Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Reaper
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Reaper Slayer of Dreams

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

The year is 2020.

Due to worsening crime rates and lack of government funding, a new initiative was launched. Known officially as Task Force One - and Cerberus by everyone else - the job of law enforcement was handed over to "police for hire". The Japanese call them Butei - short for Busou Tantei, meaning "Armed Detectives."

With the advancement of technology and the need for more versatile agents, Cerberus runs its own Academy where they train children to be specialists in this field. After graduating from primary education or middle school, teenagers have the option of signing up to join the Academy if they pass the prerequisite aptitude tests.

The first batch of graduates were quickly formed into squads, each team responsible for a single city, and for cracking down on crime. It is here that our story begins, with the Butei of Division Six, assigned to the city of Arkhan.

Arkhan is the last place anyone wants to live in. It is a haven for criminals and organized crime syndicates. The law of the land is that the one with the biggest gun is king, and only the strong survive. Division Six was assigned to this city because they are the best of the best among the first batch of Butei, and also because they are uniquely qualified in one regard.

They're descended from the stuff of legends. They are agents with "Bloodlines", hereditary abilities passed down from parent to child. Most of them are known by titles such as the "fifth Sherlock Holmes" or something or other. For a corrupt city like Arkhan, Cerberus sent its strongest weapon to tame it.

The Butei

While Butei can be summed up as "Mercenary Police", it is important to note that they have their own Butei Charter or Law to follow. They are given the right to bear arms and the authority to use necessary force to make arrests, but they are definitely not Dirty Harrys or vigilantes.

The rules governing the Butei can be briefly summed up as thus:

1. Butei are to avoid unnecessary use of lethal force, unless there is a clear threat to civilians or themselves.
2. Butei are allowed to pick jobs at their own discretion, however, once a contract is accepted, it must be completed.
3. Butei are not allowed to interfere with any offical operations carried out by government law enforcement or the military unless otherwise requested or instructed to.
4. Butei have a responsibility to the public first, their comrades second, themselves third, and criminals last. Saving lives should always take priority over the arrest.


As briefly mentioned above, Bloodlines are hereditary abilities passed down from generation to generation. Where two individual with Bloodlines were to mix, only one is passed down to their offspring at random. No documented case of an individual with two or more Bloodlines is known to exist.

Bloodlines have the potential to allow an individual to surpass their physical limits or even bend the laws of physics and nature, but they can also be double-edged swords. Control over Bloodlines is limited in the sense that offensive powers, such the ability to manipulate fire, can still cause serious collateral damage and harm to one's own side. While others may be mroe innocuous or passive, it is generally advised that Butei not rely on their Bloodlines to do their job.

The Academy

The Academy is responsible for training Butei of all nationalities and faiths, and prides itself on versatility. As such, students are given an education in general academic subjects on top of their professional training.
After the first two years of general training across different fields, students are sorted into specialties and study at the following specialized Faculties:


As its name implies, the Assault school trains Butei who specialize in combat. Students are trained in gun handling and use of melee weapons, though most choose to specialize further with a particular brand of firearm or melee weapon. It should be noted that despite this, all students are required to be proficient in both areas. It is said that S-rank Assault Butei are worth a battalion of soldiers by themselves.

Training also encompasses assault tactics and students are put into dangerous situations, violent combat being the least of them, making it the riskiest Butei program. To date, the student mortality rate is at 3%, and students have taken to calling it "the course with no future".
A "sub-class" specialty is the Sniper School, where students are given additional training in observation, concealment, and remote combat support. The best students of this program are said to be able to pull off impossible or miraculous shots, having near pinpoint accuracy even when firing from helicopters or moving vehicles.

A pretty self-explanatory name, the Faculty of Intelligence trains Butei who specialize in information gathering.

There are two broad Schools in the Intelligence Faculty - Lezzad and Dagula.

Lezzad trains Butei for field work, such as infiltration enemy territory and studying subversive tactics. By and large, they are the ones who provide most of Cerberus intel, and key to most operations.

Dagula have somewhat of a notorious reputation, as their training focuses on interrogation. Rumours abound that Dagula students learn torture techniques and are given orders to kill even if it contradicts Butei Law, though these rumours have not been confirmed. Psychology, the art of conversation and somatology are just some of the skills they possess.


The least glamorous but no less important Faculty, students of Logi are the backbone of Cerberus. They learn everything about support roles in the background from driving, to electronic engineer and computer skills. They most often work closely with Lezzad to obtain digital information, or with Assault as extraction drivers and pilots.

Though that would not be all they do. Logi also make excellent sappers and tricksters in the field. While they may lack the combat ability of the Assault faculty, machines and technology are just as deadly as guns in their hands. Drones, electronic warfare and interference are just some of the ways they ensure their fellow Butei can make the arrests without worry.

The City of Arkhan

Arkhan is a city rife with crime and corruption. While the economy is mostly stable, its wealth is distributed two ways - to those who already have it, and to those who take it by force. Organized crime syndicates vie for control over its streets, while corrupt officials back them in exchange for protection and money. It is therefore not a stretch to imagine that it is equally a haven for terrorist groups and arms dealers, who use the chaos of the city to mask their presence.

While an uneasy truce has been reached between the major crime syndicates, occasional fighting between smaller street gangs still occurs. Day to day life of the average citizen are also affected by the taxes imposed upon them by drug lords and mob bosses in exchange for the privilege of going unmolested in their day to day business. There's a saying among the residents of Arkhan that even children become soldiers in this city, and no man is unarmed.

It is also why Cerberus has officially authorized Division Six to use "any means necessary" to do their jobs.

Division Six

Division Six was initially set up to be a specialized squad, targeted at taking down organized crime. As such, as opposed to other squads, which mostly comprised of Butei from specific schools, Divison Six has a mix of Butei specializing in different areas. As a means of testing the efficiency of Cerberus' training and the Butei, they were tasked with helping to clean up Arkhan as their first assignment. After a close study of its terrain, it was decided that the Butei of Division Six would need to be the cream of the crop.

Post your CS to in the OOC first. Once I accept your character and say you can post it there, then do so.


Will be updated.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by The Fated Fallen
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The Fated Fallen Doesn't know what to put here

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Interested, will probably start work on a CS tonight
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Spawnling
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Member Seen 6 yrs ago

<Agent Profile - CLASSIFIED>

Name: Victor Steiner
Code Name: Arzt
Age: 20
Gender: Male

His hair is a light walnut color, and he has bright blue eyes. Victor has a very slight build and is somewhat pale. When out of uniform he wears high quality suits almost exclusively. He prides himself on his flexibility and durability, despite his somewhat lacking physique. His glasses are surprisingly durable, able to take a solid hit from a pipe. He hopes to avoid testing this while they're still on his face however.

Psychological Profile: Victor is an oddity in terms of personality. He exhibits no sociopathic tendencies nor does he have a history of psychosis within his family. He's friendly, warm, and polite, almost to a fault. He is a team player, works well in groups, and rarely shows signs of disobedience or problems with authority.

He is also ruthlessly efficient and calculating when given a goal. He does not hesitate to take the quickest path from A to B, and seems to hold no remorse or guilt to his methods, no matter what they may be. It is possible he has mild multiple personality disorder, as comprehensive analysis shows he has gaps in his memory from certain missions. During interrogations, his Bloodline has manifested as a very useful tactic for gathering information without causing undue harm to the prisoner. However, it should be noted that he takes no pleasure or satisfaction through torture or killing. Rather he seems to view it as part of the job and reacts rather neutrally to that aspect.

His knowledge of anatomy makes him deadly in espionage, however his combat skills are below average in a straight up fight. If he cannot take the enemy by surprise or maintain an advantage against them, he is no better then a regular grunt in a firefight. Best kept as a skirmisher or saboteur, he shows a great understanding of electronic systems, allowing him to double as a hacker and assassin.

Specialty: Intelligence - Dagula

Skill Appraisal
First Aid - S
Electronics - A
Infiltration - A
Combat - C

Bloodline: Faust - Körperwissen: Victor has an unprecedented, almost inhuman understanding of the human body and how it works, able to pinpoint nerve bundles, pressure points, and weak points to paralyze, incapacitate, or cause his target to bleed out in a matter of seconds. This unique skillset makes him a superb assassin, as a single attack from him can cripple or kill his target, and interrogator, as he can easily make superficial wounds seem far more dramatic or painful then they actually are. It is generally accepted that if Victor can get the drop on the enemy, he will win in a single strike.

Personal History: Victor was born to a rather renowned German surgeon and a mistress. His father's wife accepted the child as her own however, under the requirements that he have nothing to do with the mistress. Raised in fairly elegant luxury, Victor's unprecedented anatomical knowledge suggested he would have made quite a living as a doctor. After the marriage between his father and stepmother crumbled, Victor and his little brother underwent a grueling and somewhat brutal custody battle, finally resulting in Victor being put in the care of his father and his brother in the care of his stepmom. While not abusive, Victor's father was far from nurturing, leading Victor to join the Academy without his consent. Though he was originally slated to be a medic in Logi, his aptitude and personality soon had him noticed by those within Dagula. He expressed dissatisfaction at being a medic, possibly due to his relationship with his father, and agreed to the transfer. He has since become one of the to wetwork agents.

Due to his brutal efficiency and capabilities, he was transferred to Division Six, and he seems to be rather excited at the challenge.

Though his father originally attempted to take his son out of the Academy due to the potential for poor publicity, Victor's own protests and performance has since quelled the matter. According to most, Victor is on an extended stay with relatives outside of Germany. This suits the boy just fine.

H&K p2000 9mm pistol, he keeps a silencer on it at all times. He considers the pistol a "Loud, obtrusive tool used as a last resort."
His usual choice of weapons is a heavy loadout of tactical knives, both throwing and melee oriented, and a garrote wire.

Other relevant information: Victor is a native German speaker, and is capable of speaking English, Italian, Japanese, and incredibly broken Russian. He has a thick accent with all of them however.
He also practices yoga, and his favorite pose is Tree.

Tell me anything you'd like me to alter or change! I wanted someone who was more surgical support oriented rather than a tough fighter.
I also just noticed that Robin's gender is...Phantom?
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Hidden 10 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by McHaggis


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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Frettzo
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Frettzo Summary Lover

Member Seen 7 days ago

I am going to create an Assault Butei, he's going to be square as a fridge I swear!
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by clericbeast
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clericbeast Hellraiser

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

I'll have a character profile completed tonight or tomorrow.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by McHaggis


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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Reaper
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Reaper Slayer of Dreams

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Err, guys, the Butei maybe police for hire but feel free to arm them with more than pistols.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by McHaggis


Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Spawnling
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Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Err, guys, the Butei maybe police for hire but feel free to arm them with more than pistols.

My guy aims for not being seen at all, a gun is kinda pointless for his role. I also figured that since it only said preferred weapons, that we could change our load out depending on the mission? Like a big raid would have us all grab shotguns and such if needed. I figured this was just what we almost always have on us, no matter what.


Androgynous badass girl? Be still my heart...
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by clericbeast
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clericbeast Hellraiser

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Having a bit of difficulty deciding on an ancestor and bloodline. I should finish up soon enough, though.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Reaper
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Reaper Slayer of Dreams

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Do we need to have them use guns other than pistols? I'd prefer for Nadia to be armed lightly and if necessary pick up any weapons she needs.

(Also pistols are cooler.)

Well, I understand that the characters that have been submitted so far would only use pistols and such, but I was such making a point in case anyone thought "police = pistols only"


Victor seems mostly okay. Some overlaps between him and Robin, but enough to be distinctive. The only real thing that's stopping me from accepting it outright is the bloodline ability. Bloodlines are basically inherited superpowers, but Victor's seems to be something anyone with sufficient medical knowledge would be able to pull off.


Everything seems fine. I'm just going to nitpick that Bloodlines are supposed to be rare. Not all Butei have them. I'm not entirely opposed to the whole idea that there might be more than one family line that inherited the ability, but I definitely want some indication that Nadia is unique in some sense, maybe her Bloodline is unusually pure and the effects are a lot stronger in her, or only her family inherited accelerated regeneration or something?
Hidden 10 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by McHaggis


Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Spawnling
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Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Victor seems mostly okay. Some overlaps between him and Robin, but enough to be distinctive.

Robin seemed more like a spy, Victor's more assassin. Less trickery, more stabby. I can alter it some more if you'd like?

The only real thing that's stopping me from accepting it outright is the bloodline ability. Bloodlines are basically inherited superpowers, but Victor's seems to be something anyone with sufficient medical knowledge would be able to pull off.

Then I wasn't clear, apologies. There is quite literally nothing about the human body he doesn't know. It's beyond medical knowledge, he's able to essentially know ANYONE'S biology from a glance. For example, two people in front of him, he can tell you that one has a weak heart that can be hemorrhaged with a heavy blow to the left side of the back, and that the other has weak knees that could be shattered with less force than it would take for a healthy person, with a glance and knowing nothing about them. He knows exactly how much your body can take before it gives out, regardless of mental fortitude, and he'll know exactly where to put a bullet/knife to paralyze your entire body *which by the way, goes beyond sufficient medical knowledge* The trick is if he misses, he's not a fighter. Hence, surprise attacks.

Someone with sufficient medical knowledge, proper tools, and best case scenario could possibly pull off what he does if given the time and a lot of luck. He can always pull it off. Does that work better?
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by RainbowReindeer
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RainbowReindeer trash

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

OH, this is cool. I'll be working on a CS. :^3

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by clericbeast
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clericbeast Hellraiser

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

<Agent Profile - CLASSIFIED>

“Let’s see you talk shit with your teeth in your stomach!”

Name: Alice Volkov
Code Name: “Wild Card”
Age: 19
Gender: Female


  • Long, side-swept sandy blonde hair spills down Alice’s back in layers. A choppy fringe falls across her forehead, occasionally tumbling in front of her eyes. Alice absolutely refuses to pin it up or crop it functionally short; she hasn’t quite grasped the concept of professionalism or maturity. Or not looking like some scruffy vagrant that just stumbled in off the street.
  • Biracial; born to a Russian father and Chinese mother.
  • Rarely found without some sort of bandage or gauze plastered to her cheek or across the bridge of her nose. She may be a “professional” now (and that term is used both very, very loosely and with great caution) but still can’t resist getting into the occasional scrap. (The term “occasional” is also used quite hesitantly.)
  • Her features are soft and youthful, granting her the unique ability to be carded for alcohol until age 42. Small, delicate lips twist into a cocky, cyanide sneer that tries to smother all the hurt and remorse wide, expressive eyes betray. Those eyes are the textbook example of natural selection; the brown hue is so intense, so dark, it devours any and all flecks of other colors that might try to poke through.
  • Collarbones that could open letters and hipbones that could cut glass emphasize Alice’s slender physique. While narrow, she’s still relatively toned, though geared more towards deft, agile maneuvers than anything dwelling even in the same realm as bodybuilding. She’s lithe, not ridiculously scrawny but not desirably full-figured, either, and she has that tense sort of slouch one adopts after years of acting on the “fight” side of the “fight or flight” instinct. She’s got the posture of someone who’s just trying to get through life; the skulky, tentative sort of swagger that implies Alice’s cocky, arrogant disposition runs a little shallower than first glance might suggest.
  • A flippant, devil-may care shrug here and a sharp, brash laugh there try their damndest to compensate for nights spent staring at the ceiling, eyes burning and throat tight and lips aching from the weight of unspoken worries. Her voice is low and somewhat husky, elevating into a harsh, aggressive shout when she’s either flustered or angry.
  • Despite not striking a very imposing figure, she’s moderately tall, in comparison to the statistical average, at least, clocking in at approximately 5’6”.
  • The day Alice shows up to an event without scraped knuckles and bruised fists is probably the day the world will break in half.

Psychological Profile:

The art of battle is a delicate one, and has, contrary to popular assumption, little basis in physical ability. It isn’t quite about who can hit the hardest. It’s about who’s absolutely batshit stupid enough to keep clawing and flailing and punching and screaming long after the upper hand’s been ripped from one’s grasp.

Alice is indeed that special brand of batshit stupid. Prancing through life with an infuriatingly cocky grin and enough cheerful arrogance to power a small regiment, it’s little wonder this kid makes enemies nearly everywhere she goes. She’s quick to judge and even quicker to dismiss; it’s this flippant sort of insouciance, especially regarding serious situations, that makes those enemies turn to nemeses. (She’s keeping a running tally of how many people have publicly declared her their eternal archenemy. It’s rather hefty. Again with the outright lack of caring for others’ opinions.) Could this arrogance be some sort of defense mechanism protecting a soft, fragile inside? Not quite, but not entirely false, either. She’s truly afraid of being hurt or abandoned, especially by someone she considers a comrade, so she preemptively tries to scare them all off to eliminate that increasingly real possibility.

A rapier wit and sharp tongue deftly craft unique insults, and as Alice is quite the wordsmith - albeit not in the conventional sense - also bestow inventive, if not a tad bit vulgar, nicknames on most of those with whom she’s acquainted. Things such as “joyless shitpail” or “ass-for-brains” number amongst her favorites. Further expanding on Alice’s list of negative qualities is her love for the profane; she speaks in a crass, disrespectful, gruff sort of manner unbefitting of someone in her position.

She’s also hopelessly naive, interpreting everything at face value. She’ll rarely pick up on a hidden meaning or double entendre, leaving her rather oblivious to the subtleties of human nature. She’s still not convinced that the worst monsters out there aren’t the ones with fur and fangs and wings.

Alice tends to tackle life with the sort of naive, enthusiastic optimism only a child could procure. Despite her truly rotten personality, she does tend to look on the bright side of things. Or, at least views everything as a challenge she will overcome. Nothing’s insurmountable in her mind, not even the strongest person with the biggest army. (She practically subsists on defiance and determination alone; her willpower is truly staggering.) As such, she tackles life with a cheerful sort of zeal - whether it’s true bravery or simply idiocy is a matter of heated debate. She’s also quite excitable, particularly when the prospect of anything she considers “cool” - such as explosions, or train heists, or hostage recovery - rears its tantalizing head.

Yet another one of Alice’s downfalls - this erring more on the side of a fatal flaw than any of the prior - is her aggressive disposition. Governed almost completely by the side-effects of her bloodline, she absolutely loves to fight - loves the dizzying, intoxicating rush she gets whenever the adrenaline starts coursing through her veins, loves the flutter she gets in her heart when she thinks she’s about to die, loves the thrill of the danger - of the possibility she might lose. Nothing gets that infuriating grin of hers going more than a proper brawl. She’s an adrenaline junkie born and bred, and she’s yet to realize that just because no one’s died doesn’t mean it can be considered a victory.

She’s a stupid kid playing pretend in the world of adults, and one day, that eagerness to fight and lack of maturity is going to get her killed.

Specialty: Assault - Melee
Alice has a soft spot in her heart for beating people into the ground, and it’s something she’s rather good at. Tactics and strategies crumble in the face of improvisation - it’s why she’s only got one small, flimsy little weapon. The element of surprise, raw determination, and a good offense are the only defense she boasts she needs.

Skill Appraisal:
<Lethal Combat> <S>
<Non-lethal Combat> <S>
<Interrogation> <B>
<Covert Infiltration> <C>

Bloodline: <Lü Bu> - <Berserker>

With each blow Alice endures that spills her blood (as in a cut, contusion that splits open, or particularly nasty break), her strength and agility magnify. In layman’s terms, with every lacerating hit, she grows stronger, going from struggling to shove someone back to being able to punch a hole through someone’s chest. Her constitution is relatively sturdy, enabling her to absorb damage without flinching or faltering up to a certain point. The more serious the injury, the quicker the “strength” regeneration, making her difficult to overpower and kill - but not impossible. However, it’s not like the increase in power is infinite; there’s a cap, and it’s lower than one might think. It’s directly linked to the amount of damage she can take without dying. The longer this bloodline is evoked, the more exhausted she’ll become - there’s a very real possibility she’ll collapse mid-hit, fall comatose after a grueling battle, or simply bleed out in the middle of a fight and die.

Because of her unusual bloodline, and because even she’s not stupid enough (or bound by a code of honor) to wait for the enemy to inflict some sort of wound on her to “power up”, she’ll often bite at the side of her hand or drag the blade of her weapon across her palm before things get heated.

Weaponry: Ever the fan of all things showy, needlessly brutal, and wholly unnecessary, Alice’s weapon of choice is a set of spiked brass knuckles. That are mounted on a knife. Certainly not quite the armaments one might expect a member of a branch of law enforcement to carry, but they get the job done nonetheless.

Other relevant information:

  • Her hobbies include sleeping during case briefings, heckling her enemies, heckling her crushes, heckling her friends, spontaneous, wanton destruction, violent video games, laughing at whiny twelve-year-olds on aforementioned violent video games, picking fights, and overcompensating for an alarmingly small sense of self-worth.
  • In terms of attire, Alice’s clothing preferences are decidedly conventionally “masculine”. When told to dress up formally, she would go for a dress shirt and slacks before the thought of wearing a skirt would even begin crossing her mind. Typical garb, especially while on the job, consists of a button-down shirt, fitted pants, with some kind of hooded sweatshirt thrown over the entire ensemble.
  • Surprisingly enough, Alice can cook like a fiend. Culinary prowess is the only aspect of her life that she’s willing to invest actual time and effort.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by clericbeast
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clericbeast Hellraiser

Member Seen 9 yrs ago


Out of idle curiosity - what is the general public's attitude toward the Butei?
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Frettzo
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Frettzo Summary Lover

Member Seen 7 days ago

Sorry guys, I got caught up in his appearance and spent a lot of time drawing him xD

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Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Snakes
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Snakes not a ladder

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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Reaper
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Reaper Slayer of Dreams

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

<Snipped quote by Reaper>
Robin seemed more like a spy, Victor's more assassin. Less trickery, more stabby. I can alter it some more if you'd like?

<Snipped quote by Reaper>

Then I wasn't clear, apologies. There is quite literally nothing about the human body he doesn't know. It's beyond medical knowledge, he's able to essentially know ANYONE'S biology from a glance. For example, two people in front of him, he can tell you that one has a weak heart that can be hemorrhaged with a heavy blow to the left side of the back, and that the other has weak knees that could be shattered with less force than it would take for a healthy person, with a glance and knowing nothing about them. He knows exactly how much your body can take before it gives out, regardless of mental fortitude, and he'll know exactly where to put a bullet/knife to paralyze your entire body *which by the way, goes beyond sufficient medical knowledge* The trick is if he misses, he's not a fighter. Hence, surprise attacks.

Someone with sufficient medical knowledge, proper tools, and best case scenario could possibly pull off what he does if given the time and a lot of luck. He can always pull it off. Does that work better?

Alright, thanks for clearing that up. Accepted.

@clericbeast Accepted. To answer your earlier question, our characters are pretty much the first batch of Butei. In that regard a lot of what we do will inform their opinion of the organization as a whole.

@McHaggis Accepted.
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