves those who wish to lay siege to Stormhall with little options other than travelling up the mountain on foot, which is a daunting task in its own right. Below Stormhall and Mount Stonereach is the capitol city of Erayis -- Fogfield. Although a large city, it resembles an oversized village more than anything. A city of thatched roofs and cobblestone roads, Fairfield is comprised mostly of merchants, the miners they sell to, and the farmers they are fed by. They are a quiet people, although it is uncertain whether it is out of contentment in their prosperous town, or fear of their Bastard-King, who watches with his city patrol from his mountain abode.

Influence & Relations

Voltaani - Cragmore and Antar have always had a healthy trade relationship, with Voltaani receiving cheese, lumber, stone, and grain, in exchange for Erayis receiving wine, spice, and tea. Very recently, this trade agreement has been altered -- Erayis now receives a surplus of weapons and armor, in exchange for nearly all of Erayis's salt. They have had little interaction save for recent events, wherein King Aquilino proposed a betrothal of his daughter Princess Josefa to Prince Benjamin Cragmore, which was accepted.

Gradiar - As part of a longstanding trade agreement, Erayis receives wine, raisins, apricots, pickled fruits and jams, as well as squid and fish.. In exchange, Gradiar receives ram and goat's milk, cheese, meat, as well as wheat and occasional diregoat pelts. Gradiar also receives steel and some salt.

Skavia - A wintry land, Skavia receives essentials from Erayis. Pelts, cheese, meat, milk, grain, and salt, as well as neutered diregoats and female diregoats to use as beasts of burden. In exchange, they send Erayis large bounties of gemstones. The two houses, despite their close proximity, have had little interaction. Roughly 30 years ago, Skavia suffered a peasant uprising, wherein Igor's father, King Ferric, sent him to fight with Skavia to help house relations. The young Crach and Igor fought side by side, the battle was won, and Igor swiftly returned home.

Exports & Imports

Diregoat Products - Cragmore's diregoats yield milk, meat, cheese, and pelts. Considered a luxury due to their connotation with House Cragmore, pelts are more expensive than most, and usually given as gifts to neighboring houses. Neutered diregoats and female diregoats are sometimes sold as beasts of burden, being slower but stronger than any horse. It is worth noting that no house in Orlandic history has ever been given a non-castrated male goat, as House Cragmore is very intent on keeping their monopoly on the ownership of these beasts. During "The Great Quelling" in the second age, Lester Cragmore drove all wild diregoats to extinction.

Dairy - Aside from the Cragmore diregoats, Erayis has an abundance of rams, sheep, and goats of regular size. They have the same uses, but at lower prices and greater quantities.

Wool - The abundance of sheep has given Erayis an abundance of wool, and therefore, a marketable product.

Silk - House Webb's greatest export is their spider silk, harvested from their colony. It is an expensive luxury, used as a sign of status by many.

Stone & Lumber - The Highlands, like many parts of Orlandis, is ripe with forests and quarries, which are logged and mined to sell mostly to southerners.

Salt - Thanks to Igor Cragmore, the past two decades have seen a 300% increase in salt mining, as most crimes are now punishable by a stay in the salt mines. Most of the salt that is traded goes to Voltaani, although there is still quite a bit that is traded to other areas.

Recent History

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Tracyarmav Aliit Or'dinii

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House Crowe of Reinoa

House Specialty
Reinoan Long Bows, or more accurately, the archers that wield them are unique to Reinoa. The rate of fire and range available to the archers of Reinoa exceed those of archers employed by other kingdoms, though crossbows have better armor penetration, and short bows can be used while mounted.

Ancestral Weapon
A spear of some renown, made of a stout beech shaft and a cold-iron leaf head. It has served the many generations of the Crowe family well, serving in hundreds of battles through the centuries. Used most frequently to defend the land from foreign invaders, it is an aptly named weapon, the Boar's Tusk.

Courtiers & Retainers

Chancellor- Aurbeul Lywelyn
High Priest- Giolla Ruaidh
Marshal- Eoghab Rattray
Sage- Haul Goronwy
Spymaster- Meurig MacNeil, the Wandering Bard (everyone knows who he is, but few know what he is)
Steward- Murchadh Torcuil

Vassals and Holdings
  • Rimad, held by house Crowe
  • Mocan, held by house Glynder
  • Warsten, held by house Caerwyn
  • Sengenid, held by house Wynael
  • Bledfa, held by house Lewar
  • Wrexham, held by house Ryderch
  • Randirwyn, held by house Brynearn
  • Trefriw, held by house Tudyr
  • Cefnar, held by house Gwyntra
  • Arlvek, held by house Rudgal

Kingdom of Reinoa, The Hinterlands of Orlandis

Primary Holding
Rimad, Reinoa.

A notable fortress, not too far from the shore of Reinoa, the better to dissuade raiders, it is supported by nearby towns and serves as the official capitol of Reinoa. Emyr has been able to avoid those members of his nobility who merely wish to hang from his every word by living here since his coronation, unfortunately it had other consequences as well. Still, no one has ever successfully assaulted the walls of Rimad in written history, though rumors abound of armies stirring, and these walls may yet again be put to the test...

Influence & Relations
Reinoa's influence is substantial, having spent generations building up their continental trade routes and improving the survival rates of their maritime routes. It isn't quite enough to start a war by itself, but if paired with any of its neighbors it is indeed a formidable force. Most of Reinoa's force is economic, in that it supplies a large portion of the continents raw and worked Iron, tin, and copper. If it decided to withhold these, economies all around them would crumble. (of course their own would quickly stagnate and die as well, unless a new buyer was found) Relations with each Reinoa's neighbors are uneasy acceptance. To the north west a common culture is shared, though the difference in religion has been a sore spot for centuries now. To the north, a bastard king rules, so the kingdom is viewed by many nobles as illegitimate, and a blight upon society. To the East a more sensible nation looks down at Reinoa as barely tamed savages, and to the south lays a country that share only the long history of being targeted by Stormtir raiders.

Exports & Imports
Iron, raw and processed
Tin, processed,
Copper, raw and processed
Precious Stones, processed
Precious Metals, processed
Timber(soft and hard), processed
Slaves, raw

Recent History
Seeking to build a kingdom that will run itself, in place of a proper heir, King Emyr is drafting many changes in the kingdoms laws, changing what taxes are owed to and by whom, how much taxes are owed, number and quality of levies for each duchy, as well as a reducing the restrictions on trade and replacing the previously complex and tedious system of tariffs and import export taxes, a flat rate of a minimum fee per lb of goods being traded, plus a small percent of profits made in kingdom. Other changes are less influential on the daily lives of Reinoa's populace, and are largely ignored though they often lay the ground work, or make possible the bigger changes being implemented.

The biggest change is the offer of a grant of title and land to anyone who can prove their citizenship and their worth to the kingdom. Opening up the nobility to men of common decent, if they can prove their worth. The easiest way to do this of course is to lead a company of men into battle and perform some outstanding feat of bravery. This isn't the only way of course, just the easiest. In this provision, nobles and the heirs of nobles already in existence are not permitted to participate, unless they forfeit all their current holdings, or their right to inherit any holdings. Most of the available holdings are in Cefnar and Wrexham.
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