Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Palindromatic


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

. . .

”… is Annette Danes… oadcasting from 128 Diana Drive… not alone… peat, you… ave food, shelter, medi… ocated at The… Towers. I repea…
You are not alone.”

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||U S | R E D U X||

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Welcome to the Us, Redux RP, about a group of survivors trying to get by in a post-apocalyptic world.

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If you're interested, we're able to take on two or three more people. So let us know, post a CS whenever you can and I'll have a look at it!

. . .

If you have anything you'd like to add (locations, NPCs, additions to The Towers, bits of history, etc.), you're more than welcome to share it and contribute to the OOC and setting as well. I purposely left information about the city and (most of the) other residents open for additions for this reason. We're going to build and expand this world together, as a group. So let those ideas flow!

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||K N O W N | H I S T O R Y||

||K N O W N | S U R V I V O R S||

||R E S I D E N T S | O F | T H E | T O W E R S||

||R E S I D E N T | A P P L I C A T I O N | F O R M||

||M A I N | R E S I D E N T S||

||O T H E R | R E S I D E N T S||

||K N O W N | L O C A T I O N S||

||T H E | T O W E R S||

The Towers consist of two eighteen-floor condominiums connected by a row of shops, restaurants and offices; the main building in itself is only two floors high. There is an open courtyard on the rooftop of the connecting building, accessible from the fourth floor of either tower. An open park spanning across 50 yards is found behind The Towers; forestry is beyond that. Across from The Towers was a strip of office buildings that have since burned down. The Towers are a block away from the main intersection of Underbridge & King Street West in an up-and-coming middle-higher class area.
. . .

There are currently thirty-two residents living at The Towers. A message is broadcasted hourly over the radio, inviting other survivors. Projects are constantly being undertaken to better the state of The Towers, and to make them more self-sustaining.

||M A P | O F | T O W E R S | & | A R E A||

||E A S T | T O W E R||

||W E S T | T O W E R||

||M A I N | B U I L D I N G||

. . .
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by clericbeast
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clericbeast Hellraiser

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Glad to see this thing is getting off the ground! Expect my character sheet sometime today or tomorrow.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Hank
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Hank Dionysian Mystery

Moderator Seen 5 days ago

That's some fancy formatting.

I know I'm a little late to the party and didn't attend the Interest Check RSVP, but I hope you'll forgive me for barging in. This post serves merely to express my intention to craft a character sheet; since you mentioned quality-over-quantity selection, I hope to be accepted on merit despite my late arrival.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Gowi
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago

I'll be working on a sheet immediately.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Jinxer
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Jinxer The British One

Member Seen 3 mos ago

Here's my draft. I've knocked it out and will probably return to make some modifications but I believe it gives the core character I'm aiming for some life.

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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Palindromatic


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Glad to see this thing is getting off the ground! Expect my character sheet sometime today or tomorrow.

I'm looking forward to reading it! Now hopefully we get enough people to make a full group. Come on, Cleric, use your precognitive powers to predict a bunch of people coming here again!

That's some fancy formatting.

I know I'm a little late to the party and didn't attend the Interest Check RSVP, but I hope you'll forgive me for barging in. This post serves merely to express my intention to craft a character sheet; since you mentioned quality-over-quantity selection, I hope to be accepted on merit despite my late arrival.

Well thank-you, Hank! I'll admit, I had a little too much fun formatting it. This may be the beginning of my slow-burn insanity.

You're not late at all, don't worry. And I will forgive you for barging in just this one time. Everybody gets one.

Based off of how articulately and formally you write, I'm really excited to read your CS. Post it whenever you can, there's no rush. If there's a massive influx of applications, it'll take me a few days to read through them all and accept everyone. So take your time!

I'll be working on a sheet immediately.

Good to see you're still here, Gowi! I'm looking forward to this non-katana-wielding-teenage-badass character of yours.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Palindromatic


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Here's my draft. I've knocked it out and will probably return to make some modifications but I believe it gives the core character I'm aiming for some life.

Gah! The first CS goes up right before I have to leave! I promise I'll read through it once I'm home and done being a grown-up with grown-up responsibilities. Great to see yours up so soon, though!

EDIT: Yes. I double-posted. I also occasionally jaywalk and put recycling in the garbage. Society's afraid of me.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by DJAtomika
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DJAtomika Second to Most

Member Seen 25 days ago

Will work up a CS tomorrow. Plenty tired now, no more brain juice.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Hank
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Hank Dionysian Mystery

Moderator Seen 5 days ago

Name: Professor Thaddeus Hower.
Age: Sixty-seven.
Gender: Male.
Former Occupation: Author of several accessible "popular science" novels; professor in Roman & Hellenistic Philosophy; frequent honorary guest speaker.
Height: 6'1".
Weight: 150 pounds.
Scars/Tattoos/Other: Other than a few old nicks and cuts here and there, the only scar Thaddeus has is a sickle-shaped incision immediately below his left kneecap from semi-recent surgery (two years ago). He has no tattoos.

Appearance: Lik all old men, Thaddeus stoops slightly. His strikingly blue eyes, full of warmth, pierce from above the rim of a pair of reading glasses, perched on his nose. Creases and wrinkles line his skin, some from age, others from smiling. Smooth, pianist's hands; no callouses. He still sports a head full of gray hair, and his chin is covered with pepper-and-salt stubble; a little silver at the temples is starting to show. He has clean, straight teeth, but they are not as white as they used to be. Thaddeus is usually dressed in simple sweaters and pants; grayscale and drab colors. He wears leather men's shoes and a heavy, sombre watchpiece ticking away the time. He is in every way the image of the old scholar.

Past Affiliates: Thaddeus used to be a husband and a father of two; his wife was slain by the virus, and his adult children both moved to Europe a few years ago. He has not heard from them since the outbreak.

He grew up in a large household and had many brothers and sisters. Some of them had passed away already, but others were still alive at the time of the outbreak. They used to stay in regular contact, but Thaddeus has not heard from them either. He suspects most of them are dead.

Current Affiliates: In lieau of his own family, Thaddeus has become the caretaker of a five-year-old girl named Sarah who was orphaned by the virus. Her parents were family friends; Thaddeus has known Sarah for all of her life. She trusts him unconditionally, but is very distraught by the death of her parents. Thaddeus does his best to distract her from this fact and finds therapeutic catharsis in doing so. She is bright and compassionate, and Thaddeus is immensely fond of her.

Skills: When it comes to practical skills, Thaddeus contributes very little. He is a moderately skilled woodworker (as a hobbyist) and remembers a thing or two from his years as a boy camping in the woods near Baltimore, like tying a proper knot and setting up a tent. He really shines in the category 'decidedly less useful'; Greco-Roman philosophy and history, modern metaphysics, the place of mankind in a godless universe, etcetera.

That said, he is a highly educated academic with decades of teaching experience, powerful rhetoric skills, and a large knowledge base; additionally, his craftsmanship as an orator is considerable, matched by his penmanship and linguistic eloquence. All of the aforementioned skills demand respect and make him very persuasive, even if they don't directly help him survive.

Strengths: With age comes wisdom, as they say. Thaddeus's greatest strengths and most admirable traits are his patience, compassion, empathy and experience. He stays calm under duress and helps others cope with their losses, providing a source of warmth, stability and fatherly guidance. It is no surprise he was a mall Santa in his later years. Additionally, he is still quick-witted and intelligent; friendly quips and clever solutions come to him easily.

Weaknesses: Growing old isn't all fun and games; it comes with weakness and frailty too. Thaddeus's greatest weakness is definitely his meager vitality compared to younger men. He can't run without sharp pain in his left knee and becoming short of breath almost immediately, he can't lift heavy things and he definitely can't fight; though, given proper training, he should be able to fire a rifle.

One might also argue that he is perhaps too forgiving and understanding. In any given group, he will most likely be the last person to condemn or punish harshly.

History: Thaddeus was born in Maryland in 1947 to conservative Christian parents in a large family. His parents raised him with Christian beliefs and values, but unfortunately for them, Thaddeus always had a skeptical mind and became apostate when he learned of Galileo in high school.

He continued his academic career at the American University in Washington DC, where he studied Philosophy and History. Thaddeus had great interest in the thinkers of old and could spend hours discussing and comparing their views to the great optimism of the 50's, or the social reform that swept through the nation in the 60's. After graduating he took up a teacher's post to avoid the Vietnam war draft, becoming 'essential personnel'. His real passion, however, was writing. He authored several novels over the course of his twenties and thirties, explaining philosophical concepts to laymen, with straightforward titles like, you know, 'Philosophy Explained'. They were moderately succesful, but Thaddeus Hower never became a household name.

He met his wife, Elisabetta, while on vacation in Italy. She came with him to the United States, where they married and had two children.

In later years, Thaddeus wrote more opinionated books, like 'Our Place in the Stars', a treatise on the place of scientific progress in philosphy. He graduated from a mere high school teacher to a professor and was often invited to give talks at conferences and other universities.

His children eventually moved to Europe, independently, to pursue different careers (one to Germany, the other to the United Kingdom). Thaddeus and Elisabetta remained behind, content in retirement, when the viral outbreak hit.

Thaddeus, stricken with grief at the loss of his wife, found himself a survivor in a post-apocalyptic wasteland. Questioning his luck (was it luck, or punishment?), he traveled as best as he could by car, checking to see who else had survived. All of his friends were dead, but he found Sarah alone in the home of her parents. She was too young to understand what had happened, but the fact that her parents refused to get up was enough to cause the young girl great distress. Thaddeus immediately took her under his wing and has been protecting her from the elements ever since. During the winter they survived in a basement, stocked with supplies from local supermarkets. Thaddeus told her every story he knew and played all the games he could think of.

Now spring has come. They have both grown weary of the basement and, perhaps despite better judgement, have left its safety to see what is left of the world. This is how they stumbled upon the Towers.

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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by ML
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ML Attempted Polymath

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Damn, can I make a character? This is great, it's so hard to find any stories that don't involve zombies or some similarly overdone concept.

I'm gonna make a character anyway
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Lord Wyron
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Lord Wyron Reclusive Giant Lord

Member Seen 24 days ago

Name: Dr. Erik Reznov

Age: 38

Gender: Male

Former Occupation: Family Physician


Wardrobe Style: Before the Outbreak, Erik's clothing was very formal and fastidious, typically consisting of a black, gray, or navy blue single-breasted suit and tie with a white or light blue button-down shirt underneath and brown leather shoes. Even during casual periods, Erik would simply discard his sport coat and tie, showing a need to remain somewhat meticulous.

Opting to choose function over form since the Outbreak, Erik's clothing nonetheless remains tasteful and neat. His typical outfit on a day-to-day basis consists of a polo shirt, button-down or turtleneck of various colors, which he keeps neatly tucked into a pair of trousers with brown or black leather shoes. During colder weather or as an added layer of defense, Erik will wear a brown leather jacket over his regular clothing.

Height: 6’0”

Weight: 162 Pounds

Scars/Tattoos/Other: Has a small scar just above his lip, no tattoos or piercings of any kind.

Past Affiliates: Lost his wife and two children to the Virus when it hit South Carolina. Unknown whereabouts of any friends or family, as much of his extended family lives in Germany.

Current Affiliates: Briefly traveled with a small group of survivors as a medic, but currently travels alone.

Skills: Despite being rather mild-mannered and modest, Erik shows a variety of talents that make him invaluable in a group setting. The most prevalent of these skills, perhaps, is his medical training. Having spent much of his adult life running a small medical clinic, Erik has experience dealing with a wide variety of injuries and ailments; ranging from the simplest of cuts and bruises to compound fractures and serious concussions.

Secondly, having been in the Boy Scouts in youth, in which he achieved the rank of Eagle Scout, Erik remembers much of the outdoor skills he learned: from starting a fire, to building a shelter, to treating water and navigating his way out of the woods, amongst other skills.

Thirdly, Erik is highly observant and resourceful, able to scan an environment or setting and pick up on the tiniest of details. He can use seemingly insignificant items to his advantage and utilize them for a variety of purposes, dependent on what the pressing need is at the time.

And lastly, Erik's medical training and fit physique make him a somewhat capable hand-to-hand fighter. While not being trained in combat, he exercised rather frequently before the Outbreak. This, coupled with his knowledge of the human body give him a slight advantage in close-quarters, though he can be easily defeated by opponents with actual combat training and experience.

Strengths: Erik is a quick learner with a passion for history, medicine and literature. As a result, he shows an ample amount of knowledge in these subjects and is fond of sharing such knowledge with others. Erik is a highly compassionate individual, which can function as both a strength and a weakness. Though he keeps a close eye on other survivors he meets, his trust is quickly won over if he believes the individual is righteous and good-natured. Erik is an avid reader of books, showing a preference for classic literature, Medieval Fantasy, or Science Fiction. As such, he can be found more often than not reading a book in his spare time as it helps draw his mind away from the Outbreak. Being a physician, Erik displays a high amount of focus and patience in stressful scenarios, being one of the first to try and strategize as opposed to running around blindly. Erik is adept at reading people through facial expression and body language, able to pick up on the slightest emotional cues with rather high accuracy.

Weaknesses: Sadly, Erik 's compassion is as much a strength as a weakness. Due to spending much of his adult life helping others, Erik is far more open to helping or accepting other survivors, even if their methods/goals are far more ulterior in nature. Nevertheless, Erik isn't a fool and will quickly shun away those he deems as being unrighteous or ill-natured. Erik is very disclosed about his past, revealing very little aside from basic details such as his birthplace and schooling; though he still wears his wedding ring, he makes almost no reference to his wife or children.

Erik suffers from a variant of Phonophobia, specifically the fear of loud noises. Sounds like a loud sirens, gunshots, a balloon popping, or even dogs barking is enough to cause heavy breathing, anxiety, or even panic attacks in more severe cases, with a pressing need to escape the source of the loud sound as quickly as possilbe. Nevertheless, he will temporarily overcome this fear in life-or-death situations where survival takes precedence.

Also, Erik suffers from chronic nightmares from time to time, though whether this an underlying mental condition or simply a side-effect of the traumatizing Outbreak is debatable.

History: Erik Reznov was born in Berlin the single child of Klaus and Claire Reznov, his mother being American while his father was a full-blooded German. The small family moved to the United States when Erik was less than seven years old, settling in his mother's home state of South Carolina.

There, Erik got an ample amount of both American and German culture, as his father felt it necessary to instill Erik with an idea of his heritage. Erik lived a fairly normal life, both his parents were loving both to him and to each other and he made good grades in school, enough to graduate high school with honors.

Showing a passion for medicine since he was a young boy, Erik was accepted at Stanford Medical University, where he earned his Bachelor's and Master's degree before moving onto an internship.

By the time he was in his mid-twenties, Erik established his own small clinic in Greenville, where he had just enough notoriety to be on the map while still being considered outpatient. It was around this time that he met his future wife, Amelia, a fitness instructor who he first met after she came into his clinic for a sprained ankle.

The two of them began seeing each other after that, transforming from close friends into a romantic couple, which soon crescendoed into marriage.

The two of them lived an enjoyable, though not exactly excitable life, which they were both alright with. Over the next few years, Amelia gave birth to two children, a boy and a girl named Nicholas and Anya, respectively. Life seemed to go on normally for the Reznov family until late October 2013, when a dangerous virus that first appeared in South America hit the United States.

Erik was astounded and terrified by the Virus' sheer lethality and infiltration ability, as even highly-trained scientists were unable to come up with an explanation. Erik engrossed himself in his work, studying as much as he could to see if he could find a preventive, a way to halt the virus' progress. But then it claimed his wife and children.

Now left alone in a world filled with chaos, Erik spent the next few months of his life wandering, doing whatever he could to survive, even joining up with another small group as the team medic before eventually leaving to go off on his own again, never staying in one place for long.

One fateful night when he was kept awake due to terrifying nightmares, Erik received a broken transmission from a small radio he had found in a convenience store, a transmission that spoke of a place called The Towers, a place that had food, shelter, safety.

Gathering what little supplies he could, Erik set off once again, in hopes of finding the sanctuary he so desperately needed.

Other: Erik is bilingual, and can speak both English and German fluently. Despite being a man of peace and a doctor, he does carry a Luger Po8 sidearm as a weapon, which he is capable of firing with capable accuracy and precision; though he dislikes shooting or even drawing it, due to his Phonophobia.
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Hidden 10 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by McHaggis


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Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by clericbeast
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clericbeast Hellraiser

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

I was originally planning on using Xerxes for a different role play on this site, but then I decided he suits this sort of setting far better. I pity the sorry saps that get stuck with this arrogant bastard.

Let me know if there are any glaring issues.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Scoundrel
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Scoundrel potentially demented

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Just going to put this here. I will finish this once I get free time.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Gowi
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Waiting on the GM to reply to me via PM before I work more on my sheet.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Palindromatic


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Alright. Time to get through these first character sheets.

Damn, can I make a character? This is great, it's so hard to find any stories that don't involve zombies or some similarly overdone concept.

I'm gonna make a character anyway

I'm really thinking my plot twist to include zombies isn't going to fly in this RP anymore after everyone's said the same thing. Shucks. Guess I'm back to the drawing board.

You most definitely can make a CS. Keep in mind though, because of how many people are applying, I'm going to have to be picky with them and select only seven(ish). So you may want to make sure your character will be original enough and different from the ones above.

Waiting on the GM to reply to me via PM before I work more on my sheet.

Ask and you shall receive.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by clericbeast
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clericbeast Hellraiser

Member Seen 9 yrs ago


I don't think it's the zombies everyone balks at so much as the tired, overdone cliches surrounding their execution. I think if they were presented in a relatively fresh way, people wouldn't raise as much of a fuss.

Also, I think we all remember the influx of role plays based off that Warm Bodies movie when it first came out. (Never saw the appeal in writing a romance with a decaying sack of necrotic flesh.)

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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Gowi
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago

I love zombie horror, but it has to be engaging (The Last of Us, Telltale's The Walking Dead, The Zombie Hunters, etc.) and done well.
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Hidden 10 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by McHaggis


Member Seen 4 yrs ago

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Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Gowi
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Non-Katana Teenaged Badass:

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