Power Level: Flexible
Arena: Negotiable, don't care much.
Victory: Knock-out, Forfeiture or Death.
Wager: None, or Negotiable
Stipulation: T1 rules, can weave into a story.

Name: Kragimaeus
Age: 437
Gender: Unknown (Assumed Male)
Race: Draegloths
Eyes: Red
Weight: 375 Ibs
Height: 8β ft
Skin Color: Black with white fur
Character Tier: Intermediate
Physical Description: Kragimaeus stands at an easy 8 feet tall. He possess four arms: large claws on the upper arms and humanoid hands on the lower arms. His face is stretched so that he resembles that of a dog slightly. His flesh is also black and covered in a fine coat of white fur. Kragimaeus mane is a yellow-whitish; sweeping away from his face.
As a Draegloth Kragimaeus is immune to mundane poisons, as well as sleep-inducing spells and effects, and he is also resistant to most elemental energy. Specifically this includes his immunity to electricity and resistance to fire. Though he is vulnerable to sonic, ice and water based magic.
Personality Description:
Kragimaeus is not known for his intelligence, though he is far from stupid as Kragimaeus delights in bloodshed and has a coldly murderous mind that finds glee in malice. However, he is extremely loyal to the eldritch mothers -- as long as his mistress was a powerful priestess. If she weakened, he would defer to the next most powerful female.
Draegloths use their upper arms for hand-to-hand combat, delighting in the carnage and death they can cause in melee. As such, they wade into battle without fear, and hold little consideration for tactics; though not unintelligent, Draegloths are impatient when it comes to slaughtering their prey. Kragimaeus is little different, though he has learned to use simple tools such as crossbows or swords and spears if necessary.
Draegloths are stronger and hardier than Humans, able to withstand even the most hostile environments unprotected, including hard vacuum, and are capable of living for centuries. They are a highly cunning species with a disproportionately large and adaptive brain that is housed in an elongated head. They combine extraordinary tactical sense and subtlety of mind with remarkable strength and quickness of body.
Draegloths are bipedal, standing in a perpetual crouch, and have two sets of arms, one equipped with Human-like hands, one with powerful ripping claws. Their dense musculature and the distending hinge of their jaw allows the generation of incredible bite-pressure. Their olfactory organ is linked at its base to the rear of their palate, combining their scent and taste for possible use as a sophisticated air-analysis method. They also display respiratory gill systems along the dermis/valves between their fused exo-ribs. This system is then somehow linked to breathing holes on their limbs and cranium.
Most noteworthy are Draegloths natural affinity toward electricity, through the use of internal organs in their chest cavity, Draegloths can produce electrical charges naturally. The Draegloth has three pairs of these abdominal organs that produce electricity: the main organ, the Hunter's organ, and the Sach's organ. These organs make up four-fifths of its chest region, and are what gives the Draegloth the ability to generate two types of electric organ discharges: low voltage and high voltage. This is similar to an electric eel, only the volts are far stronger, capable of putting down a raging bull with a few quick shocks in close range.
Strength wise, they can lift almost four times their body weight. Despite their large size, Draegloths are very agile and fast, able to leap over fifty yards and perform quick rolls. Their speed reaching up to 200 mph in a dead sprint. It is with this speed, coupled with their strength, that Draegloths strike from hiding, taking their victims entirely by surprise if they can. They are sly creatures and possess highly developed sensory organs so they can see, smell, hear and taste their prey usually at roughly 100 or so feet away.
While fast and strong, Draegloths are not all together that intelligent, though their predatory cunning allows them to create simple tactics such as ambushes. When injured they tend to become more savage while also prone to taking greater risks. Draegloths are also not very durable in terms of defensive capabilities. Their hides will deflect simple blades or knives, but larger weapons and ordinances rip right through them, forcing them to rely on their heightened speed and agility. Also of note, due to their affinity toward electricity, Draegloths are highly susceptible to water based attacks. Kragimaeus, while having a healthy reserve of it, can expand all his electricity in a fight if he is not careful.
Special Abilities:
Static- Kragimaeusβs mastery of his internal supply of electricity allows him to absorb incoming electrical charges. Such as from bolts of natural lighting from storms. He also tends to attract stray bolts of lightening due to his body's charge. Static visibly appears on Kragimaeus from time to time in the form of small little bolts running across his body. Physical attacks with one's bare hands or feet have a high chance of causing backlash damage on the attacker in the form of over a dozen volts. Not enough to kill or for long lasting harm, but do cause pain. Kragimaeus can focus this energy into a kind of static field to protect himself from attacks, defeating equal prepped or lower prepped attacks depending on energy type or form of the attack.
Lightning Rod- This is Kragimaeus ability to actively redirect lightning based attacks towards himself in order to recharge. Effectively feeding off the energy. It is possible one can overload him in this manner, though it would require allot of energy. (Some 4 preps depending on the characters tier)
Volt Tackle- To use this ability Kragimaeus can surround himself with a sphere of electricity then barrel into his opponent for substantial damage. This requires a prep of running toward his opponent. A single prep is equivalent to the energy of about 10 tons of TNT. Each prep increases this by a factor of ten. (so 3 preps is the force of 30 tons of TNT)
Lightning Bolt- Kragimaeus creates a green colored lightning ball using his mouth. After it gains a suitable size, he releases it towards opponent which may cause an explosion upon hitting. A single charge is the equivalent of 100 volts, with every turn prepping this attack increasing the damage by a factor of 50 volts.
Electric Thunder- To enact, Kragimaeus simply crouches down on all fours, and conducts several thousand volts of electricity through his body, zapping opponents that come in contact in an area of 10 feet. The damage, duration and horizontal range are determined by the charge time. A single prep is required to create Electric Thunder.
Character Equipment:
Kragimaeus possess no weapons or equipment of any kind, but for his vicious claws, which count as magical weapons when shrouded in his natural electricity. Allowing him to harm incorporeal undead and other similar creatures. He can charge his claws for an attack, these carrying anywhere between 20 volts to over 50 volts depending on prep time.
Or one of the characters from this link.
The Beast Forge
Arena: Negotiable, don't care much.
Victory: Knock-out, Forfeiture or Death.
Wager: None, or Negotiable
Stipulation: T1 rules, can weave into a story.

Name: Kragimaeus
Age: 437
Gender: Unknown (Assumed Male)
Race: Draegloths
Eyes: Red
Weight: 375 Ibs
Height: 8β ft
Skin Color: Black with white fur
Character Tier: Intermediate
Physical Description: Kragimaeus stands at an easy 8 feet tall. He possess four arms: large claws on the upper arms and humanoid hands on the lower arms. His face is stretched so that he resembles that of a dog slightly. His flesh is also black and covered in a fine coat of white fur. Kragimaeus mane is a yellow-whitish; sweeping away from his face.
As a Draegloth Kragimaeus is immune to mundane poisons, as well as sleep-inducing spells and effects, and he is also resistant to most elemental energy. Specifically this includes his immunity to electricity and resistance to fire. Though he is vulnerable to sonic, ice and water based magic.
Personality Description:
Kragimaeus is not known for his intelligence, though he is far from stupid as Kragimaeus delights in bloodshed and has a coldly murderous mind that finds glee in malice. However, he is extremely loyal to the eldritch mothers -- as long as his mistress was a powerful priestess. If she weakened, he would defer to the next most powerful female.
Draegloths use their upper arms for hand-to-hand combat, delighting in the carnage and death they can cause in melee. As such, they wade into battle without fear, and hold little consideration for tactics; though not unintelligent, Draegloths are impatient when it comes to slaughtering their prey. Kragimaeus is little different, though he has learned to use simple tools such as crossbows or swords and spears if necessary.
Draegloths are stronger and hardier than Humans, able to withstand even the most hostile environments unprotected, including hard vacuum, and are capable of living for centuries. They are a highly cunning species with a disproportionately large and adaptive brain that is housed in an elongated head. They combine extraordinary tactical sense and subtlety of mind with remarkable strength and quickness of body.
Draegloths are bipedal, standing in a perpetual crouch, and have two sets of arms, one equipped with Human-like hands, one with powerful ripping claws. Their dense musculature and the distending hinge of their jaw allows the generation of incredible bite-pressure. Their olfactory organ is linked at its base to the rear of their palate, combining their scent and taste for possible use as a sophisticated air-analysis method. They also display respiratory gill systems along the dermis/valves between their fused exo-ribs. This system is then somehow linked to breathing holes on their limbs and cranium.
Most noteworthy are Draegloths natural affinity toward electricity, through the use of internal organs in their chest cavity, Draegloths can produce electrical charges naturally. The Draegloth has three pairs of these abdominal organs that produce electricity: the main organ, the Hunter's organ, and the Sach's organ. These organs make up four-fifths of its chest region, and are what gives the Draegloth the ability to generate two types of electric organ discharges: low voltage and high voltage. This is similar to an electric eel, only the volts are far stronger, capable of putting down a raging bull with a few quick shocks in close range.
Strength wise, they can lift almost four times their body weight. Despite their large size, Draegloths are very agile and fast, able to leap over fifty yards and perform quick rolls. Their speed reaching up to 200 mph in a dead sprint. It is with this speed, coupled with their strength, that Draegloths strike from hiding, taking their victims entirely by surprise if they can. They are sly creatures and possess highly developed sensory organs so they can see, smell, hear and taste their prey usually at roughly 100 or so feet away.
While fast and strong, Draegloths are not all together that intelligent, though their predatory cunning allows them to create simple tactics such as ambushes. When injured they tend to become more savage while also prone to taking greater risks. Draegloths are also not very durable in terms of defensive capabilities. Their hides will deflect simple blades or knives, but larger weapons and ordinances rip right through them, forcing them to rely on their heightened speed and agility. Also of note, due to their affinity toward electricity, Draegloths are highly susceptible to water based attacks. Kragimaeus, while having a healthy reserve of it, can expand all his electricity in a fight if he is not careful.
Special Abilities:
Static- Kragimaeusβs mastery of his internal supply of electricity allows him to absorb incoming electrical charges. Such as from bolts of natural lighting from storms. He also tends to attract stray bolts of lightening due to his body's charge. Static visibly appears on Kragimaeus from time to time in the form of small little bolts running across his body. Physical attacks with one's bare hands or feet have a high chance of causing backlash damage on the attacker in the form of over a dozen volts. Not enough to kill or for long lasting harm, but do cause pain. Kragimaeus can focus this energy into a kind of static field to protect himself from attacks, defeating equal prepped or lower prepped attacks depending on energy type or form of the attack.
Lightning Rod- This is Kragimaeus ability to actively redirect lightning based attacks towards himself in order to recharge. Effectively feeding off the energy. It is possible one can overload him in this manner, though it would require allot of energy. (Some 4 preps depending on the characters tier)
Volt Tackle- To use this ability Kragimaeus can surround himself with a sphere of electricity then barrel into his opponent for substantial damage. This requires a prep of running toward his opponent. A single prep is equivalent to the energy of about 10 tons of TNT. Each prep increases this by a factor of ten. (so 3 preps is the force of 30 tons of TNT)
Lightning Bolt- Kragimaeus creates a green colored lightning ball using his mouth. After it gains a suitable size, he releases it towards opponent which may cause an explosion upon hitting. A single charge is the equivalent of 100 volts, with every turn prepping this attack increasing the damage by a factor of 50 volts.
Electric Thunder- To enact, Kragimaeus simply crouches down on all fours, and conducts several thousand volts of electricity through his body, zapping opponents that come in contact in an area of 10 feet. The damage, duration and horizontal range are determined by the charge time. A single prep is required to create Electric Thunder.
Character Equipment:
Kragimaeus possess no weapons or equipment of any kind, but for his vicious claws, which count as magical weapons when shrouded in his natural electricity. Allowing him to harm incorporeal undead and other similar creatures. He can charge his claws for an attack, these carrying anywhere between 20 volts to over 50 volts depending on prep time.
Or one of the characters from this link.
The Beast Forge