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Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Erklings25
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Erklings25 Abracadabra

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Finnigan sort of bowed when they shook hands. "How do you do?" He smiled smoothly, but his smile broke out into a grin. A friendly one but a bit tricky. He tried to remain charming, so noboy knew about the real him. He was rather perverted on the inside and a bit predatory, but he was an ok guy. He didn't want to show it, yet. If anybody knew, things would not go well. He took a silent deep breath Everything is going smoothly Finnigan old buddy! Keep to up. "Might I have the hounor of knowing your name, miss?" He asked, a hopeful spark in his eyes.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by NightmareInd
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NightmareInd Edgelord McEdgyness

Member Seen 1 mo ago

Sam was almost finished reprogramming the software, when he saw that Noir, who sat next to him, came a little closer to him, but neither of them said a word. He just kept on programming, when an error occured, and Sam made a slight growling noise. He then looked at Noir. "You know some stuff about programming suit-software, right? I can't get this to work." He said. He got a copy of his glasses out of his pocket and handed it over to Noir, so she could also see the coding as well. "You see, I need to be able to shutdown the weaponry without giving away the priority of the Fast Response protocol or dropping the anti-intruder-software's guard." Sam said to Noir. Before he gave the glasses to Noir, he made sure she couldn't get into any other systems, so she couldn't mess with it. Even though he trusted her most of all the people here, he knew about some of the technology she used for her armor being stolen (even though he didn't tell her that yet) and they only met today after all. The only things she could see were some unfinished projects and idea's, and the part of the fast response protocol he needed her to have a look at, but only after he activated the glasses. He held his hand at his earpiece. "Sirjav, could you please activate the guest HUD glasses for a temporary account with the name 'Noir'?"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by datadogie
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datadogie Cloak and Dagger

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Jennifer raised her eyebrows as she was given a second pair of glasses. "Thank you, yes, I do," She says, smiling as she slips them on. Woah, she thinks as she sees that the HUD was more advanced than she thought. "And, well, now that I trust you, my actual name is Jennifer. Jennifer Noircat. Though, my old friends gave me the nickname Noirmeow." She gives a smile, scooting a little closer to Sam, close enough that her arm was touching his. Looking through the errors, she thought of a solution to Sam's problems. "You see, the fast response protocol and the anti-intruder software are set to activate upon the first shot, meaning that they have no regard for friendly or accidental fire." She began typing a sample code on a different screen, so as to not edit the current scripts of the suit. "However, if you set a toggle script here," she began typing in the sample-screen, "and a checking subroutine, it should be able to failsafe the procedure in the case of friendly fire."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by NightmareInd
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NightmareInd Edgelord McEdgyness

Member Seen 1 mo ago

Sam raised an eyebrow at Jennifer when she told him that she didn't trust him at first. "You didn't trust me? How come?" He asked. Ofcourse he knew why: she was afraid of him knowing about her stolen gear. What she didn't know, was that Sam already knew it. He would probably never tell anyone about it, not even Jennifer. Only if she was ready to tell him about it, he would be ready to tell her. After he looked through the sample code and listened to her explanation, he smiled. "That's it! And if I add a target scanner to procedure, I can rule out people who I know to be friendly. The only problem is that in case of a disguiser like Mystique, they can trick the system and activate the override. I need to think of something for that." He than looked at Jennifer. She looks pretty cool with those glasses... he thought. "You like those glasses? I could maybe give you a design to make your own." He said with smile.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by datadogie
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datadogie Cloak and Dagger

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"Well, you see..." Jennifer begins, but then she catches herself. She wasn't going to say. Then again, it was already known to that guy that walked up to her that she was stealing things. Biting her lip, she says, "I don't really trust people I meet. My parents used to... Steal. Not just from shops, or something small like that. They were..." She closed her eyes. "They were hackers. They stole things major, they stole, they stole military designs, and things like that." She shook her head, lowering the glasses so he would be able to see that she was tearing up, badly, she spoke again. "They did it for bad. I was let go because I was young when they were caught, and they didn't realize what they had been teaching me. They thought I was innocent. I wasn't." It was at that point she hugged Sam, burying her head into his shoulder, crying.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by NightmareInd
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NightmareInd Edgelord McEdgyness

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Sam put his arms gently around Jennifer. "Take it easy, everything is allright." He whispered to her with his calmest voice. "You know, I got to admit something." He came really close to her ear, and whispered as soft as he could without being unable to be heared anymore: "I knew all along your suit was made with stolen tech. I just didn't tell you because it doesn't matter. You're part of the team now, and if Fury didn't want you on it, he wouldn't have invited you here in the first place. And don't worry about it, if I knew about it the moment I saw you, then I am sure Fury also knows about it. Yet you are still here, so he doesn't care either about how you got it." He whaited for him to look at her. "It matters about how you use it." He looked deep into her beautiful purple eyes. "And remember, someone doesn't choose to be a hero, faith makes the person one."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Klyix
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Klyix Cyber Dolce Vita

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Charming, or trying to be; she had many reasons to mistrust charm, mostly because it was the act she played so well to toy with others. He was more than willing to try and feed her her own medicine though. "Eldkatla. Though I have quickly realised it never sounded uglier than from the mouths of Americans, so call me Kat for both of our sakes." She explained, staring him down with a playful smile. She wasn't going to give much more in return, where was the fun in making it easy?
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Erklings25
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Erklings25 Abracadabra

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

"Kat, hmm." Finnigan raised one eyebrow and cocked his head. This one looked tricky, then again he could charm just about anybody. He nodded briskly, with two finger on the rim of his fedora. "Ok then. Kat, a charming name." He had a twinkle in his eyes made almost invisible by the shadow the fedora cast on his face. He didn't particularly want to take it off, unless she told him to. "You were pretty impressive in that little simulation earlier today! How did you get powers like that?" He asked, and eager smile on his face. Not that many people could see much of his face.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by makarov
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makarov Miss Graceful

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Victor was about to react when the man known as castle, cut in and asked for Eldkatla's name, Victor's smirk that followed could have made him seem evil, Then he asked her how she got her powers, "Gods are born Punisher'son..." He reached into his bag and pulled out a leather wineskin from Asgard, "As if I would leave home without mead. I brought things from the feast hall...Some duck and mead sounds nice?" He took a pretty nice swig out of the wineskin before passing it to his cousin, "We are of Asgard...."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by datadogie
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datadogie Cloak and Dagger

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

Jennifer remained crying, her arms wrapped tightly around Sam, upset as she remembered her past, and thought about the fact that she wasn't that good of a person for taking a lot of the tech that she used. She listened to what he had to say, her tears slowly faltering to the point where she was no longer crying. His words, his calm voice, how sweet he was, it all added up to her tears disappearing. "S-Sam," She whispers, her arms wrapped around his neck. "Y-You're... Sweet." She says, leaning toward him and giving him a firm kiss on the cheek.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Erklings25
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Erklings25 Abracadabra

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

"Asgard!" Finnigan croaked. He had never guessed he had a crush on a goddess! I mean, sure her beauty didn't look natural, but a goddess! Wow, he set his sights high. His eyes widened and he turned very pale. He turened around to take off his hat, and use it as a fan for a second. He quickly put it back on, the colour was flushed out of him. He was kind of dizzy and sort of lighteheaded, but he wasn't about to faint. "I didn't think it, I never thought it, I-I-I" he spluttered before taking a deep breath. "Never thought it existed honestly. Never belived in that sort of stuff. Just wow!" He grinned at Kat, the colour returned to him, slowly.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Teoinsanity
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Teoinsanity Lost on Jeopardy

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"Love is in the air ,ain't it?"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Hadesdotter
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As everyone was talking the doors to the rec room swung open and in came an individual that to a normal person looked like he was wearing power armor, Standing at 6 foot 5 inches he was rather tall and streamlined. His armor was a mix of black and greys with a golden visor, the words W.I.N.G. were printed in large letter across the front of his chest-piece. He would March between everyone and right up to Fury before saluting and stating, "Drone reporting for duty sir!" "He" stood at attention and waited for Fury's order, After all he was still a soldier unlike many of these heroes.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Klyix
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Klyix Cyber Dolce Vita

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Kat had some demure response planned but that was for naught when Victor opened his mouth. Yet history will remember me as the dramatic one. Well, if the cat was out of the bag then she may as well have fun with it. His reaction however was more extreme than most, and she watched him like one would watch a dog try to catch it's own tail. Leaving him to his small meltdown she turned back to Victor. "That sounds divine. Though you should really keep your voice down, if everyone knows they'll want some." Taking the wineskin she had a sip, looking back to Finnigan. "Yes, well, we can both attest to its legitimacy. The Eternal Realm - the myth, the legend - it's all true." She smiled in both measures playful and dangerous, and took another sip of the mead.

She looked up as the door swung open, seeing the metallic form. She watched as it matched over to Fury and announced itself. With a small shake of her head she finally took a large swig and then handed the skin back to Victor.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by NightmareInd
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NightmareInd Edgelord McEdgyness

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Sam was suprised by the sudden kiss, and his face turned red. "I... uh... uhm... About those glasses." Sam said, trying to change the subject. He was very shy if it came to relationships, and didn't really know what to do. "Like I said, I can give you a copy of the design so you can make your own." He then saw someone walk into the room, that had a metal suit on, which reminded him of his own. Maybe another attempt to recreate his father's suit? Who knew.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Erklings25
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Erklings25 Abracadabra

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

"All of it?" Finnigan asked "Every bit? Woah!" He nodded and the fedora fell down slightly. He pushed it back but again so nobody could see his face. He wasn't sure why but he didn't wnt anybody to see it. Especially not Kat. "Thats, thats just, it's just crazy! How could it? I mean-" he paused and got out his blue pencil from his top pocket, tapping it against his fedora. He turened to Victor, "Did you say gods? You two," his eyes flitted between them "are gods?" He needed to hear that again. Your losing it Finnigan, pal. His thoughts said, Cool it! He took a deep breath and laughed nervously, "Sorry about that. I just never believed in that sort of myth. No offence."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by datadogie
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datadogie Cloak and Dagger

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Jennifer's face goes red, and she cuddles Sam a little more, nuzzling his cheek slightly. "Yes," She says, smiling a beautiful smile. "I would like that." She says, shifting closer to him, biting her lip slightly. She was, too, shy with relationships, however, damn was Sam cute. After a little more nuzzling, she laid her head on his shoulder with a small purr, awaiting his reply to her answer.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by NightmareInd
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NightmareInd Edgelord McEdgyness

Member Seen 1 mo ago

Sam started typing in the air again. A few seconds later, his backpack made a faint buzzing sound, and shortly after a small USB popped out. Sam grabbed it and gave it to Jennifer. "There you go, it should contain everything you need to build the HUD." Sam looked at Jennifer when he was giving the USB. Sam told himself after his father passed away that he would never get a girl, as he didn't want that person to go through the same process that his mother went through. However, damn was Jennifer pretty. He couldn't resist it. "Consider it a gift from me..." He was the one kissing her on her cheek this time. "...to you." He kept holding her close to him. I never want this moment to pass...
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Erklings25
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Erklings25 Abracadabra

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Fury nodded at Drone. Then he yelled to the rest of them "Attention!" Finnigan flashed Kat a flirtatious smile and turned around. "You need to go to your dormitory's. Unpack your bags the meet-" Crash! A red white and blue shield flew through the window, followed by a bunch of goons, who instinctively fired at them. Finnigan inductively stood in front of Kat when bullets sprayed at them. He looked over at her "You ok, Kat?" He smiled, and grabbed the closed goon by the collar. "Who do you think your messing with, punk?" He snarled, and threw him at some of the others. Before being almost knocked down, one goon shot a bullet at unsuspecting Finnigan, and it hit him in the leg. "Argh!!!" He roared in pain and anger, then took out his pencil. The pencil was a shade of blue-ish black, he pressed a small button on the rubber and it transformed into a gun, his gun. He fired at the guy who shot him, smiling triumphantly.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by datadogie
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datadogie Cloak and Dagger

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

Jennifer raises her eyebrows, taking the USB. "T-Thank you... Sam..." She releases a few giggles as she slips the USB into a pocket. She would look through that later. For now, however, there was something she cared more about. Sam wasn't letting go of her, holding her quite close to him, however that wasn't something she didn't like. She liked everything, actually, though the kiss on the cheek was a little embarrassing, and made her a little shy. Jennifer huddled close to him, wrapping her arms loosely around his neck and rubbing her cheek against his, after giving one kiss on the cheek, of course. I never want this to end. Never...

Suddenly, there was a crash. No, no, no! I don't want this to end! She leaps for her armour, reaching to a random panel of armour in a small netting beside her armour and sliding it back. Grabbing whatever was inside, along with the armour undersuit, she hurled herself to cover from the hail of bullets. Looking at what she retrieved, she shook her head. She had grabbed a grappling hook, along with a combat knife. Quickly, a thought built up in her head.

A goon ran around the corner, but suddenly, a knife with a coil of grappling-rope around it made it's way straight at him. Jennifer didn't wait to see the results, she spun around, whipping her knife back to her, which quickly receded straight back into the grappling-pistol/launcher. She quickly finds an opening in the undersuit of her armour and slides in, sliding it right over her clothes. It would take too long to go out there and put all the individual pieces on, so she decided to fight with the undersuit. It would offer her a tiny bit of armour. Grabbing the weapon of the goon she had killed and firing at the others.
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