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Fatal Souls

“In truth, it was all but a matter of time. Even the most cynical of ours surely did not expect what was to come upon us all as our realm fell into disarray and madness whilst greed, ambition, hunger, and pride would lead us all into the darkest hell.”
Theme - "Vengeance is Mine"


"Advanced roleplaying should focus on developing interesting and complex characters that become part of plot-lines which catch the imagination and inspire the writer behind them to exercise creativity. It is mature, humorous, imaginative, tragic, terrifying, passionate, and rife with descriptive language and characters with real personality and relatable cares. Quality posting is far better than needless novels, yet one should never neglect detail when one feels the need. However, while word and paragraph requirements ought to be unnecessary, single paragraphs cannot contain enough detail to suffice."​

I suppose as a disclaimer the best thing to mention is that this a game of collaboration and prose where the goal isn’t to be competitive “nation-style game” but rather a “concurrent sandbox-style game” which means there are few linear strangleholds and the narrative is open to the writer’s whims as long as they do not contradict others.

Fatal Souls is a sort of medieval-fantasy sandbox role-playing universe that has some subtle elements of fantasy. The idea came from me being way too self-conscious to write Game of Thrones continuity role-plays so… I spent more time it would’ve taken me to catch up on that lore and made this. I want players to have a lot of freedom with what they do and create stories from multiple perspectives; not just kingly ones. I will be playing it up on multiple perspectives myself as well as orchestrating events as time goes on, but what I really want is to see events from other sandbox stories sort of somehow effect the world as a whole to the point another player somewhere else hears about it.

Commonly, the idea is that players will pick a great or minor house from the continent of Orlandis to role-play as a member or member(s) of that house. There are a plethora of characters from the three core continents to play from including hedge knights, priests, pirates, mercenaries, herbalists, and so forth—really whatever your imagination favors. What stories are there to tell? For the short answer: many; there’s political ones they could want to craft but there could be also stories reflecting a kidnapped princess, a disgraced knight living out his days as a sellsword, an ambitious adventurer getting a taste of free life on a “totally-not-a-pirate” ship heading for an unknown island, and so forth. What you write may affect others and what I write likely will as well. This isn’t an authoritarian show, everybody can create a possible outcome that affects things around them.

This is not to say player-on-player interaction is discouraged or to not be accounted for—some people work better in groups and it’s always cool to see interaction as it was in the other sandbox role-plays I’ve been a part of. Some guidelines include: Don’t call shots on ‘important’ NPCs or other player characters, collaborate if you wish to, respect the GM decisions and so forth, don’t jump into a scene for the sake of it— make sure your perspective character has a reason to be there (for example, why is the crowned prince of Fedos Plur suddenly in Terijas helping a soldier in a war? Explain through narrative or to the GM if you need some air of intrigue).

What should you play?

Well, I have a bit of the ethnicity/regional information below so take a looksee and see what preset lore is done and go from there. Also, I recommend people playing a point of view character from the Kingdoms within Orlandis, since the RP has events as well as cohesive information designed for that continent. PM me if you want to be something foreign to Orlandis and maybe I can work with you to make it work. But we do need all of the Orlandis' Great House perspectives filled.



Plot overview here, soon!

Rough Timeline


A few linear events will help guide players in "conflicts" of the region they become involved with.

These will not begin until players initiate them, or discussion suggest we start them.

Event #1: The Fury of the Storm
The self-proclaimed "Monarch" of the Stormbroken has always been a mocking crab of the realm, and it is here that a new more violent one has come into power. Growing tired of their lesser society at the edges of the Hinterlands, this "Monarch" looks to the northern borders and western coasts as an ample opportunity to reveal something to all of Orlandis; that the Stormbroken refuse to be herded and ignored like lamb. This is more than a raid of cultures, but a calculated show of power and something much more frightening: a Stormbroken invasion.

This will effectively give the Stormbroken leader a casus belli on The Hinterlands. Other invasion targets by land (Skavia, Erayis, Reinoa) and sea (Gradiar, Reinoa) will feel the full threat of their culture.

Event #2: Of Imperial Blood
The Imperial Kingdom of Orlandis has been dead for one-hundred years; a century of independence among all at the wisdom of the last High King. However, given the troubles of military and economic nature around them mixed with sure pride and presumed right by bloodline two "High Kings" wish to revive the imperial throne, the King of Terijas and the King of Euritia. Looking to their de jure allies (Erayis for Euritia and Gradiar for Terijas) they begin to fight over a throne that hasn't existed in quite some time.

How both Kings of their respective countries came to believing they should restore the Imperial Kingdom of Orlandis is up to the players, of course; but it is obvious that the social, economic, and political consequences from this will be great. Veronia is often been allies with Terijas and serves as much of the breadbasket given it's soft rolling hills and vast rivers for agriculture.

However with Erayis and Gradiar soon to be attacked by the Stormbroken, how will it play out? Will these High Kings look to a common enemy or ignore them as petty raiders as they always have and focus on their ambitions?

Event #3: The Black March
A group of vyntic raiders and warriors have unified under a Hilmir (chieftan) whilst the sea of echoes begin to freeze over suggesting a powerful and dreaded winter is going to hit the Northlands soon; this Hilmir known for his iron mask and unyielding strength begins to plan to invade the Northlands like they have never seen before.

Fairly self-explanatory, The Northlands will get invaded by the totally-not-king-beyond-the-sea during a harsh mythic winter that is rarely seen.

Event #4: The Price of Blood
Few sellsword companies in The Verge can match The Ivory Hand. With a constant supply of recruits from Atularis, and a size comparable to a small army, the lack of knights has never been a problem in the the Expanse & Verge. The founder of The Ivory Hand, Ordono Qaizos, recently died in his sleep, making his second-in-command the new leader of the company. There have been reports of the group extorting homeowners, shopkeepers, and even low lords of Voltaani and Caelia. They have started raking in exuberant fees, as well as making large profits from selling captives and criminals alike to slavery in Atularis. Rumors are that other sellsword companies loyal to the lords of Expanse & Verge desire to follow in The Ivory Hand's influence.

Caelia and Voltaani do not follow the central religion of Orlandis (The Word of Aavaar) hence do not have traditional knights (they have a title called "cavaliers" though instead) and a small military within their realm given they have been in few wars as the desert of the Expanse has kept most of their threats away. Basically Caelia and Voltaani have used their huge gold stocks and trade routes with Atularis to pay for mercenary fleets to ward off pirates and been comfortable. With few men comparable to their mercenaries they sort of are in a bad situation with no solution when all of the mercenaries decide to do as they please to commoners and their establishments; some might even think the nobles have forfeited their right to order them around.

Veronia is a neighbor, might be willing to intervene, but you know how things are...

Event #5: The Rebel's Flag
House Etlas has been dead for hundreds of years, yet in a small stronghold deep in the Steelpines comes a brazen young man by the name of Erik with obscure support to a claim as old as the forest itself. A mixture of intrigue, bravery, and ambition lies the path of blood – but despite Valian’s honorable rule there will be always old men supporting young usurpers to gain themselves more power or perhaps believing in the divinity of their rule.

General Information

As this game is built with the immense task of creating an original setting from the grounds up, this section is here to sort of in layman’s terms explain things for cohesive utility. I will use analogues as a good way to help you visualize as well as make sure you know naming conventions and other such meta-information. Thank you for being patient, as while this is an advanced role-play I do realize it can seem like a lot to take in.


Bastards adopt the surname of “Black” due to the stain on their family’s honor and prestige that brings from siring them.

Calender & Currency

The current year is 900AE, the first month of spring is here.

The western calendar is based around the founding of the religion of Aavaar, hence the Aavaar Era (AE) with everything recording previously being referred to as the vague sense of historical notation—the Historic Era (HE). The calendar refers in a sequence of months beginning with the harvest season, which would be the equivalent of spring and the end of winter. The year is set up into twelve months (three for each season: harvest, summer, autumn, and winter): comparatively it is as if we started the year in March.

There is also a seven day week named after the constellations of old (and reformed as the wardens of Aavaar):

Bienday, Hasday, Hunday, Lowday, Euloday, Rabday, and Schwaday.

Currency in Orlandis is settled into the categories of bronze, iron, gold, and platinum. They are equivalently named "crowns". An example would be: "It took my entire coinpurse, about seventeen gold crowns."

Cultural Analogues

National/Regional Information

Royal Councils

Orlandic councils are held by six individuals.


I haven't written out a whole description for magic yet, but I can tell you with confidence these are the highest forms of magic in actuality (mythlore likes to doll up feats anyway):

    Arcane Sorcery - Practiced overseas in the royal court of the Imperium iz Olbiaen, arcane sorcery is limited here in that there are no complicated grandiose spells you would see in the like of Dungeons & Dragons and other conventional fantasy settings; it's more within the realm of using arcane magic as a "subtle" means of expanding human energy from the blessing they owe themselves to. Basically to describe it in two words: force mages. The highest caliber of spells one individual can do is no more than a handful of enemies. Spells include throw, levitate object, pull, and jumping greater distances.

    The Blessing of the Light - Practiced overseas albeit rarely as to be given a "blessing" (or for nature to be this random) in Fedos Plur, it is the basis of clerical warding and healing. Simple spells such as cure disease, heal minor wounds, and ward of protection. I guess in Fatal Souls this is a less coked out version of the God of Fire, R'hllor.

    Druidic Magic - Practiced overseas in the mysterious "ocean" of trees known as the Viridian Sea, basically light druidism/shamanism. Interaction with the elements, natural healing, animal affinities, and so on. I guess it'd be similar to the Children of the Forest? Analogies are hard.

    The Curse of Obdis - Antithesis of the one given to those who follow the Light. Practiced overseas in the Athraki region, some weird synthesis of voodoo and witchcraft. I haven't developed it much, but I figure there'd be nothing grand. I was thinking of having an expert assassin's guild practice this.

That's about it for ideas on magic. Magic in Orlandis would likely be exposed and quickly lynched by a witch-hunting mob, lol.


Despite taking place in the 10th Century of Orlandis, the technology level is near the equivalent of the High Middle Ages. Any scientific modifications should be discussed and such.


In Orlandis, there are four main religions. The Word of Aavaar that the majority follow, Diosaea which the people of Voltaani and Caelia practice, the Stormbroken Religion of the people of the Hinterlands, and Southern Kaardism of the Northlands.

Rules & Guidelines

I. The most important thing is to respect and follow the rules of our host site, which is no question. The themes are undoubtedly mature but we need to understand what we can and cannot write blatantly. Prose has many techniques referential and subtle where we can show the idea without outright being overtly over the line. If there’s sexual content there is always “fade to black”, if it is a particularly dark and questionable scene it can be referenced or hinted at instead of shown.

II. Respect fellow role-players. This is a collaborative project in nature so we shan’t dismiss or patronize those we should be working together with—lighthearted humor is fine but remember not to insult outright or start flame-wars; generally you know the drill so don’t be a dick and things should be kosher.

III. No meta-gaming—in Game of Thrones Robb Stark wasn’t prepared for the Red Wedding, so by good logic you shouldn’t be as well. The characters can’t know things outside of their timeframe, knowledge, and so on.

IV. Characters can and will die in this role-play. This means if five armed swords surround an unarmed individual there will be certainly a terrible end. Although, this is not to say GM’s or other players can kill others outright and without consultation—the characters in your house sheet are your de facto legacy characters and you have a say in plot progression but do remember this is a game of collaboration.

V. This is a role-play of interaction, character development, story progression—not one that fits the sub-forums of arena or nation RP. While yes, as rulers we have militaries and soldiers we should remember the sole purpose is not to do so. Interaction should be diverse and dick-measuring contest should be absent or at least kept to a minimum.

VI. Post length should fit the scene progression; also defer to the quote at the top of the page regarding “advanced role-playing standards”.

VII. You accept the responsibility that you can post every ten to fifteen days once. If you are taking a leave of absence you will be required to inform the GM’s.

VIII. This last one is more of a suggestion—both GM’s have skype accounts, and as such it would be highly useful if you are available to join the Fatal Souls group on skype. Skype is more active and eye-grabbing than any chatzy or mibbit and are more immediate for concerns and world-building.


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Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Gowi
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Flora & Fauna

A sweet wheat that grows in the wild, Alecairn is used for many brews in Vintarland and Orlandis. It grows twice as tall as a man, and in the winter, is frozen solid. There is a popular children's game using frozen Alecairn stalks as spears in a mock-battle.

Named for its spiraling leaves, Boartail is a small shrub that grows in most forests. It is used in many peasant stews as a spice, and has been likened to a mix of peppers and cinnamon.

A cousin to the natural fern, this plant is found only in swamps and marshes, usually in small clumps. Although nearly inedible, the roots are made into tonics, and used to cure headaches and nightmares.

Dire Beasts
The larger, fiercer members of the animal kingdom. Some are only slightly larger than their usual species, such as the Dire Hawk, or the Dire Wolf. However, some are much larger than normal, such as the Horse-Sized Dire Goat, Dire Spider, and rare Dire Shark.

Named after their distinctive bellowing, Croakers are a cousin of the walrus, brought along during The Black March by Noririan immigrants. Called "Legged Dugongs" by southerners, these gentle giants live on a diet of fish and seaweed.

Undoubtedly the rarest creature in the world, these magnificent beasts are known only to some as legends. Said to possess human intelligence, and able to breathe fire, dragons are revered as gods in some cultures, and seen as invaluably priceless commodities in others.

Kite Snakes
Found in the southern tip of Orlandis as well as most of Atularis, Kite Snakes are a species of legless lizards with a long flap of skin that allows them to glide. Although they cannot flap, their skin is thin enough that they can maneuver through air currents, and effectively glide for miles. They prey on small birds and rodents.

Mocking Crab
The Mocking Crab is often confused for a "Dire Hermit-Crab". About the size of a dog, these crustaceans have evolved the ability mimic sounds similarly to parrots. Used as a hunting method, they frequently perch on rocks and use mating calls to attract seagulls and the occasional croaker. They are featured in many Hinterlander fables and superstitions for their tendency to mimic the cries of drowning sailors.

Muller's Oak
Called "Mullwood" by some, Muller's Oak is a species of tree that grows in high altitudes. Growing it is banned by most kings, as when the bark is boiled, the powdery residue left behind is a deadly poison.

Illegal to own, grow, or distribute in all of Orlandis, this Atularian grain is used as an aphrodesiac as well as a hallucinogen. It is crushed into a fine sandy powder, mixed with charcoal and salt for potency, boiled in a special pot, and inhaled as a vapor through a long pipe. It is highly addictive, and users are quickly recognized by brown burn scars around their lips, from the heated pipe tip. It is popular with smugglers, bandits, and pirates.

About the size of a large man, these creatures are seen in the wild in small groups, hunting with clubs and stones. They are deceptively unintelligent, as their strength is far beyond that of a man, and they best are left alone in the wild. Although they fear humans, there are some reports of trolls sneaking into homes at night and stealing children from their cribs.

Troll's Branch
When produced into a poultice it has extreme side effect when ingested such as bearing “the strength of a great troll” at the sacrifice of throwing the user into an adrenaline-fueled intensity that makes them more prone to violent outbursts. Prolonged use suggests it has permanent problematic effects such as ultimately death through cardiac arrest.

Featured in many tragic plays and ballads, Widowfruit is synonymous with suicide. It is said that one bite is enough to kill a man almost instantly, and is also known for its extremely vivid shades of red, yellow, and orange. The taste has been described by those recording their final moments as "The sweetest taste there is" and "Tasting like the sound of a harp".

General Terminology

The Black March
There have been two historically notable winters that are defined by the vnytic terminology. A march is a “migration of ideas, people, and culture against oppression or peril when the winter consumes the sea so that it is like stone.” – basically referring to the legendary northern winters that freeze over the northern seas. The first time it happened was sometime before the First Age of Aavaar and is largely associated with mythology and the second one is the one that sprung the Schism of Kaard as the western vyntic people fled across the Sea of Echoes and settled in northern Orlandis.

One of several mythological enemies in Kaardic mythology, roughly translated to 'The Strange', The Kynligr are a supposed race of creatures that Rorik “the Fearless” Meinsamr did battle with as depicted in the myths of Kaard, they are said to have skin of winter and physique of sirens. Not much else is known of the Kynligr outside of them being an enemy once faced.

The Silver Temple
The Silver Temple is the religious center of those that follow the religion known as The Word of Aavaar. Notoriously known for its symbolism etched in silverite, the temple is located the capital of the Kingdom of Terijas. As the most notable bishopric in Orlandis, the Temple is extravagant and large with large banners of Aavaar’s Silver Cross decorating the pillars alongside the doors and gates of the religious structure.

The legendary mountain that defined western Hinterlander culture. The Stormbroken, as they have aptly named themselves, describe the event as like a near-apocalypse as the mountain lost its “helm” as the tides swallowed the cracking earth whilst blowing the hovels down into these pits of fate. In short, Stormbreaker is a currently inactive volcano that sits on a fault.

One of several mythological enemies in Kaardic mythology depicting constructs of stone or iron that were said to be the reapers for those who dared try to prove themselves against them. The hero known as Astra Dvergr was said to be the one to lead a quest against the Vigforaor and drive them back past the Frozen Wastes.

The holiday and festival that begins not just a new year, but a new "age".

Songs, Tales, and Poems

The Barmaid's Knight
About a knight who seduces a village barmaid after being rejected by several highborn ladies, this song is usually sang in taverns, or used as a slight for some men -- To call a man a "Barmaid's Knight" is to say that he thinks himself handsome and cultured, but can only manage to sleep with less attractive women.

The Coast of Atularis
A bawdy song about the skills of the women on the ports and small towns along the coast of Atularis, that is a favorite of bandits and tavern bards alike. For a period of time, singing it was banned in The Expanse, as their at-the-time king took an Atularian princess to marry as his Queen, and it was used as an insult to him at his wedding.

The Fedosi Spears
A sad song, sometimes sung as a dirge or threnody, abut the invaders from Fedos Plur. The song's title is frequently referenced when talking about those who fled from Voltaan, as well as The Verge's history in general.

Midland Bandit
A humorous song, about a naked bandit who steals the clothes of several famous Kings of The Midlands. Because of the song, young men who lose bets or wagers are occasionally seen streaking through fields, singing the song.

My Highland Maiden
Although usually seen as a simple love song, describing the beauty of a maiden from The Arm, 'My Highland Maiden' is actually a song of nationalist pride. The phrasing of the fair features of the "Maiden" actually describes the landscape of The Arm.

Hurly & Burly
A humorous song about two trolls named Hurly and Burly, squabbling over a loaf of bread, who both decide that they will let the bread choose which troll it will be eaten by. They patiently await the bread's reply for days, until it begins to grow mold and crumble into dust.

The Hymn of Kaard
A long song, sang exclusively at Kaardist events. As it is sang in Noririan, which uses the same word for "Journey beyond" as it does "Journey together", it is sang at both funerals and weddings, with different keys and speeds.

The Sailor from The South
A love song about a sailor from the south, and a mermaid. The two meet every night, and each night, the sailor asks the mermaid to be his bride -- Eventually, the mermaid accepts, on the condition that he live with her under the sea. He accepts her condition, and swims with her to the bottom of the sea, where they live in a castle inaccessible to humans. It is unclear if the song is a metaphor for the sailor's death or not.

Strong Fenrik
A tavern song, about the fictional King Fenrik (Although some historians believe him to be one of the earliest Kings of Perhyr, which bears the same name), who slew a troll with its own severed arm, seduced twelve other queens with only his charm, and many other incredulous feats, frequently made up on the spot by the singer.

Noble Dynasties

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A great house is the central driving force of the game, and as such it is important to design them and to a lesser extent their major vassals—basically the dukes who control the major holds of the Kingdom. A player creating a major house is allowed to leave their vassals vague, but it isn’t entirely recommended.

For those not understanding our minimal feudalism:

Click Here.

The following is a map detailing which provinces are duchies and which hosts the King’s capital to better help with said creation.


About the Map - Seats of Kings of Orlandis are designated with a "K", the numerical code on the map designates the seat of power of a Duke (a high lordship in Game of Thrones). The information about these seats are up to the players.

If you have questions, I will add answers to the Q&A. But also defer to the General Information post.

Ancestral Weapons

Northern Orlandis (The Northlands)
Runesteel is the product of an ancient metalworking progress from the Vyntic northmen. It is said to be as enduring and long-lasting as Mythril, but heavier. Produced from iron, tin, and other minerals in a forging process.

Runestone predates metal, allowing sturdy stone weapons to beat copper and weaker metals. Produced from.... rocks.

Central & Southwestern Orlandis (Lowlands, Midlands, Hinterlands, Highlands)
Mythril is produced from a highlands/hinterlands mineral; mythril is the strongest metal in Orlandis, but the most difficult and rare. It has been seen as a "metal made for kings and myths". It is lighter and sharper than steel. Produced from mythrite and tin.

Silversteel is now seen as sacred due to the scripture of the Word of Aavaar is now less revered than in ancient times. Mostly monastic orders and holy knighthoods are allowed the use of silver for silversteel, silver coins, or any material made of the metal. Produced from silverite, iron, and tin.

Southeastern Orlandis (Expanse & Verge)
Voltaani Steel is the product of the exotic process of metal forging from Old Voltaani; knowledge is spread within the confederacy and the royal family known as House Antar. Said to be comparable to Mythril but easier to make and from generic steel processing and Endosi "magic".

Great Houses

Minor Houses

None yet.

Factions & Companies

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The Greater World

Overview & General Information

Orlandis is not the only region in the known world, of course. Given some people want to have some understanding of the foreign powers at play, this section will be mostly focused on that. Some might want to pick characters from these places—which if you do, PM me and we’ll talk.

Cultural Analogues

Nations & Regions


Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Gowi
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What exactly are ancestral weapons?

Dynastic Weapons. For example in the Northlands they tend to have ancient runesteel weapons that were acquired centuries prior whilst in other parts of Orlandis mythrite is more of the standard.

What makes a great house different from a minor house? Will there be separate sheets for each?

A Great House is a Kingdom, or Imperium. A Minor House is a Duchy, County, Barony, or Knightdom. The House sheet works for both.

What is a house specialty?

A good question, for example House Example's specialty yields Hafrstaka Calvary which are Mounted Calvary that uses Dire Goats. Whilst this doesn't have to be military in capacity, it can be economic or what have you.

Must individual characters serve an existing house?

Not necessarily no, there can be characters that are self-serving such as pirates and sellswords. Though collaborating with other house players will probably be useful in more than one way.

How do we establish house relations before the IC starts?

Discussion between members and of course the GM's are here to help you with that if needed, as well.

Oh, and by the way, do minor houses have vassals?

A minor house can have vassals, yes. Because a Duke has Barons, Knights, and Counts under him. The only nobility that really wouldn't have vassals would probably be knighthood.

Sir or Ser?


I don't like the canon House Name or words, can I change them?

Unless they are Antar or Thralon, you could probably do so. Yes.

Can I ride a Dragon?


That's about all the tabs I need! Phew! Anyway, welcome to FATAL SOULS! Where fatal consequences are around every turn.

BTW: work in progress sheets can be posted in here, but only do accepted profiles go in the CS section.

OOC will be 100% done this week, count on it.

House Claimants
The Kingdom of Erayis @DeadBeatWalking
The Kingdom of Perhyr @Gowi
The Kingdom of Veronia @Gowi

Interested Parties
The Kingdom of Caelia @Rare
The Kingdom of Euritia @Liar
The Kingdom of Reinoa @Lone Wanderer
The Kingdom-Republic of Voltaani @babbysama
The Kingdom of Gradiar @RyanTadashi
The Kingdom of Skavia @Vandy
The Dominion of Stormtir @ResidentialNarcissist

Available for interest: Terijas
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Ace of Hearts fight me irl

Banned Seen 8 yrs ago

Where do I sign up?
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Gowi
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Well, I suppose the answer is right here! Sorry that I don't have the OOC completely compiled but I felt it was better for everyone to see more information than what I was giving with the interest check. =)
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Ace of Hearts fight me irl

Banned Seen 8 yrs ago

I wanted to join but now ponies.
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Heat Hey, nice marmot

Member Seen 30 days ago

I'll get busy working on House Caine (name may change) tommorow. Little too tired to dive into it right now. o.o

Excited about this one though!
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by HellHoundWoof
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HellHoundWoof The Hell Bound Hell Hound

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Character Name
Bjarke 'Grey Wolf' Black



He has one remaining stark blue eye, his blonde hair can be trimmed or braided depending on his wants. He stands at 6ft 1" and weighs around 175lbs. He has several scars across his body from battles and encounters.

He is a more straight forward guy, unlikely to sugar coat most things. He has no problem killing but has issues when it comes to the murder of innocents, while he would prefer to stay out of the issues of others he will jump in if he needs to. He serves whoever has the most gold lining their pockets and is extremely loyal to the contract he signs.

Incredibly gifted swordsman, Rock hard liver, Master of Seduction

Friends & Rivals
(Whoever the hell, Clericbeast's character is)

Born as a bastard of a lesser Northern house, after spending many years trying to earn his fathers love and respect. Becoming a practiced swordsmen and warrior by the age of 18. After several public displays of his skills his father saw fit to grant him leave, to travel with a company of his fathers soldiers. They roamed the edges of his fathers lands patrolling towns, hunting bandits, collecting taxes, performing the work of a commander. After 2 years Bjarke had heard tales of his father growing sick, and old but he didnt believe it truly. Within these 2 years he had earned his name after surviving a night lost in the woods, emerging with a set of wolf pelts and several scars. When he returned to his fathers keep he saw his father sitting in the grand hall handling some business, the old man looked sickly indeed. Practically a skeleton governing the state. In the time Bjarke has been gone his father had brought two new sons to the keep, twins born by the lady of the keep. Bjarke knew why, if there were any to succeed the lordship of the keep it would be the twins, as opposed to a bastard boy. Later that day after the matters of the keeps maintenance and the lords responsibilities were met the two spoke in the council chamber. The conversation got heated and his father suffered from the excitement of it all, he fell to the floor convulsing and Bjarke called for the Sage but it was too late. His father died on the ground of his council chamber and nothing was done, the lady that his father took for his own ruled in his stead. She felt no love for the bastard and kicked him out. He took to roaming the lands and found himself moving through the south, then traveling to different continents selling his skills and acquiring new ones.

Other Information
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HellHoundWoof The Hell Bound Hell Hound

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Pretty rough if I say so myself, any improvements/edits you need me to make I can make without a problem.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Gowi
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Small bit, Maesters are exclusive to Game of Thrones so I imagine some form would exist here instead. Perhaps the court healer or the high priest would be my guesses there. I'll figure out some scholarly/healer role.


Added this:

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Cerberov
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Cerberov The Mountain That Reads

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

I may need an example House Sheet. The only thing bugging me is House Specialty (it's not chief export, since that's covered in Imports/Exports) and the specific format of it. Should I describe every important house member and advisor individually?

Other than that, I'm ready to start the Empire of NotSpain anytime.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Gowi
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago

See my CS or Vahir's for an example.

Other than that, I'm ready to start the Empire of NotSpain anytime.

Guess I really need to write out that religion and region stuff pronto!
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Vahir
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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Vahir
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Member Seen 1 yr ago

Oh, and Targan Carlisle, Earl of Trethclyde, the brother of my king, is currently serving abroad in a mercenary company. If any of you are playing as mercenaries, we could arrange for him to be working with you.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Ace of Hearts
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Ace of Hearts fight me irl

Banned Seen 8 yrs ago

I plan on playing a mercenary/sellsword lady.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Vahir
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Member Seen 1 yr ago

I plan on playing a mercenary/sellsword lady.

Swell, they could hang out and slaughter people together.

@Gowi, the use of steel coins is irrational, in my opinion. Steel is cheap today, but before the Industrial Revolution, that stuff was valuable, way too valuable to mint into coins. I'd propose we use iron coins instead.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Ace of Hearts
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Ace of Hearts fight me irl

Banned Seen 8 yrs ago

Sure, Mercenary friend/partners.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Gowi
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago

<Snipped quote by Ace of Hearts>

Swell, they could hang out and slaughter people together.

@Gowi, the use of steel coins is irrational, in my opinion. Steel is cheap today, but before the Industrial Revolution, that stuff was valuable, way too valuable to mint into coins. I'd propose we use iron coins instead.

That's fair, and there is tons of iron (especially in Reinoa and western Terijas) so I imagine it makes a bit more sense.
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