Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Innue
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Innue Sheep God

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Please remove me from the tourney standings.

I'll soon be taking a leave of absence from RP'ing and wouldn't be able to dedicate any time to it.

Thanks and good luck to all of you.

This makes me sad. I was very entertained by your battle. It's actually one of the reasons I even considered adding my name to the list.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Rilla
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Rilla SuperNova Generation / The Lazy Storyteller

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Please remove me from the tourney standings.

I'll soon be taking a leave of absence from RP'ing and wouldn't be able to dedicate any time to it.

Thanks and good luck to all of you.

I'm sorry to hear that. You were doing exceptionally well. What do you want Innue to do about your fight?
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by TheHangedMan
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TheHangedMan One Week Wizard

Member Seen 17 days ago

Thanks for your feedback on Meruin I'll work on the edits soon! Also, I won't be on tomorrow as I have a fight to watch. Tickets to Las Vegas are expensive, but god I'm sure it'll be worth it~
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Skallagrim
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Skallagrim Walker between Worlds

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Enjoy Sin City. It's always fun.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by ImportantNobody
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

So, anybody wanna judge me and Important nobodies match xD.

(Hinting that someone should step up and be a judge intensifies)
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Skallagrim
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Skallagrim Walker between Worlds

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

I will set a card. Make a thread and fight
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Rilla
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Rilla SuperNova Generation / The Lazy Storyteller

Member Seen 2 mos ago

The most anticipated fighter has joined the ranks!
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Skallagrim
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Skallagrim Walker between Worlds

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Oooh you and me Rilla. . .dance off bro
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Rilla
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Rilla SuperNova Generation / The Lazy Storyteller

Member Seen 2 mos ago

You don't want one.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by SgtEasy
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SgtEasy S'algood bro

Member Seen 6 mos ago

Okay, I have a huge laser gun, a .45 Battle Rifle, a smaller laser gun, a shiny gold sword and a scythe. I also have a thick, bulletproof jacket, a gas mask and the Alias Mr.President. Am I powered or Normal?
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Skallagrim
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Skallagrim Walker between Worlds

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Can we see the cs?
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Rilla
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Rilla SuperNova Generation / The Lazy Storyteller

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Finally finished a rudimentary CS for Alphonse

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Skallagrim
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Skallagrim Walker between Worlds

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

I don't have anyone capable of fighting that guy. . .
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Rilla
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Rilla SuperNova Generation / The Lazy Storyteller

Member Seen 2 mos ago

He is the ultimate in combative roleplaying! Untouchable. Stylish. Masterful. Gorgeous.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Skallagrim
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Skallagrim Walker between Worlds

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Hmmm the Nature Boy?
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Rilla
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Rilla SuperNova Generation / The Lazy Storyteller

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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by SgtEasy
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SgtEasy S'algood bro

Member Seen 6 mos ago

It's a bit short, shorter than what I usually do but whatever. I'm probably gonna be scarce today.

Baron Ajax Von Leroufe-DeCroy

Mr.President, President of the Fay'Ran Jik Democracies



Second to come to sentience on the home world, Krieg evolved from the usual primate mammal. The Krieg are a sad race. They were evolved on the sorry piece of land under the main continent. This land was filled with highly dangerous diseases, poisonous gas and killer inhabitants. The Krieg now wear their suits permanently, out of remembrance of the strife and war of their home land.

They are a cold, vicious race with short lives. They usually live for only 20 years before dying of the overwhelming amount of poisons in their bodies, only the most foolhardy and wilful can go past 20. Attempts to fix this has failed tremendously as the poisons are now part of their genome. This makes them the most able to adapt and overcome out of all the races on the home world. They are humanoid in shape and the only real difference they have appearance wise to the human race is that their race has purple skin and their eyes are pure white.

Their language is literally hell. A conglomerate of words that really do not fit together, words that mean the same but are said in specific sentences, words that are supposed to be whole paragraphs worth of text, it is a translators nightmare.

Ajax is one of military descent, that being presented in the way that he dresses and looks. He is 6'7 and has a swimmers build, buff but more streamlined instead of being a muscle monster. He has sky blue hair, combed back of course, and has eyes as white as the clouds in the sky. He has a small goatee and his head is a little slim. His face is wrinkled and callous, because of his age and because of the horrors that he has seen. Ajax is one of the few Krieg that leave skin to be exposed to the outside. His face is left to the outside and is tattooed with the spread winged falcon, the insignia of the Democracies. Coupled with the usual Krieg suit, he is suited up with a heavy, bulletproof trench coat. It bears his insignias, medals and the words "PRESIDENT" in gothic writing on his back. He has a Storage Displacement Chamber, an experimental piece of technology, inserted into his right wrist. It is not visible to the naked eye but whenever he needs to equip himself with his weapons, his whole arm glows a bright blue.

The Baron is a wilful man, strong hearted and believes in the policies of the Democracies. He believes in freedom and life above all else. He is a down to earth man, believing in what he believes and sticking to it. When he is threatened or insulted however, Ajax is not one to hold back punches. Or bullets. He hates the corrupt and those who beat on the poor. He believes that all sentients are equal and doesn't like slavery. He is the ultimate example of Democracy. He is no doubt brave and respected by his fellow countrymen. To leave skin exposed is a sign of power in Krieg, and of course, Democracies society.

Unfortunately for the Krieg, he does not have any magic space wizardy powers. He is just a normal alien who fights to survive and shoots well to boot. The Baron does have a strong willpower for he is the most wisest in the Democracies. He does know Ta'k Fu, the only martial art that has really been kept alive in this day and age. It is standard across the whole of the Democracies Army Corps and is a mixture of Eskrima, Muay Thai and Krav Maga in our world. It is the only martial art that is practised, so the Baron mastered it. Almost perfected it. He wanted to aim for excellence, so excellence he did.

Slavery's Redemption more commonly known as the "45. Cal Rifle" is the standard Rifle of the Peacekeeping Forces and is the Barons most loved and personal weapon. With a standard magazine holding 20 rounds, each of which is lethal enough to kill a man with one shot. It only has one mode and that is semi-automatic. It is a compact, lightweight rifle that when given to the Heavy Troopers, can actually be duel wielded. It's compact design is for urban combat, which is the specialty of the Templars that use it. The Baron customised his with a holographic scope with thermal imaging, a silencer, a bayonet and an underslung grenade launcher. The words Slavery's Redemption is etched into the rifle, along with scratch marks from the Ly'Nus Campaign and the First Contact War.

Salvation more commonly known as the "KMG" and is the Baron's secondary. This is another new piece of technology from the long line of Karasniko LMG's. The mechanism is similar to the Death Ray except that it spits bullet like laser rounds with. Instead of a continuous stream of las, it fires spits of it. This means more control of where the las goes and if it's destructive power is used effectively. The KMG is much heavier than the rest of the Peacekeeping arsenal. It can only be used by the Heavy Troops. The Baron has customised his with a chainsaw attachment and a holo sight scope. The words Salvation is written on the side of the gun, along with similar scratch marks as Redemption.

Fay'Ran Jik pattern Standard Disassembling Beam Pistol more commonly known as "Death Ray" is a new line of weapon of the Fay'Ran Jik pattern. Since the development of AI and the founding of "Smart Metal" in the Lin'Ar system, a new generation of weapons have been created. This pistol has a core in the back of the weapon that "disassembles" the weapon while firing, cooling the weapon at the same time. It is a very complicated mechanism and only scientists and engineers can understand it. It fires a continuous beam of laser, kind of accurate and is devastating in the battlefield. It also melts most metals, therefore effective against Tanks and such. The Baron has gotten a new one since he wrecked his old Death Ray. He has not named this one yet.

His Presidency's Mighty Blade more commonly known as the "Gladius" is the standard melee weapon of the Democracies Military and is as loved by Ajax as the Redemption. Rugged, reliable and the longevity of a Millenia, it has served the Democracies since the day of it's founding, almost 750 years ago. Made from the golden metal called Sigma which is commonly found in vast asteroid fields and ore planets. You sharpen a refined piece of this metal and it will become the sharpest, lightest and reliable blade in Democracies history. Mighty was given to him by his dying father, on the battlefield of Mo'Zaa. It shines with a golden shine and looks as new as a sword not one day old.

His Presidency's Powerful Scupythe more commonly known as the "Ta'Ur Kut Scythe", is the trophy weapon of every high ranking officer in the Democracies Military forces. Given to them when they reach Templar Officer or Flag Bearer, this weapon is not only ornamental. Made from the same metallurgy of a fighter's armour, this weapon is kept and treated as a trophy by most officers but still use it in battle. It kills most in one swipe and is dangerous in the melee that most Templars enjoy. The Scythe is duel wielded with Mighty of the situation is indeed dire.

Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Automaton
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Automaton Just a simple Automaton.

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

I made the page, waiting for my opponent and the card.I'm guessing Judge can pick the Arena?.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Rilla
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Rilla SuperNova Generation / The Lazy Storyteller

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Judge makes the card. You and IN can pick the Arena, unless both agree to a judges decision.

By the by. If you don't have a judge. Then I'm judging.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by SgtEasy
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SgtEasy S'algood bro

Member Seen 6 mos ago

Name of nation:
Fay'Ran Jik Democracies



The Tar'Lik were the first to come sentient in their home planet. They are a peaceful, psychic race that have very long lives, 300 years in fact. They are strong but use that strength to help the weak, the poor and the hungry. They were the first to build civilisation on their planet. They are a wise race, rarely coming to conclusions of others. They also rarely call themselves better than other species. They are few in number and are growing fewer every generation. This illness has been stuck with the Tar'Lik since sentience. Every 1000 Tar'Lik, only two survive their birth.

They are slightly odd as they are akin to the Polar Bears of Earth, quad legged and fur covered. This adds to their strength as most Tar'Lik are big, growing up to the height of 5 feet and to the length of 6 feet.

Their fur ranges from wild colours, from Orange to Black never to the extent of pale and bland white though. Every second piece of fur has a white tipped end. They are a special sensory fur. This allows Tar'Lik to be able to sense things around them. This makes the Tar'Lik able to see as their eyes have evolved not to function and has continued to do so. This allows the quad legged race to see every thing in an orange hue.

The Tar'Lik contact through their psychic mind. They can understand languages with just a tap of another's mind. They do not have a language. They have a universal psychic wave that all can understand.


Second to come to sentience on the home world, Krieg evolved from the usual primate mammal. The Krieg are a sad race race. They were evolved on the sorry piece of land under the main continent. This land was filled with highly dangerous diseases, poisonous gas and killer inhabitants. The Krieg now wear their suits permanently, out of remembrance of the strife and war of their home land.

They are a cold, vicious race with short lives. They live for only 20 years before dying of the overwhelming amount of poisons in their bodies. Attempts to fix this has failed tremendously as the poisons are now part of their genome. This makes them the most able to adapt and overcome out of all the races on the home world. They are humanoid in shape and the only real difference they have appearance wise to the human race is that their race has purple skin and their eyes are pure white.

Their language is literally hell. A conglomerate of words that really do not fit together, words that mean the same but are said in specific sentences, words that are supposed to be whole paragraphs worth of text, it is a translators nightmare.


The third and last to come to sentience on the home world, the Tayt are a mono gendered all female race. They evolved from avian creatures, enabling them the power of flight. They are all diverse in emotion and appearance, not one Tayt is similar to another. Tayt are a calm race, similar to Tar'Lik. They came from the Main continent.

They are similar to the Krieg as they are also akin to the Humans in the Milky Way but they are far more diverse in colour. Their skin can be a calm blue to a fierce red. Their eyes can be from yellow to purple. Their hair can be any colour in the known galaxy! They're so diverse that it is hard to mistake a Tayt for another one of their species.

Their method of reproducing is also odd. They can reproduce with any species, be it sentient or otherwise, through physical, psychic or other means. This made sub species of Tayt. A Tayt child with a Tar'Lik father has fur instead of skin. A Tayt child with a Krieg father, has paler skin than others but do not have the natural poisons that Krieg do.

Their language is lyrical, beautiful sounding. A flow of words, calming to the ears. It is like a tune, played by the mouth. This helped the Tayt to calm the Krieg down a notch.

Description of government:

The name of the Nation describes what it is. It is a democracy. Every colony planet with sufficient enough population, resource and economy is elected a Planetary Governor who controls the planet and a re-election occurs every 5 years. Every ten years, every Planetary Governor is given a chance to show themselves worthy of being the Democratic Leader of the Fay'Ram Jik Democracies.

Divided by race, every governor has to campaign against others in their race to become the representative who moves onto the Presidential campaign. This gives every citizen in the Democracies have three votes. One in the Tayt, one in the Krieg and one in the Tar'Lik elections. Even though they are of different races, the Democracies describe themselves as one race, non separated by genome. So their is no Species bias.

When these racial elections are done, the three representatives move onto presidential campaigning. This usually lasts for around two cycles (equivalent of a month) to do and then the President is elected. The President has control of territories, the army, secret service, planetary governors and such. The other two will become advisors and the three are usually sharing the power around. The Krieg handles the military and secret service. The Tayt handles the internal police force and the trade of essentials. And the Tar'Lik handles the face of the government, regardless of presidency or not.


Fay'Ran Jik is a beautiful world with hidden ugliness. The seas are a beautiful blue and the main continent is filled with large plains, lush forests and absolutely peaceful creatures. Krieg Island is the stark contrast to this all. Ugly, disease ridden, poisonous and serves death to all who are not Krieg, this island is a death trap. An ugly imperfection on an otherwise lush world.


The Democracies have grown to several solar systems and each has grown to be either industrial or agricultural in nature. Systems of note include the Fay'Ran Jik system, the Shez'Di system and the Rik'R system. These three show the might of the Democracies power.

Description of Military:

[i]Democracies Armed Forces[i]

[i]"Let the Valkyries shock the enemy, the Krieg hold the line while the Quads protect the skies"[i] quoted from General Var'Zen Ki'Ng, hero of the Ly'Nus campaign

Democracies strategum is Shock and Awe and, surprisingly, trench warfare. To surprise the enemy, confuse their ranks, set the foothold on the planet, set traps and trenches, and defend from any attack. The Shock and Awe tactic is to confuse the commanders of the enemy army and not be able to react to the extremely strong foothold on the planet.

Tayt and Krieg make the bulk of the armed forces. The Tayt have Celestial Amour, technologically advanced and heavily modified. It is made from Darthium metal, a metal that is abundant in Democracies systems. Complete with a tight suit energy shield, heat systems, pulse rates, advanced sensors and orbital drop survivability, this armour is made for the Tayt. The Tayt are the supreme Shock and Awe fighters.

The Krieg wear their standard suits and line them with Tachium crystal, highly bulletproof, highly flexible and material like, and is as abundant as Darthium. The suit also helps them to be protected from gases, unbreathable environments, and other things similar. They have advanced sensors and built in rockets under boots. This armour is standard across the Krieg. The Krieg are the masters of trenches warfare. They defend and fight until the last man. Their grim determination is envied by their enemies. They hold the line.

Handheld Weapons

Tal'Var pattern Standard Ballistic Pyro Weapon commonly known as BPW, it is a ferocious weapon, reliable to boot. It fires flammable molten Darthium and burns non-armoured targets in seconds. This projectile weapon has a molten Darthium storage instead of a magazine. The gun converts this sludge into a highly penetrable bullet in a millionth of a second. One magazine holds enough Darthium for forty bullets. This weapon has an astounding 500rpm.

Shez'Di pattern Standard AutoFirE Sniper Rifle commonly known as SAFE, it is a long distance sniper rifle with auto firing capabilities. It fires SURPRIS rounds (Singular Unmanned Ral'Ick Por'For Rounds In Shell) which splits into multiple rounds in contact. It has an 40x scope. Devastatingly accurate and destructive, this is used by Tayt and Krieg alike.

Shez'Di pattern Standard Explosive Sub Machine Gun more commonly known as "Little B***h", this fast firing ballistic weapon turns organics to shreds. It fires a Darthium round covered with a highly explosive residue called Lik. It explodes on contact. It is just a mini explosion, just enough to destroy armoured targets. This is highly praised by Tayt Orbital Jumpers

Rik'R pattern Standard Heavy Ballistic Four Barrelled Weapon more commonly known as "Shredder", it is the Big Bertha of small arms. Firing round similarities to the "Little B***h" but bigger and more destructive, this compact gun isn't as heavy as it looks. Made from lightweight Ti'Ran metal, it is the premier light machine gun of the army. It has 300 rounds each box and requires only one person. It has an astounding 300rpm. Can only be used by Krieg Heavy Duty Fighters.

Fay'Ran Jik pattern Standard Disassembling Beam Pistol more commonly known as "Death Ray" is a new line of weapon of the Fay'Ran Jik pattern. Since the development of AI and the founding of "Smart Metal" in the Lin'Ar system, a new generation of weapons have been created. This pistol has a core in the back of the weapon that "disassembles" the weapon while firing, cooling the weapon at the same time. It is a very complicated mechanism and only scientists and engineers can understand it. It fires a continuous beam of laser, highly accurate and is devastating in the battlefield. It also melts all known metals, therefore effective against Tanks and such.

Heavy and Light Armor Land Vehicles

[i]"Death and Destruction is thy Holy Path"[i] motto of the Democracies Armoured Forces

Al'Vur pattern Standard Armoured Scout/Personnel Carrier Vehicle more commonly known as "Fist Scout", makes up the bulk of the Democracies Armoured Forces. Though lacking the firepower of his other brothers and sisters in the Force, it is highly flexible and can go over most terrain. The "Fist" has a 80. calibre Belt-fed Hard Ballistic Machine Gun on top for one of the troops to use during fights, a SUPRIS mortar at the back and gun ports for shooting out of. It has advanced sensory tech, thermal, night vision and other equipment is on board. The armour is made out of Talkium hardened carbon, an incredibly lightweight and tough material that can only be found in the Al'Vur system.

Al'Vur pattern Standard Light Battle Tank Killer more commonly known as the "Sniper" is the lightest land vehicle in service for the Democracies Armoured Forces excluding the Fist. It used to have slow tracks and almost unusable in the battlefield. Now installed with new Hovertec that can't be put on other tanks, it is the most manoeuvrable vehicle excluding the Fist in the Armoured Forces. It has a smaller Disassembling Beam Gun and a .50 calibre Ballistic Machine Gun up top. The best thing about this tank is that it is a tank killing sniper. With the beam gun, it is accurate and with accurate sensors and advanced scope, it is a hell of a gun.

Al'Vur pattern Standard Main Battle Tank more commonly known as the "Dragoon", this is the mainstay of the Democracies Armoured Forces. With a sick 180mm cannon, it has a big chomp. On it's own, it is able to take down a whole wolf pack (20) of "Fist" Armoured Personnel Carriers before going down. It is one hell of a tank and is extremely reliable and durable. With an extra SUPRIS mortar, a hidden .80 calibre Ballistic Machine Gun and a hidden Ballistic Pyro weapon folded on the front, it earned its place as the mainstay of the Democracies Armoured Forces.

Jar'Tir pattern Standard Mechanised Artillery Unit more commonly known as "Triped", is the most commonly used Artillery piece in the Armoured Forces. "Death and Destruction is thy Holy Path" is the Armoured Forces and that is the path the Triped thread. Unleashing 250mm explosive death, it is a commanders worst nightmare.

Jar'Tir pattern Standard Mechanised Scout Unit more commonly known as "Ranger", this is the smallest and only mech in service. It is plain and simple. Perfect for the basics. It is also Tar'Lik controlled which means it is absolutely disposable. Tar'Lik are in the skies and that means the Ranger's are controlled and have no pilot inside. It's armed with a 100mm cannon, a hidden Disassembling Beam gun, and a SUPRIS launcher on it's shoulder. It is expendable and easy to make. For every 2 foot sluggers, there are one of these.


[i]"A Captain always falls with his ship!"[i] quoted from Captain Willhelm Van Tark, one of the few Krieg captains in the Navy and a hero from the Tay'Von Campaign.

Ti'Fin class Universal Unmanned Starfighter is the universal Starfighter of the Democracies Navy. Powered by the Tac'Yor MkV Antimatter Engine, it is manoeuvrable and speedy. Armed with dual Disassembling Beam Gun's, six nuclear torpedoes and a payload of ten pyro SUPRIS bombs, it is furious and can bite on it's own. The ingenuity of this machine is that it is controlled by highly advanced sentient AI. They can link up with other Starfighters to make a coordinated army of sentient, advanced AI controlled death machines that can pull of manoeuvres that organics can't. It can also be used in atmosphere.

Lik'Dar class Standard Light Frigate is the lightest capital ship in the navy. Speedy and most manoeuvrable, it is lacking many of the broadside guns of a standard Democracies capital ship. It does though have a huge Pyro Ballistic Main Gun that fires huge fiery molten balls of Darthium metal and is extremely powerful. It is used in battle as snipers, standing behind bigger ships and picking off threats. It is 750 meters in length, 300 in width and requires 400 crew personnel to maintain. It is able to go into atmosphere.

Ta'Dur class Standard Patrol Frigate is the main patrol ship of the Democracies Navy. With huge amounts of broadside guns and an accurate flingshot jump drive, it's use is to jump into enemy formation, unleash hell and fling back. It's mainly used in frigate patrol packs and reconnaissance fleets. The broadsides mostly fire SUPRIS rounds and the occasional Pyro Ballistic. It is 850 meters in length, 300 in width and requires 600 crew personnel to maintain.

Dy'Kik class Standard Heavy Frigate is the most heavy duty out of all the Frigate class. Heavier, more torpedoes than guns and armed with no main gun, it is a Starfighter killer. All the torpedoes are nuclear tipped and on fire so they are all definite kills with this frigate. It is destructive and used as the screen along with the Ta'Dur class for bigger ships and Lik'Dar class Frigates. It is 1000 meters in length and 300 in width and requires 630 crew to maintain.

Nay'Gar class Standard Cruiser is the mainstay of the Democracies Fleet and is the most numerous in number out of the heavier class of Capital Ships and flexible. With a Tusken Ballistic Main gun, broadside Pyro Ballistics, a payload of nuclear tipped missiles and drop pods to boot, this beautiful starship is deadly and effective. It is 1600 meters in length, 670 in width and requires 950 crew to maintain and has a contingent of 50 Orbital Tayt Drop Troops.

Ji'Tol class Standard Dreadnought is the second heaviest class of standard ships and top of the line. With the most amount of broadside guns, a triple barrelled Disassembling Beam Gun, a huge amount of torpedoes and a huge contingent of Tayt Drop Troops. Death in perfection. Beautiful in the eyes of all. It is 2000 meters in length, 1000 in width and requires 1030 crew to maintain and has a contingent of 500 Orbital Tayt Drop Troops.

Tak'Wal class Standard Carrier is the longest and most durable of all Navy ships. It does not have any main guns or broadsides. And containing few nuclear torpedoes, it confuses enemy commanders profusely. Until swarms and swarms of Ti'Fin Starfighters come out of the docking bays and destroys their ships. These ships are used as the main ship of the fleet, where the Admiral leads the fleet. It is 3000 meters in length, 1600 in width and requires 1600 crew to maintain and has a contingent of 900 Orbital Tayt Drop Troopers. Each ship has around 1500 Ti'Fin in docking bays and 1500 stuck outside on the hull, magnetically clung onto the metal.

Technological Overview:

War technology is very diverse from Pyrotechnics to unique SUPRIS rounds. All capital ships have energy shields and the like. Flingshot drives are incredibly accurate but has a speed of 100 light years a day. Antimatter reactors are stable.

Civilian technology includes grav-cars, fabricators of anything a civilian wants excluding firearms and destructive, advanced AI and the likes.

Cultural Overview:

Democracies culture values freedom above all else. That is why they formed the democracies. Kindness, mercy and other positive emotions come a close second. This transforms them into a peaceful people but they respond in kind with any aggression. Their architecture is modest but curving, it is the beauty of simplicity. Their food is simple in look but is extravagant in flavour. It is similar across the board.


When the Tar'Lik came to sentience, they travelled the main continent of Fay'Ran Jik and became the first to create civilisation. They travelled all over Fay'Ran Jik's main (and one of two) Islands. They travelled and travelled until one day the Tar'Lik stumbled over the Tayt, the bipedaled race was astounded to see such a race as the Tar'Lik. These two together travelled and set up civilisation all over the continent. They were then met by a contingent of Krieg and they joined them as well. Since then the Democracies were established and developed further into the space empire they are now.


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