Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by EliteCommander
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EliteCommander The Commander of Elites

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

Name: Sirka'ith

Species: Ssi-ruu

Gender: Female

Appearance: (with brown scales, instead of red)

Age: 17 (this is an adult, as Ssi-ruu mature more quickly than humans)

Height: 2.15 meters

  • Close to medium range combat specialist
  • Strength equivalent to an adult wookiee
  • Thick, blaster resistant hide
  • Very keen sense of smell (able to detect changes in the emotional state of species with which she is familiar)
  • Triple eyelids resist sudden bursts of light
  • Surprising speed and grace for a creature of her size

  • Long-range combat
  • Eyesight poorer than that of a human
  • Very limited non-combat skills
  • Young age compared to adults of other species limits her practical experience
  • Stands out in a crowd, or any other situation
  • Little to no stealth capabilities

Equipment: Like most Ssi-ruu, Sirka wears only bandoliers across her chest to carry her belongings, along with whatever holsters she needs. Her primary weapon is a Mark II medium repeating blaster cannon. While normally a mounted weapon, the cannon can be carried by the heightened strength of a Ssi-ruu. She has modified it with a proper stock and grip, and powers it through a power cell which she wears as a backpack that, compared to her size, is reasonably compact. As a sidearm, she carries an E-11 blaster rifle, and a one-handed variant of a vibro-ax as a backup weapon. She also carries a small belt of fragmentation grenades.

Background: Sirka'ith had somewhat of a unique childhood among the Ssi-ruu. As xenophobic of a species as the Ssi-ruu are, they were forced to engage in some measure of diplomacy with the rest of the galaxy. Sirka's father was a black Ssi-ruu spy, ostensibly serving as a diplomat off-world, while her mother was a red Ssi-ruu bodyguard. This forbidden union made her a brown-scaled Ssi-ruu, and a member of the lowest caste of Ssi-ruuvi society. Normally, her egg would have been destroyed by her parents, but being outside their home system, her parents could not as easily get away with the murder, so they simply passed her off as the child of one of their brown-scaled Ssi-ruu servants.

In the first few years of her life, Sirka was in the position of being mostly ignored by the parents who had disowned her, and the servants who were meant to care for her. As such, no one bothered to stop her when she started to interact with the local populations of the worlds they were assigned to, something that would normally be forbidden for any Ssi-ruu hatchlings that, for whatever reason, found themselves outside Sii-ruuvi space. Her adoptive parents did teach her some of the Ssi-ruu, but she was more heavily influenced by the cultures of the worlds around her.

It was years before Sirka's father and his entourage returned to Lwhekk, and by that point, Sirka was too old, and had been outside Ssi-ruuvi space for too long to ever be able to accept what her life there would be like. The brown-scaled caste of Ssi-ruu were treated terribly. She did not care about the Imperium, nor about the religion they started to force on her. After a few beatings, she played along, but she resolved to escape as soon as possible. Luckily, the fact that she was raised outside Lwhekk also meant she was one of the few Ssi-ruu who could actually speak Basic, so it was not long before she was assigned to be a translator for a real diplomat. As soon as they reached a relatively large city, Sirka made her escape into the city's crowded underworld.

Despite only being a child at the time, Sirka found that there was one kind of work that such a large and intimidating being as herself could find quite readily. As a mercenary, she earned enough credits performing simple jobs to get offworld, and from there, she decided to continue honing her skills in combat. After all, it wasn't as if she had the skills to do anything else.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by my Lalia
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my Lalia The Master of Hugs

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by MonkeyBusiness
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Kal Ruk'tho

Race: Human-Mandalore

Age: 29

Physical Appearance: Shaved head with the tattoo of Mandalore on the right side of his head above his ear.
Height: 6'1"
Weight: 210 lbs
Eyes: Grey

Personality: Kal is a ruthless person whose only loyalty is to who ever is paying him the money at the moment. He does not like to get attached to anyone as he feels it is a weakness to show emotions while on the job and that could lead to him losing a paycheck. Whenever he does not have a job at the moment, there is sometimes a crack in is armor when he is out in the town and after a few drinks anything can happen.

  • EE-3 Carbine Rifle
  • Arm-mounted Flamethrower on right arm (Has a habit of shorting out and is not used a lot as it uses same fuel source as jetpack.)
  • Modified Z-6 jetpack with increased fuel for 3 minutes of continuous use and fitted with an anti-personnel shrapnel rocket, the rocket can be replaced with a grappling hook but this must be done before a mission.
  • A purple lightsaber taken from a dead Jedi (Nonoperational)
  • K-11 Blaster Pistols
  • Electrified bolas for capturing a target
  • Retractable wrist blade in left gauntlet
  • Gas powered poison dart launcher located as part of his utility belt.
  • Mandolorian Iron wrist guards

Occupation: Mercenary

Former Affiliation:

  • Crimson Nova Bounty Hunter Chapter
  • Mandalore Death Watch

History: Redacted. All that has been found about Kal is that during his time with Crimson Nova he took several jobs to track down and kill Jedi in hiding. His reason for leaving after several arguments about hunting Jedi with Cradossk and Bossk who were running the Bounty Hunter Guild at the time. After leaving the Guild, he became a soldier of fortune to who ever had to money and the contract that caught his interest.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by baskets


Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Age: 34
Gender: Female
Race: Human
Height: 5’11

Personality: Known to be incredibly hotheaded and passionate about many things, Sai often lets her feelings get the better of her. She’s smart enough to keep herself compartmentalized, not letting her emotions affect her work too drastically, but more often than not Sai finds herself in trouble for acting before thinking. She’s calmed down considerably over the years, though her reputation tends to precede her - those that know her or know of her typically recall her more fiery youth than how she is now. That is to say, she is still a loose cannon, but a significantly more controlled loose cannon than her reputation would suggest.

Beyond that, Sai is a drifter. She never stays in one place for too long or works for one employer for long stretches at a time, going wherever the galaxy takes her. Sai is also known to avoid physical conflict when she can, usually talking her way out of hairy situations or finding some other nonviolent means to avoid conflict.

Strengths and Weaknesses:

Sai is a top notch pilot - no matter the scenario, there aren’t many other people you’d want at the helm of a ship besides Sai. Years of practice and experience have allowed her to develop her skill as a pilot. She has plenty of experience with different classes of starship, though few pilots are more talented flying a YV-560 freighter than Sai.

Her strength at the helm of a ship is complemented by her skill in persuasion and coercion; Sai can convince someone to do anything she wants, and she can talk her way out of just about anything. She reads people like a book, and can adapt herself appropriately when she has to, making her an excellent con artist. Furthermore, she is skilled at stealth; staying invisible comes naturally to her, especially in crowded environments. Her skills as a pilot, a con artist, and a sneak have made her an excellent smuggler over the years.

However, her talent in social situations is counteracted by her hotheadedness; striking a nerve with Sai will often cause her to break whatever character she has adopted. This hotheadedness bleeds into her skill in combat, as well. She is by no means an expert, but Sai is skilled behind the scope of her DC-15x, and she is extremely lethal in hand-to-hand combat, but frustration and pressure often get to her if things don’t go her way. Consequently, her tactical awareness and combat effectiveness decrease rapidly if a fight goes to shit. Furthermore, her effectiveness at combat engagements closer than a sniper rifle’s scope allows or farther than she can reach with her dual vibrodaggers is extremely limited.

To top it off, her drifter nature tends to get the better of her. Sai loses interests in jobs quickly if they run on too long, and, despite her charisma and social tendencies, often keeps herself from growing too personally attached to anyone.

In summary:

  • Top notch pilot
  • Social situations
  • Stealth
  • Smuggling
  • Sniper rifle accuracy
  • Hand-to-hand combat

  • Combat situations
  • Tactical awareness
  • Keeping a level head
  • Commitment

Weapons and Equipment:

Sai came across both of her Clone War era weapons in an abandoned weapons cache on Jabiim, operating on information given to her by a former employer. She took as much of the cache as she could on her ship and distributed it through the black market.

Utilizing an improvised fighting style as she wields two daggers, Sai’s attacks are relentless and unpredictable.

A YV-560 comes stock with long-range scanning capabilities, a twin cannon, a Class 2 hyperdrive and Class 15 backup. Sai’s personal upgrades have increased the speed and maneuverability of Drifter IV by adding thrusters throughout the hull, as well as improved firepower by adding two additional twin cannons attached on the front arms of the ship. The scientific computer that comes stock with the YV-560 has been swapped for a high-end navigational computer, allowing Drifter IV to make jumps typically deemed impossible.

Don’t ask what happened to Drifters I-III. Those ships were a mess, and Sai would prefer not to talk about it.

History: Saiyanna’s life started on a ship, and she’ll be damned if it doesn’t end on one. Born to a pair of low-level smugglers, Sai didn’t fall far from the tree; she picked up much of her skill as a smuggler during her youth. Her father trained her in piloting, while her mother gave her training in combat and shooting a rifle. However, at the age of 16, Sai’s hotheadedness got the better of her; following a heated argument with her parents, she ran away from them as soon as she had the chance.

She found herself on Nar Shaddaa, and began to run with local gangs for survival. For several years, she participated in petty crime and gang wars. When she was 21, Sai decided she had had enough. She saved enough credits to buy her own ship and return to a smuggler’s life.

Since then, Sai has become a famed smuggler throughout the galaxy, despite her reputation for hotheadedness. She’s run into her parents several times over the years, but hasn’t spoken a single word to them.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by MonkeyBusiness
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Oops ignore this.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Rex Piratum
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Rex Piratum His Piratical Majesticness

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Race: Gungan
Sex: Male
Height: 6'2"ish
Weight: 165lbs
Profession: Smuggler/Occasional Thief

Things that explode
Fixing things
When a plan comes together

Dud explosives
People who don't pay
Using Guns
When a plan goes to the crapper

Skills and Abilities:
Explosives Extraordinaire - Mongo is very familiar with things that go Boom
Hand-to-Hand Combatant - Having a fear of guns in this line of work will do that to a guy, though he doesn't follow any sort of traditional style or form
Mechanic - Taking things apart and putting them together, it's really all the same when ya look at it.
Quiet When He Wants To Be - sometimes it pays to be silent, sometimes a loud drunk attracts less attention
Amphibious Species

- Refuses to use a gun or other Long range weaponry
- Has Zero Skill with such weapons, really any weapons
- Sometimes Drinks too much

Various Explosives
Lucky Charms
Small Vile of Poison


The story of Mongo begins and will probably end with blaster fire. Mongo doesn't remember anything before a couple years ago, hell the only reason he goes by Mongo is because he likes the way it sounds. But that is the first thing he does remember, blaster fire, guns going off everywhere, in the middle of a ship's hull, as he was trying to either fix or sabotage the damned thing before he got shot. Getting out of there was the easy part, it was the whole new life part that was hard, nobody seemed to have any information on him, or at least none that they wanted to share. But Mongo learned quickly that he had a talent for blowing things up and putting them back together, also drinking, he seemed to be quite good at that as well. So, figuring not many people would hire him for the latter, he put himself to work as a smuggler, trying to get a grip on what he was, though he has yet to found out, he has figured out that he isn't half bad at the smuggling game, hell that's all it really is, a game, sometimes he puts things that shouldn't be there on the ship, and sees if he gets caught. if so they win, if not he wins, and he's always been good at games, or at least he thinks he has been.....

The Legend of Mongo is quite a different story however, and it's almost entirely based on rumors that he may or may not have spread about himself. Some say he comes from chaos itself to wreck havoc on those unfortunate enough to get in his way, some say that they could swear that even Sarlacc's cower in fear when you speak his name, some say he can walk through walls and swim through land, that the floor shakes when he leaps and that if you listen closely, you can hear the roar of the engine and a haunting laugh on the wind, but nobody will, because chances are if you wait that long, he's already gone, and he's probably taken your valuables with him, OR, gods forbid, he wants you to know he's there.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by SgtEasy
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SgtEasy S'algood bro

Member Seen 10 days ago

Character Sheet

Name: Hidan Yakamura

"The Hutt Scourge" or the lesser known "The Silent Assasin"





Hidan face is left to the outside and is tattooed with the black and red spread winged falcon holding a slug thrower in its claws, the Yakamura coat of arms. Hidan wears old and worn clone trooper armour. Chipped and dirtied, it is still a very formidable piece of armour. It is painted with a dark green digital camouflage. Aside from that, he is suited up with a heavy, blaster resistant trench coat. It bears his insignias and the words "SCOURGE" in gothic writing at the back. Some may call it overkill, but for the overly paranoid Hidan, it's can never be enough.

Hidan is a wilful man, strong hearted and kind hearted. He believes in freedom and life above all else. He is a down to earth man, believing in what he believes and sticking to it. When he is threatened or insulted however, Hidan is not one to hold back punches. Or bullets. He hates the corrupt and those who beat on the poor. He believes that all races are equal and doesn't like slavery. He is very proud and wise, throughout his 25 years, he has seen things. He is no doubt brave and respected by his fellow compatriots. But he has a terrible secret. He is a schizophrenic. With multiple personalities that like killing.

The Scourge is a sarcastic, crazy, fool headed man with a love of money and having women draped over him. He swears, he kills, he steals and he will do anything to win and be on top of his opponents. He is also a very happy man, cackling madly most of the time and seemingly eternal grin on his face. He is by definition, absolutely mental. And is Hidan's most infamous personality. The Hutt Scourge is a killer, a man of slaughter and lover of all base human desire

The Assassin is a cold, calculating and ruthless man. A lover for assassinations, silent kills, breaking necks and generally being a badass. He has a blank face and is completely emotionless. He does have a habit of making extremely dry jokes on the job and smoking. Everywhere. Any time. Even when he's sleeping.

Custom Silenced Ballistic Assault Rifle


Yakamura Sabre

Hidan was born into the Yakamura clan, a very important and wealthy dynasty based on the planet of Coruscant. The Yakamura clan is famous for being sponsors of the Rebels, though the Empire doesn't know, since the start. They fed the Rebels power, and the Rebels gave them slaves, credits and wealth. Soon, the Yakamura clan became stagnant, breaking into multiple little dynasties fighting each other for more wealth to feed their greed.

Hidan was 16 when the Yakamura clan came apart. His family escaped to the Outer Rim, away from the politics and the greed of the Centre of the Galaxy. They escaped to their current residence. Soon, he escaped from the clutches of his overprotective parents and joined numerous gangs on the planet, eventually getting the attention of the local Hutt in the area. He became his right hand man. For months, he performed crimes for this Hutt. Kill after kill, rape and thievery. Hidan developed his multiple personalities to cope. He was then ordered to assassinate a group of poor farmers on the outskirts of the capital. He killed them without remorse. Afterwards, he looked at one of the corpses faces. It was his father. He looked around and he found his mother, sister, brother. All killed by his hands.

Hidan went berserk. Killing everything around him. The rest is history. He is now a changed man and a bounty hunter in the underworld. Not much is known about what happened between these two periods, but whatever happened, it changed Hidan. It changed him for good.

Hidan - "All those who commit themselves to base desires deserve to die. Like Scourge"


Assasin - "..."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Sep
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Sep Lord of All Creation

Member Seen 6 hrs ago

Tadia Omi-Ren

Age: 27
Race: Human(Alderaan Decent)
Skills: Tadia is known throughout the underworld as an assassin. Though her skills don't lie in long range combatants are instead close range. Well and truly capable of infiltration of facilities (Especially those outwith the Inner Core except for the highest security bases) she is also well versed in melee combat. Including Teras Kasi, which was designed as a counter for Lightsaber Combat. How she recieved this martial arts training is unknown. However within close range she is a forced to be reckoned with. However when it comes to blaster she's just about as good as your average Imperial Trooper.

Equipment: Her armour is body fitting duraplast, underneath which she wears armour weave and is painted blood red. It is serrated at joins in order to give her increased flexibility. She typically carries one blaster pistol (Westar-35) near her left knee, and has a variety of vibro-weapons to chose from. However typically she'll go in fist fighting, but she has two corotis weave "Claws" on each wrist capable off deploying to go five centemetres away from her knuckle. These start near her elbow, and protrude from her armour all the way to her hand meaning that if she ever does get into a fight with a lightsaber wielding foe she can use the "front" of her arm to block a lightsaber blow.

History: Not a lot about her history is known. Many suspect that before she appeared on the scene as an assassin that she was in training to become one of the Emperors inquisitors, despite the fact she has never shown any ability at controlling the Force. Since then however she has made a name for herself in getting in and out of places that few others can: Stealthily and taking out targets and getting away before anyone knows what happened.

Since then she has been blades for hire, however she hasn't worked on a team before so no-one really knows much about her.

That's about to change

Note: She isn;t Force Sensitive, that's just to create some mystery as your chars may believe she is.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Chev
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Chev The Pecking Order

Member Seen 8 hrs ago

Name: Raresk

Species: Trandoshan

Gender: Male


Age: 32

Height: 7 feet'3 inches inches

Excellent Melee combatant especally when armed with his Vibro-axe
Stronger then the average human and humanoid species. A wookiee can give prove a challenge for him though.
Above average eyesight

Changes in climate can affect his response time due to his reptilian nature.
Slightly below average shot with a blaster due to mostly focusing on Melee combat
Slightly slower then the average human due to customized armor that is quite heavy

Large Vibro-axe that has been sharpened to the point where even a glancing hit can cause severe harm.
Small bag attached to his side that contains three thermal detonators and three flash grenades.
Small Mandalorian blaster that is hooked to the side of his belt. Not used as often as it should be.
Krayt Dragon pearl that is carried around as a matter of pride.
Droid translation module that is attached to his collar that allows most of his words to be translated and understood to those who don't understand the Trandoshan language.
Heavily customized armored chest plate that can deflect light blaster fire.
Customized leg armor that while not as durable as the chest plate can can still reduce the amount of blaster fire.

Bio: Raresk is a bit of an oddity among Trandoshans being that he has no interest in hunting sentient beings unless they have done wrong and even in those cases he always takes his prey alive. Technically he is a bounty hunter who prefers capture to death, he simply enjoys the thrill of the hunt, not the kill itself. He believes that the Scorekeeper ((Trandoshan religious figure))will award Jagannath points to those who pursue justice and defeat powerful opponents and as such he has traveled the galaxy in search of powerful beasts and opponents to fight. His travels have taken him from Wild Space to the ancient sith world of Korriban to the sandy dunes of Tatooine in search of beasts to hunt and has built up quite a reputation. He has managed to defeat Tuk'ata, K'lor slugs and on one hunt, a Hssiss that left a scar on his right leg and was even part of an expedition on Tatooine that took down a bull Krayt Dragon. He still carries the Dragon pearl that he took from the Dragon's stomach as a reminder of how much pride he felt in taking down the Krayt Dragon.

Simply put, he loves the hunt.

Personality: He prefers to make allies rather then enemies and as a result he prefers to be respectful towards people he meets so that he doesn't alienate them and make an enemy rather then a potential ally. If someone constantly bothers him though he does get a bit...snappish towards them. Overall, he's a nice lizard-man who will be respectful and nice to you if you are to him.
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