And then we sit down together in a room, and let the circlejerk commence.
And then we sit down together in a room, and let the circlejerk commence.
<Snipped quote by Sana>
Just some light reeducation should fix the brony problem. Tie'em to a chair and force them to watch HBO until the bronyness inside them melts away.
<Snipped quote by Sana>
<Snipped quote by Vanguardian>
<Snipped quote by Vilageidiotx>
Comments like these are actually worse than Bronies. Like, holy shit.
Just some light reeducation should fix the brony problem. Tie'em to a chair and force them to watch HBO until the bronyness inside them melts away.
<Snipped quote by Sana>
<Snipped quote by Vanguardian>
<Snipped quote by Vilageidiotx>
Comments like these are actually worse than Bronies. Like, holy shit.
<Snipped quote by BrobyDDark>
I don't think you appreciate the gravity of the situation here.
<Snipped quote by Vilageidiotx>
Look how much worse the situation is getting
<Snipped quote by Sana>
Aren't ads usually based on search history though?
<Snipped quote by Sana>
Aren't ads usually based on search history though?
I blame Dinh/dihn/idgaf
<Snipped quote by Sana>
Another rearrangement is Nidh, the first half of 'Nidhogg', a mythical Norse serpent who lives underground (i.e. in a basement) with damned souls (i.e. with spammers) and slowly gnaws the roots (i.e. the patient civil conduct) of the World Tree (i.e. the Roleplayer Guild community).