Citrine Parsons
Secret Gift:
Water Manipulation- Citrine has the ability to move water with her mind. She can manipulate it to her will and heat it up and freeze it. She can also create forms out of it. This is sort of a combination power though, because she can also freeze the water to ice and create weapons out of it as well as shoot icicles. She can also create a small snow storm in her palm or a large one in real life. She controls any form of weather that has to do with large amounts of water, which includes rains and snows. She can create tsunamis and hurricanes.
Weapon of Choice:
76th Grande Pistol that has a white grip and a silver barrel. Shoots laser shells
All Guards, including Recruits, have tight fitting, black Spandex shorts that fall just above their kneed and they have long sleeved black shirts made of a tight breatheable fabric with a hood attached to it and a mask attached to the lower portion of the hood that pulls up over their mouth and nose. She also wears boots and knife sheathes on her forearms. She also has a knife in her left boot. She keeps her gun holster on her left hip. Every time she goes into the Outlands, she always has a medical bag on her back.
Most people know her in Luminosity as the girl who lost her whole family to Anomalous. Her parents worked with the orphanage just down the street from her house. They didn’t make a lot of money, but they helped a lot of people. One day, a young girl was scared of becoming an Anomalous and, once she did, her emotions controlled her powers. She was a lightning Anomalous and one quick motion and two lightning bolts shot through her parents’ hearts. This was when she was eleven. When she was thirteen, she lost her second oldest brother Flynn to a fire Anomalous who was holding up a bank. Her brother had been the security guard that stepped in. The Anomalous caught him right across the throat with a thin, but strong, blaze. Her twin brothers Thorn and Maxon were both killed at a birthday party when she was really young, about seven, when the birthday girl herself figured out she was an ice Anomalous and froze almost everyone at the party. Her eldest brother Rey and her are the only ones left alive of her family. Rey works two jobs and tries to support them the best he can, but they have to go without a few things sometimes. She got the call to become a Guard and Rey practically forced her to go.
Habits (Optional):
Theme Song (Optional):
Bottom of the River by Delta Rae
I will be controlling her NPC brother.

Colt Winger
Secret Gift:
Illusion Imagery/ Projection- Colt has the ability to project illusions on someone's mind. He can alter his appearance this way as well as make people experience their worst fears or put them in a life or death situation in their mind. He will mostly use his gift for changing his appearance to sneak into places and steal things. He does use his as a weapon though, against those he fears will hurt his family.
Weapon of Choice:
Pair of dual katanas that was given to him by his parents. They have white hilts with a single red strip around the middle of the hilts.
The usual Guard gear, plus a pack with a survival kit in it. Also he tends to wear tennis shoes more than boots with his Guard uniform. He wears his katanas on his back in sheathes and he has a pistol on his hip as well. He has two knives on his legs and one on his left forearm, all in sheathes.
TBR in the RP
Habits (Optional):
Theme Song (Optional):
Enter Sandman by Metallica