“The survivors of a nuclear war would envy the dead.”
- Nikita Khrushchev
- Nikita Khrushchev
Welcome to Twilight Struggle: A Cold Affair! In this Semi-Advanced Roleplay you, the player, will be taking the reigns of a nation during the turbulent years of the 1970s. Ten years prior the Berlin Wall rose and further divided the world into the East and the West, now unrest in Eastern Europe and the turmoil in Vietnam brings the world's new alliances of The Warsaw Pact and NATO into conflict over the continued spread of 'The Red Menace'. Will you be able to keep world peace, or under your reign will your nation face the darkness of a third Great War... Welcome, to the Twilight Struggle.
First, a quick FAQ.
Q: How are national actions, internationally and nationally, done?
A: Diplomacy is done entirely through the IC section of this RP. Every declaration, proclamation, and any other 'tion' you can think of goes there. If you are looking for private discussion with specific nations, that is done entirely in PMs. If the nation you wish to speak to is a NPC, you would PM me.
For national actions, that is entirely at your behest. However do take into account if you are playing say Iran and declare your nation Catholic I will, as GM, intervene and crush you. Just because I give you control of your policies and actions does not mean I give you permission to be foolish. To keep things flowing historical events will occur unless prevented directly, so expect GM intervention/events to be posted at least semi-regularly alongside minor updates to the game-world.
Q: So, what can I do as leader of my nation?
A: Anything you want, within reason of course. As I said, you can't go simply nuking nations or using covert operations to replace other leaders as clowns, etc. Use common sense. However if say North Korea wishes to form an official alliance with China, well, that's entirely up to those respective players.
Secondly, the rules. As this is a Semi-Advanced Roleplay I trust most players will know the basics and follow them easily, but they should be stated none-the-less.
Now onto the juicy stuff, the actual application/profile sheet! Now, this isn't just your application, this your pretty much your 'card'. As time goes on you may want to change it to suit current events within the RP. For example, nine years from our start date of 1970, Iraq is coup'd by Saddam Hussein and the Ba'athists, if the player decided to fight the coup the sheet would remain the same, but if they decided to fall to the Ba'athists they would need to change their sheet to fit the new government. This would include adding the event to their history, changing their government type and set-up, leaders, name, etc. This way your sheet is, in a way, your nation's history and culture as the RP changes.
*If you do not see the nation as claimed or reserved, it is open. If you have any questions, please PM me.