Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by ScarlettWaters16
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ScarlettWaters16 Level 80 Assassin Badass

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Citrine Parsons




Secret Gift:
Water Manipulation- Citrine has the ability to move water with her mind. She can manipulate it to her will and heat it up and freeze it. She can also create forms out of it. This is sort of a combination power though, because she can also freeze the water to ice and create weapons out of it as well as shoot icicles. She can also create a small snow storm in her palm or a large one in real life. She controls any form of weather that has to do with large amounts of water, which includes rains and snows. She can create tsunamis and hurricanes.

Weapon of Choice:
76th Grande Pistol that has a white grip and a silver barrel. Shoots laser shells

All Guards, including Recruits, have tight fitting, black Spandex shorts that fall just above their kneed and they have long sleeved black shirts made of a tight breatheable fabric with a hood attached to it and a mask attached to the lower portion of the hood that pulls up over their mouth and nose. She also wears boots and knife sheathes on her forearms. She also has a knife in her left boot. She keeps her gun holster on her left hip. Every time she goes into the Outlands, she always has a medical bag on her back.

Most people know her in Luminosity as the girl who lost her whole family to Anomalous. Her parents worked with the orphanage just down the street from her house. They didn’t make a lot of money, but they helped a lot of people. One day, a young girl was scared of becoming an Anomalous and, once she did, her emotions controlled her powers. She was a lightning Anomalous and one quick motion and two lightning bolts shot through her parents’ hearts. This was when she was eleven. When she was thirteen, she lost her second oldest brother Flynn to a fire Anomalous who was holding up a bank. Her brother had been the security guard that stepped in. The Anomalous caught him right across the throat with a thin, but strong, blaze. Her twin brothers Thorn and Maxon were both killed at a birthday party when she was really young, about seven, when the birthday girl herself figured out she was an ice Anomalous and froze almost everyone at the party. Her eldest brother Rey and her are the only ones left alive of her family. Rey works two jobs and tries to support them the best he can, but they have to go without a few things sometimes. She got the call to become a Guard and Rey practically forced her to go.

Habits (Optional):

Theme Song (Optional):
Bottom of the River by Delta Rae

I will be controlling her NPC brother.

Colt Winger
Secret Gift:
Illusion Imagery/ Projection- Colt has the ability to project illusions on someone's mind. He can alter his appearance this way as well as make people experience their worst fears or put them in a life or death situation in their mind. He will mostly use his gift for changing his appearance to sneak into places and steal things. He does use his as a weapon though, against those he fears will hurt his family.
Weapon of Choice:
Pair of dual katanas that was given to him by his parents. They have white hilts with a single red strip around the middle of the hilts.
The usual Guard gear, plus a pack with a survival kit in it. Also he tends to wear tennis shoes more than boots with his Guard uniform. He wears his katanas on his back in sheathes and he has a pistol on his hip as well. He has two knives on his legs and one on his left forearm, all in sheathes.
TBR in the RP
Habits (Optional):
Theme Song (Optional):
Enter Sandman by Metallica

Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by CLIW
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CLIW ( ರ Ĺ̯ ರೃ )

Member Seen 4 yrs ago


Name: Alda Bayne

Gender: Female

Age: 17

Grid: Slight

Secret Gift: Astral projection; can induce a trance in her physical body and create a "ghost" of herself that can pass through physical objects but also effect the physical world in limited ways, which include small flashes of light, knocking over or moving small/light objects, and creating small clouds of thin mist. She can do this at will, but because her control of this is limited, a big enough fright will cause her to enter a projection, which would appear in real life as fainting. Projecting leaves her 'real' body extremely vulnerable.

Weapon of Choice: An axe!

Gear: Medical gear, a bag of trail mix and a strong magnifying glass.

Bio: She discovered her power about a year ago during a powerful windstorm while she was taking a stroll through the forests of Slight. She was near the edge of the woods, where the wind picked up so much strength that it felled a tree, which narrowly pinned Alda by her lower leg when it fell (and broke the leg). The horror of the situation forced her into a projection; she thought she was dead because she could see her own body laying still on the ground but eventually managed to will herself back into her physical body.
The discovery caused her to grow apart from her family, and she became somewhat reclusive while she was recovering from the accident.

Habits: Walks with a limp. When she is stressed, she closes her eyes and becomes unresponsive.

Theme Song (Optional): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zSHtniUl8V4

Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by _Middle_
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Member Seen 3 yrs ago


Name: Lincoln (goes by Linc by friends) Fristen

Gender: Male

Age: 17

Grid: Slight

Secret Gift: Lincoln has the ability to control air. He can create strong winds, or send a concentration of air at someone, blowing them back. Lincoln can also use then to send a concentration of air towards the ground, blowing himself the opposite direction. This allows Lincoln to be able to fly for short periods of time too, but leaves his arms useless since they are having to be pointed towards the ground.

Weapon of Choice: Dual Laser Handguns

Gear: Wears the regular Guard clothing. Has a handgun holster on each side of his hip. He keeps a pretty long knife strapped to the side of his right calf in case anything goes wrong.

Bio: Lincoln grew up in a family that wasn't completely for the Guards. Lincoln's father's brother died when he was out fighting the Anomalies. Lincoln's sister was also killed by an Anomalous, which he was very close with. The family never wanted any of their family fighting for the cause, afraid that someone would die again. Also, they didn't completely agree with everything the Guards did, they did some pretty controversial things in the past. The family believed that maybe there could be either a cure for the Anomalies, or that they could come to an agreement, where the Anomalies could be used in the military. But at the end of the day, they believed that the Anomalies could be a threat, and is better that they just get rid of the variables all together. Better safe than sorry.

Habits: Lincoln's right hand starts to(sometimes rapidly) unintentionally when he gets nervous, or is in a bad situation. It is more a bad habit, cause it impairs his hand a bit.

Theme Song: None

Other: N/A
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by MatParker1711


Member Seen 10 yrs ago


Name: Sarah Morningstar

Gender: Female

Age: 16

Grid: Luminosity

Secret Gift: Telekinesis. Sarah has the ability to move people and objects with her mind, although moving large objects causes her great pain and can lead to her passing out

Weapon of Choice: Two machine pistols

Gear: Standard guard gear with pistol holsters strapped to each hip.

Bio: Sarah discovered her ability at a young age and fearful of being cast out she kept it a closely guarded secret. Practicing her ability in secret she has become relatively skilled at moving things with her mind. Recently however she has been yearning to do more than discreet parlour tricks with her powers and believes that those like her should try to help those without these abilities. When she received the call to join the guards she accepted immediately believing it to be her opportunity to do some good.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by AgentFallenSoul
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AgentFallenSoul The Forsaken

Member Seen 6 yrs ago


Dyana Dolaso
Secret Gift:
Dyana is highly skilled with all types of guns allowing her to perform great feats and benefit in a far ranged combat. Dyana is an excellent bull-eyes aim on her target via bullets. Dyana are also able to operate all variations of guns. She can create guns as well as repair them. Also to have an expert knowledge of guns and handling them. Dyana have excellent intuition on trigger-initiated, hand-held, and hand-directed implements, especially with an extending bore, which thereby resemble the class of weapon in either form or concept.

Dyana can achieve complete and utter accuracy on distant targets, with the activity in her brain center for aim, accuracy and precision is drastically improved. She needs only to aim for an instant before they can precisely hit a target with a projectile. Dyana can judge extremely long distances amazingly accurately, gauging the strength needed to launch a projectile, in order to hit a target accurately. If a target is moving Dyana can calculate the best method to hit the target. Visual obstructions like smoke and vegetation do not hinder Dyana ability to get an accurate bead on Dyana's target, and Dyana's intense focus on whatever she's shooting at allows her to shut out outside distractions. She can compensate for environmental factors that would normally throw off her aim like wind, air resistance, gravity, and radiant heat (which distorts the image of the target).

Weapon of Choice:

A variton of marksmen rifles, the ESG45 is a semi-automatic rifles that shoots both standard military armor piercing rounds as well as another setting for anti-material rail gun capabilities. It also has a removeable scope for close combat and runs on 15 bullets, it's rail gun can fire 4 shots before having to recharge which is the average speed of changing a clip.

574SIDE-M/233 is a standard grade pistol that uses a clip of 12 standard bullets. Semi-Automatic.
Beyond the standard gear, she has a camoflauged cloak she uses when on hunting missions or she's posted up somewhere waiting for her target, she has a holster for her gun and carries armor piercing rounds in her small pack, with standard medical supplies as well as a removable red dot sight to switch out with her marksmen scope on her ESG45.
Dyana is kind of a mystery to the guards, she was found in luminosity and many knew her as a very brutal person, stuck on protecting her family, her mother was a cripple and her father a drunk, her little brother often tried to keep the house held together. Butbetween being poor and her father spending his wages on alchohal, Dyana took it upon herself to provide for the family of four. When she wasn't at home, she was out fighting for food, but she came across something that changed the playing field. One day she was digging in the trash, when she came across an old rustic looking metal object. What she found out later to be a gun, slowly began to change her. She was more quiet, she listened to sounds she never realized she had heard before, she noticed things that normally she wouldn't. Then when her mother died to an anomalies, she took it upon herself to become a guard. That is when she truly realized just how what her power was, it went beyond being a good marksmen, she could fire with ease almost, like she had been firing guns for decades. To others it just seemed to be a normal gift, but to Dyana she knows what it truly is, a power best kept hidden.
Habits (Optional):
She chews gum a lot to get past her jitters, she also bites on a titanium bullet when posted up or getting ready to go into a battlefield.
Theme Song (Optional):
N/A at the moment
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by kagethekiller
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kagethekiller NotADragon

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Name: Seril Flint

Gender: Male

Age: 18

Grid: Till

Secret Gift: Duplication he can create multipule physical copies of himself though with each copy his original body gets weaker, this can later manifest into a sort of teleportation act if he masters his ability.
Weapon of Choice: Magnum .45

Gear: a cantina a survival knife and a watch

Bio: Flint was a normal guy before he joined the guard, but the day before he joined he discovered his power whilst sleeping he had a dream of himself watching him sleep sitting in the stool there beside his bed, and when he woke up he was still sitting there motionless until he thought of something for his clone to do. He didn't mind being a freak, but it was too late to turn back now, who's to say the guard wouldn't just kill him for being different. Serial's family was rather poor and he couldn't afford to leave his mother and two sisters alone in this messed up world. Not when the other choice was leaving them forever as a villain of sorts. Not all of them could be bad? Right?

Habits (Optional): Smokes far to much and loves using his ability when he can.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Sincerely
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Sincerely Quarantine made me do it

Member Seen 2 yrs ago


Name: Paige Michaelson

Gender: Female

Age: 17

Grid: Focal

Secret Gift: Pyrokinesis-She can create fire from her palms. She can also control any fire she comes across. She can increase the heat of the fire or reduce it. She can manipulate fire into a spherical shape to throw at enemies, as a weapon.

Weapon of Choice: 8 inch daggers and ninja stars

Gear: Medical pack, compass, rope

Bio: Paige was born in Focal. Her parent's weren't Council Members, but they were close to becoming so. She never wanted anything that she didn't get. But, with her parents running a political campaign, they never had time to spend with Paige. She found herself acting out to get their attention. Instead of getting her way, her parents erased any mention of her from their lives. They said she was too big of a risk if she couldn't constantly be on her best behavior. So her parents bought her her own penthouse, which she's been living in since she was 13.

Habits (Optional): She is always chewing gum.

Theme Song (Optional): Ain't It Fun by Paramore

Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by karamonnom
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karamonnom Sleepy Girl

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Appearance: (Real Pictures)

Name: Estella Zaneux

Gender: Female

Age: 16

Grid: Principle

Secret Gift: Siren Song; Estella has the ability to "control" others with the sound of her melodious voice...sort of. There are a lot of limitations to her powers however. For example, she cannot make a person do anything they are incapable of doing or kill themselves. There is also a refractory period so after she uses her power once, she has to wait an hour before using it again. She can manipulate more than one person at a time; up to 5 at a time. Also, her powers don't work on people who are deaf or have their ears plugged for obvious reasons. In addition, she's not very good at controlling it yet so sometimes she uses it not on her command, or when she wants to use it, it doesn't work.

Weapon of Choice: "Weapons are so unfashionable... but I guess I'll carry a handgun and a dagger if I have to."

Gear: Estella doesn't like wearing the normal Guard because she thinks it looks 'gaudy', but her request for a custom-made one was rejected so she is forced to wear the gross thing.

Bio: (Short Paragraph): Estella was born an only child into a very wealthy, high class family. Naturally, she was spoiled rotten because she got whatever she wanted, whenever she wanted it. She has always had a beautiful singing voice which she and her family were very proud of but one day, she noticed something strange. Sometimes when she would say something like, "Oh, jump into the lake", some people actually did it! She is used to people obeying her blindly, but nothing to that extent! Hopefully it was just a coincidence or a fluke because she refuses to believe she was one of them.

Habits (Optional):Throwing a tantrum when things don't go her way. Combing her hair a thousand times each side before she goes to bed.

Theme Song (Optional): N/A

Other: She doesn't even want to be a Guard, but she got chosen ("Naturally!") so she decided to accept the honor. It made her parents ecstatic anyhow.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Avanhelsing


Member Seen 4 yrs ago


Name: Logan Steele




Secret Gift:Logan can form and control storms. Control might be a bit too much since he cannot move the storms. He can change a beautiful day into a stormy one in a matter of hours. If there are already clouds he can manipulate them into raining or snowing if the area allows. He would be able to eventually cause localized thunderstorms.If he can focus he can cause damage with huricane level attacks. He has to be focusing to do the most damage. However his powers is not a sedentary one. He has to "dance" with the weather. Depending on what type of weather he is creating is how fast he has to move. A storm for example requires him to move erratically.

Weapon of Choice:His trusty sniper rifle. It is not different than the old hunting rifle he used to use back home in Till. He also has a dagger if someone gets to close.

Gear: The usual Gear for a recruit. He has a necklace with a shell on it that he keeps for good luck.

Bio: (Short Paragraph): Logan Steele was born right in the middle Till on a decent sized farm. He loved his life in Till. His family has lived on the land for a few generations. Logan was taught how to fight and hunt soon after he could walk. He three older brothers taught him all of the skills that he would need. Course he was different from the others. Logan helped to feed his family by hunting for as much as he could get for them. It was on one of these hunts, Logan discovered that he could cause it to rain in a small area. He joined the Guard against the wishes of his mother since his father had died in the Guard. Logan has his father's knife as one of his weapons.

Habits (Optional):Is a notorious flirt. He will hit on anyone regardless of gender. He loves to get in a fight and is decent at it.

Theme Song (Optional):

Other: Speaks with a slight drawl.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Imaginary
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Imaginary Let's start a riot.

Member Seen 5 yrs ago


Name: Nyaleena Vega

Gender: Female

Age: 16

Grid: Focal

Secret Gift: Nya can read and manipulate someone’s aura. Her exact abilities include reading and manipulating emotions, some minor ability to read a person’s intent (although it doesn’t always work and is very unreliable), ability to sense the strength of a person’s life-force and ability to put a person in a trance for short periods of time.

Weapon of Choice: dual Colt 1911 .45s, SOG Seal Knife 2000

Gear: Standard guard gear, a gun holster on each thigh and an arm sheathe for her knife

Bio: Nyaleena Vega grew up in a proud, wealthy Council family. This very same family was a part of the original Council who established the safety around Markson. For her entire life, she has heard nothing but how much of a plague the Anomalous are. After meeting an Anomalous as a child, she has hidden her fascination with the outcasts. Learning she was recruited to the Guard was a mix of emotions for her - pride in carrying on the family legacy and trepidation in knowing what she was being trained to do, especially considering her fears that she may in fact be an Anomalous…

Habits: She hums excessively.

Theme Song: Show Me How to Live - Audioslave

Other: She doesn't smile very often and is apathetic to making many friends.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by smarty0114
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smarty0114 Human

Member Seen 6 mos ago

Name: Finn Beckett

Gender: Male

Age: 16

Grid: Principle

Secret Gift: Photokinesis or the power to manipulate visible light. John has the ability to manipulate any visible light to his will, shaping it into a solid object. However creating an object that is any bigger than a medium sized backpack takes a bit more time and energy. He can also increase the intensity of the light, which allows him to burn things with it.

Weapon of Choice: Besides his light constructs, Finn's preferred weapon is a crossbow that shoot's laser bolts. The weapon generates a bolt when it is drawn back (assuming it has enough power) and then works just like an average crossbow.

Gear: Standard Rookie gear, a small bag to hold ammo and a pistol holster.

Bio: Finn grew up with anything he could desire. His parents were both film stars and therefore he was raised by a nanny while they were away, which was quite often. When he started displaying his powers, his parents hid him from the public eye, fearing for his safety. His nanny, Alessa, revealed her own telekinetic powers to him, and also how she had snuck in from the Outside. She taught him how to control his powers and she became a second mother to the scared, young boy. Unfortunately, his parents died when he was eleven, leaving him their mansion and all their wealth. Alessa moved in permanently to take care of him and help him hone his powers, and teach him the ways of the world. He grew up with the knowledge that not all Anomalous were bad, and when he got the call to join the Guards, he accepted. While Alessa feared for his safety, Finn believed he could change things.

Habits (Optional): He bites his nails and fingers when he gets nervous.

Theme Song (Optional): None

Other: None
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by SheriffLlama
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SheriffLlama In Trench I'm Not Alone

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Appearance: Mason normally towers over most people, standing at about 6'6 and weighing around 240(Muscular, not fat). At his size, he isn't very graceful, and he relies on his strength over his brains. He has broad shoulders that only increase his intimidation factor. He doesn't really take crap from anyone, but he doesn't talk to many people.

Name: Mason Foster

Gender: Male

Age: 18

Grid: Till

Secret Gift: Mason's gifts follow right in partner with his physical appearance. Being large and strong, his abilities are superhuman strength and "Berserker". His superhuman strength allows him to lift around 3 tons (6,000 tons/Weight of an SUV). "Berserker" only comes into play when Mason is angry enough to get violent. When this does ensue, Mason's vision of friend or foe becomes warped, and he is a danger to all those around him. Also, his stamina, endurance, and pain-tolerance sky rocket when he "berserks".

Weapon of Choice:

Gear: Standard Guard Armor, 2x Grenades, Handcuffs, Side-Arm Pistol, Dark Black Boots, matching pants and undershirt.

Bio: Mason is a typical guy from Till. His father was a share-cropper, so Mason helped him in his work. As a kid, Mason was picked on for being small. However, when he hit his teen years, no one picked on him... cause his growth spurt was abnormal. Over years working on his father's crops, he built natural muscle, but then pursued to intentionally build them up. He joined the recruits at age 18, older than most bust still acceptable.

Habits: Mason tends to smoke when he gets tired or stressed, and evidence of his smoking can be seen all around the roof of the Castle. He also has a nasty habit of seeing the bad side of people, rather than the good.

Theme Song (Optional): The Rolling Stones - Paint It, Black

Other: Listen to that song... it's awesome... I promise...
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Puffhead
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Puffhead The Friendly Idiot

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

(I'm hoping this is still accepting! I didn't see anything saying it wasn't so here we are!)


Name: Derric Athens

Gender: Male

Age: 17

Grid: Slight

Secret Gift: Sixth sense. While typically this means Derric can predict danger before it happens, his odd gift allows him to sense more than just immediate danger to himself. He can also sense (on occasion) people's emotions, nearby presences, and on rare occasions even death before it occurs. This sense is just like any other of the five senses however, and can be tricked or can even outright fail him at times. This sense also allows him to pick up on others skills, so for example if someone knows how to track or hunt someone, his sense allows him to imitate this ability and be able to hunt as well.
Weapon of Choice: Derric tends to stay old fashioned with his weaponry, claiming that it makes things easier to focus. He has a composite bow and a quiver of arrows which he keeps on him at all times, along with a set of simple hunting knives.

Gear: His bow and quiver arrows, along with a pack at his side which holds a small amount of medicinal herbs, several different types of detachable arrow heads, and various snacks he always seems to keep with him.

Bio: Derric learned of his gift unlike most, as he seemed to be aware of it from the day he learned to walk. He never understood how others didn't know things like he did, and it honestly confused him when he watched people step into danger he could clearly sense coming. Couldn't they sense it to? Slowly, as his mind matured he began to realize that he was the only one who could sense these things, and began to understand that he was special. When it became time to become a guard, he realized he could use these abilities to propel him, giving him an uncanny sense for danger while also allowing him to be able to easily detect and hit targets with his simple bow.

Habits (Optional): Derric, unlike most in his sector, tends to be a little bit more friendly then others. For reasons he doesn't quite understand, he feels he almost always has to help those who ask it of him, most likely because the emotion of gratitude he feels from them is one of the better feelings he ever detects with his ability.

Theme Song (Optional): Just the music that goes on in his head


Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by ArenaSnow
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ArenaSnow Devourer of Souls

Banned Seen 4 yrs ago

((Post came later due to the fact the confirmation came after I retired for the night.))

I have two characters - one will be used in the main RP and the other will be triggered if encountered in the below description.


Name: Tarvas Meldon

Gender: Male

Age: 18

Grid: Slight

Secret Gift: Trapping and being inconspicuous. He is extremely good at trapping - he can get a feel of where pray will end up, and is one who would be very likely to detect a trap before he walks into one. He is also able to make himself very inconspicuous or even seem dead - he does not move, nor do anything to attract attention to himself. He can also sneak up on a prey, even if they are alert.

Weapon of Choice: Traps, but if necessary a long knife (or short sword), and he can take a preference to a well made handgun if he really needs to.

Gear: The regular guard’s gear, with a knife slot at his side and another in his bot, and a slot for a handgun as well. He also has odds and ends and likes to carry some rope around with him if on duty.

Tarvas Meldon was adopted. He never knew his real parents, and his adopted father was a drunk. He grew up unsatisfied and angry, hating both the parents he never knew for not being there and hating the man who was. He hunted for his own food and was often not at home, and snuck in at night to avoid being detected (or he simply did not come home at all). His preference to catch prey is trapping - an ability he is extremely good at, but that he has not paid much attention to, although he also doesn’t do much to make it obvious.

Habits: Not social, generally holds a low opinion of others, likes to think and tinker with things.


He is uncomfortable in open spaces and is very much at home in a dark area, or one with many twists and turns, such as the forests where he grew up. He does not like loud noises (and is not fond of gunfights as a result) and will not last if in an one on one muscle fight, although he has reflexes to make up for it. He is a bit paranoid and very difficult to get to trust somebody.

Second Character
This one will only come in use if the guard goes moderately deep into the forests of the Outlands, where he lives.


Name: Charles Zalthon

Gender: Male

Age: 44

Grid: Outlands (formerly Slight)

Secret Gift: Same as Tarvas, but more developed and practiced.

Weapon of Choice: Likes traps but also his rifle, which he can use quite well.

Gear: An old set of Guard gear, along with normal clothes.

Charles Zalthon is the father of Tarvas Meldon. He started off in the Guard, where me made a good living for himself. However, he became increasingly disillusioned with the entire practice that the Council had put into place.

His banishment came after his plot was uncovered to take down the Council. His own wife, he had discovered, was Anomalous, and she convinced him that his own skills made him one as well. He met up with a larger group of Anomalous and schemed to take out the Council and rule the city under a new start. However, the Council somehow caught wind of the mission and invaded their base of operations located in Slight. Only Charles survived - everyone else, including his wife, was massacred. He only survived because he was outside when the invasion took place and noticed that something was wrong.

He fled to the forest in the Outlands and managed to evade his pursuers. He never came out again, and the few that came in to hunt him were not seen again as well.

He did not know that his wife had a son, who the senior Meldon adopted after finding him abandoned in Slight’s forest, not far from where his Tarvas’s mother died. Meldon senior took good care of him until he became consumed by drink when Tarvas was 5 years old.

Habits: Oversleeping and rocking in the chair he has in his cabin.


Charles is consumed by the grief of having survived when everyone else, including the love of his life, did not. His only activities are hunting for food and making sure he is not bothered by the Guard. His location is heavily populated with traps, which he maintains.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Satsuki
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Satsuki Main Tank

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Name:Zephornial "Zeph" Nolluxian

Gender: Female

Age: 19


Secret Gift: Space manipulation (More or less portals) Zeph uses a rather confusing gift that allows her to create bends that seem to connect places that had no physical association with one another. This ability does not eliminate forces such as inertia, however shifts in gravity can occur. (When one steps forward and is now parallel the ground, gravity is quick to reclaim its grasp.)

Weapon of Choice: Garrote and a singular 7inch rather unique tempered blade.

Gear: While not exactly unique, Zeph's garb is obviously modified, the right side allowed more mobility.

Bio: Raised in a environment that many would be envious of, Zeph saw it as her own personal hell. The community was boring, the people worse. Political battles settled as fast as they began, status determining your identity. It was when she was 13 she learned a way to alleviate the growing rage. While away from prying eyes, a jealous child attempted to take out his misfortunes on the young Zeph and show her her place. Zeph took a singular punch, and the pain filled her forced the boiling rage to spill over. As the boy pulled back his arm to take a second swing at the girl, Zeph had pulled her golden hair pin from her hair...A strange sound that could be compared to breaking an undercooked egg filled the quiet room. The boys eyes dilated, and a singular bloody tear ran down the slope of his nose. Rather than panic at her actions, she merely informed her parents as to allow them the time to clean up. She struggled internally with this new found demon, is it a lust for blood or a means to correct the foolish lifestyles of the cattle? Several incidents of missing persons drew the attention of the authorities, but in an odd turn of events ended with the "good guys" being her haven from the good guys.

Habits (Optional):Sharpening...things. Tends to use whatever she can to draw whatever she finds attractive at that time.

Theme Song (Optional):https://youtu.be/XynTyxleH1Q[/url]
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by kagethekiller
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kagethekiller NotADragon

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Appearance: http://www.wallcoo.net/paint/novel_books_cover_illustration_man/images/Art_Paintings_of_Hansome_man_b707.jpg (let me know if thats not realistic enough)

Name: Chess Fuller



Grid: Focal

Secret Gift:[/s]Force field generation: ability to project a force field out of his body like a bubble, made of kinetic energy. With training he could project it at you to cause harm or protect you.[/s]

Weapon of Choice:

Gear:Standard guard gear, though if he can get his hands on any explosives he usually brings them along.

Bio: Chess was raised in Focal an orphan, so when he got picked for the guard he was actually happy to become someone. Living on the streets as a kid has made him very laid back and a bit of a con artist. He was told that if he messed up in the guard there was nowhere else for him to go so this was it for him. But one day it happened, his best friend Lif was playing a game of catch with him and unknowingly through the ball his way when he wasn’t looking. To Lif it looked like the ball simply bounced off Chess’s head but that wasn’t the case. At the last moment Chess turned and saw the ball coming his way, when suddenly just when he thought he was about to get hit a small purple ball of some sort of energy appeared there, about half the size of the ball, and deflected it.

Chess knows one thing… no one can ever know.

Habits (Optional):None yet

Theme Song (Optional):

Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by CallaLily
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CallaLily The Flower Girl

Member Seen 10 yrs ago

Name Lilith B. Archer

Gender Female

Age Eighteen Years Old

Grid Principal

Secret Gift Lilith can change form, from one animal to another. She can also take on physical attributes from an animal or just use their abilities. As an example, Lilith can shape shift into a wolf, possess it's canines, or be able to hear and smell as well as it can. She can do this with a variety of animals, though she can't harness the abilities of a mythical creature.

Weapon of Choice Lilith uses two 9mm pistols with special bullets. Once they hit something, the bullets will explode and the corrosive acid inside will come with it.

Gear A medical kit, some granola bars, and a few books to keep her busy.

Bio Lilith was born to a privileged family. They knew what they wanted for their daughter, and usually kept Lilith under a ball and chain. As Lilith grew up, she was taught to get what she wanted with only a few words. She had a few servants that were placed under her control and she used them as friends on the side. Later in her life, Lilith started to sneak out of the house. She wasn't a master at the skill, but she managed to find the time to do so. She'd sit with her parents as they'd fill out their schedules and pretend to care about losing family time. As soon as they'd leave though, she'd leave too. She'd walk around the city and have fun doing whatever she deemed necessary. And one day she found out that she could do a bit more than she expected. As she sat in her backyard she found out that if she focused on an animal, she would become like it. She saw her families dogs, and if she thought about it's attributes she found that she could gain it's sight and hearing. She knew this was a bad thing, because she had heard about special people from her parents. She knew she had to keep this a secret, so she covered her ears and went back into her room as if the whole event had never occurred. Days later her parents got the call from the guards, and they were delighted. So they packed Lilith's bags and shipped her off.

Habits She fidgets a lot

Theme Song Billy Joel-Only the good die young.
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