Still needs a name, feel free to throw ideas at me.
Okay, I seriously do not know what is up with me lately, but I'm not really in the mood for my usual which consists of western, supernatural, apocalyptic and fandom, but something else. Yes, that would be slice of life. And I know I said I wouldn't be a GM for a while, but that was a little over two months ago and I'd like to get slowly get my lazy butt off of hiatus, especially since I won't be bogged down by Tumblr RP anymore. With that being said, I plan to attempt the role of being a diligent and remotely useful GM, I want people who are interested in putting some character development into this RP as well as devotion or dedication to posting. I really would like this Roleplay to be in for the long run. I'd also like to add that I'm unsure as to what section this will be going into, but it'll either be Free or Casual.
Anyway, my idea needs to be polished off a little, but here's the basic idea:
"You're part of [highschool name goes here] and thanks to your local English department, you and everyone else at your school that takes any sort of English class are now randomly assigned to someone else at your school. For the entire year, you are required to e-mail your partner about anything you wish and log your experiences -- it's supposed to be "inspiring" and "therapeutic". Here's the kicker: your partner is completely anonymous. You could get your best friend, your boyfriend or girlfriend or your worst enemy and have no idea. That begs the question: what can possibly happen? Romance, drama and humor galore, as expected. And since I'm a sucker for them, maybe you are too: a story of self-discovery, change and coming of age. And for the love of god, not another frickin' cliche highschool Roleplay!"
Well, that's my idea, what do you guys think? Anyone interested?