Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Jangel13
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Jangel13 The angel of fortune

Member Seen 1 hr ago

(this is a copyrighted image, I do not own this picture or its affiliates)

In Katakura town it is as peaceful as one can expect, even in peace their are hollows and their are soul reapers that make sure to kill them and perform the konso on whatever soul it happened to be chasing. As nice as that is, it isn't the life we have. we are visors, at least that what we call ourselves, its a lot better then criminals or monsters that the soul society decided to call us simply because we lived through our traumatic ordeal and have gained the power to create hollow masks which in turn strengthen all of our natural abilities for a few moments. Even though it is peaceful Angelo cant shake the feeling that something big is going to happen. Angelo is a visor as well, at least he leads the visors. Maybe its because he has been a visor longer or because he was going to be a captain before the shit hit the fan it could even be because he has a loose attitude towards things but when Angelo found other like him they just followed him. Angelo was getting groceries for the gang and considering that they hardly had any money to spare it wasn't much to eat but something was better then nothing as he walked back to their warehouse in the outskirts of town where their base was. Out of the way and secluded just what every outcast wants...

(this is a copyrighted image, I do not own the rights to it or any of its affiliates)
in the soul society:

The soul society the place where all pure souls go to live in eternity. It is also the home to the soul reapers in the center of the soul society is the place called the seretei where all soul reapers reside. All soul reapers have gone through training to be a member of their own personal squads, each squad has their own objectives and their own reason for being. Each squad has a captain a captain is one recognized as a powerful soul reaper and has learned bankai and shikai. The many different ways to become a captain but that is not important because soon their will be chaos in the soul society before long. The head captain knows this his name is head captain Katsuo and while all captains are powerful the head captain is meant to be the one that leads them in times of crisis and organizes everything as needed. Such is the duty of squad one also known as the emergency force. Head captain Katsuo is doing regular report today and as such expects his fellow captains to do their paperwork as one would need to...
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Halvtand
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Halvtand The Voice of Reason

Member Seen 8 mos ago

Aoshi looked up from his drawing slowly. In his mind he kept the black and white picture, and tried to fit it to his inspiration. Then he noted that the wind had shifted slightly and the cherry tree he’d tried to paint didn’t look the same at all.
Being a one armed man, painting had proved to be almost impossibly difficult. He had to use Amaya and one of his own feet just to keep the paper still, which left him sitting in a rather uncomfortable position. His sleeve kept sagging down dangerously close to the paper and wet ink, so he had to drop the brush and tug at this empty left sleeve to correct it, which meant that the ink dried unevenly… Of course, if he only asked any member of the eighth division for help they’d probably tie up his sleeve for him and mix the ink and stuff. But that would take away the challenge.

“It’s beautiful” Said a familiar voice, half inside his head and half out in the world. The floorboards next to him changed, the natural pattern in the wood started to shift and took on a more watery look. A black-clad head slowly rose up through the floor, Aoshi had gazed upon it so many times that he could see her face clearly in his mind without even looking at her. She rose up to the point where her breasts, somehow always conveniently covered by her long hair, were visible and resting on the surface of the floor.
He looked at his drawing, to him it didn’t resemble the cherry tree much, if at all. It was only a bunch of hastily drawn lines, amateurishly arranged into something that could, at a distance and in the right light (preferably the darkness of a moonless night) resemble a vaguely tree-like figure. Long story short, he wasn’t satisfied.

A single pair footsteps approached casually, the wooden floor thump, thump, thumped as the walker came closer. A black-clad figure rounded the corner. Aoshi had already turned to face that direction. It was the eighth divisions lieutenant, Misao Kurihara.

The lieutenant was a short woman with shoulder-length, deep brown hair and a sweet face. She had a normally built body and moved with the deliberate grace of an expert martial artist or a dancer. She carried her sword in her belt, it was a simple sword with red wrappings and copper details. Even though she wasn’t the stunning beauty-type the lieutenant had a loyal following of suitors and fans. Every now and then someone would declare his love for her and she’d have to let him down. People who kept their eyes open around her could notice that she was uncommonly open and warm with the captain, who didn’t seem to notice at all.

“Third seat Daikoku.” She said as she approached, “Lieutenant” he replied with a nod.
“Didn’t expect to find you here…” Then she noticed the painting supplies. “You working on something? May I see?”
Aoshi moved a little to reveal his latest masterpiece.
“Aah, moving on to trees now, you usually hang out and paint down by the lake.”
“Aye, but there is only so much you can do with foam and waves in a calm lake. The leaves and branches of a tree is similar to a stormy sea, yet so very different.”
Lieutenant Kurihara looks from the paper to the tree, then back to the paper again.
“I see what you mean, here, let me help you.”
She took a seat while Aoshi handed her his supplies. She dipped the brush and began to moved it very gently across the paper.
“If you want to focus on the movement of the leaves, you must paint the movement in the branches.”
She only put in a few strokes, barely more than some dots here and there. When she handed the sheet back there was a tree on it. Aoshi studied it closely. It was still his painting, she hadnät really changed anything, but suddenly it looked… Real.
“I hope it helps” She said with a smile as she got up. “Well, I have to get back to work. The first captain has us jumping through hoops for report day.”
They said good bye and the lieutenant walked away as casually as she’d come.
”She ruined it, didn’t she?”
“No… No she didn’t…”
He set the paper aside to let the ink dry properly while he watched the cherry tree move in the wind.
“Report day… Something’s going on.”
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Ciphra
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Ciphra The Blind Seer

Member Seen 2 mos ago

"Haha! Come on! Surely one of you can land a single hit on me?" The lieutenant of squad nine teased all of the seated officers in the dojo. "Lieutenant, I really think that yo-" The fourth seat was quickly silenced by the raise of a single finger which swayed back and forth at him. "Until one of you can land an actual hit on me I will not do that stupid paperwork!" This fight had been going on all night, not one of the seated officers had landed a real hit on her, the seated officers were too scared to even defy the lieutenant fearing what she might do to them if they tied to make her do paper work.

If it weren't for the captain being away in the districts right now none of this would be happening and sadly for the poor seated officers of the ninth division, they were ordered to do whatever was necessary to get the lieutenant to do her work. He acknoweledged her intellect and skill in combat, but never imagined how resilient Rēku would be when it came to paperwork. Though Rēku was still a child so it was to be expected, either it was because she was a prodigy, or even though she was a prodigy.

Finally another seated officer jumped into the circle with them and tried to grab the lieutenant from behind, but he was far too slow for the likes of her. Rēku had simply flipped backwards after listening to his steps for knowing when to jump and the pour man had decided to look up and turn following her and as she was in the air facing him she kicked him twice in the face, once with each foot, then used both to kick him once more in the face sending him flying accross the floor as she did another flip with the momentum giggling hysterically at the poor man.

In other words it was another fun day in the ninth division. Rēku raised her hand up and pointed at everyone in the room slowly waving her arm. "Not one of you can do it! Face it! Now then I'm going for a walk. I expect you all to train harder now! After all, if you can't even lay a hand on little tiny me who's half your size, you won't be able to call yourselves real men, now could you!" She said that last part with excess sarcasm and giggled excessively afterwards walking over to her zanpakuto Ryūshi Tōzoku. Rēku quickly swumg her arm and head through the trap resting Ryūshi Tōzoku on her back with the strap across her chest with it's pink flower emblem over her heart as she walks out leaving all of the seated and unseated to recover and train.

Finally Rēku was free to take her walk and enjoy the fresh air! Maybe she should pester another division now? Or maybe enjoy the lake? Nah, although it would be interesting to see that one guy from the eighth division painting again. She'd seen him painting a few times and would watch from a distance. She would just look out at what he might be painting and always pictured it. She would also think about bugging him as her next target, but there was something about art that the lieutenant found precious so decided the one armed man from the eighth got immunity, at least while he worked. Maybe one day she'd even get to see his paintings! But for now walking alone in the streets would have to do for Rēku, the lieutenant of squad nine.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Archmage MC
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Archmage MC

Member Seen 4 days ago

It was a fine day in Karakura town. Being a town so rich in spiritual energies made it a great target for hollows, and while most hollows were outright hostile and brutish, one hollow was mostly mellow and more enjoying the sights of the living world than the souls of the departed.

Light was strange for a hollow, not because she looked mostly like a white humanoid wearing a dress with an overly large head and sharp fingers and pointed feet, no, it was because unlike other hollows, she hadn't really taken a liking to the helpless souls of Karakura town. Having been in hell most of her life feeding off its denezins, Light had lost the taste for pluses, and instead preferred other hollows or the souls in hell. This, alongside her energy feeling 'empty' instead of like a hollow due to her time in hell, keeps her off the radar of most shimigamis.

She was touring the main streets of karakura town, invisible to all but a handful of people who just dismissed her as a figment of their imagination to keep up appearances. Light stopped at various outdoor restaurants to sample some of the human food, having a fondness for beef and mushrooms, or watching various shows on the TVs found alongside the main street. While the street was monitored by shimigami, they didn't pay her much mind or notice in the big crowd.

When it was starting to get dark and the streets were thinning out, Light made her way to the park. Often things happened in the park, as wandering souls seemed to find themselves here, and that attracted hollows which Light liked to snack on.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Jangel13
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Jangel13 The angel of fortune

Member Seen 1 hr ago

seretei: Captain Katsuo was filing more reports and not really paying much attention to the details other then the keywords. Despite his old age he knows that most of the files are repeated of what he has done already but as head captain he couldn't simply ignore them. A knock came from his door and he called out come in he said in the deep voice that rattled the earth and made most men silence themselves. A messenger came in and reported that the strange hollow has been spotted in Katakura town again. He nodded and decided that this hollow needed to be dealt with soon thank you he said to the messenger and he called in some hell butterflies to come so he could deliver a message: this message is for lieutenant Tatasuko and 3rd seat Daikoku Aoshi your presence is needed in the world of the living in katakura town. The strange hollow presence has been detected and I am order both of you to go in as a pair and assess the situation. use extreme caution when dealing with the hollow then as the message was given to the butterflies they were sent out to seek their destined soul reapers and play the message...

Katakura town:
Angelo sighed as he got back into the building which was nothing more then an old factory but still it was nice for him and all he needed. he set down his food and made himself some instant ramen not bothering to deal with the hollow he sensed earlier since he knew the woman and despite being a hollow he decided to live and let live considering he wasn't far off with his own hollow mask. However if the woman decided to attack an innocent soul then Angelo would be forced to step in and kill her since he still had his pride in protecting others...
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Halvtand
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Halvtand The Voice of Reason

Member Seen 8 mos ago

Aoshi was almost done packing away his painting stuff when the black hell butterfly landed on his shoulder and relayed its message. It stayed there while he got the last of his things into the satchel and replied “I’ll be there as soon as I can”.
As the insect flew away Aoshi hung his satchel on the wall inside his room and laid the finished painting on a pile of a dozen others. It was the best of them all, the only one which resembled a tree, but it was also the only one which wasn’t all his…
Aoshi had many satchels hanging from various hooks in his room. When you could only carry one armfull at a time and only lift what could fit in one hand you had to get creative if you didn’t want to spend your whole day running back and forth with things. Aoshi’s big solution was satchels. A satchel for painting, one for tending the garden, one was filled with tools for crafting, one with supplies to take care of his zanpakuto Amaya… He had many duplicates of tools which was very wasteful, but that didn’t bother him. For one he could easily afford them, he also felt just a tiny bit like he had the right to, since he was missing half of the tools he was born with.
A wise man had once said “never own more than you can carry”, obviously that man was not an amputee, or a king.

Aoshi wedged his toes into the gap between Amaya and the floor, a sharp kick up sent her flying and he grabbed her expertly out of the air. He’d performed the manoeuvre hundreds of times, if not thousands. He didn’t even have to look, his hand almost automatically found the blade, even when he messed up the kick, his body simply knew what to do. He slid the doors shut and began the walk to the gateway to the world of the living.
It was always a pain, going to the living world. Being a seated officer or higher, you needed to cap your reiatsu at a certain level to “make sure you don’t break everything”. If you asked if you could get out of it just once, they’d just stare at you like you were the biggest idiot in the world and say “we tried that in 1908”. It was awful, almost like when you were in a dream, and you tried to run, only to find that whatever you were chasing easily outpaced you while walking. You felt weak and useless, sometimes it could take days to get used to your restrained power, and that was a long time to make dire mistakes.
It would be worse for the other one, lieutenant Tatasuko. As far as power went, lieutenants were usually a big step up from mere seated officers. He’s heard stories of lieutenants in the past who had gone up against their whole line of seated officers at once without hesitation, but who wouldn’t dare to look their captain straight in the eye.

He arrived at the gate pretty quickly. One advantage of being built like a skyscraper was that you took very long steps. There was no sign of the lieutenant yet, but if it was paperwork day she’d have to climb out of that pit before she could even think of going to the world of the living.
They were supposed to act as a team, so Aoshi sat down on the ground with his legs crossed… And waited.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Ciphra
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Ciphra The Blind Seer

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Rēku walked along the path leisurely, but by this time she'd begun whistling a lullaby. She had to figure out something to do to entertain herself today, and that wretched paper work was not an option. She was heading to bug the captain of the eleventh division to pass the time, but then it came. After listening to the beautiful butterfly relay it's message the lieutenant couldn't help but giggle with delight. 'Finally! I get to go back to the world of the living! They have some really nice views there! Not to mention some of the food there smells sooooo good!' Rēku closed her eyes in thought before quickly jumping onto the roof and running along the tops of every roof on the way to the gate.

Of course she was slightly curious why they would send the third seat of the eighth division with her, but that was okay! It gave her someone to torment! She continued giggling softly to herself. She did love to adventure after all, and what better place than the world of the living? The smells, the sounds, not to mention the views! As she had continued thinking about these things she had finally arrived at the gate leaping from her last perch backflipping and landing giggling so uncontrollably and not befitting the attitude expected of a lieutenant, as usual. She quickly glanced at the fools who were meant to open the gate for her and her companion and pointed dramatically at them. "Hurry up! It's rude to keep a lady waiting you know!" She says teasingly before abruptly turning towards the eighth division's third seat and pointing at him. "And you! Are you ready for an adventure of epic proportion?" The first part had been so accusation like she was about to put him on the spot for doing something wrong, then quickly changed to a more excited question. This was going to, after all, be exciting!
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Jangel13
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Jangel13 The angel of fortune

Member Seen 1 hr ago

after a few moments the kido corps opened the senkeimon and two hell butterflies appeared to light their way through the darkness of the precipice world and lead them straight into Katakura town nearby where the hollow was believed to be in at the moment...

Angelo sighed as he finished his instant ramen and he started his walk towards the park and after a little bit he found the hollow and he sat down on a bench nearby waving to her "so how's it going light? kill any hollows yet?" Angelo said smiling a little at her knowing she wasn't much of a harm to him considering he used to be a captain and while they haven't become friends they weren't strangers neither so they had a simple understanding of kill hollows only or I come after you kind of understanding.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Archmage MC
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Archmage MC

Member Seen 4 days ago

"No... Nights are so boring when nothing happens." Light said with a sigh at the local vizard who decided to pay her a visit. The two sorta knew each other but mostly kept to themselves. Their first encounter lead to a stand still as while Light couldn't really beat him, after awile he couldn't beat her either. After that he mostly left her alone as she wasn't interested in the pluses like every other hollow was, an act that has kept most local shimigami from outright attacking her.

"So, just coming by to say Hi or is something going to happen?" She continued, laying down as she looked at the sky with a bored expression. "I'm more surprised that any hollows have appeared myself. They usually come out a lot at this time of day."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Halvtand
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Halvtand The Voice of Reason

Member Seen 8 mos ago

”This one is a handfull...” Amaya said inside Aoshi’s mind, but nothing in his face would give it away, nor that he agreed.
As the lieutenant had come closer Aoshi had recognised her instantly and at the same time remembered which face went with the name. People from the different squads didn’t really mix that often, only on special occasion. Of course the captains and lieutenants met regularly, but the grunts pretty much stayed with their own. This allowed for some serious problems with misplaced division loyalty. People arbitrarily believed their squad to be better than the others. On the rare occasions when the squads did meet en masse there was almost always at least one fight, which only added to the fourth division’s workload on what should be a relaxing event.

Aoshi did like the fourth division, the people there were generally pretty calm and approachable, being the medics and supporters of the 13 squads attracted a certain kind of people… But in the end, someone from the fourth was almost guaranteed a good conversationalist, and could talk about something else than how cutting hollow with a zanpakuto was the best feeling ever.

Aoshi was silent as he got up. The lieutenant had tried to scare him but it wouldn’t work. For one, she didn’t hold any power over him as they were assigned to different squads. Second, he was in time and ready, while she came last and was rude to boot.
He looked down on her, they were at a tough place etiquette-wise. If they’d been alive Aoshi would’ve been the higher ranking of the two. Not only was he male, but also older. The fact that she outranked him wouldn’t matter in comparison. Here things were a lot more complicated.
Aoshi was still older, so that merited some respect, but gender had no weight anymore, and rank was important.
The lieutenant apparently felt comfortable being the high-ranking of the two, Aoshi could play along for the sake of conversation.

“Please mind your tone, lieutenant. They are working as fast as they can. Also, what are you talking about “epic”? Aren’t we just going to watch the strange hollow to see if it’s a threat or not? Doesn’t sound very epic to me… Don’t really know why the patrolling reapers can’t take care of it either now that I think of it…”
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Ciphra
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Ciphra The Blind Seer

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Rēku couldn't help but to giggle at Aoshi. Of course he was right that was their standard mission, but that wasn't the part that was supposed to be epic, no. The part that made this an adventure was simply visiting the world of the living in itself. The mission was just an excuse for getting to the world of the living. Sadly the mission itself would be quite boring most likely. Then it dawned on her that Aoshi had a good point. Why were they the ones having to do this? Maybe there was a chance this mission could be fun besides the site seeing.

"Oh come on!" Rēku said while giggling still. "The world of the living is one of the most amazing places to visit! The smells of all the different foods, the sites they have are breath taking, and to top it off they have less rules!" This third seat really did need to expand his horizons if he only thought about the mission. This was an opportunity to enjoy themselves! "Now then, let's try to enjoy this trip! Make the most of it, do our job so the head captain doesn't get angry with us, and maybe even find something new to eat! Well that is...if you're ready to go yet..." In the end she had to poke at him for being so dull. Of course Rēku had to get stuck with the old guy, but of course it's because he was the type of person that he was that allowed Rēku to enjoy teasing him and others.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Jangel13
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Jangel13 The angel of fortune

Member Seen 1 hr ago

well by our luck when were near each other something is bound to happen as you know. however at this point it is just a social visit and I was wondering if you wanted some instant ramen in case no hollows show up tonight, you don't know what your missing" Angelo said laughing a little as he looked up at the sky wondering what would happen today. usually it would just end with him saying goodbye to his little hollow acquaintance and just leave but Angelo felt like staying with her this time because it seemed like something was going to happen soon...
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Halvtand
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Halvtand The Voice of Reason

Member Seen 8 mos ago

And with that said they were away.
The gatekeepers fired up the gate to the living world and a hell butterfly came soaring to lead them through. Aoshi had always thought it was kind of strange that the tiny insects were so versatile and so useful in the everyday life of the soul reapers. They were the basis of the communications network as well as the facilitators of travel between worlds… Made you wonder where the real power in soul society really was really located.

On the other end of the tunnel was the world of the living. The portal took Aoshi and his fearless sidekick Reku to the right place, Katakura town, but closer than that was hard. The hollow was nowhere in sight. They’d come out in some kind of industrial area. All round them were huge, squat warehouses painted in different colours to keep them apart. Numbers ten feet tall helped as well. They’d come out right behind warehouse 5. To their left was warehouse 12 and straight ahead warehouse 9. The internal logic of the place made Aoshi groan in imagined pain.
They were by no account alone. The place was in full steam. Humans ran back and forth, drove forklifts and larger vehicles. It was lucky that normal living couldn’t see or sense reapers, because they would have had quite the audience.

The big reaper looked around, but it didn’t take a genius to figure out that they had come out in the wrong place. He tried to sense the thing, but looking for one hollow in a city of this size was like looking for a needle in a haystack on a good day.
“Well, I can’t seem to find the thing from here, how about you?” Aoshi asked his black robed companion. Before she could reply something beeped inside Aoshi’s robe. After some rummaging around Aoshi produced a small black box. The “Denreishinki” resembled a “flip phone” from the living world, but that was where the similarities ended. The thing had so much technology in it that modern phone makers would feint by simply looking at the list.
His big fingers played around with some of the buttons for a while before the screen changed and a blinking dot appeared in the upper left corner.
“Looks like a hollow is nearby. Don’t know if it’s the one we’re after though… Wanna check it out?”
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Ciphra
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Ciphra The Blind Seer

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Rēku always found butterflies to be beautiful fun creatures, it was a shame that they wereo nly there to lead them to the world of the living, it would have been nice to just lay out under the sun and just watch them fly above her on a spring afternoon. Maybe that would be one more thing that she added to her list to things to do int he world of the living if she ever had the chance! In any event though they had finally arrived. It was about time too, it had been far too long.

Looking around though Rēku was a bit surprised to say the least. Sadly it was just a warehouse district, though not to say it was boring. People were buzzing about, the sounds were definitely different than back home. One might find all of these foreign sounds and sights irritating or intimidating, but Rēku found them absolutely delightful! She had spread her arms out and walked forward a little bit before twirling a few times giggling excitedly. Surely she could talk her wonderfully charming companion into going somewhere else after all of this and grabbing something really yummy to eat!

"Hmmm well I suppose it is our job...Okay!" Rēku finally responded with her overly sarcastic attitude. "But after we deal with this you have to take me to dinner!" She said cheerfully. After all it was only customary for the man to pay, right? It would only take the pair a little bit to get there. "Oh by the way I'll pay for the dessert, but only if you can beat me to the spot!" With this the young lieutenant vanished using her flash step.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Archmage MC
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Archmage MC

Member Seen 4 days ago

Light got up and started to do some stretches. While the normal hollow rush was a bit late, she still thought something was coming, so she might as well prepare. While stretching one of her legs, she commented at the offer of instant ramen. "Yeah sure, why not? Haven't had that in awhile." a few minutes later, Light could sense something coming her way. Two figures, both fairly powerful, and neither hollow. This made her groan in annoyance.

"Great, do you feel that? Two newcomers are on the way. Hope they aren't outright hostile. That would be boring." she said, sitting down in a more ready position, but still looking like she was relaxing a bit. Usually she found that a more docile looking pose made non hollows pause, and even hollows from time to time when they had an inkling of intelligence.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Jangel13
Avatar of Jangel13

Jangel13 The angel of fortune

Member Seen 1 hr ago

Hey they may be hostile but they don't seem hell bent on killing you either." Angelo said softly watching as the two soul reapers came into view wondering what this would mean for this odd group...

The Seretai:
the Seretai was peaceful until a hell butterfly was given to the head captain. It was saying that squad captain 11 captain akane, one of the only females that has ever become a kenpachi in squad 11 was cutting down soul reapers like it was nothing and is smiling the whole time. While this was bad the worst was that it wasn't all, apparently their were reports that the captain of squad 10 captain Daisuke was sending his troops to blockade all forms of relief the squad 4 barracks were currently under guard and forcibly occupied making escape near impossible for them to assist in the kenpachi killing spree. Then their were the reports that squad 8 captain, captain Hotaka was forcing all of the reserve forces usually meant for this situation all back to the barracks leaving most forces except squad 11 weakened with lowered man power. This was a state of crisis for the soul society for it seemed that their own captains were betraying their squads and their duties. Captain Katsuo immediately called for all captains that haven't gone completely mad into the conference hall immediately for an emergency meeting along with the lieutenants to immediately gather all their forces that haven't been controlled into action and await instruction. Captain Katsuo made sure that his lieutenants sent the hell butterflies and to send two for the soul reapers currently in the world of the living to be informed of the situation by means of their soul pagers so they know not go to their captains when they come back but to instead report to him immediately....
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Halvtand
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Halvtand The Voice of Reason

Member Seen 8 mos ago

“They can see us from here, but that alright…” Aoshi stated, his last words trailing off into silence.
They had stopped their last shunpo on top of a nearby building only a few hundred meters away. Outside shouting-distance, but close enough to see relatively well.
Both of them instantly confirmed that the hollow in the park was the one they had been sent for. Aoshi went down on one knee and relaxed. They were far enough away to not provoke an attack, except from an especially hungry hollow, and also far enough away to let their guard down for a bit. Of the hollow did turn hostile they would have ample time to get ready before it would reach them.
“Looks like another one right next to it” the big soul reaper said and tried to figure out what the other figure was. “It’s no hollow… Feels almost like a reaper, but why would they send two teams for one hollow?...”
Aoshi looked to his partner for an answer. She was after all the higher ranking of the two, she might have gotten more info than him, even though that seemed a bit unfair and unnecessary. He found her not even looking in the right direction, but instead tracking a pair of black butterflies that were obviously heading in their direction.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Ciphra
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Ciphra The Blind Seer

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Once they had arrived at their location Rēku was able to take in everything at once basically. So she'd turned to look around at the beautiful sites, then something had caught her eye. The black butterflies she knew all too well. Beautiful creatures, but that also meant something was going on if they were interrupting the mission. Then her one armed companion decided to converse with her. He really was a funny guy though. "Well," She started as she continued watching the butterflies approach as she lifted her left hand out for one of them to land on her finger. "it's pretty obvious isn't it?" She giggled softly as the butterfly landed on her hand.

After the message was recieved she closed her eyes as a smile grew further upon her face. Things were definitely getting interesting. "It's pretty simple to figure out, come on!" She said turning to him cheerfully. "Just look! Clearly the Soul Society wouldn't have sent a second team without telling me at least. On top of that if they were one of ours they wouldn't be casually out there like that. So, obviously the two probably already know each other! On top of that we know no other soul reapers should be in this area right now that was already in the world of the living! So clearly he's not one of ours. So tell me...What do you think after considering all of that? Plus the fact that you can feel his spiritual pressure?" Rēku had already figured out the possibilities.

You had the first option of it being some rogue element, which in that case meant that the situation was even worse considering the rogue ex shinigami were mostly those people. Another was that it was actually a hollow who had managed to obtain a true arrancar form, which in that case they would still feel more like a hollow. That brought them back to the first option. The real question would be how to deal with the situation. Then on top of that there were the head captains orders and the situation in the soul society. This wasn't exactly the best situation there could be. "Well in any event...We still need to do something despite who they might be, and then there's also the head captain's wishes..." She hated to sound more serious than usual all of a sudden and out of no where like this, but it was required of her. "So...We have a few options for this situation, Mr. third seat...Either we try and wrap this up quickly and head back, or you head back on your own since the head captain needs us to return and I will complete this mission on my own before returning. What do you think?" At this point she was testing him. She wanted to learn more about the man, and to challenge him. Of course he could take this in the complete wrong way seeing as she was so much younger than him, and was treating him almost like he had the intellect of a child.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Halvtand
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Halvtand The Voice of Reason

Member Seen 8 mos ago

"What!?" The large soul reaper's booming voice was surely heard by every spiritually sensitive person in town. The message that the butterfly had relayed was not one he'd expected, nor was he very happy to hear it. On top of this, the lieutenant thought it a good time to start playing games. In a much lower voice he added "You're insane. We can't abandon the mission" and then, through his teeth "No matter how much we want to".

Aoshi looked at the hollow and its mysterious companion once again. The hollow was in itself not the most powerful one he'd ever come across, and this time he had backup. The stranger on the other hand was hard to get a read on.
"That other guy must be a rogue reaper." He stated. Not even aware of how close to the truth he actually was. He'd never even heard of visored before. "Damn shame, but it means we have an ally in case the hollow turns hostile. Haven't heard of a rogue yet who's sided with the hollows."

After a few seconds thinking... "I say we get down there and see what's up. This hollow's supposed to be special, maybe it can be reasoned with. If it willingly allows us to send it to the other side it beats the hell out of having to fight it. Maybe that's just what that other guy is up to... What do you say?"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Ciphra
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Ciphra The Blind Seer

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Rēku stayed silent as she slide her zanpakuto and sheath off her back and wrapped the cord around her left arm letting the thing dangle by her side, though considering it's length it managed to drag on the ground too. She then looked up at the man she called her companion. "Well I suppose we can try it your way...But just slicing them up would be a lot easier with my Ryūshi Tōzoku..." Rēku pouted, though she understood where the man was coming from. It would just be more fun if it wasn't just talking. After all how does one test their limits if not in the field?

"Well if we're going to go talk, no chance you want to go grab food while I approach them on my own? You could always bring them some too!" She pepped up at the end their to be a bit more optimistic. "I find that food can be a wonderful peace offering! It always works when I want something from my captain anyway! Besides...If they are hostile, I'd hate if I accidentally killed you with my Ryūshi Tōzoku..." The last part she'd dropped to the most serious tone the older third seat had heard come from her lips yet. The best part being that she was serious. Her zanpakuto in close quarters would not be so easy to use if watching out for the lower ranked officer, which made her wonder if he'd heard rumors about her, or her zanpakuto, from around the soul society. She sighed then giggled suddenly. "Well whatever you decide to do, make sure you decide quickly!" With that the lieutenant used her flash step and would appear behind the hollow and mystery man within a matter of a couple of seconds. Of course the rest of what she had said to the third seat had basically just meant, 'don't get in the way please!' she knew he'd never actually go get the food, unfortunately, and would be right beside her only moments after her own arrival.

"Well hello there!" Rēku said giggling gently and smiling cheerfully as a nice breeze picked up brushing her side braid in the wind. Getting this close to the pair had allowed her to analyze the two a lot more in just that instant, and even she had to admit, if only to herself, she was glad that she wasn't alone two face these two if it came down to a fight...
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