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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Knight of Doom
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Knight of Doom Slowly Becoming an Alcoholic

Member Seen 5 mos ago


"The main event will probably start once everyone arrives." Amaya informed the group. "After all it was said that we'd be punished if we didn't arrive. So everyone is being forced to come. The mastermind obviously wants to address us about our situation, and what our purpose here is." Amaya couldn't wait for this, whatever it was, to begin. If anything it was something out of her stories! And if the story turns out to be any good, there'll be plenty of conflicts, character development, and plot twists. Of course since this was Hope's Peak Academy, there was plenty of resources for excitement.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by joeycbee
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joeycbee The Wise Wookie

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

The instant the clock turned to 6, the bell rang and the door swung shut and locked. In the front of the gymnasium where the podium stood a black denomic and white angel like "bear" appeared out of nowhere and stood on the podium.

"Hello everyone, nice to meet you!"he said and a bright and carefree attitude that was completely out of place. "Welcome to Hope's peak academy! I will-" He said being cut off by Drake.

"So what's the deal with the teddy bear?" Drake said to no one in general.

"I'm not a teddy bear, I am a Monokuma! and I am your headmaster! Now let me tell you about what your life will be like here at hope's peak Academy. You are children filled hope, so in order to keep this hope from being tainted you will life together, In harmony, solely within the compounds of this school. In other words... you will never leave this school until the day you die! Upupupup!
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Vampy
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Vampy The Lost

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Lucy walked around the stage where the bear came from out of, she wanted to know how he came there. After a few looks at the place where the bear stood she saw what looked like a hidden door in the stage. So here he came out but still how... she thought. When Drake said some joke it seemed that the controller of the bear is really mad or desperate to make his point.

Shizuko laughed with Erick and looked at the bear when she heard it speak. "Why do we need to stay here for ever? What is the idea behind this? headmaster Monokuma?" she asked. it looks like that he is not the type to joke with.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by metagros

metagros shhhhhhh.... i don't exist.

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charon walked over to one of the seats in the back and sat down, in a sort of auto pilot mode. he hoped that he was not counted late, and the activity/announcement thing probably hadnt started yet. there was just a bear on stage, who could not possibly be impotent. wait no the bear was claiming to be headmaster, and that no one shall leave.
"well you better find a way to let me contact the out side. i have a tournament soon."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by joeycbee
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joeycbee The Wise Wookie

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Monokuma tilted his head slightly like as if he found it odd that they didn't understand him. "I just told you that you are to remain here, to preserve the hope of this world, from being torn apart to shreds, or turning into the despair of the outside world. as for that tournament, it seems you scheduled has hit a snag and you will not be able to compete...ever, upupupupup. All networks, radio waves, cables, everything that you could possibly contact another person virtually or physically that is outside of these walls is either non-existent or are disconnected from the outside world. I mean there IS one thing you can do if your just DYING to get out." He said this last sentence as if he was telling a inside joke, which he monetarily was.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Vesuvius00
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Vesuvius00 ~| Guardian of Flame |~ / ~| Superhero |~

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Lexi and Loki Sato

The twins jumped off of the stage when the, headmaster apparently, suddenly appeared.

No outside contact, at ALL? And what does he mean by 'the hope of this world'? Lexi walked up to the bear, getting as close as she could without actually being on the stage. "So, we're cut off from the world, completely cut off, and you're not going to let us leave until we die? Am I getting this right Mr. Bear?" She waited until the bear started to answer her, and then yelled at him, hoping to surprise him and maybe get him to slip up and say something that he shouldn't. "You CAN'T do that!"

Loki watched quietly at first as his sister spoke to the, Monokuma, as it had called itself, until she yelled at it. After a moment he remembered what their mother had said before she had dropped them off. I want you to call me every other night, right before bedtime. Love you! speaking without thinking, he went up to stand next to his sister. "She's right! What about if our parents try to contact us? Eventually there are gonna be police breaking down that door to arrest you for kidnapping.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by SayZun
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SayZun A massive typo

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"No outside contact?!" Erick exclaimed back flipping off the stage. "But who'll be the audience of my incredible moves?"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Vampy
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Vampy The Lost

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"I guess that is us all here then..." said Shizuko to Erick. Shizuko began to look sad when the word dying was spoken, she hated that word. But to keep the mood up she said: "So we are all going to be good friends then, if we have to stay here for ever." a little fake smile came up when she said it.

Lucy looked up No communication with the outside? What a joke, there must be something here that can "enter" the outside.. she thought. Lucy walked behind the stage to find out more about the hidden door the there was in the stage. There must be something that might work in here or elsewhere in the building. she kept thinking.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Knight of Doom
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Knight of Doom Slowly Becoming an Alcoholic

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"I think everyone needs to calm down a bit," Amaya said calmly, "I mean what's so different about living in the school for the rest of your life than living out in the real word? It's not very different. In fact, it might be better. After all at a school they supply you with food, you don't have to work. You basically don't have to do anything if you don't want to." Amaya grinned, they might think her crazy, but it was the truth. Now, as long as they didn't have classes, that'd be luxury.


After hearing all that everyone had to say, Mika was a little doubtful of the reasoning behind this. "Hope" wasn't exactly a word to describe herself. Besides, where are the other student's of Hope's Peak Academy? Surely they had more than one grade at a time, after all it was a high school. Mika didn't want to put in her thoughts, after all it would only stir up her classmates more. So she stayed silent and listened to what everyone else had to say.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by joeycbee
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joeycbee The Wise Wookie

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Monokuma turned right at Amaya and smile, though at the moment it didn't matter since he was always smiling. "That exactly right Anaya! We will provide a place to sleep, eat, bath, etc. You can live here in perfect harmony! BUT....upupupupup, there is a way to leave if you really must go. He empathize the last part trying to get them to ask how. He then turned to Lexi and Loki and put his paw over his mouth trying to to laugh. "Puhuhuhuh, I wouldn't rely on the police coming to "save" you, I think they have enough on there plate, let alone saving you. This is why your are here to save you from the despair in the outside world."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by MagusDream
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BGM: Mr. Monokuma's Lesson

Kokoro just looked at the scene. First of all, a plushie talking and he was reaaaaaly weird. Second, she was almost not believing on what she heard. "I do agree on what she's saying. We better think this straight or we won't have any answers, just a bunch of questions. Especially if we want to find a way out of this strange place.", she said. Kokoro, then, looked at monokuma. "It's... Monokuma, right? You said that you are the headmaster, but... I don't think a plushie can be the headmaster. Can you call him? The headmaster, I mean.", she asked, smiling.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by SayZun
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SayZun A massive typo

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"What do you mean?" Erick said to the bear, "I thought we'd be here forever?" He then unnecessarily back flipped and landed in lazy type position on the ground. "I've only been here consciously for a few minutes anyway."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by joeycbee
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joeycbee The Wise Wookie

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A PLUSHIE?! Do not call me a plushie, I am Monokuma and I am your headmaster! Think what you might but I am, and will be your headmaster for this school. He said infuriated by what he interpreted as a insult. He then quickly changed mood to laughter, and it was a laugh that would make most uneasy.

"Well I'm glad someone finally asked, I was about to getting inpatient. One of the rules in this school is the Exemption rule. In order to exit this school you must, hopefully with creativity and enthusiastically, murder another student and get away with it." He said this very condescending and simple. There wasn't much drama or tone in his words he just simple said it with that genomic grin.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Knight of Doom
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Knight of Doom Slowly Becoming an Alcoholic

Member Seen 5 mos ago


"Murder?!" Mika shot up from her spot on the gym floor. She quickly looked around at those around her. She tensed her muscles and slowly backed even further away from the others. People do drastic things when under pressure and stress. She knew this from experience. Also these people were Ultimates, if anything they were even more dangerous than most people. Mika clenched her fists, and looked around. She was NOT going down here.


A grin spread onto Amaya's face. A high suspense story with students who are suppose to get along and collaborate, doubt each other and kill one another? It's even better because they don't even know each other! Amaya could feel a shiver of excitement run down her spine. She bit her lower lip, a habit of hers. She carefully ran her eyes through the characters who surrounded her. All their potential to be dynamic and relevant was laid out before her. "Interesting," She mused under her breath for no one to hear. Honestly, she was looking forward to the drama and plot twists. As long as she didn't die too soon.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Vesuvius00
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Vesuvius00 ~| Guardian of Flame |~ / ~| Superhero |~

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Lexi and Loki Sato

The twins were shellshocked, Lexi held her brother's hand as they both backed away from Monokuma, neither able to say anything from the fear and confusion in their minds. No police, we're trapped here, and if anyone wants to get out, they have to murder someone? No, this can't be true. There has to be some other way out. He's... he's just messing with us. No way are the police too busy to come look for a bunch of missing kids...

The two had backed almost to the edge of the room, still holding hands, before Loki spoke up. "Hah! You're joking! I don't believe you." "Y-yeah. Neither do I." Lexi looked around at the group nervously. They could all probably get along well enough to wait for the police or someone to get them out before anyone got crazed enough to actually try and kill anyone, or so she hoped.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Vampy
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Vampy The Lost

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

"I wouldn't say that, look at the headmasters face, he lookes pritty sirios about this." said Shizuko to Lexi and loki. Shizuko doen't want to look afrait but she really is. She just can't handle those words will with her past but she kept smiling a little to make the situation not so bad.

hummm… the one behind this really whant to keep us all here, why lucy thought deeply afthere hearing what was said. She looked around and kept looking for a way to open the hidden door.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by SayZun
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SayZun A massive typo

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A chill went down Erick's when the headmaster mentioned the murder rule. Erick one was to never really concern about death, interfered with his training. He got from his sitting position and put his hands on his knees. "Relax guys" He said out loud, "Not to be condescending but I doubt any of us could really kill a person strength and secretley-wise" He got up and stood with hands in his pocket and turned towards the other students. "As long as we stay cool things should work out."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by joeycbee
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joeycbee The Wise Wookie

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Monokuma found it amusing how easily he could upset the children. He turned to the twins and said, "LYING? No I cross my heart and will die if I were to every lie to you guys. How could you trust your headmaster if he just lied to you! With every word I speak I mean it. It hurts me that you don't trust me." He looked wounded my the twins accusation but quick changed his mood for he had bigger things to worry about.

Next to him was a table with a red cloth covering it. He walked over and flung the cover off revealing blue devices. They were about as small as a credit card and was a tad heavier than one. "These little devices are your e-handbooks. They can withstand 40 tons, they are completely waterproof, are unable to be opened by any sort of means, and can't conduct electricity so it won't fry from the high voltage. In short there basically indestructible! These e-handbooks also help you enter certain areas in the school, a map of the school, and all the rules of the school. My favorite part is that you can also play pong on it, as such a fun game! Go ahead and open it up and give it a try! Your name should appear when booting it up." He explained. He motioned his hands, or paws, toward the table where they laid. Each of them had a paper name tag in front of them with all of there names on it.

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Vesuvius00
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Vesuvius00 ~| Guardian of Flame |~ / ~| Superhero |~

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Lexi and Loki Sato

"Believe it or not... I'm not very reassured." Loki walked up to the table and picked up his handbook, passing Lexi's to her as she walked up behind him. They booted them up and read the rules in silence, not bothering to bring up their thoughts on it all. If anyone else even cared, if only just a little, they could work together to thwart this stupid bear. Going outside is 'an unacceptable use of time'? Taking the time to do all this, and even coming up with the idea in the first place, is a much worse waste of time.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by SayZun
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SayZun A massive typo

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Erick dashed up and grabbed his handbook swiftly and excitedly. "unbreakable huh?" he said spinning it on the tip of his finger. He the booted it up and his name appeared on the screen. Erick did not know much about technology but if it was really as resistant to damage as the bear said this whole highschool thing must be serious. "Soooooooo...is this thing important to keep?" he asked tossing it around and catching it like a ball.
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