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Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by The Fated Fallen
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The Fated Fallen Doesn't know what to put here

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

The large savage seemed to turn slightly, losing his aggressive edge. He made his apologies, though his last sentence was one that stayed with her:

"There is an evil among this earth here - this settlement."

Whatever it was, he could sense it. Destroying that demon had not sent it away, and this evil was deep rooted here.

"With or without you I will find it, but if you value the lives of these others - yourself - then you will." He seemed to puff up again, his eyes flaring with his animalistic rage. "Will you or will you not aid me?"

Tirarrian stood on her back foot still, stunned and feeling a bit like a mouse being asked by a lion.

Tirarrian looked over at Isabeau, who was still standing in her elegant and confident manner. "To be honest, we will need all the help we can get if we are to defeat the horrors that plague this land. Now if you'll excuse me..." She spoke in a heavy manner, betraying her spry looks and revealing her to be far more worn and beaten than Tirarrian could have guessed. She shuffled past the engagement and out the door. Thanks Izzy, scowled the Gnome at the door where she had gone. Pop to the pub and leave the short one to wrap up.

She blinked back at the Savage, having forgotten he was there. If anything he looked even angrier and more defined in the time she had glanced away. No-one here was in a state where they could turn down help. If anything he seemed to be the person here who knew the most.

"I... Um, well I'm sure we'll help you. But we can't really do anything this very instant. Maybe tomorrow morning, if you could find some lodgings somewhere I'll stay here with Kayleth and help the wounded. If we meet tomorrow? Or whatever works for you. I'm sure you'll find any one of us if you need us."

@IcePezz@Dragoknighte@The Harbinger of Ferocity
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by The Harbinger of Ferocity

The Harbinger of Ferocity

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

The gleaming green eyes of the man known more for what he was, than who he was, looked back to the human woman with an attentiveness that would rub raw the nerves; it was not friendly - it was the sort that knew when it was being watched - but it wasn't on edge, at least as clearly as it was earlier. Whatever the reason, Isabeau herself was uncertain, but erred on the ideal of his own self entitlement; the truth was another altogether, in that this man, or truly this beast posing as one, had no love for any of them here. It was not out of mercy or conviction to save this town, but something much more broad and far, far more indifferent. In the scope of things, one could claim it was nothing short of a dispute over territory that brought "The Red" to Waeldeshore and by technicality not be incorrect, yet such an oversimplification was just that - too simplified. There was more involved... far more to this than any one of them alone, be them the heroes or the scourge themselves.

With a sense of acceptance, "The Red" made no attempt to prevent the woman's departure, but it was unclear if his decision for doing so was out of actual acceptance of her offer or the fact that he had unsettled business with the gnome left rather than her. Either way, his eyes left as she did, back upon the gnome as he remained idly standing.

The two, of quite differing ideals no less, looked to one another for a few uncomfortable, tense moments before Tirrarian eked out a rambling reply. The words "The Red" issued were as dangerous as the man himself, carrying a sense of weight in them that made them difficult to ignore, let alone readily give a "good" answer to. Ideologically the two factions were not opposed; no one was in disagreement about the need to thwart demons, let alone any other faces of evil that would likely arise, but one truly had both the mortal, civilized world meeting head on a speaker of the savage domain - neither agreeing about how to do so, or even readily comprehending the other's perspective.

"I... Um, well I'm sure we'll help you. But we can't really do anything this very instant. Maybe tomorrow morning, if you could find some lodgings somewhere I'll stay here with Kayleth and help the wounded. If we meet tomorrow? Or whatever works for you. I'm sure you'll find any one of us if you need us."

"The Red" proved to issue a firm, albeit subtle nod which proved his agreement.

"Where is it your 'people' meet?" He issued one of his more parting remarks whilst his powerful palm rested upon the worn leather of the scimitar beneath his primal, feline trimmed garb. The almost pad-like palms of the forefinger and thumb toyed with the bronze pommel, of which bore an engraving of a lioness in its weaponized curve; the worn but keen blade itself met along its fuller with a bronze inlay with a similar image.

"I will accept that you, and your others, require rest." His head turned slightly toward Tirrarian, looking lightly over his fur draped shoulder, "But where is it they congregate?"

From one demeanor to another his apprehensiveness and presence of deadly, animal vigor had settled; he was as calm as he was before, albeit just his aura had changed. The radiance of essentia - the spirit matter that fueled his power both mundane and magical - born of Incarnum was what could be felt... that unusual knowing and sensation of his demeanor. In a distant way it even correlated to emotion, just as his drift correlated to the beasts he revered.

@IcePezz@Dragoknighte@The Fated Fallen
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by The Fated Fallen
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The Fated Fallen Doesn't know what to put here

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

"I... Um, well I'm sure we'll help you. But we can't really do anything this very instant. Maybe tomorrow morning, if you could find some lodgings somewhere I'll stay here with Kayleth and help the wounded. If we meet tomorrow? Or whatever works for you. I'm sure you'll find any one of us if you need us."

After a brief few seconds the man nodded slightly in acknowledgement, just enough to be seen but not to incur the idea of agreement or respect. His hand moved to his blade, making Tirarrian consider taking a few more steps back, but it was as she suspected. He was just moving his hand idly over it. She didn't have time for a full look before he posed her another question

"I will accept that you, and your others, require rest." His head turned slightly toward her, as if he didn't think she was either dangerous enough or worth the respect of fully addressing "But where is it they congregate?"

"Probably some sort of Tavern or Inn, none of us really have lodgings here. Failing that you can ask around, we're pretty distinctive. I'm the only Gnome around here and Izzy is dressed pretty uniquely."

The man's stance hadn't relaxed per se, but she felt more comfortable around him. He just seemed less threatening for some reason. Well, he still has muscles on muscles and a lioness wrapped around his head she reminded herself
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by KazeXDZ
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KazeXDZ Goth Nerd

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Siegfried looked at the halfling, smiling. "We could always use some live bait." He joked, reaching to push her to the ground. As he glanced around, he noticed a woman passing by. He ran over to her, concerned. "Are you alright?" He'd ask, worriedly. "Do you need any help? A doctor?" He looked her over again with a smile. "What did you fight to make you look like this? Must have been fun."

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Dragoknighte
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Member Seen 1 mo ago

"I shall have the Dwarf's operation done within the next hour. After a night's rest, he should be able to be part of your meet-up. However, he will also be assisted by either myself or Ashara." From the sounds of people's voices, the way they walked, breathed or shifted their weight, Kayleth had a pretty good idea of how the conversation had gone done both vocally and physically. Covered to her wrists in blood though she was, such a giant man making a ruckus acting like he owned the place was distracting ant it ticked her off. The arrogance of it all almost made her want to slap him, but that wouldn't be very ladylike.

"Look," she said, her tone of voice changing to something more akin to tired resignation, "I don't know you, I don't know what medical skills you have, for all I know you might be a psycho looking to poison my patients, but seeing how Ashara and I are swamped with work as it is, I will make an exception this once and let you help. Ashara and I will be keeping an eye on you. Don't think you can easily hide something from the ears of an elf."

@The Fated Fallen @The Harbinger of Ferocity
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by The Harbinger of Ferocity

The Harbinger of Ferocity

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Attentively listening was the hide-draped man, standing in the doorway as he was and allowing his profile to fill much of it to the point that should any had wished to enter or exit, that option would have been removed for the time.. The air of the outside world beyond this house of illness and suffering was a surprisingly refreshing reminder that not all of the civilized world was so bad, but it too reminded him that it was nothing in comparison to what he knew; this environment wrought with stone, wood and steel was not welcoming, not with its odor, it masses of peoples, beaten earth, pervasive noise and smoke. Or so he believed.

"The Red", an undeniably biased source, took joy and pleasure in the wilderness and its grim things. For a man such as he there was comfort in its savage leanings - ones that were often more associated with why one should avoid the wilderness rather than dive headlong into it. The thrill of the hunt, the rush of the ambush, the struggle of the kill... all the primal violence to it was the only things the barbarian truly knew; the only world he could come to embrace. He was born into it, raised among it and drew his prowess from it. It had shaped all of what he was now from the soul-magic and supernatural forms he worked to his vicious fighting style.

Here, in this small wooden doorway? He had no respect or admiration for the amazing works he bore witness to - a surprisingly naive man of wisdom was Asadan Redd.

Breathing once more, vivid eyes closing briefly, he responded in his continued calm to Tirarrian, "This will suffice."

"I will meet your people at the most distinctive tavern before dawn tomorrow." He said, allowing his voice to carry a moment before seeing himself out the door without further affront.

With a huffing exhale the lion among the den of men, idly toyed with his fist; depressing each knuckle firmly until it let out an eased crack. It took little effort to imagine what it was the beast of a man busied his mind with as it was not hidden in the slightest, nay it was overtly obvious to any onlooker. Just the way in which he looked down upon his own two hands, face obscured by the hood he wore, and the manner in which he stood upon the blood spattered dirt under his worn traveling boots admitted he loathed this place. It was the sort of dislike that seemed to strike him dead in the soul like it pained him.

The urge to shapechange and leave here and now, despite being in the midst of the town still, was unbearable. Just the animal need to escape.

Straightening himself, he calmly - or as much as he could maintain that demeanor - scanned the world about him whilst rolling a shoulder gently back. It did not take him long however, to notice the distinctive human woman who left not long before he had; she had just been met by a younger man, fitted in tattered red and a light set of chain, most distinctly identified by the locket hanging from his neck. The angle in which he had did not reveal everything despite this - there were more people, a smaller one as well, but it was all unclear at this distance.

Tilting his head further, he noted the interaction and mused for a moment on the relation of it all and where the green-eyed woman seemed destined to.

"Perhaps that is the tavern." His low, growled voice spoke hushed to himself.

Taking no longer from there, "The Red" slipped between the buildings once more, willing to be out of the vulnerability that came with being so visible among mundane folk in the streets. The alleyways would prove far safer... at least for him.

@KazeXDZ@Dragoknighte@The Fated Fallen@IcePezz@boomlover@Belwicket
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by boomlover
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boomlover The godfather of explosions

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Robert Was still Baffled by how Regina floated that he didn't even notice Isabeau until His comrade asked If she was alright. he looked at her and Siegfried couldn't be more of. She Looked like she hadn't slept in a while. And in all honesty She just looked like shit. he walked over to here with a smile on his face." Ah Isabeau What the hell happend to ya. In all honesty you look like shit." He then Grabbed some whiskey and gave it to here." Here That will help against the pain. Oh where are my manners. Siegfried meet Isabeau. Isabeau meet Siegfried i'm sure youl become best friends." he then pointed behind him." And that floating hobbit there is called Regina." He then looked around him. curious where the others where." If ya dont mind me asking where are the others?"
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by The Fated Fallen
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The Fated Fallen Doesn't know what to put here

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

The Savage moved over to the doorway, and Tirarrian could feel the cool night slowly permeate through the fetid air of the hospital. He bathed in it momentarily, and it occured to her how uncomfortable he must be amongst many civilised folk in a small and hot space.

"I will meet your people at the most distinctive tavern before dawn tomorrow." he said, before pulling himself outside. She watched his figure lurch off through the pale light to... Somewhere.

She turned back to the room and set up shop near the front desk, dropping various bags here and there followed by the clunk of her crossbow and sword hitting the floor. She took off her coat, folded it and stood on tiptoes to put it and her hat on the counter. She straightened out her mundane flaxen cloth shirt and noted the sour smell coming off of her. She supposed sleeping in her coat for several days and the action during the day was the way to reach that. She quickly pulled out some rose water and flicked it over herself.

Contented for now she grabbed her needle, thread and balm from the largest bag and moved off towards the first patient, who was suffering from both burns and lacerations. She wished she could doll out whiskey to these people to help with the pain, but things like that were impossible to hide from sailors. She only had basic potion base, which was alcoholic and thus a disinfectant, but it was far too strong for human (but not desperate Gnome) consumption.

If she had been a more practiced medic perhaps her mind would have wondered over the events of the day and the characters she had met, but she wasn't like Kayleth, and simply focused on not poking herself with the needle while she worked through the crowd. She noticed between operations that Kayleth's assistant had started helping out and Kayleth probably wouldn't be far behind. If they all worked as hard as they could Tirarrian might just get some sleep tonight

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Belwicket
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Belwicket Guardian Gryphon

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Regina looked at the woman as Siegfried walked over to her, asking if she was fine. She dropped to the ground, running to punch Siegfried in the back of his knee. "Live bait?!" She yelled, looking up at him. "Live bait?! Have you no courtesy to the smaller beings of the realm?!" She then turned to the woman who looked like she'd been through hell. "Hello." She said, lifting herself from the ground again. "I'm Regina." She smiled friendly before glaring at Siegfried again. "Idiot. Think before you speak next time, boy. At least your comrade is being polite."

Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by IcePezz
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Member Seen 5 yrs ago

It wasn't too long after Isabeau stepped out of the apothecary did she feel someone's eyes upon her again. She wasn't sure who or what but hadn't the energy or even care at this point to investigate.

She found the blacksmith, and upon doing so, had managed to gain more attention than she had anticipated. There was Robert, and two new companions. A soft sigh escaped her as she reached a hand to brush her hair back. Questions upon questions and all she wanted was some god damned food! First to approach her was a young man. He was an odd looking fellow, beyond the piercing blue eyes matted against the messy dark hair, there was an odd marking of sorts on his forehead. So enthusiastic, so full of energy ... think of it as a non morning person being greated by that bubbly, energetic personality even before their morning coffee ... she wanted to hit him. And to make matters even worse, he seemed to think that she was having 'fun'.

There is always a sense of thrill and excitement that surges through her during a battle, but she would say, with complete certainty, that none of what she had experienced since she came to the island, was fun!

She grumbled quietly not even sure how to respond to him, luckily for her, she wasn't even granted the time to respond. Robert had quickly joined the two in conversation. She didn't know what to make of it or where to hurl her fist ... first he tells her how horrible she looked then hands her whiskey, which of course, under normal cercumstances, she wouldn't normally turn now. Unfortunately, it was not what she needed most at the moment. She was furious ... she hadn't slept, nor ate and had seen Robert just the evening before ... "Unfortunately, not everyone was as lucky as you to get a good nights sleep or some food in their stomach.". How lovely it must have been for him, to leave the group so freely, thinking only of himself after the flames, that had nearly engulfed the town completely, certainly took down the tavern they were all fighting in. To go ahead and get some sleep and the food, oh how the food must have been amazing. Her face continued to turn all shades of red as her fury came to it's boiling point.

And last, but not least, was the halfling that approached them, who Robert had introduced as a 'Hobbit' whatever that was ... If it weren't for that sword of his, I'd flip him over in less than two shakes and see how empty that head of his truly is she grumbled quietly but dipped her head to the two after Robert introduced them.

"If someone could please show me to where the nearest tavern is, all that I really need right now is a meal and about a day's worth of sleep." She bit her tongue, not wanting to upset anyone else by letting them know just how ridiculous they were. She had made up her mind that instant, the halfling seemed to be the only one worth her time. Pfft ... I wonder if he would have fun nearly dying to a demon the size of a house, who managed to nearly destroy half the town ... and then have it go and commit suicide on you ... what a coward.

"Oh! and Tirarrian is in the apothecary, helping with those who were injured due to the ... you know, giant demon thing that we were all fighting only oooh, some hours ago ... There were a lot of people injured, I suppose it did more damage than we all thought. She glanced at Siegfried and continued She would have the answers you seek, my apologies, I am just too tired to go over it all. So ... that tavern? she glanced over them all, hoping there was one nearby.

@The Harbinger of Ferocity @boomlover @KazeXDZ @Belwicket
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Dragoknighte
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Member Seen 1 mo ago

Durin awoke to find himself in a dark room. He tried to sit up and found himself strapped down. This immediately kicked his mind into the past. He checked himself for any wounds from the last fight, and for where they could have taken his possessions. There was a faint ache in his chest, right by the left shoulder, but he felt otherwise fine. All he was wearing was a gown and some pants. Durin shifted, rocking the surface he was strapped to quite a bit to test the strength of the bindings. Even his great strength was not enough to free him. The band across his ribs did not feel metal, so this band of leather must be secured very well to bind him. Durin rocked a few more times just in case before checking the rest of the situation.

He could spot several other people lying like him. Other gladiators no doubt. The room was also rather large, enough to fit 3 score people if you tried hard enough. Durin flexed his hands, they felt strong, but his left was a bit slower than the right, probably from the injury. The leather binding him was firm, but the mistake everyone made with him was underestimating how slippery a dwarf could be. With about 12 minutes of dedicated shimmying Durin found himself freed of the contraption. The pathway leading to the outside did not seem to be guarded, the fools, as stealthily as he could, Durin crept towards safety.

Until he found his path blocked by a young human girl who looked tired and rather irritated.

"I knew I should have stopped her from using the belt." she said, rubbing her eyes.

"Out of my way girl, do not speak of this and I'll let you walk away from this." Durin replied, his eyes darting around for any more guards that were inbound. A girl such as her did not deserve to be ended.

"You're not well enough to leave yet. Your gnome friend arranged a meeting at the inn at dawn while Lady Kayleth operated on you. She left after we finished up hours ago. You were still out after we finished treating the last of the guards from the afternoon's battle, and she did not want you walking out without knowing about this, which is why she used the strap. Now could you please just, go back to bed." the girl explained before walking off into the Dark. Durin stood there confused. Battle? What battle could there have-

There was a bunch of skeletons attacking the town. There was an ugly demon shooting icicles. It ran off. He led the gnome and human broads here. Rubbing his forehead, Durin returned to his spot in the clinic and went back to sleep.

@The Fated Fallen
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by The Fated Fallen
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The Fated Fallen Doesn't know what to put here

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Tirarrian lumbered across the street to what she assumed was the largest inn in town, wondering what time it was in the morning. Her hands were sore and numb, while her eyes stung from being focused on fine details for so long. She wasn't even hungry, she'd lost her appetite in a haze of tiredness and blood. Not like she was going to get any hot food at this time anyways

She entered through the door, and noted the bell not ringing, having been removed as to not waken the guests. She exchanged a few brief words with the equally tired clerk and threw him a few coins for a spot in the common room. Most inns and taverns offered travellers a spot to sleep in their main room for bargain price. It wasn't the cleanest place, but it was out of the elements and was situated exactly where Tirarrian wanted to be; the largest inn in town (which she hoped was also the most distinctive Tavern).

She dumped her bags, armed her anti-theft alarms on her bags and used it as a pillow. She pulled her coat over herself and promptly fell asleep. She didn't mind the uncomfortable floor, because she wasn't in the Tavern. She was dreaming of being heroic and saving the world
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Belwicket
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Belwicket Guardian Gryphon

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Regina smiled as she landed on the ground again. "Men are idiots. I can lead you to the tavern... I think..." She didn't want to ask Siegfried with him having just called her live bait and the other woman didn't seem too happy with the other man at the moment. "It shouldn't be too hard to find, right?" She shrugged as she began walking and looking around. She had been correct and found it rather quickly and glanced behind her to see if the other woman had followed her.

Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by IcePezz
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Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Izzy and Regina certainly found their way to the tavern soon enough.

It could be said to be the most distinctive tavern, between the fact that it stood unharmed by the current events of the town and it's extraordinary run of the mill tavern smells and sounds. A tattered sign hung above the door, which read "The Crazy Cat Inn", and everything about it suggested just that.

The two gentleman continued to meander by the smithy for a short time after the ladies left. Competent and capable were they both, but it was decided that it would be best to wait for the others before they ventured outside of town.
Robert had shared with Siegfried the details of the quest the old man had imparted on him before disappearing into the crowd. He even spoke about his brief experience with the demon they all fought in the tavern.

Bounty or not, it would not be prudent to waste resources and time on the Basilisk. So rather it was decided, when all awoke and were ready, Robert and Siegfried would recruit the others to join them for their quest in the mountains.

Waeldeshore was nearly destroyed by the last attack. Only some miracle would help them now. The deadly trek up the mountains, the dangers lurking within the mountain caverns, could either prove to be their salvation or their doom.

@KazeXDZ @boomlover @The Fated Fallen @The Harbinger of Ferocity @Belwicket @Dragoknighte
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by KazeXDZ
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KazeXDZ Goth Nerd

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Siegfried stood by the front gate, looking over the craftsmanship of his new sword. "Bigger than I'm used to." He said to himself. "Lighter than my old blade too." Looking to Regina beside him, he sighed. "You know I meant that live bait comment as a joke." Looking around again, he sheathed the huge weapon. "How long will Robert take to get everyone?" He looked past the halfling to the other woman he had seen that morning. "You seem to know him better than either of us. Any estimation?"

Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by IcePezz
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Member Seen 5 yrs ago

She was in her own world that morning, drifting in and out of focus, letting the clutter of words and early morning sounds pass right through her. Even when Siegfried spoke to her, it wasn't until a few moments later that she even realized there were others in her company.

Her body wasn't as sore anyone. The injuries from her previous battle had healed up just fine, just as Kayleth said. She had been leaning on the side of the building, just taking in the morning, a hot cup of something firmly planted between her hands.

"Hmm?" She started towards the man who had spoke up "Oh, right. I can't say that I know him much better than you, honestly. I have seen him swing a sword... but I'm sure he should be around soon."

Her gaze moved to the tavern door, hoping someone would emerge soon. She quickly took down the rest of her beverage, putting the mug on the window ledge not far from her when she had finally sucked it all down.

Her outfits didn't change much day to day, but she did carry with her a large overcoat for the journey. The overcoat itself was a beautiful chestnut brown, with dark green threading and trim. The inside was lined with a fine fox fur of gold the shade of sunlight. The hood, also lined in fur, was big enough to shield her from any storm.

She loosed a breath and looked over at Siegfried finally. From her stance, the morning sun seemed to bounce off the strands of auburn hair that danced over her nose, and catch the gold in her eyes. "Should I see what's keeping them?"

@Belwicket @KazeXDZ @boomlover @The Fated Fallen @The Harbinger of Ferocity @Dragoknighte
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by The Harbinger of Ferocity

The Harbinger of Ferocity

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

The cover of early morning darkness and its ambiance among the wounded city failed to bear witness to something most characteristically out of place as it crept among what shadows it could follow. Upon thick, wide feet, it carried itself akin to a whisper in the storm, leaving not a sound and hardly a trace. Dawn was soon, so soon that the horizon far off had begun to ease itself into a deep violet shade from its formerly darker tones. It was for this reason - that mere men would soon be awake - that the sleek pantherine form moved as ably as it did; building to building, ruin to ruin, shadow to shadow. There was little difficulty in remaining so concealed at this hour as it was despite its great size, for it not only could smell the watchmen before they could even know the beast, but the obscuring darkness was no friend to those without eyes of night.

At times it varied its travel, climbing with a single bound across the sturdy wood and stone framework to bypass those places upon the ground where there was no safety.

Landing one last time from atop a structure into an alleyway, the ebon paws fluidly traded themselves for the familiar worn gloves of the man known better by his deeds than by his name. "The Red", man once more, slowly standing from his low crouch in the alley, rubbed the dry ash covered dirt between his fingers. He had slept well - or at least as well as he could with the thought of demons free upon the world once again - this past night, but not here; outside the now battle-worn walls of Waeldeshore. No friend of this "cage", the stone walls and wooden buildings, there was little chance he could have rested; the sensation of being at danger's mercy too strong here.

Breathing deep, relaxing for a moment, "The Red" rubbed the ash laden dirt until all of it siphoned from between his fingers as sand would from a shattered hourglass. Here he closed his eyes, bringing his hands no higher than his torso; with a few simple, refined gestures, he distributed the very essence of his primal soul; like a refined weapon, each simple drawing motion was committed and faint ghostly wakes of white carried behind them before fading like mist. The essentia that augmented his magical aptitude found itself carefully channeled into two aspects more than any; the very nature of his bestial form, with its claws and fangs made more terrible, and his regenerative magic made more potent.

It was at this point, piercing eyes open once more, he struck out from the alley to the last, largest remaining inn of Waeldeshore... the "Crazy Cat Inn".

Although the name was unknown to him, the landmark and earth upon which it sat had been committed to memory from the day prior; the first rays of dawn's light breaking through night's hours, he would soon arrive to his destination at exactly the time he intended. Each carefully laid step "The Red" took left the imprint of his well worn, but sizable boots. There was no need to conceal himself now - anyone out at this hour to see a man cloaked in the fierce visage of a mighty lioness brandishing an aged scimitar was not going to prove dangerous unless they were part of this expedition. So he instead opted to give off a sense of deterrence with his mere presence as he came about to face the inn.

Punctual, for a mystic barbarian, but likely more honoring his own word than anything, the beastly man approached.

Admiring the morning sun was the woman from before, a cup perched upon the window behind her, and the younger sword-bearing man as well. They were engaged in some seemingly idle conversation, having not been awake for too long, but awake long enough to interact with one another. Issuing the pair a subtle nod, the savage stopped but just over the reach of a man's grasp away, not for lack of trust but for innate comfort; the advantage of having distance was a thing required when dealing with men. It was during this time he sized both up, with a long, thoughtful look.

The woman was lithe in form, but toned enough in quality that she certainly had some sort of martial history, as the axe she carried inferred as well; she was not one of the feeble common things that darted from market to market here. There was however, something more to her than just mundanity - "The Red" knew it by the feeling of unease he received internally about her capability, but whatever it was, nothing was clear. Isabeau was suited, in the primalist's eyes, for these tasks... after all, she did at least survive her initial confrontation with the forces of evil, that much was certain.

As for the man?

The disorderly black hair, bright blue eyes, and distinctive mark upon his forehead - almost a third eye it would seem - along with his compliment of the locket around his neck made him another distinctive figure. There was little doubt in the mind of the man that he was partial to the sword, having a new, untested blade across his back; the leather of its scabbard and sling not yet worn, cracked or warped, let alone scratched. This would... suffice as well, he reasoned for the mark upon the young man suggested that was not the only quality he bore.

"I assume there are others to arrive." "The Red" mentioned with his characteristic rumbling growl, looking about slowly then back upon both Isabeau and Siegfried.

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Dragoknighte
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Member Seen 1 mo ago

From down the road, two figures became visible traveling together down the road, silhouetted from the early-dawn sun. In front was the large, muscle-bound form of Durin, now dressed in a sleeveless burlap tunic and rough pants with a pair of thick, heavy boots. Bandages wrapped around his left should out from beneath the shirt. They were an off-white, but it was clearly from the fabric and not from absorbing any wayward leaking bodily fluids. In his right hand he carried a large backpack that was turgid with all sorts of travel supplies. In his left hand, he carried his spear from yesterday.

Behind him was Kayleth, dressed in a stylishly cut, but durably made green dress that extended down to halfway down her thighs. Worn under the dress were a pair of nearly black travel pants tucked into a set of traveling shoes. She did not carry anything on her but a wicked looking, silver handled dagger strapped to her right hip, the a flash of ruby light being reflected from an ornamental gem embedded at the base of the gem.

"Now what's this whole meetin' up business for?" Durin asked as he tramped over to Izzy, visibly irked. Or perhaps that was his default dwarven expression. It was hard to tell. Kayleth strolled just behind, she looked like she rather enjoyed this nature travel.

@IcePezz @KazeXDZ @The Harbinger of Ferocity
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by boomlover
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boomlover The godfather of explosions

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Robert Woke up with the worst headache in history.which was weird considering That he went to sleep.And last night he didn't drunk that much.
But still his headache was hammering like hell. He looked around him and to his relief he hadn't vomited everywhere. He stood up thinking that he had to do something."ugh what was it again. Wait a second?" he opened his window the stench of fire blood and shit entering his nostrils.
"Ah The stench of a city." He then realized that he was late for the meeting place." OH SHIT" He quickly put on his armor grabbed his stuff packed his backpack and walked outside. He then turned around and walked back inside because he still had to get . he looked into every room seeing some questionable things. When he finally got to the last door. He Found her sleeping On the floor. " Huh time to wake here up them"
He walked closely to her and wisperd." Hey Tirarrian. WAKE THE FUCK UP !!"

@The Fated Fallen

Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by The Fated Fallen
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The Fated Fallen Doesn't know what to put here

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

"Oh Tirarrian, you're so smart and clever! I wish we could all be like you!" A young boy ran up to her and hugged her.
She stepped back and tipped her hat, "Eat your greens and you might just one day be better."
The boy ran off giddy, and his older brother stepped up, shirtless with plenty of muscles.
"You're such an inspiration Tirarrian, he'll probably want to buy a hat exactly like yours!"
"Who can blame him! They're fashionable and functional."
The man knelt down to her level, "Tirarrian you are so beautiful and charming, please, let me marry you. Or at least share one night of passion."
Tirarrian looked dramatically towards the setting sun, "I could never settle down, love. The life-blood of a brave adventurer is the roads, and daring their spirit. There is much adventure to be done before the end of the night, and I cannot spend it even in the company of such a fine gentleman."
The man looked wounded, and yet awed by her infinite understanding of life, the universe and everything "Well, at least promise me you'll stay for the 20 course meal in celebration of your genius while we build a statue in your honour."
She smiled back at him, "Remember me with song and poetry, as is the way of all true heroes! I will stay for the feast, for it is indeed in my honour."
And what a meal it was. Tirarrian couldn't even remember it all, laced with friendship and revelry never seen before. Finally at the end came the big cake, with diving board attached. She climbed to the top and looked down on all the attendees of her party. They all raised to a toast, "To Tirarrian! The greatest hero of them all!"

And with that she leapt off into the cake, she didn't feel herself hitting the icing and kept falling. She suddenly became aware of an ache in her legs, and her arms, and her ribs. Her spine started hurting and she knew something was wrong. "Where's the cake? What flavour was it?" She knew that in her return to rationality she had in fact begun to awaken. Which sucked. She kept falling and felt the weight of her coat/blanket start to bear down on her. "Ah well, at least it could be a good day." she thought to herself.

"WAKE THE FUCK UP !!" suddenly exploded her senses into the real world. She grabbed her coat and pulled it over her face in an instinctual reaction, before lowering it to see the grinning face of someone she decided she didn't like. "You bastard!" she exclaimed, before realising that other people were probably still asleep. She slapped him as hard as she could round the face, which made a very satisfying sound and caused a nice pink shade to appear on one side of his face. Now she had a headache... She buried her face in her hands to try and stop the dizziness
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