Hmmm, can't decide if the table Furnace selects would be the same one you lot are already sitting at or not.
Furnace is adorable xD
That, coming from a guy with little sense for cute things
Hmmm, can't decide if the table Furnace selects would be the same one you lot are already sitting at or not.
awwwww Vis called Alula pretty I feel bad now for making her point out his lisp. (But not really muahahah)
I'm loving how fluent this game is going. Most game's I play in dissolve fast or fail to get off the ground.
General consensus, what do you think a good bottle of ForestElf Brewery wine would cost?
-wiggles fingers- oracle magic
Alula buys 165 gold with of wine. Breaks all the bottles for the pretty glass