Name: Mira Oscani
Age: Age uncertain (appears as a young adult woman)
Gender: Female
Species: Half-Demon
Powers/skills: Mira is highly dextrous, able to dodge most anything thrown at her, also able to draw her gun and fire off in less than a second. In addition, she has a good eye and excellent judgement of character, traits she picked up tracking criminals. She's rather intelligent as well, as is expected in a bounty hunter.
Abilities: Mira has the ability to call upon the hellfire of her father, the demon Moloch. This is most notibly used to turn her bullets into powerful incindiary ammo, able to kill both mortal and demon alike. In addition, her demonic heritage allows her to travel freely between the living worlds and hell.
After slaying Bosheth during her campaign in all the 9 hells, Mira gained his ability to consume her defeated enemies through a black mist and heal herself through their biomass and/or spiritual energy. In addition, after killing Bosheth, his lesser demons came under her control, and she is able to summon them, abet in an unstable form that disintegrates a meare seconds after summoning to attack her enemies.
Weapons(cause why not?): At the start of her journey, Mira posessed a single six-shooter, a lever action rifle, and an elvish sabre. During her adventure, she aquired a second revolver, had both of them become infused with hellfire, had her rifle stolen, aquired a better rifle after tracking down a gang leader who had stolen high quality arms from the Imperial military, stole his modified rifle, and had her sabre destroyed by Bosheth, but replaced by Zabul after her victory over Moloch with an Angel's Longsword.
Crush: "Oh, I've been with a lot of women travelling around. Hmm, I guess there's my girl from Osco, an Orc girl, beatiful woman. Went off to Alexia to become a Crusader. I miss her a lot."
From: D&D OC, from my own setting/world
Appearance(s): For the most part, Mira looks human, but she has deathly pale skin and deep black hair and eyes. Her face is an odd one, looking strangly invoting yet menacing at the same time. Her hair is mostly worn in a very long ponytail, and she is almost always in her dark red Orcish made leather Duster. Beneith that is usually a black dress and baggy black pants underneath with a belt over her dress around the waist holding her revolver. Mira's teeth are all sharpened, although this is not due to her demon heritage, but rahter a memory of her rite of passage with the Orcs. Mira's rifle has orcish patterns painted on the stock. Bio(optional): A girl was born on the feast day of St. Lucan, the patron of the Fallen. When the child was born, her body was deathly pale, but hot like warm bathwater. Her mother had been a victim of a kidnapping by a rogue group of Moloch worshipers along with her infant daughter. The baby was sacrificed by burning, and the mother was reimpregnated by the leader of the group. Moloch had received the child's soul and corrupted it with his essance. When the mother had birthed her new child, she was horrified to find it was mearly her previous one, reborn to her once again, but with the influence of the fire demon. The child was cast out by the people of Little Portage, sent to die by drowning in the saltwater river Gul. But the child survived, making her way down river to the frontier town of Osco. Here, the baby was taken in by a tribe of native Orcs. Named Mira, the Oscanese Orcish word for fire due to her hot body temperature, she lived the life of any orcish child, falling in love with a girl named Yazgash, although Mira was devestated when she chose to immigrate to the Exarchate of Alexia. Seeing no reason to stay in Osco, Mira took the Gul River to the city of Alexandria over the Frontier, an Alexian province that was administered as part of the Black Sea Confederacy. Here she worked as a Bounty Hunter for many years until she got a job by a mysterious employer named Zabul. Zabul lead her on a journey that literally took her to Hell several times. As Mira struggled with her own heritage, she eventually gathered the strength to confront and free herself of her Father's connection to her life. Mira later discovered Zabul to be St. Lucan himself, sent to help Mira achieve her personal redemption from her (literal) demons of the past.
Other: Mira is a devout member of Isaism (her universe's equivalent of Catholicism) and had St. Lucan as her patron.
Name: St. Lucan (Zabul)
Age: Old as the multiverse
Gender: Male
Species: Angel/reformed Demon
Powers/skills: When Zabul reformed and turned away from Iblis' demon movement and became Lucan, he lost all of his demonic powers. However, Isaiah was merciful on him and gave Lucan his Angelic powers back. Lucan is capable of flight in the form of levetation, strong telekinesis, telepathy with other angels, demons and half breeds, the ability to utilize light energy as a took or weapon (ex: flashes and lasers), realm travel and shapeshifting
Weapons(cause why not?): Two angelic longswords
Crush: n/a
From: my dnd universe

Bio(optional): The story begins at the apex of creation. Zabul was one of many angels of his world, the prototypes of all sapient life. However, Zabul became attracted to the words of another, eloquent angel named Iblis, who told the Angels to throw off the rule of Adonai and to rule the universe as they see fit. Iblis and his followers, the Arch Devils known now as Moloch, Bosheth, Mammon, Asmodeus, Lilith, and Zabul became marked as enemies. The 6 founders of the rebellion were banished to a prison dimension along with their followers, becoming Demons. While in Hell, Zabul became increasingly regretful for his actions. He suggested that they reconcile and plead for forgiveness. Iblis refused, expelling Zabul and his followers. However, Adonai's avatar Isaiah found the exiled demons and accepted their repentance, returning Zabul to an angel. However, Zabul would forever remain suceptable to mortal wounds as punishment for his involvement. Zabul, taking the Name of Lucan to clear his past, acts as the protector and patron of the doomed, and gardian of the damned. He has been following Mira due to a special intrest in her quests.
Other: n/a