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Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Kiri


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Current Objective

Get to know your Guardian Beast (also, don't forget to add their profiles to your character sheets)

Current Quest

The First Assessment.

Our heroes will set out into the wilderness on their first task- to kill off a few maddened creatures to maintain the equilibrium of the forest. The students will be separated into teams, lead by a mentor.

Tamirlan's team will be: Calette, Lebelont, and Tal

Roque's team will be: Altea, Sai, and Jobain

Their target creature is: (15) Acalypha Spiders (check Bestiary in Character tab for info)

The purpose of this quest is so each mentor can determine where each student is at skill-wise. This will also provide ample opportunity to see how each works with their newly made partner in a group setting.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Kiri


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Lower district of the Degar market. Noon.

"They should be arriving any moment now."


"I can't wait to see their faces!"


They sat at Degars Heart, a fountain of jade that flows with the glistening fairy touched waters that pulse through the village like blood through veins. One of the men, the darker of the two, was busy whittling something in his hands with a dagger. By his side sat a bright faced man, eager and cheerful in his demeanor,

"Roque- my crystals have been calling out to me. The other dimensions are eager to open up to me."

The excitement in his voice caused Roque to look up from his whittling. He gave his friend a peculiar look,

"You're a strange man, Tamirlan." And he was right. The act of summoning was seen as sacred and sobering- it was a binding ceremony, despite the simple questions. The way that Tamirlan felt about it- delighted and doting- made it seem like he was some priest at a wedding. Roque did not share this view- they were training soldiers here, not giving pets to children.

By his side lay his summon beast- the massive Carthanach- a behemoth hyena armored for war. Its heaving breath, sluggish due to sleep, caused ripples to pass through the fountains waters as the earth rumbled below. The beast enjoyed sunbathing- a pastime he just recently took up since his master became preoccupied with preparing for the new arrivals.

Tamirlan turned away from them and soaked his hands in the glistening fountain water, he spoke as he cleaned them,

"Maybe you should put him away- no need to scare them on their first day."

Roque laughed, loud and cruel,

"Imagine how I felt when I first saw Carthanach. They need the wakeup call, Tam. Its a reflection of their souls. And I want to see."

The summoner nodded,

"Yes. I'd like to see who they really are as well." He concluded, turning now just as the first of the students came into his line of sight,

"Oh- I think I see them now. How long will it take for them to notice us, you think?"

Roque looked himself over- he was dressed in his casual combat outfit. He glanced over to Tamirlan, who wore his summoning robes. The craftknight snorted,

"Not long. Plus, I made sure that the guards at the gates of the village pointed them in the right direction."

He dropped the whittling project into his pocket and sheathed his dagger, straightening up and looking on toward the assembling students with his bright yellow eyes. When they finally settled down before them he curtly waived,

"Evening, students. I've been assigned to be your mentor for the next few months or so. Name's Roque. This here is Tamirlan- and this-" he jutted his thumb over his shoulder at the colossus beside him,
"Is Carthanach, my Guardian Beast."

Tamirlan spoke up now, smiling and seemingly more enthusiastic than his companion,

"And I am the Summoner. I hope your travels fared you well. Roque and I have decided that now would be the best time to summon your Guardian beasts- since the first assessment would be impossible without one. How does that sound? Are you nervous? No need to be!"

Roque rolled his eyes at his friends tone, but his attitude did not break his default gruff voice,

"Tamirlan's right. No use in waiting. The faster we can get you all to bond and fight alongside your beasts, the better."

Tamirlan sat on the fountain and splayed out his hands to the students,

"Now, is everyone prepared with their tokens? Hopefully you all came with your precious items- since without one, I'd be unable to summon your beast. Hand them over now and the ceremony can begin at once."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by karamonnom
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karamonnom Sleepy Girl

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Calette walked into Degar market with her precious item in her hand. It was a beautiful, but old brush that her mother used to use to comb her hair. It was decorated with roses of all colors, that despite its age was not faded. It was very important to her, and she was starting to doubt that she should be doing this if it meant she might have to sacrifice it. But she continued on, following the guards' directions that lead her to a strange pair of men and a terrifying beast. Now she was really starting to regret it. She meekly walked towards them, noticing that many other students were with her and had a similar reaction.

The men had already began to collect each of their tokens and when they reached her, she was hesitant to let go. Her fingers slowly removed themselves from the comb handle and all she could do was pray that she made the right choice. She, then waited with everyone else to see what creature would be summoned. "I hope mine isn't as scary as the one that Rogue has," she thought to herself. "If so, I might quit right there and then!" Though she didn't mean it. Still, she was a bit worried about what her future lifelong partner would be like.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by RainbowReindeer
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RainbowReindeer trash

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

"Stop it - Hey! I swear, just because you're taller than me does not give you the right to use me as your personal elbow stand!... What did I just tell you?"

It was a rather comical sight; a towering six feet male, dressed in leather and light plate armor, was attempting to rest his arm on his female companion on her head. Like him, she was tall as well but was a few feet shorter. She was clad in dark silver armor, her helmet in her hands as her face wrinkled in exasperation laced with the tiniest hints of love. The pair had their weapons strapped to their backs. While they seemed to have the same weapons, since they were both long, the female wielded a glaive while the other wielded a spear. It was quite obvious, as they walked into Degar, that they aspired to become Craftknights.

Altea Askeladd smacked her brother's hand, her lips tugging into a satisfied smile when he yelped in pain as he withdrew his hand. Lebelont rolled his eyes, bringing his hands up to the back of his head as he began to sing a merry tune. The sun was bright and welcoming, setting the young man's blond hair ablaze - It was blinding to Altea. She tucked in a few strands of chocolate-brown hair behind her ear, her mind drifting off as she let the warmth seep into her.

(( "Altea, promise me you'll look after him. He's stupid, he got the stupid genes from his idiotic brainless father - Oh, Altea, promise me."

She hesitated, a shadow of doubt passing over her face. She couldn't protect him. They weren't children anymore - they would be heading to a world that claimed her courageous father's life. A world that was ruthless and bloody. Soft and gentle hands cupped over her cheeks and Altea's cloudy gray eyes met sky blues that were so hauntingly familiar. 'I know you can do it' were the unspoken words.

Thin lips pursed, trembling slightly before parting. "I promise."

The aged and dignified woman managed to smile. She patted her adopted daughter's shoulder again, pulling her into an embrace before letting go. "Altea, I probably should have given this to you earlier, but I believe this was your mothers. I'm sure she would have wanted you to have it when you turned of age," she whispered, her heart shattering into many pieces. Her two children were surely heading off to their deaths and there was absolutely nothing she could do.

Altea blinked a few times and felt something pressed into her palm. A ring. A simple golden ring with a floral design etched into it. The girl slowly held the ring up between her index and thumb, observing the delicate piece of jewelry before grasping it, pulling it close to her heart. A sigh escaped her lips as she patted the woman's hands, the fear and doubt washed away.

"Don't worry too much dear Mother." ))

"Hey, what in the heavens is that thing?!"

Lebelont's exclaim jolted Altea from her thoughts and oh, were they already here? Lebelont glanced at Altea, bumping into her as he chuckled. His sister liked to zone out when she was deeply contemplating on something. Nevertheless, excitement jolted through Lebelont's blood as he approached the two men and monstrous beast. Surely he would get something as cool as that creature!

There was already another girl there, she looked kind of scared. Lebelont made a mental note to approach to girl and get to know her. As soon as the Summoner mentioned their precious items - tokens - Lebelont immediately produced an aged coin. His very first coin that he earned through work. He was quite proud of it and it was actually given to him by his father who had received it from his father and so on. Lebelont was actually quite reluctant to hand over something so precious to this...happy looking Summoner but he did so anyways. As soon as Lebelont handed it over, Altea handed over her ring.

He casually leaned over to his sister whispering; "I can't wait to see what kind of beast I'll get!" Altea only grinned.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by General Scales
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General Scales

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

A rather large mostly armored figured, likely approaching 6'8", strolled through Degar taking in its sights which where new and looking about at it people who already seemed to have a sort of recognition for him. Jobain's curiosity sort of got the better of him in this new village with all of its plant life and many different peoples ending up with him losing his sense of time. It took him a few moments to get himself back in order so he could head for the fountain still in a stroll not wanting to make too much noise in his heavy plate armor, though he removed his helmet for comfort. His shield was currently strapped to his back, very literally strapped given its size, possibly making people question if that was his protection what his weapon was. He thought it was quite fitting and well made to take more than a few hits for him before dishing them back out.

Jobain moved up to the fountain seeing a couple others having arrive not so far ahead of him despite his pace. He stood not far away from the rest keeping a smile and having a look at his fellow recruits. His gaze first fell upon the two wielding a spear and glaive seeming to be in rather good spirits where as the smaller girl with a sword seemed intimidated or just frightened, it was probably the massive beast belonging to the man who was to be they're teacher. If he wasn't used to being around larger animals himself he might have felt a bit off around such a thing but it wasn't the case as he thought it was more interesting than anything. So far he liked what he saw in everyone there though once the Summoner asked for his token he had to dig around in a small pack for a moment to find it.

Jobain produced a small emblem, ornate and made of silver that was shaped like a shield with Shield Brother engraved in it, which had apparently been in the family for some time on his mother's side. They did well enough herding not usually cold or hungry but there was nothing luxurious about how his family lived but the small emblem had always been that little bit that they had and it meant quote a bit to him. It embodied the spirit of the long dead shield bearing Craftknights of his ancestors. As reluctant as he was to relinquish the little symbol there would be no other way forward so he lightly handed it to the Summoner who looked rather eager compared to his companion.

Wonder what this will be like. Jobain thought tilting his head to the side slightly.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by FernStone
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FernStone One Again Addicted to Pepsi Max

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Aletta couldn't stop the smile of excitement from crossing her lips. Well this was certainly a day that she had been looking forward to for a long time. Finally, she was going to begin her training to become a Craftknight! She couldn't believe that it was going to happen. She would meet so many people and possibly travel the world. She couldn't wait.

"Hey, Tal, aren't you going to be late?" Her brother's voice pulled her out of her thoughts and she noticed him lounging in the door way. Ah, yes. She needed to get there on time first.

"Don't you have better things to do?" she asked softly as she pulled on her boots before strapping her quiver to her back, making sure it was filled with arrows, and grabbing her bow. She held it gently, almost lovingly, before she moved to leave.

"More important than wishing my little sister luck? I don't think so," he smiled slightly, patting her shoulder. "You'll do great."

"Thanks," Tal responded.

"But really, get going."

Rolling her eyes at her brother Tal moved past him, quickly getting out onto the streets. She took off in a light jog. The armour she wore was predominantly leather and chain mail and was made to be relatively light. She was glad to find she wasn't exactly late, though there were already a few people there. She kept a light smile on her lips, though the sight of Carthanach shocked her. She removed the simple necklace she wore around her neck, her token, and handed it over to the summoner. She was excited to get started.


So this was Degar? Well, it certainly was an... interesting place. Sairse's sharp hazel eyes glared from under her hood as she inspected her surroundings as she easily moved through the people around her towards her destination. She would have liked to get a proper feel for this place but unfortunately she did not have much time left. As she continued to move her hands fell to her hips where her daggers were held. It was an almost cautious gesture. After all she did not want to be in a new place without the weapons. She was always ready for trouble, and it was something she seemed unable to avoid. Maybe she caused the trouble. That did not matter as long as she survived it.

Finally she reached the fountain, taking a quick note of those that were already there. Though her face was mostly expressionless her eyes were cold, almost judging, as she took each in and tried to work out what they were like. Though she was rather short, almost unassuming, there was a certain danger to her look. There was already a certain disdain growing in her mind for the scared looking girl. She could see how the beast could come across as intimidating to some... but she viewed those scared by it as weak. They were going to come across many more 'scary' things while training. She tilted her head slightly as her gaze found the summoner before stepping forward silently to hand over her token, the now broken dagger that had been her fathers.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Kiri


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

As Tamirlan collected the tokens, Roque sized up the students from where he stood. He found that they were every bit what he expected- green, naive, and meek. Although, of course, they were much too quiet to judge any further than this. Seeing them gathered like this, however, made him feel nostalgic- and soon memories from what seemed a lifetime ago glazed over his minds eye. Was he as scrawny as these kids back then? Hell, he probably was, and a head shorter too.

By his side Carthanach stirred, opening his eyes and looking lazily over at the assembling students before him. The hyena clawed at his nose before closing his eyes once more.

The summoner looked down at the precious items in his hands- a comb, a ring, a coin, a silver emblem, a necklace, and a broken dagger- all very lovely and very unique in their own respect. He smiled, beginning to concentrate on the items that overflowed in his hands. One by one each began to glow and then form into small balls of light that hovered above his palms,

"Now. I'll ask a few questions. You simply have to think of your answers and they will channel into these orbs here. Once I am done- step back- because we have no idea what might appear, alright?"

Once he received the nods of approval from the waiting students Tamirlan began to ask,

"What is the most important thing to a craftknight?" A pause. Each orb pulsed as their respective owners answered in their heads.

"In battle- do you rely more on your skill or your weapon?"

Roque crouched beside his beast and stroked the coarse fur that crowned the top of his head. He remembered his token- it was the tooth of the beast that took his leg. As the craftknight stood once more, a soft click came from his prosthetic leg, a simple yet surprisingly advanced replacement made up of gears and ivory.

"Think of someone whom you admire- what is it about them that you admire so much?" Continued Tamirlan,

"And finally- what does love mean to you?"

The orbs were seemingly ready to burst. The summoner could sense- almost hear- the voices of the summon beasts within. He wondered if he could see them- but of course this was not possible until the beasts chose to reveal themselves. Quickly, he tossed the orbs forward- which dropped only to float inches above the ground in front of their respective owners. One by one they began to morph and shape into the Guardian Beasts that they would soon be.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by RainbowReindeer
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RainbowReindeer trash

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

The Summoner began the ritual and began to ask a series of questions that would lead to their future beasts. Lebelont and Altea watched their respective items start to glow into a orb with fascination.

"What is the most important thing to a Craftknight?"

Lebelont furrowed his eyebrows before closing his eyes in thought. What was the most important thing to a Craftknight? He wanted to become the best because he wanted to be someone. Someone that was recognized... He didn't want to be known as tiny or weak anymore. "To become strong ."

"In battle - do you rely more on your skill or your weapon?"

His weapon was the one who gave him the ability to fight in the first place... "Weapon."

"Think of someone whom you admire- what is it about them that you admire so much?"

He admired a lot of people. His father, his older brothers, Altea, and the well-known Andras of Storms. All of them were "powerful" in their own unique way.

"And finally- what does love mean to you?"

"Love is trust. Deep bonds that won't be broken easily."

Lebelont took a step back when he finished answered, his attention still caught by the glowing objects.


"What is the most important thing to a Craftknight?"

"To help people," Altea answered in her mind. While she remember her little self begging her father not to leave, Altea knew inside that her father was doing something important. She would follow his footsteps.

"In battle - do you rely more on your skill or your weapon?"

"Skill." There was no doubt about that. Her teacher had told her that improving on your technique would eventually improve your whole self.

"Think of someone whom you admire- what is it about them that you admire so much?"

"I admire their perseverance, their ability to just keep walking towards their dreams even when the heavens are against it." Altea briefly thought of Lebelont - how was he faring with his own questions?

"And finally- what does love mean to you?"

"Love means caring for someone deeply. I'll do anything for the people I love..." And if somehow Altea could help them achieve their dreams, she would feel completed - she would, right?

When she finished answering, she followed the summoner's advise and stepped back.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by General Scales
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General Scales

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

The Summoner slowly started to ask a series of questions which Jobain took his time to think about.

"What is the most important thing to a Craftknight?"

He thought about all of the villagers and those would couldn't fight for themselves as well as the others who would fight with him. Standing between aggressors who would attack my companions or those who rely on us for protection.

In battle- do you rely more on skill or your weapon?

Jobain unconsciously grabbed the edge of his shield knowing he could trust it with his protection. My weapon.

"Think of someone whom you admire- what is it about them that you admire so much?"

His thoughts drifted to his parents and the simple, practical way they lived as well as his relatives and ancestors who decided to take the same path he was determined to protect any and all who needed it with great resilience of mind and body.

"And finally- what does love mean to you?"

The comfort of knowing there will always be someone by your side and in your heart. He thought his expression relaxing much as if he was at home with his family.

Jobain stepped back mostly focused on the orb which was supposed to be his companion who he would fight alongside and care for during the coming times. He felt more ready than he had moments before to meet the being and see just what it would be like for him as a new Craftknight recruit.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by karamonnom
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karamonnom Sleepy Girl

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Calette was awed by the beauty of the light orbs. Her palms began to get sweaty, and she began to answer in her mind the questions the Summoner has asked.

"What is the most important thing to a Craftknight?"

Why did she want to become a Craftknight in the first place? She wished she had a more heroic reason than simply because she had a fascination with swords. She could say she desired to make something of her own, but what is the most important thing to a Craftknight? She thought for a moment then decided "To improve the lives of others."

In battle- do you rely more on skill or your weapon?

This was an easy one. "My weapon, I am nothing without it." she admitted.

"Think of someone whom you admire- what is it about them that you admire so much?"

Calette thought of her mother who always tried to cheer everyone in her family up despite her illness. "She never lost the will the smile and bring happiness to everyone around her. I admire her kindness, selflessness, and strength."

"And finally- what does love mean to you?"
"Love is the strongest bond in the world. It doesn't matter if we are separated by thousands of miles, love connects us. And it is the only thing that is immortal because even when we die, the love we share will still exist." she thought, holding her hands to her chest and thinking about her family, those who are still alive and those who have already passed.

When she was done, she took a large step back. Although it didn't come yet, she could feel a sensation she could not completely describe. She just knew that her Guardian Beast was going to be her most loyal partner and best friend.

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by FernStone
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FernStone One Again Addicted to Pepsi Max

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Aletta watched curiously as the balls of light formed, staring into her own before beginning to answer the questions in her head.

"What is the most important thing to a craftknight?"

Tal paused, tilting her head slightly as she thought. The most important thing? But there were so many important things... It was difficult to choose one. Her mind was caught between two answers and it took her a moment to decide which one to go with. To protect those that cannot protect themselves.

"In battle- do you rely more on your skill or your weapon?"

Well the question seemed simple enough. She remembered her brother's lessons and his words 'think of the weapon as an extension of yourself.' But how true did that seem to her. My weapon. Because without the weapon she was helpless.

"Think of someone whom you admire- what is it about them that you admire so much?"

There were many people who Tal admired... But one was stronger than the other. My brother. He works hard to fulfil my parent's wishes but also to do what he loves, and pursue his own goals all while helping people. I admire his strength of mind.

"And finally- what does love mean to you?"

Love is opening up to someone, giving them power over you but knowing they'll never abuse it. It's about trust and faith, and it's the strongest feeling there can be between two people. She smiled slightly.

She paused only a moment after answering, stepping back and glancing at the others from the corner of her eyes.


Rather wary of the orbs of light, not entirely trusting how they had been made, Sairse nonetheless went to answer the questions.

"What is the most important thing to a craftknight?"

Well, it certainly wasn't she had thought about. It depended on whose point of view. Of course, she guessed that they were being asked their own point of view. To improve yourself, and become the best that you can, to aid survival.

"In battle- do you rely more on your skill or your weapon?"

I rely more on my skill. The answer was easy enough. She relied on her own skill for everything. Stealing would be more difficult if she was not skilled. Daggers were a simple weapon, common enough. She was better than others because she was skilled in her use.

"Think of someone whom you admire- what is it about them that you admire so much?"

There were few people that she had admired. She hadn't particularly grown close enough to anyone to admire them. Those that survive, even when the whole world is against them. I admire the strength that they have and the ability to do what is necessary to continue living.

"And finally- what does love mean to you?"

Ha. Of course, she should have expected something like this. To be honest... She did not truly know the answer. At least, she couldn't describe what that thing was in a typical way. Love is a weakness. It forces people to risk themselves for others, to do stupid things without thinking. It is something so strong that it overcomes all logic.

She took a step back as she finished watching, surprised to find herself slightly excited to find out what Guardian Beast she would get. She guessed it would be good to not have to only look out for herself...
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Kiri


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

(I provided names for your monsters- you can change that if you want)

The mentors sat back and watched intently as, almost simultaneously, the orbs solidified into the Guardian beasts.

Before the first girl that had arrived- the quiet one that would no doubt soon introduce herself as Calette- the orb took on the form of a large flower bud. This bud burst and opened, forming the skirts of a fairy. This fairy stood about a foot tall and spun in the air before her master- seemingly dazed, star dust sprinkling the grass below her. She spotted Calette and, knowingly, smiled and sang out,

"Hello hello~ I am Adelaide, pleased to meet you~"

Beside her the orb floating in front of Altea bristled- large ears burst from it and a long tail flicked out- elongating into a fox-beast. They opened their dark eyes, flicking their blue ears toward Altea. The beast was embroidered with ornate jewelry- the most prominent of which was a ring on her tail.

You are to be my master? Her voice rang through Alteas head. I am Blaanid. The Fox of Cyclones.

Her siblings orb flared hot- clearly unstable. Some moments passed and nothing else happened. Tamirlan furrowed his brow, suddenly concerned, but before he could move to do anything- a voice spoke out from the orb,

"HOW THE HELL DO YOU WORK THIS THING?!- ah oh wait- shit is this the-SHIT OKAY WAIT-" screeched a voice before the orb burst in flames. A boy threw himself out of them and, fists up and ready, looked about at all the strange faces around him,

"The champion of Silturn, Riagan, has arrived!" He caught Lebolants gaze, "Are you my master? HA! Fight me! FIGHT ME RIGHT NOW."

Tamirlan chuckled, relieved. The Oni were always ones for showy entrances and complications.

His attention soon fell on the next orb, which floated before Tal. It held a much calmer air than that of Riagans. Vines fell from it and began to lace into one another, forming legs, and then a back- but it was all wrong. It seemed like the shoulders were forming on top of another pair of shoulders. Soon all confusion was cleared, though, as the centaur stood before Tal. In his arms he held a spear. The guardian beast stoically looked down at his master,

"Evening... I am Gyuri of the Hemlock Grove."

The sound of gears and steam ran havoc through the orb beside him. Something was being systematically assembled within. A pair of glowing lights tore through the orb and soon the light of the orb faded to show a mechanoid soldier. It towered over his master. A metallic voice rang out as the android assessed its surroundings,

"Callibrating systems to enviornment_Downloading necessary survival modems for_Degar Forest Senefer_Cooling units working 100 percent_ all functions updated and working at full capacity." A click and a whir sound were heard, the androids facial sensors turned to their default blue,

"kNIGHT-E07 online. Greetings." He turned his face modual down to look at Sai. He scanned her. "Craftknight master identified. Identification saved to data bank. Registration complete."

"uhh- keep in mind that kNIGHT's speech patterns can be modified for your understanding, student." said Tamirlan to Sai, "you simply just have to ask him to change it to something more casual and he will."

And finally, the last orb. The air around it was chilled- if you listened close enough, you could hear the popping of ice as the orb crystallized in the heat of the noon day.

"Looks like a fairy." called Roque from where he sat. He raised an eyebrow at Jobain before turning his gaze back down on the orb.

On cue it burst and shattered into shards of ice. These shards hung in the air and grew- melding together to form a giant. This ice giants face was a simple bone skull- it peered blankly down at Jobain. The ice fairy let out a groan- a haunting sound of stone on stone. It lifted a hand out to Jobain for him to shake.

"Oh. This one doesn't speak." Observed Tamirlan. He stood from his seat and approached the students and their beasts,

"We'll give you a moment to get to know your companions. If you have any questions- ask me. Or ask them."

(Yay everyone got their monsters :'D After this point you can add on to your characters whatever you'd like- they're now completely yours.)
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by General Scales
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General Scales

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Jobain looked up at Bacchus' large form taking in the image of the giant golem who would be his companion and broke out into a wide smile at him. He grabbed the icy hand extended to him and shook the golem's hand as well as patting his shoulder prompting the bigger being to do the same making a bit of a clank as armor and ice met.

"Good to meet you big guy." He said quite happy with his new companion who seemed to agree responding in a few short grinds.

Jobain saw a good deal that he liked in Bacchus such as the simplicity of his form and manner which seemed to mirror his own. Sure he could talk where the golem couldn't but it wasn't necessary for two souls like them who obviously spoke more with actions than words. It didn't take long to notice his fascination with the other beings of the other recruits who also were interesting to the shield-bearer who looked along side the golem at the other companions. The ice being tapped his armor after a moment before backing up slightly to hold up his hands to show him that he could shape his hands into what looked like large morning stars or maces which held the recruit attention realizing his companion would fight much like him crushing and bashing opposition, he showed Bacchus his shield to which the golem seemed to approve lightly dinging his hands together before shifting them back to normal.

"Mind if I call you Bacchus?" Jobain asked thinking of a name off the top of his head for the large fairy which got what sounded as close to a grunt of agreement as the golem could manage. "Great. I think it fits you well. You like watching the others too huh? I'm sure they'll like you, hard not to like a big friendly person or fairy."

The two seemed rather relaxed between one another all things considered both liking what they found neither able to think of much to explain to the other about each other. Jobain did give an amused look to Roque as he had noticed the glance from before, not focused on it but it wasn't hard to see, and a more pleased look to Tamirlan for helping to get Bacchus there. The ice fairy seemed curious as to the amused look but didn't make a big deal out of it though he gave a wave to the Summoner just to be friendly because he seemed nice and Jobain's reaction prompted him to make his presence felt if only a little for such a big golem.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by RainbowReindeer
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RainbowReindeer trash

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Her orb turned into a fox. Altea was genuinely surprised and in awe. The creature was gorgeous, to say the least. It had beautiful jewelry covering its body and oh - she could already feel herself falling in love. Suddenly, a voice was heard in her head. "I am Blaanid. The Fox of Cyclones." Altea puzzingly looked around - no one had talked to her...Oh heavens. She grinned, going on her knees so she could look at the fox-beast eye to eye.

"Yes, but I'd like to be your friend instead," she answered. The fox seemed to blush or was embarrassed, because it blinked a few times in astonishment. "Oh, I'm Altea. Altea Askeladd. It's a pleasure to meet you!"

"Hmph," was the only response.

While Altea tried to come up with some ways to start up a conversation with her seemingly aloof companion; Lebelont was having the time of his life.


"The champion of Silturn, Riagan, has arrived! Are you my master? HA! Fight me! FIGHT ME RIGHT NOW."

Lebelont tensed at first when he heard the oni challenge him before grinning. A challenge? Sure. "BRING IT ON," he screamed back. "I'll be the one to defeat the champion of Silturn!"

The oni looked taken aback for a moment, but continued to goad Lebelont. "Really? I'd like to see you try, punk!"

Lebelont's eye brown quirked up. "What did you call me? You wanna fight?!" He already liked this Riagan.

"Yeah, fight me! If you can, that is. You're probably weak and -"

Lebelont took his spear at hand, thrusting the pointed edge towards Riegan. The oni gracefully dodged it. "You! I wasn't done talking!" He lifted his fingers, where bursts of fire erupted. Lebelont dodged that as well, as hot as the flames that came from the oni.

"Hah! First person to strike will win!"

The two glared at each other before engaging in an intense but friendly fight.


"So...What do you like to do... in your free time?" Altea said in her head. She was now sitting on the floor as her beast was sitting a few feet away from her, its tail neatly wrapped around its paws.

No answer.

This was going to be tough.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by karamonnom
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karamonnom Sleepy Girl

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Calette shifted her feet, nervously in the presence of Adelaide. She was just so beautiful, and Calette, well, she really didn't deserve such a elegant, graceful partner. "H-hi. I'm Calette," she greeted shyly.

Adelaide, noticing her nervousness, gave her a reassuring smile. "I really like your red hair," she complimented. "I'm sure we are going to be the best of friends~"

Calette returned the smile, relaxing a little. "Thanks, I'm sure we will." She still didn't know what else to say to Adelaide, though she had a lot of questions about where she was from and what does she like and what powers did she have.

Fortunately, she didn't even have to ask because the fairy just started talking and didn't seem to stop anytime soon. "Oh I should tell you a bit about myself. I am a princess, as if you couldn't tell by my royal aura, from the Petal Kingdom. I have 12 other sisters and no brothers, which drives my father crazy sometimes. I love music, singing, dancing, and all things beautiful and sweet. My favorite foods include fluffy, sponge cakes and vanilla pudding. I have the abilities to fly, as you can see, and I have some magic abilities though I specialize in healing..."

Calette couldn't help but chuckle at her companion's talkative-ness, she never met anyone who could talk that much nor speak so quickly. She continued to listen with enthusiasm and learned a lot about her new friend.

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Kiri


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Tamirlan was glad that the others seemingly enjoyed the company of their summoncreatures. The summoner often contemplated the existence of the summons. Were they god given mirrors of their masters? To humble and enlighten the soul? Or were they simply just convenient companions? The summoner refused to believe that last thought. He sounded too much like Roque with that course of thought.

Beside him Roque, feeling as if introductions were sufficient, spoke to the group,

"Now that you've been acquainted- its time for the first assessment." He stepped forward and pointed to each student as he called their name,

"Altea, Sai, and Jobain-" he jerked his thumb to his chest, "you're with me. The others are with Tamirlan."

The summoner smiled and explained, gesturing to the path behind them that lead to the forest,

"We will be heading out into the Degar- to regulate the number of cursed creatures that have strayed too close to the city. Please, follow us while we explain."

Both instructors turned and began to head on down the path leading out of the village. The massive Carthanach opened a yellow eye and lumbered to his paws, following Roque with heavy foot. Towns folk stepped out of their way and, after seeing them headed toward the forest, bid them all safe venture and safe return.

"Our targets are a troupe of Acalypha spiders. Beasts the size of common cattle yet not nearly as docile. Ten to fifteen of them have been spotted near our boarders. This quest has been commissioned by the townhall- the pay should be enough for your room and board for the next week."

Here Roque spoke up, just as they left the safety of the village and steered off of the main road. The trees here were blooming with flowers- soon fruits would begin to grow in their stead.

"The Acalypha used to dine on the fruits of these trees- but the past couple of months have shown a change in their appetites. Now they eat flesh. Its our jobs as craftknights to regulate the population of the creatures in the forest and end the cursed creatures."

Tamirlan cleared his throat,

"Well- not exactly obliterate. The Order is currently undertaking research into the origin of the curse. To find any method possible to reverse its affects."

They both stopped and turned toward one another. Roque rubbed his nose, one hand on a hip as he leaned on one leg, looking off past Tamirlans shoulder,

"After this lets eat at the tavern. We'll explain their sleeping quarters and the other important stuff then." A nod of approval came from Tamir, who's arms were tucked into his cloak as he crossed them infront of him.

Nearby, the trees rustled with the weight of the spiders. At the moment they were out of sight but one could clearly sense their presence and hear them. Carthanach grumbled harshly. Roque turned toward the group,

"Allow me to show you how a craftknight and their summon beast work in battle." He stepped toward Carthanach and pressed his had to his creatures side. Roque spoke to the group as he went through the motions,

"My beast and I are one. We inhale the same breath. Our hearts beat to the same rhythm. So when we fight- I feel his pain and he feels my own. We are creatures driven by rage. Anger and wrath are our weapons." Carthanachs jaw hung open, from his teeth saliva dripped down to the earth, which hissed and evaporated. The hyena monsters mouth was dripping acid.

Roque's yellow eyes took on a strange glow to them- which wouldnt have been all that odd- had Carthanachs eyes not begun to glow also. Their movements synched. As one moved the other mirrored his step. Roque unhooked his axe from his side and pointed it up to a tree- reflexively Carthanach stood on his hind legs and smacked with one huge paw at the tree. An acalypha fell out, screeching.

The craftknight sprang forth with his beast. Roque pinned down a leg with his axe, shoving a foot into the spiders face as Carthanach fell ontop of the acalypha, pinning its body with his weight. Both began to rend and hack at the spiders body. Roque, using his axe, and Carthanach using his claws and teeth. A minute had barely come to pass when Roque stepped away, his armor plastered with spider blood.

"The goal is to work with your beast not as a team- but as an extension of yourself. The same goes for your weapons. I hope you all have come prepared for the fight."

Tamirlan wiped some stray spider blood off of his cheek,

"Roque's fighting style is very much hands-on. Mine, however, is not. TARANx and I will show you how we work together."

The summoner made some fluid motions with his hands and a bright light sprang from his palms. The orb shot out and at once took on the form of robot- shaped like a man. TARANx's eye burned red, he bowed to the group,

"Goodday~" He said politely, his voice fashioned to sound like an Englishman. From a hip compartment the robot drew a rapier, which lengthened and fixed itself to his hand. Tamirlan grinned,

"TARANx, good friend, we are hunting Acalypha spiders. Demonstrating to the students and their companions here how to use their abilities."

The android nodded, bringing a hand up to rub his chin,

"I see. Then let us show them some basic thunder attacks, hm?"

"Yes that would be a good start." Came the summoners reply. They both stepped forward and looked up toward the trees. TARANx scanned the trees,

"My sensors have picked up 10 others. All agitated at their fallen comrade. Dangerous encounter rates are well above 70%, lethality of the situation is 40%."

Tamirlan was surprised,

"Oh my- those numbers are rather high."

The android shook his head,

"I analyzed for the children. For us, success rate is well above 90 percent."

Tamirlan nodded, growing serious as he noticed a spider drop from a tree and begin to approach them at a run. The summoner and his creature fell into a battle stance- at once TARANx's blade began to pulse with electricity.

"End its misery quickly, TARANx. I sense its suffering." Spoke the summoner.

The android struck out once and a belt of lightening whipped out from the blade and sliced the spider in two. He then turned to his master and bowed his head,

"Demonstration complete."

The instructors looked at the children but Roque spoke for them both,

"Our involvement here has come to an end. We're going to watch from this point on. The point is to see how you work with your creatures. Kill the rest of the spiders and then we'll head back into town."
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