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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Phobos
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Phobos Quack

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Yakima said nothing in return, still annoyed by Ike's no-fucks-given attitude. But atleast he didn't change all that much compared to some of the his other former subordinates. There was one in particular he had heard about often in his shop. Shinzo, the Captain of Squad 11, had apparently become a much more brutal person. However, those were merely stupid stories that wanderers told, right? He shook his head briefly, returning to work as Ike dealt with the customers.

"Oooohhhhh" The last grunt held his stomach, drool leaking from his mouth as he had lost most of his bodily functions. "G-go get that old fart y-you pussy! We'll be back with our boss to trash this place and burn it to the ground AHAHAHAHaaa...ow" Laughing only made the pain worse but he wanted to play it off. The four of them quickly ran out of the shop and back to wherever they came from. Yakima watched as Ike walked in, not asking any questions but merely nodding at him. Suddenly, Midori popped her head in through the curtains, curious to what had happened. She smiled at Ike "Goodmorning Ike, what happened between you two?" Hinami also popped her head over, interested just like her mom. Hinami had grow moderately in this past decade, now having the body of a 11 year old.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Oblivion666
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Oblivion666 Pun Loving Machine

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Ike looked back at Midori with a confused looked. 'If you mean Caps here, then I got lectured about doing the dishes. If you mean the man holding his stomach and crying like a baby. Then he scheduled a date for me to relieve my stress by pounding the the fuck out of his boss and then burning them to the ground." Ike noticed Hinami poking her head in and smiled a bit, before looking back at Midori. "Or if you mean the fact your husband hasn't beaten me senseless for ticking four fat men off, then I don't know. Im confused on that part too. But good morning Midori and Hinami, sorry I was late. Hope I didn't cause too much trouble when I wasn't here." Ike said as he finished up the last of the dishes, and cracked his neck again popping something in his head which made him flinch a bit as he held his neck.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Kurisa
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Kurisa The Mortal God

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Kagiko Shuiji & Ryuu Shinda

Kagiko stood in a large field opposite a Rogue Shinigami that was once apart of his Squad "Come now Koza...there is no need for this. You can still come back and we can forget this all happened...so do the right thing...don't be foolish." Koza grit his teeth as he then shouted back at Kagiko "I'M NOT COMING BACK! I KNOW YOUR SECRETS! I WONT BECOME APART OF YOUR PLAN! I WONT BE USED AS A PAWN! I WILL RAISE AN ARMY AND FIGHT BACK AGAINST YOU!" Kagiko chuckled hearing this, raising his right hand up to his head as he took his hat off, bringing it down over his face, as the hat passed Kagiko's face his expression changed to that of a serious one as well as his tone "I see...Then let us see what you truly know..." Kagiko closed his eyes as the ground shook a little, a large coffin rising up from the ground next to him as the lid to the coffin the fell open. Smoke exited the coffin as a very tall figure exited it

Koza's eyes shot wide open seeing this "W-What the hell is that?" Kagiko chuckled once again before speaking "You claim to know my secrets and do not know of my greatest creation? Well then...let me introduce you. This is Ryuu Shinda, my former Lieutenant who passed away some time ago...I was truly upset by his death...thankfully Ryuu was a good man and left me in his will...he donated his most precious possession to me...his body...through years of research I have brought Ryuu back...although he is not the same man I once knew, he is as great a Shinigami now as he was then. However as Ryuu's Zanpakuto died with him I had to create this Ryuu a new one...and so...Ryuu has unique Zanpakuto that no other being in this world can wield...Ryuu isn't alive...nor is he dead...but rather than talk about it, I will let him show you..."

Ryuu looked at Koza with his cold and pale blue eyes as he slowly unsheathed his Zanpakuto "You're a madman! He should remain dead and at peace! not brought back to be used as your toy..." Kagiko smiled at the man then spoke "Oh~ About that...Ryuu wanted this...he had a deadly disease that caused his health to deteriorate quickly and yet he wanted to live a longer life...I granted him his wish...although only his body lives on...I have fulfilled my Lieutenants original wishes...However...you now know to much Koza...I'm afraid your time has come to an end...I gave you the chance to come back with me...and so now...you will go with Ryuu..."

Koza looked at Kagiko and then to Ryuu as a large red beam shot through Koza's chest causing his eyes to widen dramatically "I will tell your family that you died the death of a hero...this is my last kind gesture to you Koza..." Zombified hands then rose out from the ground around Koza as they gripped onto his ankles and began to drag him under, Koza wanted to say things...he wanted to curse his Captain but the light around him faded slowly as the world fell apart before his eyes "If you had just continued to follow me you would have never been used as a pawn...however now that you oppose me...you will become that which you wished not to be...a Pawn..." These were the last words Koza heard as he sunk completely into the ground.

Kagiko then took a deep breath as he placed his hat back on his head before turning to speak to Ryuu "I do hate doing things like this...but I cannot allow anyone to escape Squad 12 and use the information we know against us...once you join Squad 12...you're there for life...Well. I should be getting back...feel free to enjoy yourself Ryuu..." Kagiko then turned and disappeared as Ryuu stood in the field alone...the wind slowly moving his uniform "Yes...Captain"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Phobos
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Phobos Quack

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Midori giggled at Ike's explanation of everything, including the date he had with men. She covered Hinami's ears though when Ike decided to give him the F bomb "I'm actually confused on that too, I would of thought Yakima would be scolding you by now like usual" Yakima's eyebrow twitched, regretting on not scolding Ike now. Hinami waved at Ike "Gooooodmorning Ike" She said with a wide smile, glad that Ike had finally decided to greet the two of them. Midori shook her head at what Ike said "Oh no its fine, I don't really mind. But the one you should worry about it Yakima" She stuck her tongue out at Yakima before popping her head out and returning back to work along with Yakima.

Yakima sighed, placing down his spatula "Good job. But it's not a complete job" He pointed at the direction where the grunts had run off, even though he wasn't there to witness it "There's a giant group of them running over here at full speed. If you take care of them I'll raise your pay by hmm...2 dangos and 3 dumplings. Sound good?"
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Oblivion666
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Oblivion666 Pun Loving Machine

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Ike shrugged and looked at Yakima. "Worry about him? Nah hes a big softy. Freaking Aya was harder to tolerate than him. Besides he scolded me so much I ended up ignoring most of it." Ike said as Midori left and Yakima gave him another task, that being to take care of his date with the gang of men to which he cracked his knuckles as he smirked. "Sure thing boss." Ike told Yakima as he placed his apron on a hook and walked outside the establishment and saw the group of men coming. "Only twenty? They must want to lose." Ike mumbled as he simply walked towards them and as the first man came to him Ike backhanded him to the ground and one strike was all it took to knock him out. Then the next man ran and punched Ike in the chest yet the man was the one who shouted and shook his hand, while Ike simply put his foot to the mans chest and pushed off with his foot sending the man through the large group of men while one big guy was left standing. The large man was probably the boss and was carrying a sword. "Ohhhh this will be awesome. Hey you three wanna see the coolest crap ever!?" Ike shouted towards the establishment while the big man rushed at Ike and swung the sword down in which Ike grabbed the blade between his palms and snapped the entire blade off. The big man looked confused before it was replaced with a blank look as Ike slammed his fist into the mans gut and watched him tip over. "And like that Im bored again." Ike said as he still stood there in case anyone else tried anything.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Axel
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Axel Red Haired Coffee King

Member Seen 20 days ago

Akuseru Hitomisu

- Squad 9 Barracks -

"Am I supposed to be satisfied with this crap!?" Akuseru questioned angrily as he walked back and forth while in the presence of some new recruits. The recruits were all lined up and one could easily tell that they were nervous."Would Captain Sanada be satisfied with this crap!?" The lieutenant's voice raised even higher than before. He stopped in front of the Shinigami that stood in the middle of the line with a serious look on his face. However, the high ranking male simply stared at the recruit rather than speaking. After a few seconds of silence, Akuseru had decided to speak once more.

"Do you think that I could win a golden trophy in the human world for my seriousness!?" He asked seriously while peering into the soul of the recruit with a deadly glare. "Umm uh yes...sir." The Shinigami replied, causing the lieutenant's entire demeanor to change in an instant. "Hmph, I figured as much...but that sucks because I'll never get my hands on ye priceless gold that only I deserve. Still, I guess it's no surprise that a pirate's true desire is set in a place that is normally unobtainable by the average Soul reaper." Akuseru muttered out loud to himself before placing his attention back on the recruited Shinigami. "Since I liked your response, I think I'll let you off the hook. However, if I come across such atrocious editing again, then you'd better hope that a Hollow kills you before I find you...dismissed." The lieutenant said rather calmly as the new recruits began to scatter like a bunch of disoriented animals.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by AbigailTenshi
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AbigailTenshi BloodCovered Nephillim

Member Seen 4 mos ago


Teeth clenched at the blasted voice, Nairin's eyebrows screwed together as a groan reached up her throat as a lazy response. "Nairin get up and lets go do something!" The voice hollered once again, resulting in Nairin just turning her body away, still tucked under the sheets of her firm bed. "Nairin?" "Fuck off." Nairin groaned once again, sounding quite angry this time. She was just woken by a recurring dream that had been plaguing her mind recently, she couldn't understand why but something about it felt rather... weird. "No I will not fuck off! I wanna go do something!!" The voice whined. "Go do something then and leave me in fucking peace." Nairin croaked, still tired and wanting to just get a couple more minutes of sleep before dragging herself out of the comfort beneath her sheets. "Fine then! But when I'm back, you'd better be up!" Huffing and puffing, the woman turned and left the room, closing the door a little too loudly which prompted Nairin to let out one last groan before shoving her face deeper into her pillow to resume her slumber.

'Geesh, she's slept enough already! Hmpf, whatever, I'll just wonder around I guess' Acting out her plan, the woman wondered the barracks Nairin occupied first; the Squad Eleven barracks. Her Sea-green irises observed her surroundings. No wonder Nairin chose to come here, the atmosphere seems like just the type of place she'd enjoy. The woman watched as brutes sparred in a garden area beneath her from a spot on the balcony above. She couldn't help her grin of excitement form as men and women alike crossed fists in fierce battles. She was rather getting into the action herself, her black-haired ponytail swayed from side to side as she followed the moments of these groups of fighters. Leaning her 5 foot 9 figure against the balcony's barrier, she stayed put for some time, watching and grinning while waiting to see which of the fighters were going to win. 'I see why Naynay likes it here hmhm'
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Kurisa
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Kurisa The Mortal God

Member Seen 5 yrs ago


Shinzo Harimaya

After completing his mission, Shinzo had made his way back to the Squad 11 barracks and now stood outside it's gates. Shinzo glanced down to his right expecting Shizuka to be there but she wasn't, this made him look to his left to see she also wasn't there. "Where the hell did she get to?" Shinzo didn't bother worrying as he knew she could handle herself and she'd always come back...knowing her they probably passed some shop with animal related things in it and she wondered off into that. Shinzo's trail of thought however was stolen when he sensed an unfamiliar Spiritual energy "A new recruit?...No...this one seems to high for someone fresh out the Academy"

Shinzo walked into the barracks and navigated his way around until he found himself up on a balcony behind a woman with black hair...from behind he didn't recognise her and he was certain this person wasn't in his Squad "Who the hell are you and what are you doing watching my members train?..." Shinzo had his suspicions about this person...after all he had many random Shinigami show up...most that did left dead however...fools thinking they could take the title of Kenpachi from him...
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by AbigailTenshi
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AbigailTenshi BloodCovered Nephillim

Member Seen 4 mos ago


The matches began getting intense, it seemed that a couple fighters were almost completely spent. Just as the woman thought the matches were reaching their ends, the seemingly spent members suddenly found something hidden deep within them and turned from defending to attacking using a burst of new-found energy. Opening her mouth to form an 'O' shape out of surprise, she grinned once again. 'Wow! These people are impressive!' Gripping the top of the balcony's barrier with both hands tightly, she was just about to lean forward to try and watch closer when a deep, manly voice startled her.

Suddenly stiffening, Nishiki mentally smacked herself as she processed the guy's words. Nairin did tell her not to stay in one place for too long, or really go outside too much since she wasn't actually a part of the Seireitei, only wearing the uniform. She told others outside the Squad Eleven barracks that she was from Squad Eleven when she was asked, to which they tended to leave her alone after, but going by what the guy said... "Don't You Dare bump into Shinzo! He's the Captain so stay fucking clear you hear me?! He isn't the forgiving type and you're trespassing so make sure you stay far away from him... Oh, and this weird girl tends to follow him around, the not-so-annoying lieutenant of his, you might aswell play dead if you see her since she'd fucking gut you without a word." 'His members?... Oh shit, Nairin told me to stay away from the Captain of this Squad... She's gunna be so mad at me now...' Slowly releasing her hands from the barrier, the woman put on a brave face to hide her nerves and turned around to face the one who caught her. "O-oh um... Hello there, Captain Sir! I was just... Well I was just visiting a friend and was passing by here when I saw your members training... They are really really good fighters! You must be an extremely good Captain! Um.. Sir!" Bowing her head and hoping her compliment helped the Captain become a little softer towards her, she lifted and stood straight before introducing herself. "I'm Nishiki Kalemoru Captain Sir! You must be the great Captain Kenpachi Harimaya! I've heard so much about you and your amazing fighting skills!" She bowed again, trying her best not to show just how nervous she was by holding up a smile. It didn't help that amongst her journeys she had overheard horror stories about this Captain and his brutality. However, she wasn't scared of him, she was more terrified at what Nairin would do to her if she found out that she had gotten caught after being lectured by her so many times.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Kurisa
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Kurisa The Mortal God

Member Seen 5 yrs ago


Shinzo Harimaya

Shinzo looked down at the girl as she spoke and tried to suck up to him...Unfortunately for her Shinzo didn't care much for others praise, especially praise by someone that had only heard things about him..."Don't try suck up to me...it wont work. Now tell me who is the friend that you are visiting? surely they should be here with you right now instead of letting you wonder my barracks alone..." if this girl was telling the truth then Shinzo would find who brought this girl into his barracks and then deal with them accordingly. Shinzo then unsheathed his Zanpakuto and held it out infront of him, the tip of his Zanpakuto pointing at the girls throat "Don't attempt to pull the wool over my eyes by giving me false names...and don't even attempt to run...because I will catch you and tear those legs off so you can no longer run..."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by AbigailTenshi
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AbigailTenshi BloodCovered Nephillim

Member Seen 4 mos ago


Despite the harsh words flung at her and the blade now pointed at her throat, Nishiki still was more terrified of Nairin than this Captain. Her efforts of buttering him up a little failed, which was to no-ones surprise since he was a Kenpachi and a Captain so Nishiki expected him to be more strict and blunt. Gulping as she looked down to glance at the blade while trying not to move an inch of her body, Nishiki's eyes slowly lifted to reach the Captain's as he gave her a warning. It looked like there was no way to escape or help this situation... Nairin was going to find out. Sighing, Nishiki straightened her face before replying since then the Captain should then be able to tell that she wasn't lying. "I'm here... to visit Nairin Reiyoko... And I'm not lying, Nishiki Kalemoru is my name, I wouldn't lie to a person of high authority. She's not with me now because she's sleeping and being lazy. I wanted to go out and do something and since she wasn't getting up I left to take a walk. And running from you would obviously be asking for death, I mean no harm and am only here for Nairin so I have no reason to run. People who are guilty or lying would do that" Giving an earnest response, Nishiki then zipped her lips. It was one of those tough situations she had gotten herself in again so she had to be serious no matter how much she disliked doing so... 'How am I going to make it up to Nairin this time?... Just stay calm, if her Captain dismisses this then things may not get too bad.... Actually from the looks of it he wouldn't, I'm so fucking screwed!'
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Kurisa
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Kurisa The Mortal God

Member Seen 5 yrs ago


Shinzo Harimaya

Once again Shinzo listened to the girls words and upon hearing she was a friend of Nairins he sheathed his Zanpakuto...however what got on his nerves was the fact that Nairin was still sleeping in...she was meant to be training in the courtyard with the rest of the Squad "I'll take your word for it...but you will come with me. Nairin is going to get a little surprise..." Shinzo didn't want people in his Squad slacking and those that did would do training that was far more demanding. With that Shinzo turned and began walking through the halls of the barracks, making sure Nishiki was following him. After a short walk they arrived outside Nairins door where Shinzo took a deep breath and booted the door open then walked in and looked over to Nairin "Nairin! Get your lazy ass up! You've got to explaining to do!"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by AbigailTenshi
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AbigailTenshi BloodCovered Nephillim

Member Seen 4 mos ago


Nishiki felt a little relief lift off of her shoulders when Captain Harimaya sheaved his blade... but soon that relieved feeling turned into tension when the Captain said that they were both going to pay a visit to the sleeping, cranky Nairin. Looking down with her hands held in front of her abdomen, her left hugging the back of her right as her nerves grew more intense, she followed behind the Captain quietly, a frown on her face. Once they had reached the woman's room, the moment the Captain kicked in the door and yelled, Nishiki knew her end was coming.

'Ulgh... For fuck's sake, can't get a wink of fucking sleep around here...' Hearing a loud bang from the door being booted open followed by her Captain's voice bellowing in her ears, Nairin groaned for the forth time today but this time lifted her heavy body to a seated position while rubbing her eyes. "Do you have to be so loud Shinzo... Arrgh... I'm up now, what'd I-.." Nairin's eyes immediately scowled as she spotted the black-haired woman who was meant to be hiding from the Captain cowering behind him. This stuck displeasure throughout her body... They were doing so well, but the one time she let Nishiki go out alone, everything goes tits-up. "Ahhhhh fuck... Well, guess I'm going to get a stern telling off because of that bitch huh?... I'm so not in the mood for this..." Pushing herself up and off of her bed, Nairin turned to Shinzo wearing her black, short silk nighty while crossing her arms. "Well I'm ready Shinzo, yell at me all you want." Despite talking to Shinzo, Nairin's eyes permanently stuck to Nishiki's face, her anger apparent through her stare.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Kurisa
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Kurisa The Mortal God

Member Seen 5 yrs ago


Shinzo Harimaya

Shinzo looked at Nairin as she spoke, his expression wasn't exactly one of anger "Get into some appropriate clothing...I'm taking you and your friend here on a special training mission..." Shinzo had the perfect thing in mind that would get them both working...why he was bringing Nishiki along? well...just cause...he wanted to know a few things. as to where the hell she came from and how Nairin knew her...but by the look on Nairins face she was clearly trying to keep this a secret for some reason and Shinzo wanted to know why..."I hope you're prepared to work hard...cause you'll be struggling for breath by the end of this training..."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by AbigailTenshi
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AbigailTenshi BloodCovered Nephillim

Member Seen 4 mos ago


"U-uh what?" Nairin eyes flicked to Shinzo in disbelief for a moment. She was expecting him to be angry that she had been keeping a trespasser secrect from him, he didn't even know how long she had been hiding Nishiki yet. Shaking her head to compose herself, Nairin looked at Shinzo with a small smile. "Sure thing boss" Without even glancing at Nishiki, Nairin walked towards her sliding-door wardrobe to quickly pull on fresh uniform and strap her Zanpakuto onto her left hip.

Nishiki stared at the Captain with an eyebrow raised but soon let out a quiet sigh as Nairin walked off. It looked like Nishiki would be allowed to live yet another day, but this was way too close for comfort, she had to make absolutely certain not to upset Nairin again. "O-Okay" Nishiki added in response to the Captain's mission, even though it probably wasn't needed since she'd definitely be going whether she liked it or not. Stepping outside to wait, Nishiki looked around and observe her surroundings to pass the time.

"Ready to go Shinzo. And I'm always prepared to work hard, this special mission sounds like fun anyway" Nairin walked up to her Captain punching her right fist into her left hand in excitement while grinning alittle. She was thankful that Shinzo chose not to yell at her since she would of definitely gained a headache which would of only made her mood worse... but the sound of Shinzo's mission was enough to lift her spirits out of her mood. As Nairin stood she waited for her Captain to lead the two of them to the required destination.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Kurisa
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Kurisa The Mortal God

Member Seen 5 yrs ago


Shinzo Harimaya

Shinzo watched as Nairin walked up to him after she had finished changing "Lets go then..." Shinzo turned and stepped out the room before disappearing and re-appearing in the blink of an eye..however he was now carrying a large bag that seemed to be filled with many, many things "I hope you two are ready...we need to start out with some exercise..." Shinzo then began walking down the halls of the Barracks, making his way to the exit, whilst making sure the other two followed. "We will be going out of the Seireitei for this training..." With that said Shinzo would make his way to one of the gates of the Seireitei and after exiting the Seireitei they began their long journey through the Rukongai, through some desolate forests and after some time...they arrived at the base of a large mountain. Shinzo looked up at the mountain then dropped the bag he was carrying "We will start by climbing this...whilst wearing weighted gear...this comes in the form of Anklets, Wristbands and a backpack...all of which are incredibly heavy"

Shinzo then looked down at the bag and got the gear out of it, handing the two their gear before fitting his own "If you want to make it in Squad 11 you will have to be physically fit and show that you wont give up no matter how much punishment your body takes...this is the test this mountain will give you...And this is only he beggining" Shinzo looked at the two and knew that they probably weren't so excited anymore...they probably thought they'd be killing shit but they were far from that...Shinzo was going to push these two through hell...
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by AbigailTenshi
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AbigailTenshi BloodCovered Nephillim

Member Seen 4 mos ago


Nairin followed Shinzo out of the room before he left and returned in a second holding a mysterious bag. Both Nairin and Nishiki wondered what might of been inside the bag but refused to question, they'd wait until Shinzo had taken them to wherever they were going to train before asking questions. The two followed the Captain in silence after listening to what he had to say. Nairin was still pissed off with Nishiki and so kept her eyes forward and on the Captain while Nishiki kept her eyes down, looking up at Nairin every now and then to see if she looked a little less annoyed than before... she still looked pissed. They both stepped out of the Seireitei's gates and followed Shinzo on his long trail to a huge mountain. "Damn Shinzo, you must travel alot since you seem to know exactly where to go" Nairin looked around the area and then up at the mountain in wonder to what her Captain had planned. Nishiki however still kept her eyes down continued to glance up at Nairin every now and then. She hated when the other woman was mad at her so she tried not to impose too much.

Shinzo finally revealed his plan and began taking out the equipment. Both woman looked at the weights and then up at the mountain... yeah he wasn't kidding, this was going to be hard. "Well I'm game. I've never done anything like this before but I accept the challenge" Grabbing her set of weights, Nairin strapped them all on. The additional weight was certainly very noticable, but Nairin tried her best to hold herself up. "Yeah, this is different but cool! I've climbed a mountain before but not with weights" Nishiki smiled politely and spoke with a cheery tone before grabbing her own set of weights and strapping them on. "When the fuck did you do that?" Nairin asked, raising an eyebrow at Nishiki. The other didn't expect Nairin to talk to her yet, but this was a good sign of her pissed off mood slowly fizzling away. "I'll tell you all about it when we get back Okay? I must of forgot to mention it since you kno-Woah!" Nishiki flung the backpack on as she spoke, however not expecting it to be this heavy, the force of her flinging the bag on caused her to fall forward. Sticking her left foot out to stop herself from falling to the floor, Nishiki stood straight and audibly sighed in relief. "Hmhm, silly me" She giggled while Nairin still held raised eyebrow. "Well Okay..." Nairin responded before walking to Shinzo. "So how we gunna do this? Are we climbing all the way to the top?" She asked, wanting to get all of the information she needed to know before tackling this challenge. Nishiki walked over to the two, waiting to listen in on what the Captain would say.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Kurisa
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Kurisa The Mortal God

Member Seen 5 yrs ago


Shinzo Harimaya

"We're climbing right to the top...how else?" Shinzo watched as the two struggled to hold the weights up...in truth this hardly even affected Shinzo anymore as he had done it so many times...that's why he began using his Zanpakuto to enhance things. Shinzo gripped his Zanpakuto whilst it remained in it's hilt, as he did his skin began to turn into thick iron scales that would further apply weight on his body, yet this was all over which meant he'd get a much better work out. Releasing his Zanpakuto he looked at the two and spoke "I need to make it at least a little harder for myself...it's no fun otherwise. Now lets get going" Shinzo looked at the mountain and instantly began scaling it and after many times he had the right technique...it'd take more than brute strength to scale this mountain, you needed technique...these rocks could crumble at any point and you could go plummeting into the ground below and with the added weight this made things even harder...this was by no means easy training
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by AbigailTenshi
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AbigailTenshi BloodCovered Nephillim

Member Seen 4 mos ago


"Of course" Nairin chuckled a little as she looked up at the mountain. For some reason it seemed taller now that she knew she had to climb it all... Shaking her head, her expression straightened as she mapped out a route up the mountain in her head. Nishiki stood beside Nairin and watched in interest as the Captain grew iron scales, he then spoke up before beginning his training by starting to climb. "This may take a while, let's get started Naynay!" Nishiki smiled at Nairin before walking up to the bottom of the mountain, making sure not to loose balance as she did. Her starting position was a little bit toward the left from Shinzo's. "Nairin come on!" She giggled before placing both hands firmly on some rocks and began hoisting her body upwards, not as fast as Shinzo was but she was being more careful and taking things one step at a time. Nairin watched in silence before taking a spot to the left of where Nishiki started and began hoisting herself up also.

'Ahhh fuck.... This is even harder than I expected...' Nairin kept her breathing steady while slowly making her way up the mountain with Nishiki above and to the right of her. "Be... Careful Niki!... Not all... Rocks Are Stable!" She warned as she continued to make her way up, knowing just how clumsy Nishiki could get. "Don't worry!... I'm fine!" Nishiki assured before looking down for a moment to shoot Nairin a smile. The latter only continued to climb.

It took them a long while to get almost halfway up the mountain when Nishiki felt a rock that she was using began feeling loose. She didn't pay any mind to it as she tried to think of what her next step was going to be. Just as she lifted her right foot, the rock came loose and rolled down the mountain's surface. 'Uh?' Quickly trying to find another rock to step on, the weight on her right ankle began pulling her downwards. "E-Errr... uh oh" She desperately tried to search for something else to step on, however the weight felt heavier with each second she looked as it dragged her down. Not too far down, Nairin heard Nishiki's "uh oh" and looked up to find the girl struggling. "Dammit... Niki!" Yelling up at the woman, Nairin scowled and hurried herself further up. Hearing Nairin made Nishiki panic a little which definitely wasn't good. Lifting her right foot with all of her strength, she flung it onto a rock a little further away, perhaps a little too far. She was now stuck almost doing the splits on the side of a mountain wearing weights... a really bad and painful situation to be in. Nairin looked up once again to make sure she didn't fall, instead the woman was stuck. Grunting, Nairin pushed herself up, trying to get to Nishiki as fast as possible. Both women were drenched in sweat at this moment, which was not helping their grips on the rock. "I'll... Be there... Soon" Making her way to the woman, Nairin eventually made it and allowed Nishiki to use her body to help her out of the splits and onto another rock. It hurt much more to have Nishiki's additional wait on her body, but atleast it was better than trying to catch her if she had fallen instead of gotten stuck.

Once Nishiki was secure and gave an "I'm Okay now", the two continued climbing next to eachother.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Kurisa
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Kurisa The Mortal God

Member Seen 5 yrs ago


Shinzo Harimaya

Shinzo continued to climb the mountain, almost forgetting entirely about the two he was with which struck him as he got quite fare up the mountain. Shinzo held onto the rock face with his right hand as he leaned back to look down at the other two who seemed to be taking their time "You two best hurry up...unless you want to miss lunch..." Shinzo continued on his path to the top of the mountain and now he could start having some fun with them...he knew they'd start getting hungry as their bodies were having to work over time "If you don't make it in time then that's more for me...and the water...well...I'll just pour it off the mountain. If you want something to eat and drink you best work for it"
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