Several things have to happen before another WiR can start, namely:
1) We need to put aside our rose-tinted glasses and stop drinking the Kool-Aid. If we expect this to turn out just like the original 1861 that Outcast ran, we are just fooling ourselves.
2) More than one person (even two or three would probably be sliding by) is needed to run this game, let alone play it. We need to divide up the work between multiple people. There would have to be a private Google Docs file for the stats so that all the GM's can have access to it.
3) We need to take a lot (and I mean
a lot) of the writing out of the hands of the GM's and give it to the "players". While it is fine if the GM's are responsible for war updates, the GM's should only need to post the results of the rolls for the orders and have the players write the text that describes the effects. This would help speed the updates along because the GM's only have to worry about the war updates, stats, and rolling for the orders.
4) We need to learn from the mistakes of the last versions of this game (besides the ones I have already listed). We should stay with the simplified stats (or when we make them, make them simple). Several of the other WiR games had some many stats that I could hardly imagine that producing those stats each round would not have been a nightmare. We need an infamy system that punishes players who are superaggressive or break treaties or do things that are harmful to the health of the game as a whole. Make other stats more useful (education, prestige, etc).
Also, for those who do not know what a WiR is, check this
thread out.