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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by joeycbee
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joeycbee The Wise Wookie

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A strange, remote-controlled teddy bear who proclaims himself to be the principal of Hope's Peak Academy and initiates a life of mutual killing amongst the students. He has various copies of himself throughout the Academy and will punish, i.e. kill, anyone that attempts to attack him or otherwise break the academy's rules. Much like his name, he has a monochrome appearance, with one half looking like a cute white bear and the other half looking like a sadistic black bear.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by joeycbee
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joeycbee The Wise Wookie

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Name: Drake Valdez
Nickname: N/A
Age: 16

Title: Ultimate artist

Why you wanted to go to this school: To bring more color to the school and life. He always loved making people happy and thinks that art can connect to and with anyone.

Skill: One of the best artist in the world. He has created paints, sculptures, music, photography, basically anything one might consider art. In his free time he likes to sketch and draw, nothing in particular just whatever comes to mind. Everything that is in his sketchbook is personal and plans on never showing it to the world. He also takes the book where ever he goes. Most of his art are in museums, but he thinks it should be presented out in the open so everyone can see it not just the people who can pay to get in. Though he still does lots of painting and sculpting he has started doing more "none permanent" art like 3D chalk painting on the streets and other degradable art styles.

History: Drake was born with natural talent in art. He was always opened minded and creative which occasionally led to mischief for bending rules creatively. Born into a fairly wealthy family he didn't have much difficulty getting supply or in fact anything at all. His parents loved art before he was born and used to by it from all around the world. Now most of it was sold and replaced with there sons art. As far as school goes he was taught the basics of math, science, English, and Japanese since that was the language he chose to take; the man focus however was art and taught him practically everything he needed and wanted to know about it. This was all taught by private tutors, so this is his first time going to public school.

Personality: He's nice, thoughtful when he talks to people but he can be a smartass at times. He shows little emotion but tends to pour a lot of it onto his art whether he realizes it of not. He's very antisocial since he didn't really leave his house beforehand and prefers to make art instead to socializing.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Vampy
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Vampy The Lost

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Name: Lucy Moonlight
Nickname: N/A
Age: 16

Title: Ultimate finder of evidence

Why you wanted to go to this school: Lucy's parents signed her up to go to this school.

Skill: Finding things like evidence.

History: Lucy is very shy and doesn't say anything to anyone. She wants to make friends but is to shy to talk to anybody even her patents. Further is Lucy really good at finding things.

Personality: Shy
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Vesuvius00
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Vesuvius00 ~| Guardian of Flame |~ / ~| Superhero |~

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Name: Lexi Sato
Age: 15

Title: Ultimate mascot
Why you wanted to go to this school: To make new friends.
Skill: She's always happy-go-lucky, and very rarely shows sadness. She is able to keep others from feeling sad too. She's not really optimistic as much as she is just plain happy about the little things that go right for everybody. She's good at putting the bad stuff out of her mind and helping the group to push forward.
History: She's always been a little ditsy, but she is smart. She used to have a lot of friends at her old school, but they left her when she started going into a depression because of her parent's divorce. She switched schools because of the divorce, and hopes to never lose another friend because she showed her sadness.
Personality: She's secretive, happy-go-lucky, has childish speech habits, and likes to make people happy.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by metagros

metagros shhhhhhh.... i don't exist.

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Name: charon an amon
Nickname: sigma (internet alias. probably wont be used)
Age: 16
Title: Ultimate gamer
Why you wanted to go to this school: to prove that he is NOT wasting his life! take that mom!
Skill: good at desperation (lots of rounds of TTT dose that to you) good reflexes? (cant actually move fast enough to actually use this.) good at improvising (why dose nothing go to plan????)
History: charon had a simple life, at a young age he was introduced to gaming. he then locked himself up in a room for the next 10 years, only coming out when ether the food ran out in his room, the internet goes out, boulth happen at the same time (doomsday), or leaving for a tournament. however on the internet he is considered one of the top gamers, covering a wide variety of games. his current favorite is TTT, but it is expected to change in a week.
Personality: never seen without a hand held console... or phone. whatever he can grab. prefers to be alone, in the dark, in a locked room. however to those that know him he is outgoing and dose thing on a whim.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Knight of Doom
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Knight of Doom Slowly Becoming an Alcoholic

Member Seen 5 mos ago

Name: Amaya Miyako

Nickname: None

Age: 16


Title: Ultimate Writer

Why you wanted to go to this school: Amaya didn't really think about going to Hope's Peak Academy until the letter appeared. Then at first, she thought about declining. It would take up too much of her writing time, but then she agreed because it would help her find a variety of personalities and scenes to put into her novels. Also it would help her gain popularity.

Skill: Amaya is a very creative person, she tends to let her imagination go wild sometimes. After publishing her first trilogy titled "A Recipe for Disaster" she started publishing a multitude of genres. Her trilogy is what she's most known for, the titles in order are Death, Decay, and Destruction.

History: Amaya never had a good relationship with her parents, so in the 7th grade she ran away with only her laptop and lived on the streets until she started publishing her books. Soon she was able to afford her own apartment and was able to avoid any questions from authorities for why she lived alone. By the time Hope's Peak Academy sent her a invitation letter, she had published a trilogy, and 2 stand alone novels.

Personality: Amaya tends to be sarcastic in general. In fact because she spends so much time and energy on her books, she has developed a knack for looking at things from many perspectives. She's very thoughtful and psychoanalyzes people in her free time.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by SayZun
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SayZun A massive typo

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Name: Erick Danger
Nickname: Air
Age: 15
Title: Ultimate Gymnast
Why you wanted to go to this school: To further improve his super totally awesome gymnastic skills.
Skill: Gymnastics/Athletics
History: Erick raised in an athletic family practiced gymnastic at the age of 4 and ever since kept practicing his whole life.
Personality: Erick is very cocky and confident when it comes to his ability. When it comes to being social he is flamboyant, open, and usually works to be the center of attention. Though he is confident with his ability, he is very clumsy at the same time and is usually seen slipping and or landing on his face; he takes his faults with acceptance and joy.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by ScienMalefica
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ScienMalefica Someone who's not on on the weekends

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Name: Ruby Oxford

Nickname: None yet

Age: 15

Title: Ultimate Debater

Why you wanted to go to this school: To further her skills and become as successful as she possibly can be

Skill: Ruby is a cunning linguist, twisting words and phrasing to persuade. With her aspirations of being a lawyer she is firmly skilled in cross-examination and the court process

History: Ruby was born to a family that never achieved anything worthwhile, a store manager and a waitress for parents. Pathetic. Ruby appreciated their care and desire for her to become more, and since she was absolutely disgusted by blood she didn't want to be a doctor so she focused on lawyer.

She joined the debate teams at school to build her cross-examination and court room style skills and was naturally a prodigy, twisting words to soothingly assure that what she was arguing for was not only plausible but the only realistic possibility.

Personality: Ruby suffers from narcissistic personality disorder, and as of such has a very inflates sense of her own importance. Her main desire above all else is to be admired and envied, and if there is nobody admiring her the way she believes she deserves, Ruby becomes highly distressed. She has a very hard time empathizing and is very stubborn, once she has started a debate or argument she is very unwilling to change her mind and take another perspective.

Name: Jeremy Harvard
Nickname: J.H. from fans, Germ from haters
Age: 15
Title: Ultimate Eye Candy
Why you wanted to go to this school: Agent recommended going to the school as a means of furthering his popularity
Skill: Standing there and looking pretty, staying extremely still, posing in different positions, very flexible, good at sweet talking and flirting.
History: Jeremy was born in the average run-of-the-mill middle class family, his father working in human relations in his state's department of an international company producing energy drinks and a stay at home mother who was quite smothering for Jeremy's taste, but this was a big contribution to his personality, being taught that loving people was the most important thing.

When Jeremy was 13 his father lost his job and struggled to put food on the table, although the fact they refused to rent a smaller house was most likely a major factor in the struggle. His parents half pushed him into attempts at acting, but Jeremy was horrible at masking his emotions and hiding what he actually felt so couldn't really act, and modelling was the next attempt.

As soon as they started doing a few photos they loved him. He was innocent, cute, and comfortable posing and could stay still well. He started with smaller advertisements, occasionally popping up in magazines, but over the next 2 years Jeremy became highly reputed with a large fan base and often seen on billboards advertising products aimed at either teen boys like Jeremy himself or the tween-young teen girls that made up the majority of his fan base.

Of course, as with anyone who became popular there were also the critics, those who seemed to have an almost personal agenda against him taking any possibility they could to debunk his reputation and fame, including a number of death threats worryingly enough. When he received a letter to Hope's Peaks Academy he was unsure about joining but his agents highly recommended it, saying it would be greatly beneficial to his reputation and fan base.
Personality: Jeremy seems to love himself due to his line of work and exterior appearance, but in truth he just wants to help people, the only reason he did modelling was to help his family financially. His first instinct is to help people, but in a crisis he becomes useless and very frightened, his fear of death overwhelming any other emotion in a quite pitiful display of human weakness.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Vampy
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Vampy The Lost

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Name: Shizuko Katari
Nickname: Kitty or Cat/Neko
Age: 15
Title: Ultimate (sneaky) assassin
Skil: Shizuko can move with out making any kind of sounds, this makes her really good at sneaking behind someone and scare them or to be able to steal stuff.
Why you wanted to go to the scool: her parents made her join but she heard that there are all really nice people on the school and so she thought of how much fun it would be trying to scare them all.
History: Shizuko grew up in a really poor family this made her to steal food and clothes and other things. She is totaly crazy of cats, she loves them so much that she began to kinda behave like one.
Personality: Shizuko is nice to every one that she sees, she is like an assassin if she wants to steal something or want to scare someone. She is just like a little neko.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Knight of Doom
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Knight of Doom Slowly Becoming an Alcoholic

Member Seen 5 mos ago

Name: Mikazuki Kurayami

Nickname: Mika

Age: 15


Title: Ultimate Markswoman

Why you wanted to go to this school: Mika wanted to go Hope's Peak Academy so that she'd have more resources to practice her skills.

Skill: Mika is a sharpshooter. Whether it's with a gun, a crossbow, or a bow and arrow, Mika is able to shoot a bullseye from very long distances. She also has super sharp reflexes and keen eyesight.

History: Both of Mika's parents served in the U.S military. Mika, was taught at a young age how to shoot. Her parents taught her everything they knew before both of them were murdered. Their murderer was a terrorist who set out to kill the soldiers who destroyed their home town. Mika later found out that her parents didn't follow the code of conduct very well while in the military. So, Mika lived with her uncle who had a drinking problem. Because her uncle was always away getting drunk, Mika learned to survive on her own. The hardest part for her was fighting her uncle off when he was drunk.

Personality: Mika is a cold, calculating person. However, sometimes she allows herself to be more relaxed around other people. She usually prefers to be alone, and doesn't like to talk much.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Vesuvius00
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Vesuvius00 ~| Guardian of Flame |~ / ~| Superhero |~

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Name: Loki Sato
Age: 15
Title: Ultimate Twin
Why you wanted to go to this school: Same reason as his sister, sorta. He mainly wants to make sure that she's ok and keep her happy.
Skill: Well, he's a really good actor and mimic, and it's easy for him to put himself in someone else's place to try and figure out how they think, and copy those thoughts into his own actions. He can literally be anyone's twin, although usually he focuses on his sister.
History: Loki is the older twin, by about an hour, and he always reminds her of this even though she doesn't really care. They get along very well, even for twins, mainly because of his stronger ability to tell how people are feeling, and her open nature. So, they had to move away from their old school because their parents got divorced, but that affected his sister way more than it affected him. He didn't have the same kind of connection to their parents as Lexi did, so even though he could understand her reactions and feelings, he didn't have them himself. He was popular at their old school, and had a lot of friends just like his sister had, but he could tell that they liked him mainly because of his skill in mimicry, his ability to understand others only got him a few true friends.
Personality: He's very restless and fidgety, he doesn't like to stay still, and he always has to be doing something he feels is worthwhile. he is outspoken, like his sister, but less cheery most of the time and much more rambunctious, but polite when he needs to be.
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