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Hidden 9 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by AngelBites15
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AngelBites15 Neon-Dimensional Storyteller

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///// TV-PG || PG-13 \\\\\\
Action | Adventure | Fantasy | Romance
Brief Sensuality | Fantasy Action and Violence | Frightening Moments

Long ago, two rival kingdoms sat side by side: The human kingdom of Asgard, ruled by a power-hungry king, and the Moors, a peaceful place inhabited by many gentle supernatural creatures. One resident of the Moors is Maleficent, a fairy woman with enormous wings, who acts as a guardian for the other magical beings. One day, a young baby was found on the border of the forest and Maleficent accepted the child.

As a child, Loki was at home with Maleficent and the forest residents, always walking around every season and climbing the trees. Curious of her wings, he asks her if its possible for him to receive wings. She tells him that it wont be possible until he is old enough and worthy to earn them.

Still as a child, Loki caught a boy trying to steal a jewel from the Jewel River. Loki demanded its return back into the river which the boy surrendered and returned it. Despite this, Loki becomes best friends with the boy whose name was Thor, which gradually blossoms into brotherly-love as they grew. Maleficent grew proud of their relationship and she swore that she would protect them under her word. Loki made each other a special pendant to resemble their friendship to which they each made a promise to never take it off. On Loki's sixteenth birthday, Thor shows him what he believes is true love's kiss which blossomed into something more. Over the years, Thor stops seeing Loki and stays in Asgard towards Loki's disappointment and loneliness. Loki, however, didn't understand the greed of man, but he was to learn.

One day, when Odin tries to conquer the Moors, a protective Maleficent stops his army by standing tall at the border, while a grown Loki watches from a distance in the forest. Maleficent threatens Odin to leave, but he didn't take the bait. The army proceeds, but Maleficent makes an army of her own as the dark creatures of the forest rise up and defend the forest. The battle was cut short after the creatures force Odin's army into retreat.

Fatally wounded in battle, Odin declares that whoever kills Maleficent will be named his successor and marry the Lady Sif, a fierce female warrior in Asgard. In response, the grown Thor visits Maleficent in the Moors, where he uses iron, a fairies' top weakness, and kills her on the spot. Her scream awakened Loki from his sleep. Before he left, Thor cuts off Maleficent's wings to present them to Odin as evidence of her death. Seconds later after Thor's departure from the body of the fallen fairy, Loki eventually finds Maleficent wingless and lifeless with evidence left behind by the killer: Thor's iron knife which had his name written on the blade. Loki sobs and screams in anger and sadness while he fell on his knees and he clung to Maleficent's lifeless body and cried on the spot. In memory, he placed her body in the sacred part of the Moors which glows blue from the fairies at night and day. He dipped her in the very shallow water where she stayed at the bottom as the water's surface turned into ice, isolating her between the bottom and the top like a coffin. Anguished by Thor's betrayal, Loki declares himself King of the Moors, forming a dark kingdom as his heart of gold turns to stone, becoming the most evil magical being in the land as he took over the throne of the Moors in memory of Maleficent.

Grief-stricken, Loki, with pity, frees a captured raven in a nearby field and gives him the power to transform into a man. He recruits this raven-man, Diaval to serve as his "wings" in exchange for having saved his life. Sent to spy on Thor and find out his true intentions, Diaval flies to the castle and witnesses Thor being crowned king, with Sif, being his queen. After what he has learned, he informs Loki. As a result, Loki screams with rage and swore vengeance.

While spying on Thor's palace, Diaval overhears the royal staff speak of the baby that was just born to the King and Queen. He hurries to relay the news to Loki, who sees an opportunity for revenge. He attends the child's christening ceremony, uninvited, and bestows a curse on the princess: Before the sun sets on her sixteenth birthday, she will prick her finger on the spindle of a spinning wheel and fall into an eternal deathlike slumber. As an added insult to Thor, Loki snidely remarks that the only possible restoration to life is "true love's kiss." Thor begs him to reconsider, even falling to his knees at Loki's request, but Loki was too happy to avenge his mistreatment to show mercy.

After the Christening, Thor sends his infant daughter, Silena, to be raised in a cottage in the forest by the Warriors Three: Volstagg, Hogun, and Fandral, till the day after Silena's sixteenth birthday, in hopes of avoiding the curse. While Thor destroys all the spinning wheels in the kingdom and hides them in the castle dungeon, he sends his armies to find and kill Loki, but the King of the Moors surrounds the forest with an impenetrable wall of thorns.

The Warriors Three are easily distracted and had difficulty supervising Silena as she grows, but the princess is kept safe by Loki's curse, which rules that she must stay alive until her sixteenth birthday. Loki and Diaval keep a semi-distant watch over Silena throughout her childhood, coming in contact a few times, but never revealing his identity. Silena grows into a pretty teenager, with no inkling of her royal roots or Loki's curse.

As Silena's sixteenth birthday nears, Thor falls deeper into paranoia. Queen Sif is dying, and he knows Loki will return on the day the curse is set to culminate. He keeps Maleficent's severed wings in a glass cabinet in an isolated wing of the palace. He becomes more and more detached from reality, having long rambling "conversations" with the wings and is deaf to any subject other than Loki. He sends his men to hunt him down before Silena's birthday.

Loki begins to admit that his hatred for Thor does not extend to Silena. Emerging from the blind rage he felt when the princess was a baby, Loki now sees that Silena is a good, innocent person undeserving of such a harsh fate. Feeling guilty, he puts a temporary sleeping spell on the girl and transports her into the Moors. When Silena wakes, she is enchanted by the beautiful fairy kingdom and shows no fear when Loki makes his presence known. Silena happily explains that she recognizes Loki from several incidents in her childhood and believes that he is her fairy godfather.

Without explaining the truth, Loki spends time with Silena as he gets to know the victim of his own curse, including himself participating in a mud fight with her and the forest creatures; which he showed some signs of his light-hearted self. After returning Silena to her cottage home to sleep, Loki attempts to retract the curse, but he had made it too powerful to be undone.

The next day, at night, Loki tells a curious Silena about his mother, as well as showing her the grave. Loki, eventually, becomes touched by Silena's actions of comfort to him.

On the day of Silena's fateful birthday, Loki speaks with her about an evil that he is unable to protect her from. Silena remains optimistic, and announces her wish to live in the Moors with her "fairy godfather." While preparing to break the news to her "uncles" (the Warriors Three who raised her), Silena encounters Prince Balder, who asks her for directions, though both are awkwardly stunned by their mutual attraction. As they watch the two interact, Diaval reminds Loki that Balder could be the solution to his curse, by giving Silena true love's kiss. Loki disagrees, revealing to Diaval that he added it as a false hope while he believed that it did not exist. Unable to share his feelings with the him, Diaval argues that Silena has the choice to decide her own fate. Again, Loki didn't listen. Diaval walks off saying that he doesn't care what he turns him into anymore.

After their brief meeting, Silena delivers her news to the Warriors Three, who, in their shock, let slip her true parentage and the details of Loki's curse. Horrified, Silena rushes to the Moors to confront Loki, who sadly admits the truth. Silena, now frightened and untrusting, returns to the kingdom of Asgard. Broken and guilty, Loki orders Diaval to find Balder.

That night, Princess Silena is finally returned to her father. They share a brief emotional reunion before Thor orders his daughter to be locked away for her own protection. Back in the Moors, Loki prepares a last-ditch attempt to stop the curse. He and Diaval encounter Prince Phillip, who remembers meeting Silena, and Loki casts a sleeping charm on the rather confused prince, and whisks him away through the forest, hoping to get to Silena before the curse unfolds. However, as night begins to fall, Silena feels a strange sensation in her finger and hears a eerie voice calling her name. In a trance-like state, Silena follows the disembodied voice through the palace until she discovers a hidden room containing piles of broken and burnt spinning wheels. Loki desperately rides Diaval, who is in horse form, to the kingdom of Asgard in hopes to stop Silena, but as Silena approaches a sharp spindle and touches it, she draws blood and sinks to the floor in a dead sleep.

Later, Silena is carried back to her chambers and laid on the bed. Thor is enraged, blaming the three warriors for failing to protect his daughter. Loki and Diaval manage to infiltrate the palace with the unconscious Prince Balder, whom Loki awakens at the door of Silena's bedroom. The three warriors, guarding the sleeping princess, encourage Balder to try and wake Silena with true love's kiss, but since the two are not yet in love, the effort fails. Heartbroken, Loki approaches Silena's bed and apologizes for his actions, promising to protect her as she sleeps. He kisses her on the forehead and is both shocked and elated to find that the spell had been broken through the power of his own maternal love for the princess. Silena realizes how much Loki cares for her, and begins to trust him again.

A guard reports to Thor that Loki was spotted in the castle. Meanwhile, Loki and Silena attempt to leave the castle, but he gets trapped in a metal net as Silena tries to help him, but fails while the guards attempt to keep her distance from him. Loki transforms Diaval into a dragon, and he lifts the net off him. With chaos ensuing, Loki orders Silena to run for safety as he is surrounded and driven back by the guards.

While searching for something to aid Loki, Silena discovers the severed wings in the class cupboard and the wings begin to flap violently. Confronted by Thor, he beats Loki as he taunts him, knocking his horned helmet off, ripping his cape, and tearing off his battle armor in the process; only leaving him in his black leather cloak. Seconds before Thor attempts to kill him, Maleficent's voice calls to Loki and her wings, freed from Thor's chamber by Silena, attach themselves to him.

Now with his mother's wings, Loki rises above his attackers, but Thor loops a chain around his leg and clings to it as he pulls him out a window and onto one of the palace towers. They confront one another in a brutal fight as Thor tries to kill him with a dagger. Loki manages to defend himself by knocking the knife out of his hand and proceeds to kill him, but couldn't. Seeing him vulnerable, Thor attempts once more to kill him by trying to suffocate him. As he struggled, Loki reached for the knife and was forced to stab him in the back three times. As Thor falls dead, Loki rips the amulet that represented their friendship from around Thor's neck. Loki gazes down at him coldly with the dagger still in his hand.

The next day, Loki undoes the dark magic in the Moors, restoring it's former light and beauty. The Moors and the human kingdom are now united, and Silena is crowned Queen of Asgard. Balder and Silena continue their romance, and Loki, now free from the chains of his vengeful thoughts, lives happily among the peaceful creatures of the Moors while he returns to his role as protector of the Moors with Diaval by his side.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Jazz
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Jazz Master Assassin

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Idea. Like in Maleficent Loki was told what happen since Maleficent is busy, Loki went to investigate the person stealing jewels that were in the Pond of Jewels. Think that can work?
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by AngelBites15
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AngelBites15 Neon-Dimensional Storyteller

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

That is a good idea. You could post first that he was told and then he went to investigate. I will post after as child Thor.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Jazz
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Jazz Master Assassin

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Okay x3
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Jazz
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Jazz Master Assassin

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will work on reply after dinner kitchen
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by AngelBites15
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AngelBites15 Neon-Dimensional Storyteller

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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Jazz
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Jazz Master Assassin

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never mind. got booted for the day
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by AngelBites15
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AngelBites15 Neon-Dimensional Storyteller

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

Post away, Jazz.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Jazz
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Jazz Master Assassin

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I now give the power of Loki to you! Have fun! I need lunch and do kitchen. I shall return! I hope my four paragraph reply is good and all that fun Jazz!
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by AngelBites15
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AngelBites15 Neon-Dimensional Storyteller

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

That post was powerful, Jazz. I love it. I can imagine that whole paragraph in action.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Jazz
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Jazz Master Assassin

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Thank you! x3 *little happy dance* Will I need to play as Diaval?
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by AngelBites15
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AngelBites15 Neon-Dimensional Storyteller

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

Yes, you might have to. I can't play both of they're in the same scene.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Jazz
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Jazz Master Assassin

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I would love to play Diaval. He was a really cool character. x3
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by AngelBites15
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AngelBites15 Neon-Dimensional Storyteller

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

Indeed he is.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Jazz
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Jazz Master Assassin

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OKAY! This is where I will be evil! The warriors three are going to be the ones to take care of the princess! x3 its perfect!
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Jazz
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Jazz Master Assassin

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nvm. I didnt see that three peasent women in that....dang!
But could we change it? just a little?
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by AngelBites15
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AngelBites15 Neon-Dimensional Storyteller

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

Fine by me.

Put down Thor's reaction to the change of the curse.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Jazz
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Jazz Master Assassin

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Well of course! x3 But sorry That thought came to me and sounded so fun! x3
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by AngelBites15
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AngelBites15 Neon-Dimensional Storyteller

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

Looks fun indeed.

How about this? Loki goes back to where Maleficent laid and talked to her in hopes that her spirit would hear him and talk to him. Surprisingly, she does.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Jazz
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Jazz Master Assassin

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OOOooooo! Sounds like a reunion going on x3
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