Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by SimplyJohn
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I'm beginning to get a little fond of Felix. It's a shame about what's going to happen to him shortly.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Bonjour xx
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Bonjour xx all you need in life are dogs and memes

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I'm beginning to get a little fond of Felix. It's a shame about what's going to happen to him shortly.

Ooooooooo....... Dun dun dun!

You tease!
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by SimplyJohn
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Ooooooooo....... Dun dun dun!
You tease!

Nah, just thinking of what'll happen when his CO walks in on Felix and Ensign Ballard in the middle of their 'docking maneuvers'. XD
1x Laugh Laugh
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Bonjour xx
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<Snipped quote by Bonjour xx>
Nah, just thinking of what'll happen when his CO walks in on Felix and Ensign Ballard in the middle of their 'docking maneuvers'. XD

Preparing thrusters.... Permission to come on board.... Missiles ready to launch... Ready to recreate the Big Bang... Oh, baby, you make my white dwarf star expand into a red giant... Burning up on reentry... You can rotate in my orbit anytime...

Hehe, having too much fun with those :) And those are the polite ones.
1x Laugh Laugh
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by DJAtomika
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I took care of the scanning thingo.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by TTwoThumbsUp
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TTwoThumbsUp Oh God Why

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

The only problem is that we're not actually in the Lone Star I believe, just the depressurization area for it between airlocks. Which is partly why Sevyn is still going to murderize Mez.
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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by DJAtomika
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Don't murderize him too much. Simon can't save corpses. Farvis could, probably.
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Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by SimplyJohn
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I took care of the scanning thingo.

And results are in, not that there's much to look at right now. Perhaps the explosive decompression caused by someone ripping off the door damaged whatever was left in the chamber?

Don't murderize him too much. Simon can't save corpses. Farvis could, probably.

Why bother with a full corpse, just save a finger or toe and Farvis will have a cloned body ready in six to eight weeks.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Bonjour xx
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Bonjour xx all you need in life are dogs and memes

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<Snipped quote by DJAtomika>
Why bother with a full corpse, just save a finger or toe and Farvis will have a cloned body ready in six to eight weeks.

Does that include shipping as well?
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by SimplyJohn
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Does that include shipping as well?

Only if you're willing to pay for the coach fare, otherwise it's an extra two weeks and no guarantee on quality of goods on delivery.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Tenish the Mighty
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Looks like the weak biology of the teams nearsightedness, libidos, and emotional sensitivity has completely derailed the boarding procedures.

And Hundred is still stuck outside in the rain. She is going to be a might bit perturbed by the time she gets inside soaked and seething.

Prepare yourselves. A storm is coming.
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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by SimplyJohn
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And Hundred is still stuck outside in the rain. She is going to be a might bit perturbed by the time she gets inside soaked and seething.
Prepare yourselves. A storm is coming.

Luckily for her Hundred managed to get the docking bay doors open two meters before they froze up. Now she'll just need to figure out a way to get out of the docking bay and meet up with the rest of the party, and that'll probably mean trying to reseal the doors so that pressure can be equalised.

Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Tenish the Mighty
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Naw, I like my way better. Hundred is going to get caught in the storm.

Partially because she's an obstinate prick who would rather howl at the universe. Some because if other peoples' tomfoolery.

Mostly because I want to keep her frowny face frowning.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by SimplyJohn
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Mostly because I want to keep her frowny face frowning.

I'm not sure that plan will work too well. After all the team doesn't look like any of them know much about cybernetic repairs and they'll most likely put her frowny face on upside down when they piece her back together, and then she'll just be smiling all the time.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Tenish the Mighty
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Better only get hurt in her squishy bits then.

But I'm not sure I think your idea's such a bad idea.

When she's horrified she'll look absolutely horrifying!

Meteor facials for everyone! They do a 180 on your ostensible disposition.

Don't worry, I'm already playing the Countdown theme over here.

Oh god! That tune survived the space age?! How?! WHY?!
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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by SimplyJohn
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Oh god! That tune survived the space age?! How?! WHY?!

The Holy Crusades of 2753-2897 drove the Countdownians to the brink of extinction, but they managed to hide themselves in cryogenic vaults and re-emerged centuries later to once more force people to make words out of nine random letters.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Bonjour xx
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Bonjour xx all you need in life are dogs and memes

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<Snipped quote by TheUnknowable>
As soon as Farvis's hand slammed through the thin metal door of the locker he felt sharp claws grabbing at his wrist, cutting easily through his prison-issue jumpsuit as if it wasn't there before slicing their way through his tendons, leaving his hand flailing uselessly.

And so it begins...
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Bonjour xx
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Bonjour xx all you need in life are dogs and memes

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@SimplyJohn What's the temperature like inside the Lone Star???
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by SimplyJohn
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@SimplyJohn What's the temperature like inside the Lone Star???

Absolute zero, as far as the party's been able to tell so far. The ship appears to have been powered down for some time and so all life support, including the heating, has been offline for what seems like years.

The good news is that the ice machine's still fully stocked.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by DJAtomika
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@SimplyJohn Thanks for the prompt John. Making a post now.
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