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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Belwicket
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Belwicket Guardian Gryphon

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Regina eyed Siegfried with a dour expression. "Didn't sound like it." she frowned. Then he asked about Robert. The pretty lady beside her commented she didn't know him any better than he did. "I'm sure he's just sleeping through a hangover and needs someone to- Hey, that dude's big." she said, interrupting herself mid sentence. The large bestial man, she thought he was a male at least, seemed to eye both the ones taller than her. "Down here!" she said, tapping the being's knee. She waved with a smile. "Hi." She then looked around, trying to see if she could spot Robert only to see another pair headed their direction. "I can't tell from this distance." she sighed. "But I don't think that's Robert." With a bit of concentration, she sighed and shook her head. "Nope. But, from what I can tell, they're able-bodied." That gave her an idea. "Don't disturb me." she said, sitting to lean against the wall. She sent her mind out but, wherever Robert was, he was probably just out of range. "Can't find him." she sighed, shaking her head. "Just gave myself a bit of a headache looking." To put herself at eye level, she lifted herself her normal three feet from the ground, smiling. She offered her hand to the brute with a calm, childish smile. "I'm Regina, by the way. What's your name?"
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by KazeXDZ
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KazeXDZ Goth Nerd

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Siegfried looked to Isabeau with a sigh. Regina spoke to him, sounding irked. He was about to say something to the halfling but turned to see a large man. "Maybe." He shrugged. "I don't know. Depends on who all shows up." He looked both ways before eyeing him again. "As long as I get to fight a dragon, I don't care who joins us." He looked at him with a calm but piercing gaze. Suddenly, the halfling spoke again, seeming a lot nicer to this man than to Siegfried. She also noticed another pair headed towards them, one being a dwarf. He seemed to be talking to Isabeau but he spoke before she could. "Dragon quest. You want in? You and your partner?" Regina then began floating again, still talking to the large brute, despite the headache she'd given herself looking for the other man. "He'll be here soon enough." He said to himself, closing his eyes.

@IcePezz@The Harbinger of Ferocity@Dragoknighte@Belwicket
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by boomlover
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boomlover The godfather of explosions

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Robert was laughing his ass of.The Tears where rolling of his face that's how funny it was. Tirarrian looked up at him her face a mix of sleepiness and anger " You Bastard"!! She then slapped Robert in the face. Now at first it didn't hurt at all. Then It felt like a part of his skin was on fire. He tried not to scream, The pain slowly going away. He then became his self again But the laughing had stopped and was replaced
By cursing ." Ouch that really hurt. He then shrugged and his smile once again appeared." Well i suppose i kinda earned that. Anyway We both overslept and we should go to the rest of the group." He then quickly walked away because he did not want to get punched again, and went to his room. He then quickly packed his stuff in a backpack. grabbed his sword and walked towards the meeting point. But before leaving the Inn he walked into trouble. Apparently he had woken up one of the customers. Who was now screaming at him. Robert who had just received a slap in the face needed to relieve some stress. He punched the man in the face. He had however punched him a little bit too hard because he was now lying dead on the floor. Robert sighed, This wasn't the first time it something like this had happend. So he grabbed the man by his feet And lay him in his bedroom. He then walked downstairs. the bar wench was already working. he payed her giving her a little extra and when she asked why he said." For the mess upstairs". She grinned and nodded her head.He then walked outside to the meeting point.
@The Fated Fallen
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by The Harbinger of Ferocity

The Harbinger of Ferocity

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

The head of the lioness hood turned seemingly before the rest of the man who bore it; the shoulders canting slightly, but the broad chest, torso and legs remained as firmly planted yet spry. The glare beneath the fanged cowl was judgmental as it scrutinized the stout, sturdy dwarven man wrapped in dull plain-cloth with a burlap shirt about over it, but the attention turned more mildly aggressive at the woman and her glinting weapon. The elf, as graceful and charming in presence as any of, carried upon her slender hip an elaborate silver blade, studded at the hilt with a gem. Yet this elf was too familiar for the liking of "The Red", for she was no less than one in the same as the day before, as was the dwarf. Something had transpired... in spite of these turn of events - a formerly wounded dwarf and an exceptionally fair skinned elf with vicious eyes of blood red - the wildman had little choice. In favor of these circumstances or not, clearly they were of use.

"Now what's this whole meetin' up business for?" The dwarf sauntered to the woman with the green eyes while the elven woman followed silently a little ways behind.

Without further address, "The Red" folded his arms across the pelt and hide clad armor of his chest; to anyone familiar with the demeanor of a predatory cat, it was irritation. Discomfort at being in this city still and now finding himself in this situation. The end however, was well worth the means... demons being no minor or idle threat, as this town had learned - the scarred flesh of the Tiger of Men bore witness to that as well, no less.

Quiet now as he was, taking no part in the blossoming conversation between several members and the green eyed woman, his low, long breath drew again as he controlled his temper and mettle alike. It was not long before a sleight voice called out from nearby and then touch, perking his attention and rousing him from his passiveness. The reaction was subtle surprise, not that interaction leveled upon him but that someone had the nerve to touch him. The faint tap upon his knee, "The Red" scowled with tangible offense at the act; contact, at all, was a reserved thing.

"Down here!" The halfling began, her rich brown eyes looking up to him, "Hi."

The aura of menace to the wilderman did not take long to be felt - the same subtly evoked instinct as to having slighted a beast of the land - as his emotions and instinct influenced his magical essence while he grimmaced; the essentia itself. "The Red" knew of halflings, the smaller folk of men, enough to know that they were not terribly impacted by intimidation, but this reaction was inherent; uncontrolled. The unwanted touch elicited this response - all of the remaining man in "The Red" be damned, there was more animal to him in recent times.

She offered her hand to the brute with a calm, childish smile. "I'm Regina, by the way. What's your name?"

"The Red" stared into her eyes as she remained calm, aloof and several feet clear of the ground outside the inn; the thick, almost pawed hand with clawed nails, of his right tensed upon the upper of his left arm's ample muscle. There resulted in a long, drawn out silence from the event, enough so that it quickly became unnatural, awkward, but even that would likely prove not to disillusion the small woman.

"The Red." He uttered lightly in a stern growl, the words only audible enough at this distance between he and the levitating halfling; some notion of dragons taking place about while psion and savage engaged in minor "conversation".

Not for a moment did the man's hands move.

Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by IcePezz
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She stood in silence, merely observing them. The large beast of a man was the first to join them. For as much as he set her on edge, there was something familiar. Whether it was his quiet nature, which was quite abnormal for someone his size, the distance that he kept between himself and the group, or just his rough exterior, she couldn't tell. Or maybe it was something else altogether, unfortunately, her curiosity would have to wait.

Durin came trudging up the hill, with the elven woman from the apothecary right behind him. Lovely, just what we need. An Elven wench poking and prodding, lecturing and ... just being in the way . There was a look about her, one wouldn't doubt she could handle herself in battle, as much as Isabeau wouldn't have admitted it, she saw it just as anyone else.

Durin quickly stepped up to inquire about their little meet and greet. Her nose wrinkled slightly with annoyance as Siegfried cut in front and answered with a loose interpretation and vague details. He was young, arrogant, and impetuous. Izzy was starting to wonder if staying with the group was still the smartest idea. She just wanted to shake him and yell about how precious life truly is. Her annoyance turned inward however, when she started questioning her own methods, her own reasons for living the last few years as she had. The isolation, the fear and distrust; what good has it all done. It has kept me alive , her eyes hardened with the thought.

She shifted to the halfling and the beast. Their interaction was odd and awkward, and Isabeau quickly checked her own pockets upon realizing how close Regina had come when making her way to the giant.

It wasn't long before she spotted Robert making his way towards them. Her gaze fixed in his direction, she hoped Tirarrian wasn't that far behind.

@Dragoknighte @Belwicket @The Harbinger of Ferocity @The Fated Fallen @boomlover @KazeXDZ
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by The Fated Fallen
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The Fated Fallen Doesn't know what to put here

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Tirarrian watched Robert leave before lifting up her sore self. At least I had a hammock on the boat, things are slowly getting worse. Taking care to disarm the trap on her bags and searched for various specific items, notably some stale bread, a smoked haddock and her pipe, popping the last one in her pocket for now. Pulling on her coat and hat. She pulled on her coat and shouldered her burdens before starting her day

She wondered why Robert had woken her up in such a way. Is he just an arsehole by nature? She wondered whether anyone could trust someone like that. She walked slowly down the stairs nibbling on her food before noticing several people she met from yesterday. Tirarrian stepped outside and walked next to Izzy, who stood away from the rest by choice. She looked restored and light on her feet, having recovered from the rigors of yesterday.

"What a bizarre assembly." Tirarrian said as she noted a floating halfling talking to The Red. Though jabbering at a wall may be more apt. "You eaten yet?" She asked Izzy before nibbling a bit more fish

@Dragoknighte @Belwicket @The Harbinger of Ferocity @IcePezz @boomlover @KazeXDZ
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Belwicket
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Belwicket Guardian Gryphon

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Regina smiled as she noticed Robert approaching with another woman. "Ah, more people. This is a pretty big group. Think we're all ready to fight a dragon." She dropped to the ground and looked at the new woman. "I'm Regina. And you are pretty." She said it more as a statement than anything, though anyone talented enough with their words would notice a hint of flirting behind it. "Hey, Robert." she said, giving him a friendly wave as she stepped towards the new woman. She floated up just high enough to look her in the eyes, smiling as she offered her hand. "And your name?" she asked smiling friendly. The Halfling was being overall friendly, despite the disappointment from the bestial man not being as kind. She wasn't going to let that get her down, though. After waiting long enough for the new woman to reply, she turned towards the group. "So, shall we head off? Or is there anyone else we need to wait for?" She dropped back to the ground to walk around the group, counting the people. "It seems like a big enough party already." she said to herself, looking at everyone. "Too many males, though." she muttered under her breath. With a forced cough, she floated back up to her normal height and address the group, seemingly to take charge. "Is anyone hungry? I feel we should eat before we leave and I have all this meat to share." She smiled as she took off her large pack and opening it to show a large amount of jerky.
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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Dragoknighte
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Durin interrupted all the conversation with a loud harrumph.

"Now what does killing a dragon have to do with demons running around? I have better things to do with my time than running around with a bunch of vagabonds on a suicide mission." During didn't like the look of much anyone here. Especially the blue-haired kid and the floating halfling. Nobody who's trustworthy dyes their hair unnatural colors or floats around instead of walking. Durin had an honest living in this town, and he wasn't about to give it up at the drop of a hat. Behind him, Kayleth spoke up.

"I'm going to have to agree with Durin here. The only reason I'm letting him not get the rest he should be having is because apparently this group is vital to the survival of Waeldeshore. If that was just a lie to have extra muscle, then you may be doing more harm for the town than good." Kayleth's facial expression remained neutral, but the inflection of her voice carried a slight edge to it. Perhaps more frustration that time she could have spent getting the guardsmen recovered has been spent looking over a grouchy dwarf instead.

@IcePezz @The Fated Fallen @The Harbinger of Ferocity @boomlover @Belwicket @KazeXDZ
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by The Fated Fallen
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The Fated Fallen Doesn't know what to put here

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

"Now what does killing a dragon have to do with demons running around? I have better things to do with my time than running around with a bunch of vagabonds on a suicide mission." Said Durin, in his dour mood as per usual. Tirarrian looked around. Really? A dragon?. Kayleth spoke up

"I'm going to have to agree with Durin here. The only reason I'm letting him not get the rest he should be having is because apparently this group is vital to the survival of Waeldeshore. If that was just a lie to have extra muscle, then you may be doing more harm for the town than good."

Tirarrian stepped away from both Izzy and the Halfling. "A dragon, really? Good luck with that!" She moved herself next to Durin. "Maybe you can do it, as a group. You're the most..." She considered her next words, "... Talented people I know, but this is way beyond me. I'll hold the fort here. I'm happy to patch you up and supply you with various items to help you, but I'm not even a snack to a Dragon, you might as well equip me with a sign saying 'flame fodder'."

She took off one of her bags and held it out. "There's 5 bombs in here, light the fuse and throw. I hope it'll help."

@IcePezz@Dragoknighte@Belwicket@The Harbinger of Ferocity@boomlover@KazeXDZ@Jon Y
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Jon Y
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Jon Y

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Ionathan was just relaxing in the barracks, enjoying some time to clean his boots and mail when the guard captain requested that he join him in his office.

"Reassigned, Sir?"
Ionathan looked at his captain with confusion, have I done something wrong? The captain cleared his throat and looked over various papers, "It seems that there is a group of so called adventurers that have been causing a ruckus in town recently, he looked Ionathan in the eyes and handed a piece of parchment over. “That's the list of all the acts they have committed, Ionathan read the acts out load "they're are under suspicion of: Breaching the peace on multiple occasions, Arson, using magic without licence and in public without jurisdiction, and reports of a member of these so called adventurers as being a known criminal. Ionathan wondered what kind of people would do this, especially now in a time where the guard were hard pressed keeping the law and order with all the unrest about the demon incursions and other demonic instances, now was not the for some over curious up-jumped commoners strutting around and interfering with the law.

Ionathan jerked his head upright "Orders, Sir?” The Captain handed a letter of authority over to Ionathan "Tag along with these adventurers and if they question your authority read this out to them, they keep on moving around so just ask if they've seen a Gnome with green hair lately and you'll find them soon enough" the Captain smirked and snapped a salute to Ionathan "Happy hunting" Ionathan returned the salute and after arranging for his daughter to be sent to his parents for a while, he went off in search of the group of so called adventures and soon enough, after asking a dozen citizens spotted a green haired gnome wearing a hat. He narrowed his eyes at the group the gnome was with, 'they seem to be having a disagreement, not the best time to introduce myself' Ionathan thought, 'but if it makes the town a little more safe, then so be it.
Ionathan breathed deeply, walked up to talking distance to the group, then in his most uncompromising tone said "By order of the guard State your intentions".

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by The Harbinger of Ferocity

The Harbinger of Ferocity

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

The idle but steadily increasing banter among the group turned sharply upon the mention of dragons, of which was a wise time to die down in petty speech. It was at this point the wilderman grew more distrusting of the turn of events, as what good were this dysfunctional collective against dragons - a foe, that if chosen, would take ample time and preparation to even attempt to defeat, if they were the enemy at all - in place of demons? There were evil, true, unabashed, corrupting forces determined to level this ruin of a city of mortal peoples and the notion of dragons, of which were legendary for their fierce independence and suspicion of everyone to include other dragons no less, failed to meet the expectations.

To his fortune, the born agent of the wild needed not to utter a single word; the rest of the group as apprehensive as they should be about what seemed to be an apparent lie about the nature of their gathering. This would not deter "The Red" from his objective; with or without them he would face these sinful aberrations.

"Dragon quest. You want in? You and your partner?"

The man dressed in lion-garb interjected with the obvious from his short distance outside the collective; the reactionary gap he needed should these people turn hostile like others of the past.

"The nature of our enemy is not that of the dragon. Our common foe is evil incarnate..." He trailed off, shaking his head, "If you are willing to wish your own days to waste upon the notion of chasing dragons then do so without us. We have more present enemies to contend with."

Tawny mane-like hair swaying gently from beneath the fanged cowl with its fierce muzzle still curved in a snarl, "The Red" sighed audibly. There was no question to his frustration - it was visible, from the way he stood in his hide and leather, to the way he spoke, every ounce of his person denoted his disdain for this situation. Yet things were somehow to turn to from bad from worse, as there was no less than the authority of men to be involved; the military arm of a society.

Even at this dawning hour, with the sun just now providing morning's light, it was the iconic clink of chain armor that betrayed the arrival; a lone man, just a head shorter than "The Red" of mixed elven decent arrived and bolstered himself with an outwardly proclaimed statement which interrupted whatever chatter remained. A proudly displayed tabard of Waeldeshore upon his breast and a bright, fine helmet of the guard on his head.

"By order of the guard state your intentions."

"The Red" had dealt with men like this one before... but now was not the time to make more enemies. Feigning, he proved to remain far enough away for comfort, but took not a single action, let alone so much as look.

@Jon Y@IcePezz@KazeXDZ@The Fated Fallen@Dragoknighte
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by KazeXDZ
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KazeXDZ Goth Nerd

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Siegfried looked around the group, watching as more people joined them. First, Robert arrived with a woman, both of whom to which he gave a slight nod of his head in greeting, before listening to Regina talking to the woman who had just arrived. He barely noticed a slight flirtatious tone behind the friendly demeanor of the halfling to the woman who had joined them. He watched the group with a blank expression, noting who was hesitant on joining them. First, the dwarf, followed by his companion and then the brute. He took a deep breath as if to begin speaking, while reaching for the bag of explosives, only to be interrupted by a guard. "We're gonna go slay a dragon." He laughed softly. "Why? Does the king's men want in?" Looking to Regina, he grabbed a piece of jerky from her pack and began chewing on it, a small smirk on his face as he eyed the guard. "You needn't be fearful, boy. Come, join us on our quest of glory." His tone was very sarcastic and it was very obvious he loved the idea of killing a dragon. "It seems even the brute and the "fearless" dwarf are hesitant on taking on this quest." It was obvious he was teasing them, though he had decided to leave the healer free of his words. "The more, the merrier. Isn't that what everybody says?" Taking another bite from the jerky, he smirked at the ones he'd thought to be the ones most likely to accept the challenge of a dragon, just a look of dare in his eyes. He was trying to goad them into joining. He took a deep breath and exhaled slowly, a bit of steam pouring from his mouth. "And, to you, malady, I thank you for the explosives. Though, I do wish you would accompany us. It's always better to have a healer traveling with you than to leave her home." He extended his hand towards the trio. "So, what do you say? Join us in battle to save the town from a threat that is likely to come our way," he glanced at the mark on his arm, "or stay here and hide like children in the night." He finished with a calm, comfortable smile, though a smirk could be seen forming very slowly at the thought of killing a dragon.

@Belwicket@The Harbinger of Ferocity@Jon Y@The Fated Fallen@Dragoknighte@IcePezz@boomlover
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by The Harbinger of Ferocity

The Harbinger of Ferocity

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

There was no idle pause or hesitation; the raw emotion of insult taken at the basest level could be tangibly felt. The sheer arrogance the younger man emitted would elicit a less than desired result in the animal sort of "The Red", who took on the hostility not for personal insult, but that this mere man thought himself anything as great as a dragon, the mythic king of monsters and magic. That is what drove him to his action and the rapid shift from calm, stable bystander to roaring rage of almost blur-like motion.

Lips curved in a snarl, the movement he took was one fluid, practiced grasping motion that accompanied his step in; it was as sudden in surprise as his change of demeanor, moving with speed despite his scale. With the broad reach that came with him, "The Red" clenched upon the inner portion of Roanoke's arm as the palm of the younger man's formerly outstretched hand now laid to the wild's man's limb, caught in a grab. As quickly as the One-Red-in-Claw-and-Fang moved, he came to a sudden stop, tightening his grasp and proving to look the other man dead in the eye from beneath the lioness cowl he bore.

"You are arrogant." The savage snarled with the same uttered growl of a warning tiger.

"This is not some quest for the glory or honor of others - this is for your own gain." He continued, not letting the tension of his grip upon Roanoke's arm relent; allowing it to remain in the clutches of his thick hand.

"Your delusions will get others killed..." "The Red" proved to add a light tilt to his head, "If not yourself."

With a freeing yet foreceful throw, the wilder released Roanoke's arm, letting it rapidly return to the man's side with an audible jingle as the portions of chainmail brushed against one another. At the same time he did not leave the man's space of comfort, allowing his presence to be both felt physically and psychologically.

"Unless your notion of dragons will undo the greater evils at work here, do not waste their time - let alone mine - with your fantasies of 'heroic glory'."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by KazeXDZ
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KazeXDZ Goth Nerd

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Siegfried laughed as he raised his hand to his forehead. "Glory? Gain? Gold? Fame? You think any of that means anything to me? I don't fight for glory! I don't fight for gain! I fight for two reasons and only two reasons. Firstly, for survival. See this mark on my arm?" He lifted his shirt and armor, allowing the group to see It in its entirety. "This mark, whatever it may be, draws monsters and other evils to me." His voice had lowered a bit but he stepped back the begin yelling again. "If I waited, the dragon and any other monsters nearby that can feel the pull of this cursed mark would come ravaging this town just to destroy me! I don't know what it is, when I got it or what happened before or after I got this thing but you tell me how you would feel if you knew nothing of yourself and constantly had to run from civilization, killing any monsters that crossed your path, which is more than twice a day on a good day and every five minutes on a bad day, and then know nothing but destruction. You think I'm happy to have to go kill a dragon? The other reason is for the thrill. Yes, that is a bit selfish. But I had Robert find people To help as, even with all the experience I have, I can't take on a dragon alone! I swear on my immortal breath that nobody will die on this quest! And an immortal promise can not be broken!" During his entire monologue, his eyes would seem to turn more and more draconic. His voice, as he got louder, would seem to have a roar behind it. "So, when I start being sarcastic and teasing the "fearless" brute and possibly raise the mood a little, don't come growling at me, beast boy!" With his last words, steam rolled from his mouth as his teeth began taking on the appearance of fangs as his voice seemed more and more like a monstrous roar. He took a few deep breaths as his draconic appearance reverted, his fangs retreated, a last puff of steam flowing from his mouth as he finally opened his eyes again. "So, do you want to help kill a dragon before it comes to ravage what's left of this town? Or do you want to wait and see how long it takes until the dragon comes for me? It will find me and it will destroy this town and there's nothing you can do about it once that happens which is why we're hunting it down. Not to mention how many other monsters could attack us during our trek. So, yeah, I never said this would be easy. I was calling you and the dwarf out on acting afraid when it's usually men like you who jump at the chance to take on the great beasts for glory and gain." His piercing blue eyes never left Redd's. He took another deep breath before turning to walk away. "If you're coming, I'm leaving now." As he passed her, he took a handful of jerky to munch on, keeping his mouth busy for the moment.

@The Harbinger of Ferocity@Jon Y@The Fated Fallen@Dragoknighte@Belwicket@IcePezz@boomlover
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by boomlover
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boomlover The godfather of explosions

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Robert had been silent the whole time. Mostly because of the god awe-full headache hammering him. . He did see some new faces though. one of them being one scary bastard who seemed to be more like an animal than like a human. There was also and elf as well. He hated elves bunch of arrogant pricks they where.And apparently some of them hadn't had the goddamn memo about the killing of dragons thing. And also about the killing the other two to get to an awesome artifact, and to a big treasure . However when he noticed some of them where getting cold feet and the big guy and Siegfried where starting to get into a fight he cut in." Alright listen up because apparently you guys did not hear the full story. i'm Just going to begin from the start because screw you that's why. We are going to go to the mountains to kill two dragons. He then looked at Tirarrian and said." now you might be thinking OH HELL NO I'M NOT GOING. But there is a plus. And that plus is that there is a crap ton of gold and treasure asswel." He then looked at the rest. And i think you all want some money. Might be for revenge, might be for something else. Or just to be rich." He then Looked at durin and said." And if for some idiot reason it doesn't work for you. that artifact i just mentioned might just be able to safe this town." he then looked at the remains of a house." or whatever is left of it. He then again looked to the group and said." So if you could please stop bitching and get ready to move that would be really fucking great!"" Nice speech very inspirational." " Ah it seems you are back to your bitching self." " yep now lets just hope it worked. small chance of it happening though."" Always so positive."" I'm a souls trapped in a sword and you think that i'm going to be positive?" ok you got me on that one."

@The Harbinger of Ferocity @Jon Y @The Fated Fallen @Dragoknighte @Belwicket @IcePezz
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by IcePezz
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Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Never in her life had she been part of such a dysfunctional group. The anger and animosity, the arrogance and selfishness .... shadows slowly began creeping up around her, and her eyes - the gold ring around them nearly enveloped all the green. Emitting a low growl, she stepped in front of Robert, coming toe to toe with the man. Her eyes, those eyes, the look she gave him would've sent any man crawling under a rock. There was certainly something not human in them.

"Does it fucking look like this group wants to throw away their lives for gold?! Do you think, that after fighting the demon we fought last night, we want to parade off on some fool's errand to fight a dragon for gold and glory? Oh, that's right - you have no fucking clue as to what dangers nearly ran this town into the ground, you fumbled around the bar that night like a drunken idiot and expected to be applauded for killing a demon that 3 of us nearly got ourselves killed taking down."

Thick swirls of black snaked around her calves. The anger that grew inside seemed to seep out of every pore, choking the air around them. There was a rumbling sound from no where in particular, as if her emotions were shared by the very earth itself. She turned to face the rest of the group, a look of determination sat within her eyes, which now were a sparkling topaz. "So we're going up there to retrieve an artifact that may very well destroy the demons. If this artifact can do what it's rumored to do, then we have no choice but to adventure into the mountains and retrieve it. We can certainly use the cunning and efficiency of a gnome. And I wasn't able to witness your battle, Durin, but if your wounds were any indication of your bravery and skill, the fact alone that you were able to survive against one of those things ... I would be lying if I said we'd be able to make it without every one of you." Her eyes lingered over each of them for a short time, pondering their likelihood of success. With a weary voice, she turned to Siegfried and said "You are not the only one who has suffered, who has had to live day to day in fear of their life or the lives of those around them... or what they've become or what they had to endure and what it has turned them into. Look around you. Do these really look like the kind of people that are going to jump into a fight just because? Look at what has become of this town - it's in shambles. Where were -you- the last couple of days when guards and civilians were losing their lives to demons that nearly lit the entire town aflame? Or does nobody give a shit?" Her demeanor eventually smoothing over, the shadows dissipated as a cool breeze brushed past them. She paused a moment, closing her eyes and taking a deep breath. Upon opening them, they returned to their normal shade of green, just a sliver of gold surrounding them.

"This isn't my town- this isn't my home, and I don't necessarily fight for it, but I did not come to this place to die. I don't know exactly what is going on, but I know that what we fought last night .... whatever it is, whatever is going on, it's not over yet. And it will devour us whole if we don't stop it. We go as a group, and that is final. You each have a half hour to get your shit together and then we leave."

With that, Isabeau turned on her heal and started for the smithy. She was done playing games, she was done dealing with adolescent tantrums and holier than thou attitudes. Time was of the essence, and they couldn't afford to waste a single moment more on bickering and pointless banter. And if they decided to ignore her? Well ... she would figure it out. She was done running. Years ago, she would've been content to just leave, sneak away when no one was looking and save her own hide. Run away and live to fight another day - that was her motto. Anything to preserve the life she was so comfortable living. But life itself, that was the only thing that mattered now. Whatever happened after, she would deal with then. Right now, there was something calling to her. A purpose, a freedom she had never possessed but was desperate to achieve.

@The Harbinger of Ferocity @Jon Y @The Fated Fallen @Dragoknighte @Belwicket @KazeXDZ @boomlover
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Belwicket
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Belwicket Guardian Gryphon

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Regina was listening to the group with a growing irritation. She had lowered back to the ground, waiting for everyone to finish. Robert seemed to be telling them just enough to go but it was Isabeau who caught her attention. Despite the physical changes in the arguing boys, Isabeau's change was as terrifying as it was beautiful. Regina looked up at her wide-eyed. "Holy... Scary and pretty. Quite a combination." She approached Izzy with a soft smile. "My turn?" She floated back up to stand in a window sill, looking at Siegfried and The Red. "If you two are done with you dick measuring contest, I suggest you eat some jerky and shut the hell up. Seriously. You're acting like children. If it weren't for the fact two dragons are guarding it, I'd probably go after the artifact myself. However, I am no mage and I don't know any who can hide my scent from dragons. This isn't to say I can't get it but I will need help with some people to be a distraction. We don't have to actually kill the dragons if we're fast enough on the retreat. Then again, these are dragons we're talking about who could use any type of breath weapon against us. Honestly, I'd rather be hit with a freezing breath than a burning but..." She eyed the group with a grin and held out her pack of jerky. "Eat up and let's go."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by The Fated Fallen
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The Fated Fallen Doesn't know what to put here

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

"So we're going up there to retrieve an artifact that may very well destroy the demons. If this artefact can do what it's rumoured to do, then we have no choice but to adventure into the mountains and retrieve it. We can certainly use the cunning and efficiency of a gnome.

He comment was lost amongst Tirarrian's racing eyes and mind over Izzy now sprouting a dark cloud around her, with her topaz eyes piercing through both her unnatural shroud and any sort of defenses someone might have around themselves. In those eyes lay clarity, and in clarity there is madness.

"This isn't my town- this isn't my home, and I don't necessarily fight for it, but I did not come to this place to die. I don't know exactly what is going on, but I know that what we fought last night .... whatever it is, whatever is going on, it's not over yet. And it will devour us whole if we don't stop it. We go as a group, and that is final. You each have a half hour to get your shit together and then we leave." And with that she turned and left. Suddenly Tirarrian was left with a choice. It was a pretty easy one, she liked to think she had a heart, so protecting the people of Waldershore came first.

One thing was clear though, nobody here had really been treating the threat like they should. It wasn't about glory or gold, it was about lives, things you couldn't put a price on. Tirarrian watched Izzy go, There goes a true hero. You don't see enough of them nowadays

She chased after Izzy, finding it difficult as she had set a furious and fast pace to keep up with even if Tirarrian had the same length legs and wasn't encumbered as she was. "Izzy, I'm sorry. You're right, this is far too important to risk staying behind. I was hoping there would be some sort of good I could do back here in town, if you think it best I help in this then I will."

"Where are you going anyway?"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Letter Bee
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Letter Bee Filipino RPer

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Ioannes/Yahya had just arrived in the town, finding that it had barely survived an attack by demons in the previous night. So, the first thing he did was to ask the location of the local guard station, where he would then say:

"Hello there, my name is Ioannes from the Kingdom of Hellas, wanderer and...freelancer. I came here to ask if you have any work to do for me?" The head of the guard snorted, and said:

"If you're looking for payment, we don't have the coin; we need that for repairing the town." This of course caused Ioannes to nod a few times, before continuing:

"That's okay, sir, I have plenty of money from...previous adventures." It was hard to keep a straight face; it didn't help that the Mamluks encouraged honesty in him before sending him to a mission that required secrecy. "What I mean, sir, is that I can work for free - no salary needed! Well, there's loot, and treasure, but I currently have all the things I need." Yep, honest to the point of almost shooting himself in the foot.

The Guard Captain looked him in the eye, and said:

"If you're really serious about helping, I just sent one of my men to watch a group of 'adventurers' that have gathered in a nearby tavern. Do you think you can do that, boy?"

"Sir, yes sir!" Ioannes/Yahya said with polite and eager respect.

And with that, he loped off to the tavern, encountering an auburn-haired woman storming off the place, being followed by a female gnome. Both looked beautiful, but Ioannes allowed himself to be distracted only for a second, before he ran up to them and said:

"Hey! Are you guys the adventuring party mentioned by the Guard Captain? If so, I've been sent here to watch you guys and perhaps help you!" The auburn-haired woman looked to be the leader.

"So, what are you doing or going to do?"

@The Harbinger of Ferocity, @Belwicket, @Jon Y, @The Fated Fallen, @Dragoknighte, @boomlover, @KazeXDZ, @IcePezz.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by The Harbinger of Ferocity

The Harbinger of Ferocity

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

The events set in motion by Siegfried's display of latent draconic power did not win the heart of the agent of the wild; more than anything what it was he shared, intentionally or not, was proof enough that he likely had some fault in these matters. It bore no better on Roanoke's reputation that he was branded with a mark that was supposedly a beacon to the beings of darkness, and that he had knowingly led them to this town. That was not what "The Red" took issue with - this town and its people were of utterly no concern to the wilder - no, it was that Siegfried not only did this with full awareness of the consequence of his actions, but that he even attempted to use it as some form of plea.

You act as if you are alone and that you are troubled by these things, yet at the same time, you blatantly use them to your ends - no less than a boisterous attempt in doing so. The mind of the wildman prowled with dagger-like thought, having no love of the other man's deeds or words. The display by the curse marked swordsman only proved to decide "The Red" on his opinion that the younger man failed to know his place in the natural order of things; that his youthful perspective clouded his judgment.

"Save your breath on your 'immortal promises', as well as those of your idle insults and threats." "The Red" replied when Roanoke had at last finished his dragonborne display, refusing to remove his glare from the other's challenge. The mocking not soon to be forgotten, or easily forgiven.

"I am neither here for you nor your 'town' - I am here to rend the life from those evil forces at work here. If our goals happen to overlap, then so be it."

By that point Siegfried had withdrawn, proving to take a handful of the salted, flensed meat to preoccupy himself in doing so, with a newly arrived man boasting an ebon breastplate and an astoundingly ornate broadsword; its construction, bearing no less than a hollow fuller, supported the suspicion the weapon was magical.

Standing firm the ground his advance had claimed, Beast-Among-Men, listened with moderate attentiveness as Sir Robert began a remotely coherent dissertation about the notion of their task, which revolved by and large about wealth, riches and this town. In the interim, the barbarian proved to fold his arms across his broad, hide clad chest - keeping an eye upon Roanoke. Proving to glance over the shoulder, from time to time at Robert, he wondered what response would be... fitting. All of this nonsensical talk of this town, wealth, honor, glory - it was the same ramblings of mortal men since they had eloped from the natural world. The same ones countless paid for with their lives to no avail.

Sighing with a low rumble, he remained as he was...

"Does it fucking look like this group wants to throw away their lives for gold?! Do you think, that after fighting the demon we fought last night, we want to parade off on some fool's errand to fight a dragon for gold and glory? Oh, that's right - you have no fucking clue as to what dangers nearly ran this town into the ground, you fumbled around the bar that night like a drunken idiot and expected to be applauded for killing a demon that 3 of us nearly got ourselves killed taking down."

A strange sensation proded at "The Red" in his thoughts as Isabeau paved forth a trail of rampant verbal thrashing, initially directed. At first it was not what he imagined as he shifted his wild-touched stare back, turning slightly at the torso and shifting his feet thereafter so as to be at an angle from her. From beneath the fangs of the lioness cloak, he watched attentively as some form of darkness dampened the air and coiled like serpents about the woman. It was here the two shared a brief stare as she looked from one to another, methodically so.

There, out of her words, only one more than any other as a phrase drew the strong jaws of the man further clenched; what he witnessed drew his ire, that something of wicked ways toyed with the woman as a manifestation of her emotions, but her use of it was what stayed his hand, or claw.

"And it will devour us whole if we don't stop it."

The reminder that as much as it was loathed to work with those born of this world, there were no choices in the matter.

Closing his eyes he mused on the matter as Isabeau soon stormed away, the gnome hurrying behind her; the crunch of debris, stone, and ash beneath their feet as they departed. There would be time to deal with the aberrants later - they were an unfortunate necessity for the time being, and one that spoke of desperation to either banish or defeat, if it were even possible, these demonic forces. It was in this musing "The Red" pondered further if there was any chance of success in taking on not one, but two dragons; that it might be of wiser option to lure said beasts here to contend with the demonic forces by using the cursed man, Siegfried.

Cunning as it was, it was not a likely avenue that could be exploited easily.

A distinct voice interrupted his thoughts, proving to raise the brow of "The Red", following the sound as it carried up to a window above in the building nearby. The halfling looked down upon them, not just in the sense of elevation, but in the metaphorical one.

"If you two are done with you dick measuring contest, I suggest you eat some jerky and shut the -"

"Spare me your chastisement, halfling, I have had enough of talk."

"The Red" bore one final look from Regina as she stood in the wooden frame of the busted window. There proved to be not an ounce of compassion from the man of wild birth; if these people were to die, then so be it. He had no further need, or even want, for lengthy dialogues and comradery. It was a quality of animals he so respected, in that they simply did because it is what they do.

Departing for the time being, pulling the sizable skin further over him so as to shrug aside the judgment of mortal men, the keen eyes of the savage caught sight of another young man. A firm, sizable hand upon the former great cat's muzzle, he adjusted her protective embrace over him, keeping his attention on the new addition for the time. The newcomer, in an a fine, new set of half-plate, bore a set of varied gear across a traveling pack, as well as upon his hip. Both awkward and unwieldy, this seemed to affect its bearer little as he approached the green eyed woman and lady gnome.

"At least they are willing for one reason or another."

The primalist noted under his breath - attempting to remain thankful for some sort of means to end the threat; soon finding himself away from this place for a short time and disappearing once more between the buildings of the town.

@Letter Bee@The Fated Fallen@Belwicket@IcePezz@boomlover@KazeXDZ
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