Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Jangel13
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Jangel13 The angel of fortune

Member Seen 27 min ago

Angelo sighed wondering when those soul reapers would quit strategizing and just come over. Angelo had his hand on his zanpacto just in case they decided to go with the hostile route and soon he turned around seeing the small girl come to them first. Angelo smiled at her thinking she looked cute for a soul reapers and on top of it she acted cute. hows it going cutie? didn't expect id see a gorgeous little soul reaper come to greet us. don't worry I wont attack if you don't same goes with light over here although she will still be at the ready in case you do try to kill her. so whats the word back in the seretai is old man Katsuo still being as old and rigid as usual? Angelo asked her laughing a little still remembering the old man and his water zanpacto, in all honesty he was the last person he saw when he was said to be executed for what happened to him so it would be nice to know whats been going on in the years he has been gone...
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Archmage MC
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Archmage MC

Member Seen 4 days ago

Light was getting bored waiting for the shimigami to come to their location. If they were setting up some sort of long ranged assassination thing, they'd be in for a rude awakening. 5 minutes later, about the time Light was starting to lose interest in them, they made their way towards her and the smaller girl shimigami introduced herself.

"Wow, you guys have some decency for once. Whenever a new shimigami shows up here, they usually attack me on sight and get their ass handed to them. Dunno why, I'm just having a fun time enjoying all the nice things here." Light said, looking at the smallish female shimigami who had appeared behind her, her male partner a few steps behind him. "So, is this going to turn into something ugly, or can we just have some pizza or tea or something?" Light said, looking at the two skeptically. She stretched back, looking at the starless sky. It was incredibly weird that no hollows were showing up, it had been about an hour now and usually at least one would show up by now, even if they were small.

"Man, I hope today isn't a holiday or something. It sucks when you got that craving for hollow and none appear, know what I mean?" Light said, a little unsure as to what exactly shimigami ate, considering whenever she looked at the local ones they never ate anything.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Halvtand
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Halvtand The Voice of Reason

Member Seen 8 mos ago

Aoshi just couldn’t get used to Reku’s way of joking. How she even could think of food in this situation was beyond him. On a mission, in front of a “special” hollow and possibly a rogue reaper, about to engage them and she wants to get a snack? Ridiculous.
She moved ahead of him, which was probably for the best. The petite girl, while more dangerous than him, seemed much less threatening than a two meter tall giant with only one arm. As soon as the conversation had started Aoshi moved in to assist the lieutenant.

Reku seemed friendly enough with the rogue, giving him a flirtatious smile and inching closer. “...Not at all, I just had to babysit the old man over… Oh, there you are, did you bring any food?” Reku said as the old man appeared barely a meter away. He noticed that no sword was drawn and the hollow still looked relaxed, a good sign. Aoshi’s silence lasted only seconds, he wouldn’t even comment on that last joke. Lieutenant Reku picked up the hint and moved on.
“Yeah, old man Katsuo is still the biggest beard around, should be time for his retirement soon, he’s as old as the sun.”

The hollow on the other hand instantly picked up the reference on the food.
"So, is this going to turn into something ugly, or can we just have some pizza or tea or something?" it said. Aoshi returned a blank stare. He couldn’t believe his ears. There was another one. Lieutenant Reku was bad enough, but hearing the same lame jokes from the feeding-hole of a hollow was world-breaking. The only thing Aoshi had heard of hollow-speak previously had been on the lines of “die reaper!” or “your soul smells yummy”. Not a very imaginative bunch. A hollow asking for a pizza simply destroyed the image of a hollow in Aoshi’s head.

"Man, I hope today isn't a holiday or something. It sucks when you got that craving for hollow and none appear, know what I mean?" The hollow continued, not missing a beat. Apparently the non-threatening atmosphere was as obvious to the hollow as to Aoshi. This time Aoshi got curious, he bent over to reach the same height as the hollow, which in his case meant he had to bend over quite far. At the same height he looked into whatever hollows used for eyes.
“What do you mean… ‘craving for hollow’?”
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Jangel13
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Jangel13 The angel of fortune

Member Seen 27 min ago

Angelo smiled as they started to converse and avoid basic hostility towards each other. Right now Angelo was wondering what would happen next, Angelo saw that the little one had gotten a butterfly earlier so it must mean something happened. She talked to her hollow companion and asked what she meant by craving for hollow so Angelo decided to answer that question. light here doesn't consume human souls, she only eats other hollows or if she wants she eats the instant ramen I usually eat. So I assume you guys came to us because you saw a reaper and a hollow being buddy buddy with each other and you thought It needed to be investigated. Don't worry im not rouge im just "forcefully retired" Angelo said thinking it was a good way of saying that if he showed up back in the soul society he would pretty much be executed on the spot for the incident that happened to him. Right now Angelo wanted to know if something was wrong back in the soul society since they usually didn't send hell butterflies unless they want someone back quickly.

Angelo turned and saw the giant with one arm and Angelo tiled his head a little like he was examining him let me guess, squad 11? you got into a fight with a soul reaper or a hollow and the current kenpachi rewarded you for loosing a body part? Angelo asked with a grin thinking he got it since he remembered the kenpachi and if she was still their then he knew she liked it when her subordinated got a "scar of victory" from a fight...
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by The Grey Dust
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The Grey Dust The / Grey

Member Seen 20 hrs ago

"'Forced Retirement?'" A voice rang out, "I suppose that's one way of putting it."

Didn't they see him? Of course not, he was after all part of the Onmitsukido, being not seen is simply part of his repertoire. Hiding his spiritual pressure was another issue however as Captain-level Soul Reapers would probably be able to detect him, but these clearly had not noticed him yet. He appeared to them casually, strolling up in a calm demeanor behind the two soul reapers. Dressed in a floral blue kimono and sashed in a white obi, it was scarcely possible to discern that Minoru was a former Shinigami. Even his Zanpakto was retained in a sealed state, a tessen which he kept folded and tucked into his sleeve.

"So, let's get to straight to point so I can get back to my tea and stop having to watch your back for you hrm? She's far too young for you anyways Angelo, and the other one's a tad too loud really. Please state your Names, Division and Seat, And Purpose of visiting the world of the living?"

Taking out his tessen Minoru fanned himself idly watching the two Shinigami for sudden movements which would require him to actually do something. He really had hoped he wouldn't have to do anything to these two, but that's the retired life for you.
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