I had an idea for a group of adventures who band together in a main hub town and map out special sorts of dungeons full of loot, but also various monsters and traps. I plan this to be heavily influenced by Rune soldier and magi. The Culture is eastern European and Arabian but characters can be from far away cultures such as: Japanese, Scandinavian, Chinese and Africa.
Here our the set classes, but feel free to mix and add, but tell me about the class first! Keep in mind this is what they are primarily, but can work to go against this and try to go another route, despite the hardship it brings.
Priest/priestess: Divine fighters who use heals best suited for reviving and health. Can also use basic summons and holy magic.Have the best stats of the healers, and very good magic ability. They work fast and efficient but can only heal. Best used for fighting hordes or defending.Wear mainly enchanted cloth and thick cloth and use staves or nothing.
-Oracle: Magic and telekinetic healers. Best used for revives and status affects, and can help defend another fighter. Dress in only enchanted cloth they have the worst physical stats but some of the more useful spells. Best when the majority of the party is weak at health. Use no aresonal aid.
Magical attackers:
-Elementalist ((On for fire, earth, water, wind, poison, and thunder)): Mages who use magic based on elements. Do best with buffs but are decent with attacking. Most well rounded magical attacker. Fire wear leather, earth wear chain mail, wind wear enchanted cloaks, poison wear enchanted cloth and thunder wear pure cloth. Often used to disgruntle elemental attacks, as they work like pokemon and may give away your element. Use staves and wands only.
-Dark mage: Mages practiced in dark arts. Can use hexes and cursed, mainly used for debuffs but can do attacks and summons. Mainly wear broody leather armor, carry a danger and wand and are the swiftest of the magical attackers. Able to drain allies or living foes for health and mana. Used mainly for debuffs.
-holy mage: A positive and noble mage who uses heals, defensive magic and holy strikes. Holy mages mainly use staves but can also equip quick swords, daggers, crossbows and torches. Natural leaders and tend to run away when things get bad, Can wear holy armor but usually wear enchanted cloth.
-Wizard: Elder masters of pure magic attack, have the most magic attack and reservoir of all fighters. Can enchant, make potions and heal out of fight, but in fight are purely offensive. Use wands until grand and then can use staffs. May only wear enchanted cloth and are the weakest health physically. Used best against physically powerful beings. Able to makeshift steal essence and magic items.
-Warlock: Summoners using black magic to summon hexes and evil beast. Able to summon dark opponents who are easily defeated by light monsters. Warlocks also use hexes and cursed to slow down, stop, confuse, control or just hurt the foe. These are used at their expense, as hexes and cursed hurt them too! Warlocks usually use enchanted thick cloth and have daggers as side arms. Very good at summoning a single, high powered monster, but one at a time for a long time. Are not afraid to get there hands dirty and have the best health of magic fighters. Mainly use wands but stronger one's use staffs.
-chieftain: Tribal summoners using mystical beings to do the bidding of a fighter, and using valiant buffs. Chieftains are often great leaders and have the best physical damage. Chieftains often were little clothing, but's usually enchanted. They use Axes and polearms as well as staffs to summon with. Best used to summon multiple monsters at once but mostly weak ones.
-druid: Mystical priest-like men who use natural summons and totem buffs. Totem buffs are used by placing a totem down, these will either do a basic elemental attack over and other, or enchant anyone within it's radius. Usually elderly and rely on one element, they summon based on it. Bested used to make up for a lack of an element of magic fighter or in a big fight, but get carried away easily and inefficient. Usually wear enchanted by weak cloth and use staves, yet the best eventually rid themselves of ad from weapons.
ranged attackers:
-Hunter: Witty and intelligent fighters who prepare before hand more than others. They are known for being able to set traps, use lures and skin/ cook beast to create makeshift meals. Typically aren't clothed for the occasion and wear cloth and thick cloth, but fighter with a bow or musket, with off hand poison, dagger or vile. Useful in horde attacks of barrages but don't do well in boss fights or against armored units.
-militia man: Drastic and intensive fighters who aren't well trained but do there best in the fights. They have the lowest stats by far but do best in speed. Militia men usually fight with muskets and on occasion use pikes or swords off hand. Militia men usually wear armor similar to Pikemen but with less chance to wear chain mail underneath but cloth or thick cloth instead. Militia men are terrible at the beginning but grow fast and get a stat boost when things are going down hill. Very useful as make shift leaders.
-Archer: Composed and experienced ranged fighters, using more basic weapons then others. Archers are usually pure dexterity but have decent speed. There fighting style is basic and purely physical damage. Archers fight with bows, slings, crossbows and have side rams of poison, lanterns, and daggers. Archers wear thick cloth and leather for battle usually. Archers are best used when fighting armored enemies with there use to peirce armor, or in hordes, as they had hit many targets, but do bad against fast and powerful foes, or long ranged enemies.
quick attackers:
-Thief: Sneaky and cunning fighters, usually having less raw stats but high dexterity and low aggro to themselves. They cloth themselves dully and often in thick cloth with basic lather here and there. Usually they aren't used to fight as much as to take away items and with advanced thief's, bits of armor or weapons. Still they often use one or two daggers or a bomb.
-assassin: Sly attackers, usually souly placed for there mix of dexterity and attack. They are usually clothed in gloomy and scary clothes made mostly of leather. Fight primarily with poison, daggers and usually either keeping an off hand crossbow or full sword. They fight primarily with sneaky back stabs, and annoying status affects but can be vulnerable when fighter a holy being.
-wanderer: A wise yet odd fighter, with the most uncanny stats about and mixed moves. Primarily they wear leather and a powerful cloak. Wanderer's fight in an attempt to confuse a foe and force it to change style. They tend to use quicker weapons such as rapiers or daggers, but mix in mediocre magic from all styles.
-adventurer: A powerful yet naive fighter, using the most balanced stats in the classes. Adventurers are made entirely to attack, be it magic, close combat or ranged. Adventurers often dress heroic and in clothing that keeps them fast and on pace. The amazing factor for adventurers is that they can use all types of weapons and attack magic well, but suffer with defensive used items and magic. Usually use one handers as to allow a second status boosting secondary item such as: Lanterns, torches, viles, bombs, magic items or bucklers.
-fighter: Standardized warriors meeting a high demand but are easily dispatched and rhythmic practically. Fighters use chail or scale mail armor, and either shield and pike or two handed weapons. Fighters have strong balanced physical stats but suffer dramatically in magic and dexterity.
Armored attackers:
-Knight: Fully armored and masculine fighters. Use mainly shields and two sided swords or axes, but often carry additional two handers. Usually wear platemail with addition scale or plate mail and are slow and unbalanced, but powerful and have natural defense.
-Paladin: Very strong fighters who are also able in the use of healing and supporting others and themselves. Focused mainly on defense and using buffs they are valiant and constant leaders. Use Platemail shield and hammer/ Axe.
-barbarian: Ruthless fighters who fight primly and without proper training. Focus on raw strength, usually health and strength and wear little armor. Focus on upper body and helms of the best strength and focus on using two handed or multiple weapons at once. Very diverse.
-pikemen: More centennial and disciplined fighters. they stay mostly towards speed and strength, trying there best to fight with thought over brawn but maintain a lot of armor. Usually use pole arms and renaissance plate's. Think of an american conquistador's armor.
-warrior: Brutes with the most balanced of the armored class, but generally are based on attack alone and rely on the Heaviest of platemail to protect them. Use heavier weapons but usually one handers and a side arm to ward of attacks such as: Bucklers, lanterns, and often times a vile of potent smelling....stuff.
More things to come. Expect
-weapon typing
-additional side classes
-jobs/back up skills
-life style perks/traits.
I made this when I was sleepy, so expect sloppiness.
Here our the set classes, but feel free to mix and add, but tell me about the class first! Keep in mind this is what they are primarily, but can work to go against this and try to go another route, despite the hardship it brings.
Priest/priestess: Divine fighters who use heals best suited for reviving and health. Can also use basic summons and holy magic.Have the best stats of the healers, and very good magic ability. They work fast and efficient but can only heal. Best used for fighting hordes or defending.Wear mainly enchanted cloth and thick cloth and use staves or nothing.
-Oracle: Magic and telekinetic healers. Best used for revives and status affects, and can help defend another fighter. Dress in only enchanted cloth they have the worst physical stats but some of the more useful spells. Best when the majority of the party is weak at health. Use no aresonal aid.
Magical attackers:
-Elementalist ((On for fire, earth, water, wind, poison, and thunder)): Mages who use magic based on elements. Do best with buffs but are decent with attacking. Most well rounded magical attacker. Fire wear leather, earth wear chain mail, wind wear enchanted cloaks, poison wear enchanted cloth and thunder wear pure cloth. Often used to disgruntle elemental attacks, as they work like pokemon and may give away your element. Use staves and wands only.
-Dark mage: Mages practiced in dark arts. Can use hexes and cursed, mainly used for debuffs but can do attacks and summons. Mainly wear broody leather armor, carry a danger and wand and are the swiftest of the magical attackers. Able to drain allies or living foes for health and mana. Used mainly for debuffs.
-holy mage: A positive and noble mage who uses heals, defensive magic and holy strikes. Holy mages mainly use staves but can also equip quick swords, daggers, crossbows and torches. Natural leaders and tend to run away when things get bad, Can wear holy armor but usually wear enchanted cloth.
-Wizard: Elder masters of pure magic attack, have the most magic attack and reservoir of all fighters. Can enchant, make potions and heal out of fight, but in fight are purely offensive. Use wands until grand and then can use staffs. May only wear enchanted cloth and are the weakest health physically. Used best against physically powerful beings. Able to makeshift steal essence and magic items.
-Warlock: Summoners using black magic to summon hexes and evil beast. Able to summon dark opponents who are easily defeated by light monsters. Warlocks also use hexes and cursed to slow down, stop, confuse, control or just hurt the foe. These are used at their expense, as hexes and cursed hurt them too! Warlocks usually use enchanted thick cloth and have daggers as side arms. Very good at summoning a single, high powered monster, but one at a time for a long time. Are not afraid to get there hands dirty and have the best health of magic fighters. Mainly use wands but stronger one's use staffs.
-chieftain: Tribal summoners using mystical beings to do the bidding of a fighter, and using valiant buffs. Chieftains are often great leaders and have the best physical damage. Chieftains often were little clothing, but's usually enchanted. They use Axes and polearms as well as staffs to summon with. Best used to summon multiple monsters at once but mostly weak ones.
-druid: Mystical priest-like men who use natural summons and totem buffs. Totem buffs are used by placing a totem down, these will either do a basic elemental attack over and other, or enchant anyone within it's radius. Usually elderly and rely on one element, they summon based on it. Bested used to make up for a lack of an element of magic fighter or in a big fight, but get carried away easily and inefficient. Usually wear enchanted by weak cloth and use staves, yet the best eventually rid themselves of ad from weapons.
ranged attackers:
-Hunter: Witty and intelligent fighters who prepare before hand more than others. They are known for being able to set traps, use lures and skin/ cook beast to create makeshift meals. Typically aren't clothed for the occasion and wear cloth and thick cloth, but fighter with a bow or musket, with off hand poison, dagger or vile. Useful in horde attacks of barrages but don't do well in boss fights or against armored units.
-militia man: Drastic and intensive fighters who aren't well trained but do there best in the fights. They have the lowest stats by far but do best in speed. Militia men usually fight with muskets and on occasion use pikes or swords off hand. Militia men usually wear armor similar to Pikemen but with less chance to wear chain mail underneath but cloth or thick cloth instead. Militia men are terrible at the beginning but grow fast and get a stat boost when things are going down hill. Very useful as make shift leaders.
-Archer: Composed and experienced ranged fighters, using more basic weapons then others. Archers are usually pure dexterity but have decent speed. There fighting style is basic and purely physical damage. Archers fight with bows, slings, crossbows and have side rams of poison, lanterns, and daggers. Archers wear thick cloth and leather for battle usually. Archers are best used when fighting armored enemies with there use to peirce armor, or in hordes, as they had hit many targets, but do bad against fast and powerful foes, or long ranged enemies.
quick attackers:
-Thief: Sneaky and cunning fighters, usually having less raw stats but high dexterity and low aggro to themselves. They cloth themselves dully and often in thick cloth with basic lather here and there. Usually they aren't used to fight as much as to take away items and with advanced thief's, bits of armor or weapons. Still they often use one or two daggers or a bomb.
-assassin: Sly attackers, usually souly placed for there mix of dexterity and attack. They are usually clothed in gloomy and scary clothes made mostly of leather. Fight primarily with poison, daggers and usually either keeping an off hand crossbow or full sword. They fight primarily with sneaky back stabs, and annoying status affects but can be vulnerable when fighter a holy being.
-wanderer: A wise yet odd fighter, with the most uncanny stats about and mixed moves. Primarily they wear leather and a powerful cloak. Wanderer's fight in an attempt to confuse a foe and force it to change style. They tend to use quicker weapons such as rapiers or daggers, but mix in mediocre magic from all styles.
-adventurer: A powerful yet naive fighter, using the most balanced stats in the classes. Adventurers are made entirely to attack, be it magic, close combat or ranged. Adventurers often dress heroic and in clothing that keeps them fast and on pace. The amazing factor for adventurers is that they can use all types of weapons and attack magic well, but suffer with defensive used items and magic. Usually use one handers as to allow a second status boosting secondary item such as: Lanterns, torches, viles, bombs, magic items or bucklers.
-fighter: Standardized warriors meeting a high demand but are easily dispatched and rhythmic practically. Fighters use chail or scale mail armor, and either shield and pike or two handed weapons. Fighters have strong balanced physical stats but suffer dramatically in magic and dexterity.
Armored attackers:
-Knight: Fully armored and masculine fighters. Use mainly shields and two sided swords or axes, but often carry additional two handers. Usually wear platemail with addition scale or plate mail and are slow and unbalanced, but powerful and have natural defense.
-Paladin: Very strong fighters who are also able in the use of healing and supporting others and themselves. Focused mainly on defense and using buffs they are valiant and constant leaders. Use Platemail shield and hammer/ Axe.
-barbarian: Ruthless fighters who fight primly and without proper training. Focus on raw strength, usually health and strength and wear little armor. Focus on upper body and helms of the best strength and focus on using two handed or multiple weapons at once. Very diverse.
-pikemen: More centennial and disciplined fighters. they stay mostly towards speed and strength, trying there best to fight with thought over brawn but maintain a lot of armor. Usually use pole arms and renaissance plate's. Think of an american conquistador's armor.
-warrior: Brutes with the most balanced of the armored class, but generally are based on attack alone and rely on the Heaviest of platemail to protect them. Use heavier weapons but usually one handers and a side arm to ward of attacks such as: Bucklers, lanterns, and often times a vile of potent smelling....stuff.
More things to come. Expect
-weapon typing
-additional side classes
-jobs/back up skills
-life style perks/traits.
I made this when I was sleepy, so expect sloppiness.