Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Catchphrase
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@TheDuncanMorgan oh good, thanks
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by MacabreFox
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@Catchphrase Please keep in mind that this is an Advanced roleplay, meaning that you need to write more than just one paragraph. If you are incapable of doing so, you might not be in the right place to join our group, and you should consider joining a Free Roleplay, where the writing standards are far lesser than what is required here. Look at all of the other previous posts contributed by our members. Your post is extremely lacking. Please add more to your post, or reconsider participating with us. 6 paragraphs minimum is what we're looking for, preferably more. It is unfair to the other players when you don't put in as much effort as the rest of us.

I didn't take the time to create our informative Reference Sheet for shits, and giggles, if this was a Free roleplay; which it isn't.

Also, did you even read fully what is going on in game?

Lupus sat at a table in an inn outside Nyhem, it was called 'The Drunken Merchant' and was a rather dull looking place on the outside, but inside, people were having a grand time. They were enraptured by Lupus, how he told his tales about knights saving Princesses, or a man actually flying on a dragon. They loved his stories, and the images he created using magic. They were saw caught up in it, that no one noticed the soldiers entering until they were right in front of them. The officer of the group stepped forward to him and asked, "Are you the Storyteller?" Lupus answered an affirmative and the officer then said, "Your presence is needed at the palace, you're to entertain before the King." Lupus bowed his head in respect, "It would be a great honour." He then turned to the crowd, "I'm sorry good people, but it would seem that I won't be able to perform anymore tales," he then gave a theatrical bow, "until we meet again. Come captain, we must make haste, best not to keep a King waiting."

We have no King. That is the whole point of this RP. To Battle for The Throne.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by TheDuncanMorgan
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@Catchphrase MacabreFox is right. That is not a acceptable amount for an advanced RP nor is it anywhere near detailed enough. As well as the fact that it completely disregards what has happened previously in RP (i.e there currently is no king for him to perform for). I am more than happy for you to remain in this RP but only if you put in the required effort.
1x Thank Thank
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Catchphrase
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@TheDuncanMorgan ah of course, I apologise. I got confused is all. Please accept my humblest apologies
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by TheDuncanMorgan
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@Catchphrase That's fine. Just make sure that your future posts a up to the standard expected from this RP.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Catchphrase
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@TheDuncanMorgan of course, I will fix it right away
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Klomster
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@TheDuncanMorgan of course, I will fix it right away

Could it be that someone panicked? :P

Don't worry, i'm sure you can add to that simple intro so it fits the rp so far. Wouldn't be too difficult.

Just change up the facts, add some extra details and add a bit more flesh to his presence in the post.
With that i mean instead of.
"They were saw caught up in it, that no one noticed the soldiers entering until they were right in front of them."
Make it more of a scene.

Make a description of their apparel, how they move through the crowded inn. Are they in a hurry? Are they bashing people out of the way? Are they barely making an effort at haste?

When the officer steps forward, describe him a bit. Is he fat? Is he handsome? Severe difference in apparel from the regular dudes? Just a sentence or two but it adds a lot.
So instead of that, perhaps.

The guards stopped a few meters back from Lupus, while one of them, probably their officer stepped forward. A pot bellied man with a thin black mustache and a fancy hat.
-"Are you the wizard Lupus? The storyteller?" He was sweating a bit, and dried his forehead with a rag.
-"Why yes i am, is there a problem?" Lupus confusedly asked, he was not used to armed guards confronting him like this.
-"The palace officials have requested your presence to entertain at the party currently underway." The sweating man informed, Lupus was relieved that there was no actual problem.

Or something like that, actions, reactions, more spaced out instead of a wall of text.
I'm no writing genius myself but i try my best.

Also, they were SAW caught up in it?
What? They were sitting there stuck in a handsaw? Misspelling is one thing but i frown a bit more upon misswording.
But you should be fine, i'm gonna assume you just spat out an intro when you thought there was a big hurry for you to post.
1x Thank Thank
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Catchphrase
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There, my first post complete. Thank you all for your patience and help in the matter
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by TheDuncanMorgan
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@Catchphrase Much better. This is a acceptable quality. The only thing I would recommend for future posts would be to do a spell and grammar check before posting. Other than that this is fine. Well done.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by twannyman
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Excuse me for not posting, my pc crashed and it is working now again
i will try to post tomorrow, if not then it will be next week
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by MacabreFox
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Excuse me for not posting, my pc crashed and it is working now again
i will try to post tomorrow, if not then it will be next week

Sorry to hear about your computer problems! We look forward to your upcoming post as well.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by TheDuncanMorgan
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OK the new round of posts has begun :) :

@twannyman Don't worry about not getting your intro post out during the last round of posts. You are free to post during this round. I just thought it was fair for everyone else to get this round of posts started considering it has been a while. Also I'm sorry to hear about your computer.

@AndrewCooper @PhoenixWhite You have my permission to take control of the representatives of the NPC houses for these round of posts. This way you can make your speech more of a debate; similar to what I did with House Humber and Du Paraquette. I will write the representatives of the NPC houses bellow.

If you have any questions please let me know.
1x Thank Thank
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by TheDuncanMorgan
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House Representatives:

Du Paraquette - Supports House De Reimer during the debate
-Charles Du Paraquette
-Unnamed Advisor
-Unnamed Advisor

Humber - Supports House Manshrew During the debate
-Daeron Humber
-Maerya Bernalys
-Unnamed Advisor

-Jullon Greensworth
-Colbat Greensworth
-Unnamed Advisor

Lanistark - Supports House Manshrew during debate
-Serala Lanistark
-Unnamed Advisor
-Unnamed Advisor

Tuania - Supports House De Reimer during debate
-Catryn Tuania
-Cerlina Tuania
-Anron Tuania

Staghain - Supports House Blackwell during debate
-Mylla Staghain
-Alfred Staghain
-Unnamed Advisor

-Captain Nicol
-Unnamed Advisor
-Unnamed Advisor

-Henri Anjervine
-Unnamed Advisor
-Unnamed Advisor

-Aureus Wulfrick
-Smaragdus Wulfrick
-Sappir Wulfrick

-Henry Mazeltof
-Godwyn Mazeltof
-Alicja Mazeltof

Sutharlan - Supports house Blackwell during debate (I think it is now safe to assume that Cold Hands is no longer in the RP)
-Bearnard Sutharlan
-Cormag Sutharlan
-Unnamed Advisor
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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by MacabreFox
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MacabreFox Wee Witchy Woo

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Just thought I'd stop by, and let you guys know that TDM, and I are still working on the collab. Also I'd like to mention that I'll be gone Wednesday, and the better part of Thursday as well.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by PhoenixWhite
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I am swamped with real life work as of now, but I'm still around as well- perusin' and lurkin' and observin'.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by TheDuncanMorgan
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@PhoenixWhite Understood. I don't suppose you could give a rough estimate of when you think your next IC post will be up?
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by MacabreFox
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MacabreFox Wee Witchy Woo

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There is now a section in the Reference Sheet, containing information based on the Remmonet's, including Heylot, John, and his wife, the late Queen, Ruth.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by PhoenixWhite
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I do not see myself delayed more than a week.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Klomster
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Ah, my current mental image of this.

As people are running back and forth, barely having time to enter the room to say 'sorry, no time.' and people inside the room running back and forth flailing their arms like 'gaaaah nooo tiime!!!' and someone sobbing in a corner.

I imagine myself standing amidst the chaos and bloodshed (origin of blood, no idea, nasty nosebleed perhaps?) and shrugging.
Can't be easy with all the responsibilities people seem to be having, guess i'll just see where this keeps going :P

Do note i'm not complaining, i just think it's funny.
1x Laugh Laugh
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Catchphrase
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@Klomster I'd like to point out that in that scenario, it's me, I'm the one sobbing in he corner. Mainly because I'd be wondering, "Where am I? Who are these people? Why am I naked?" So in short, I'd be crying, but for good reason
1x Laugh Laugh
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