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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by joeycbee
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joeycbee The Wise Wookie

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Drake woke up on the floor in the entrance hall. As he got up he got a sharp pain from his neck and back thanks to the fact that it seemed to have sleeper on the floor. He stretched a little trying to loosen his sore back and looked around trying to find out where the heck he was. In front of him was a giant steel door that you might as well break down the wall to get out. On each side of the door were two machine e gun turrets that were attached to the wall.

"Jesus, that's overkill, way overkill for a school...i think. He said quick turning around to sure he wasn't in some high-tech security prison. The last thing he remembered was walking in to the school doors and then passing out. Next to him was a glass case that was filled with awards, like number one school in Japan, and such. There was also a camera and a monitor in the room which he at first didn't pay mu attention to. He looked at the windows and saw they were bolted shut with steel panels and oversized screws. Where ever he was he defiantly was not going through the front door nor any windows.

Walking out of the hallway he found it was in fact a school and a fancy one at that. Though every so often he saw a monitor and a camera, which he began to find disturbing. Why would there be so many cameras in here. "Even for security it seems to much and there's also the monitors next to them, why would we need so many. He thought trying to think of a good answer but none came to mind. It also seemed throughout all the school the windows were bolted shut and even some of the hallways were closed with gates. "Man they don't want use getting out, or maybe anyone in..." He said trying to get his hope up that he wasn't trapped.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Vampy
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Vampy The Lost

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Shizuko walked away from the wall,where she woke up. She walked a round in the ckassroom whereѓ she was. "woooo… that is some havy stuff to cover windowes with." The room looked just like a normal classroom, before she walked out the room she looked up and saw a camera. "Is it not a camera like they use to film movies? Humm… lets look if there are others in there."

Lusy woke up in a hallway behind her was a door from what looked like a classroom. She looked across the hall and saw that there where was in every corner a camera. She thought:why are there so manny cameras in a school??? She could not stop thinking about it so she stood up and walked towards a camera to look at it.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by SayZun
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SayZun A massive typo

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Erick shot up from his face down sleeping position as his glasses drooped laid awkwardly on his face. He looked around confused, almost half asleep trying to recollect any events. "I don't remember resting when I came here." He said to himself, "No matter! Double-time, Danger!" He then turned over and did a smooth kip up landing on his feet. He then noticed the oddness of the school. The high security, the bolted windows, the gates and the cameras; all things not usually seen in many schools. "This probably a test!" He exclaimed glancing at a camera, "I guess I could show off a little of my tremendous skill" He then lifted into a straight vertical handstand and began to walk on his stiff arms down the hall.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Knight of Doom
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Knight of Doom Slowly Becoming an Alcoholic

Member Seen 5 mos ago


Amaya slowly woke up from her slumber. Hm? Where am I? Amaya thought out of habit, but when she fully awoke and realized she was in a classroom. Oh, Hope's Peak Academy. She realized, but how did she fall asleep on the floor of a classroom? A multitude of ideas flooded her head to answer that question, but the thing that troubled her was that she didn't remember how she got here. Insomnia? No, I know I don't have memory loss. Besides it's my first day of high school, how could I forget that? Is it still the first day? More questions than answers filled Amaya's head, and while she could sit there forever and think of the possibilities it was about time she found answers. As she looked around, Amaya realized that security was tighter than a prison. Windows sealed with steel plates, cameras in every corner, was this really a prestigious academy? Amaya analyzed the monitor, but there was currently no information being broadcasted, which made it useless. Well, there was no point staying here any longer, so Amaya left her room.


Mika shot up from her position on the ground. She had been alert one minute, then down the next. Who did this to her? Mika stood up a little too fast causing her head feel a bit light. She steadied herself against a nearby desk until it passed. The windows and cameras put Mika on high alert. Whoever did this to me, definitely wants something from me, but what? It's not like she had any money or... Did they want her to shoot someone? No, that's stupid. They would just hire an assassin for that kind of work. Mika thoroughly searched the room looking for a clue of something to defend herself with. But after coming up with nothing, she went to search elsewhere.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by metagros

metagros shhhhhhh.... i don't exist.

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Charon woke up in a deserted classroom, where apparently the common pastime was fastening all the walls with screws that require a forklift to put them into position. the more annoying part though was that he had no memory of going to that room, just of him entering hops peak academy. you would think that you would remember something like this. also, some one here did not hear about the word privacy, as when he got up he noticed a security camera positioned in such a way that it could see the entire room. shesh what kind of school is this, and where is everyone?
deciding to look for everyone elts, Charon left the room and decided to wander aimlessly down the halls.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Vesuvius00
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Vesuvius00 ~| Guardian of Flame |~ / ~| Superhero |~

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Lexi and Loki Sato

Lexi woke up in a classroom, of sorts. The windows were covered and bolted, and there was a camera in the corner of the room next to a monitor. Why have windows if you're just going to cover them up? Kinda defeats the purpose... Glancing one last time at the blocked windows, she left the room and started to wander the halls, peeking into classrooms along the way and wondering where the other people were, that is, if there are any other people. Other than Loki... there might still be some of those other kids somewhere around here.

Meanwhile, Loki woke up in another classroom across the school. Taking a moment to sort out his thoughts and figure out where he was, he figured he'd just walk around the school until he met someone else. If i'm here, then Lexi should be around too. not to mention that there were other kids showing up when we first got here. As he walked, the sheer number of cameras around the halls and classrooms bugged him. There definitely weren't any blind spots, and as he took a closer look at one he realised that they probably had night vision and all that other high-tech stuff too. What kind of school is this?
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by ScienMalefica
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ScienMalefica Someone who's not on on the weekends

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Ruby's vision blurred into focus as she groggily pushed herself to stand with a slight yawn, not quite taking in her environment. "Well, time for another day of..." she started as she took in her environment.


Ruby breathed heavily, struggling not to scream out. Who knows what's happening after all. Ruby looked around. An empty classroom with boarded up windows and security cameras. Damnit, what the hell's happening? Ruby swore under her breath as she quietly went over to the door, turning the handle.


Ruby let out a sigh of relief at the door being unlocked, walking out into the hall. As she started to close the door behind her she remembered. Weren't there other kids coming to Hope's Peak Academy? Ruby bit her lip and tightened her fists, her knuckles turning even whiter than her ivory complexion.

"HELLO!? ANYONE HERE?" Ruby called out, shaking from nervousness. Whatever was happening in this crazy school, there was no way it could be good.

Another boy stirred at the sound of yelling, a hand covering his yawning mouth as he awoke. Jeremy jumped up and seeing what was around him, promptly fainted again, falling to the ground, hair covering his unconscious model face.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by MagusDream
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MagusDream Fairy Light Magus

Member Seen 6 mos ago

Kokoro woke up already on an empty classroom. The last thing she remembered was crossing the entrance of the school and entering in the main hall. After that, her vision just blurred out and she wasn't able to remember anything that could have happened. "Unnngh... where am I...? Is this a... classroom?", she said, getting up from the ground. After that she cleaned her blue jeans and fixed her spectrum belt she made at the hospital. This is so strange... I'm sure I was at Hope's Peak Academy's main hall. How did I end up on a classroom anyway..., she started to think about how she ended up there. Then, she heard a click. It came from the door at the other end of the classroom.

Still without understanding what was happening right there, Kokoro opened the door and saw the corridor that took to the main hall and to the cafeteria. "Hello? Hello? Is someone anywhere?", she asked with a considerably loud voice while walking towards the main hall. But when she reached it, the door was locked. Huh? Why is the door locked? Did something happen?, she thought. Seeing that there will be no way of getting back into the main hall by that door, she decided to go and look for someone else.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Vampy
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Vampy The Lost

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

while Shizuko walked trough the halls she heard someone screaming . There is someone , why not try to scare he or she? she began to walk to were the sound came from.

Lusy was still looking by the camera.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by joeycbee
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joeycbee The Wise Wookie

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

A click rang through that halls like someone was on the Mic for the announcements but all that came out was muffled sound of air and then about decent sounding bang. Dame it. a voice came from it though it was soft so he was from a distance. May all students please make your way to the gym for the opening ceremony. There will be a punishment for skipping this event. After the voice ended there was a click of the phone having up.

Well it seems I now have a place to be. At least it's a bit comforting that I'm not the only one in the school. He said with a sigh of relief. He was starting to get scared and antsy about being locked up without anyone, or in fact anything to restart himself with. Through his walk around the school he remebered where the gym was and turned around and walked to the gym.

When he arrived at the gym he saw that it was also used as a auditorium with the stage and curtains. The stage curtains were open with a podium in the center ad a table with something on it. He didn't know what was on the table since it was covered over with a blanket. There were no chairs but otherwise it really did look like they were going to have a ceremony of some sort. The only thing he thought was strange was that there was no one not even a teacher in the room. But there was a camera and monitor in the room.....great.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Vesuvius00
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Vesuvius00 ~| Guardian of Flame |~ / ~| Superhero |~

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Lexi and Loki Sato

The announcement startled both twins to the point where Lexi almost closed a door on her fingers, and Loki tripped over his own shoelaces.

Great, a school assembly and we're not allowed to skip. At least I don't have to search for other people anymore, we'll all be in the gym soon enough. Lexi set off down a hallway that had a sign labeling the gymnasium as being in that direction, and found it after only a few minutes. It seemed like a standard type of 'fine arts' gymnasium, with a stage and everything, but with nowhere to sit. Shrugging her shoulders, Lexi walked up to the corner of the stage and pulled herself up to sit on the edge, facing most of the doors in the room so she could count how many people came in.

The announcer having a little trouble working the mic? Loki thought to himself with a smirk as he guessed at how to get to the gym. After what was definitely too much time, he figured out that there were signs pointing pretty much everywhere someone would need to go, and finally got to the gym after what would seem like most of the other students had already gotten there, scattered about the room doing whatever to pass the time. He heard a whistle from the stage and saw his sister sitting there and waving him over. "Hey, long time no see! He said jokingly as he sat up on the stage next to her. "Heck of a way to start a new school year right?"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Vampy
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Vampy The Lost

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Ahhh, darn it. Disapionted started Shizuko to walk to wards the gym that she came a cross.

Lucy looked up humm the one behind this does not know how the mic works she tought. And she started with the surge to the gym.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by SayZun
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SayZun A massive typo

Member Seen 2 mos ago

As the announcement started Erick rolled out of his handstand walk into a front rollover. When the word "Gym" was said it instantly set off something in Erick. He knelt towards the ground in runner like fashion and counted off to start in his head. "Ready...Set.....BANG!" He said as he burst off through the hallways he jumped, span, and did as much unnecessary climbing all through out the school, one in a while glancing at signs pointing to the gym. When the gym doors were in his view he dove forward gracefully rolling into a cartwheel transitioning into back handspring which ended with his signature 720 corkscrew. He landed upright in a questionably hero-like pose. "Erick Danger's the name!" He exclaimed with a smirk. He then opened his eyes to reveal a couple other students.
"So...which one of you dragged me in here when I fell asleep?" He asked slicking his sweat damp hair back.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by ScienMalefica
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ScienMalefica Someone who's not on on the weekends

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

At the announcement Jeremy regained consciousness, looking around a bit. Has one of those people who sent me death threats kidnapped me or something!?!? Worried, he slowly went out of the room and started looking for the gym. Eventually finding it, he went in and saw a lot of other students. That calmed him down a lot, seeing he wasn't the only one. He opened his mouth to talk but got interrupted by a kid doing a roll, cartwheel, handspring, all sorts of fancy show-off stuff. Despite being a model himself and having a decent opinion of himself due to his popularity Jeremy didn't like people with high opinions of himself.

Meanwhile Ruby was angrily storming her way in, just catching wind of the blue-haired gymnast asking who dragged him in here. "You idiot!" she yelled in response with a scowl, hiding her worry with a mask of anger. "Obviously we're all victims, do you think some teen kid could set something like this up? This is too big to be a prank, don't be an idiot!" she yelled frustratedly, sitting alone.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by SayZun
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SayZun A massive typo

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Erick looked at the girl pondering her statement. "Maybe you're onto something" he said, "maybe this is like some social experiment thingy" He then started to stroll around the gym noticing the cameras put here as well.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by MagusDream
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MagusDream Fairy Light Magus

Member Seen 6 mos ago

Kokoro, following the instructions, headed to the gym, being one of the, if not, the last to arrive. She saw that everyone was gathered, waiting for the Principal to arrive. There are other people than me. That makes me a little less nervous., she thought. Even if she was happy to see that she wasn't alone, the fact that all of them were imprisoned worried her.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Vampy
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Vampy The Lost

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Shizuko was in the gym. She walked as quied as she could be hind some guy in a trainer outfit and when the right momend came she jumped up and scared him good.

Lucy walked trough the halls. On her way to the gym she looked carefull at all the walls, doors, cameras and other things. it seems that the cameras dont have a blindspot.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Knight of Doom
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Knight of Doom Slowly Becoming an Alcoholic

Member Seen 5 mos ago


Hmm, the gym, huh? Amaya's excitement started to grow. That message ment a lot of things. A. There were other students. B. There was a person in charge. C. The person in charge wasn't afraid to use force to get what they want. Amaya followed the signs that lead to the gymnasium. When she entered, she saw some students milling about. It didn't take much effort to figure out their Ultimate Talent. After all these students were the epitome of their talent, it's only natural that they radiate such a message. Amaya intentionally passed by as many people as possible, saying a quick 'Hi' or waving to them. She was slowly trying to figure out what kind of people they were and whether or not she should trust them. Afterall there was still a catch to this whole situation.


After hearing the message, Mike realized that she was not alone. Opening Ceremony? Mika tried to accept the fact that she now stood within Hope's Peak Academy's walls. Does that mean this is a test? It could be the entrance exam. Nonetheless, I need to go to the gym. I have no desire to be punished on my first day. With that, Mika found the gym and entered to find many other students. Mika stood at the back not wanting to interact with anyone.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Vesuvius00
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Vesuvius00 ~| Guardian of Flame |~ / ~| Superhero |~

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Lexi and Loki Sato

Lexi had counted 9 people by the time her brother walked in, making him the tenth. She whistled to get his attention before waving him over, scooting over a little when he hopped up on the stage to sit by her. "Well, I'd say so. Did you wake up alone in a classroom too?"

Loki looked around at the people in the room while he listened to his sister. "Yea, I did. I think we all did." he motioned to the others in the room, noticing that above all most seemed worried about something or another. He decided to raise his voice and addressed the group. "Any idea how long we have to wait here before whatever this is will start?"
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by SayZun
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SayZun A massive typo

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Erick jumped being started by the girl and landed in a backwards scorpion type position. "Hahahaha!" he laughed standing back up and brushing himself off, "Nice scare! Fool me once though." He then turned his attention towards the boy asking how long they'd be there. "An hour, maybe two, or maybe days, or maybe we'll be trapped here forever." He said jokingly. "I'm pretty sure there is an explanation for all this anyway." he said hopping up and balancing on the edge of the stage, "If we all just keep cool-headed maybe it'll be fun."
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