Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by TTwoThumbsUp
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TTwoThumbsUp Oh God Why

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<Snipped quote by Bonjour xx>
And here I was thinking she just used them to see through people's clothes.

Who says that she doesn't

By the by, added a codex-ish entry for the Syndari race in my CS for anyone interested or has a character who may actually know something about the Syndari. Or I may just be getting too invested into the race.
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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Bonjour xx
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@Bonjour xx Well yay another bit of safety covered by a more useful crew member.

Ouch. I didn't mean that at all.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by DJAtomika
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<Snipped quote by DJAtomika>
If I were Simon I'd be worried. He's the only member of the party carrying an environmental scanner, and if the others realise that they may end up using him as a guinea pig on every new compartment they enter to check if it's safe for oxygen, pressure levels, temperature, harmful gases and radiological or biological hazards.

Well, technically Simon is a scanner. His armour does the environmental stuff while his optics do the rest.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by DJAtomika
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@Bonjour xx It's cool.
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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by TTwoThumbsUp
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TTwoThumbsUp Oh God Why

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On the verbal command his contacts sprung into life, doing a visual scan of the whole panel, doing a comparison to other panels in its database and finding a match in milliseconds. Once that was done his contacts immediately highlighted the appropriate buttons and controls to activate the scanners in a helpful pale blue outline.

All I can see is "press X to use scanners"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by DJAtomika
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@TTwoThumbsUp Essentially, except his Press X inputs are in his brain to his hands.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by SimplyJohn
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From the CSs I'd say Marga's goggles are more of a tactical scan than environmental. She'd be able to locate targets and track them but Simon would be more about scanning the environment itself and warning of more generalised dangers but not necessarily be able to give details of a target's equipment and combat capabilities, such as when he could tell Hundred was more robot than 'human', but needed to inquiry more about the details later on. Marga's probably already counted and priced up each bolt and rivet in Hundred's skeleton.

Together you'd both be able to give a very comprehensive view of your surroundings, but separately both systems have gaps in the information they could provide their users.

@TTwoThumbsUp Essentially, except his Press X inputs are in his brain to his hands.

I hope we don't get into too messy a situation, otherwise we'll have to wait for him to succeed in his QTE challenge. :P
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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by DJAtomika
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I just feel that Simon's a little... Inadequate, given that he's, like, the most average out of all the other crew. A human doctor from a backwater clinic on Mars field testing experimental technology from a medical company that rules pharmaceuticals in the galaxy. Little training, next to no real field experience.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by SimplyJohn
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Little training, next to no real field experience.

If he needs experience he should go have a word with Marga. From what I hear she has experience to spare. >D
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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by DJAtomika
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I don't think his armament is big enough.
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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by TheUnknowable
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I just feel that Simon's a little... Inadequate, given that he's, like, the most average out of all the other crew. A human doctor from a backwater clinic on Mars field testing experimental technology from a medical company that rules pharmaceuticals in the galaxy. Little training, next to no real field experience.

Another reason to find the medical bay. How would you like to have super strength?
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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by TTwoThumbsUp
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TTwoThumbsUp Oh God Why

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I just feel that Simon's a little... Inadequate, given that he's, like, the most average out of all the other crew. A human doctor from a backwater clinic on Mars field testing experimental technology from a medical company that rules pharmaceuticals in the galaxy. Little training, next to no real field experience.

It all depends on how you write him! I mean sure having a crew of bloodthirsty killers might seem badass, but I find the average Joe type characters in a setting of powered up jerks to be supremely interesting.

For example, you can play off the disparity by being able to drug the shit out of monsters, or do something relevant while everyone is off fighting the baddie.

Besides, this is the first step of the journey, I'm sure there'll be plenty of situations that can pop up where your medical skills will be useful (((:
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Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by DJAtomika
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@TheUnknowable He's a doctor and a surgeon, not a geneticist or a biochemist. All Simon can do is make people better through conventional means.

That's where Farvis has a leg up over Simon; he's got no qualms about rampant experimenting.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by TTwoThumbsUp
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@TheUnknowable He's a doctor and a surgeon, not a geneticist or a biochemist. All Simon can do is make people better through conventional means.

Doesn't mean he still can't kill things by overdosing

I mean shit I can grab a bloke off the street and do that

And if we're going against something that your suit has knowledge of you can tell us where to stabby stabby until things start keeling over
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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by DJAtomika
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Now the RP is getting somewhere.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Kalas
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Well shit, a conflict of posts. Haha! I figured that Sevyn already had her rifle trained on the drones so they wouldn't need Mez.

In any case, It's nearly 3:30am and I have work at 7, so I'm heading to sleep. If you want me to alter my post, I'll get to it in a few hours.
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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by TTwoThumbsUp
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TTwoThumbsUp Oh God Why

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Well shit, a conflict of posts. Haha! I figured that Sevyn already had her rifle trained on the drones so they wouldn't need Mez.

In any case, It's nearly 3:30am and I have work at 7, so I'm heading to sleep. If you want me to alter my post, I'll get to it in a few hours.

Oh she is, and she's currently providing suppressing fire on the little droney drones, picking off what can

@DJAtomika is just making the wild assumption that she'd help people get inside rather than try and get in first herself

Chances are though, with her too busy picking off drones and not getting into the umbilical she'll probably be the last to get in
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Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Tenish the Mighty
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Told a friend about my character concept for this little hootenanny, what with my nano-blade generating anime character. He sent me this. Pretty damn near exactly how I envisioned Hundred and her nano-blades, except instead of a little shouto boy it's a bifauxnen mercenary lady and instead of magic it is space magic and instead of what I understand to be homoerotic sexual tension it is...no...wait...that parts pretty much the same.

Anyway, this is totally what Hundred is doing now. Because she wants everyone to know how super cool she is, you guys. You guys, she is super cool. You guys.

Also, Hundred and Mez are going to be total bros.

Also also, don't worry to much about Simon seeming more innocuous than the rest of these gloryhounds DJ. I have some ideas for him. So many ideas. His inconspicuousness might actually make it better.

First...how to you feel about PharmCo being a Gyges Consortium satellite company?
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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by DJAtomika
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Hmm. I had envisioned PharmCo being a wholly human-owned pharmaceuticals company. Military in design, yes, but still mostly a medical corporation. I'm not sure how the Consortium would factor in unless they're the ones providing the plans and tech for PharmCo's experimental gear; the armour, the rifle, even the optics that Simon is using.

Oh, and this is the first time I'm saying this, but me and SimplyJohn have plans for Simon. All I can say is things are not what they seem with the doctor.
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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Tenish the Mighty
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Tenish the Mighty Social Hallucination

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Well the Consortium did start out as a human enterprise. It was only after they got their power that they distanced themselves physically, culturally, genetically. They still control sizable monopolies in the rest of humanities cultural sphere (among other species). And it is still their modus operandi to buy their way into any avenue in which they do not have some form of sociological control. The Consortium believes in controlling the universe by putting a chicken in every pot and a finger in every pie. That said, being silent partners to PharmCo would work just as well for my scheming.

In any case, it's your baby, I just want to brand it.
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