Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Zoghor
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Zoghor Lord of Undeath

Member Seen 10 yrs ago

Rise of the Unchained

Free, to Walk the Earth Once More!

For eons, you have been banished to a chamber that exists outside of time and space - put there by the very mortals you once sought to enslave. Over confidence and arrogance were your biggest flaws, but you can hardly be blamed for them, can you?

Your name drives fear into the stoutest hearts of the strongest mortals. Your power is absolute and undeniable. Your will can break a mountain, and your hunger for retribution shall humble Empires.

You are a God, and through the stupidity of some disillusioned humans, who thought themselves wise to pursue the black arts, you are now free to rule once more.

Though you must be careful. The ceremony that has broken you free from your prison was a primitive one, and your powers are still a shadow of what they once were. That doesn't mean you should fear the mortals however - just that you should remember very well what they did to you last time, when you were at full strength.

The world will burn in a sea of fire, but be patient. Know your enemies. Know who can oppose you, and destroy them before they grow powerful enough to challenge you.

Or... you know, open a gateway to some Hellish underworld and unleash hordes of demons onto the land.

The Pantheon

Find here a list of all active Gods in Voswurn

Xerval, the God of Magic, Mankind and Pride. - Now an NPC, and up for player control.

Mysli, the Goddess of Memories.

Vas, the God of War.

Krypton, the God of Death.

Ryujin, the God of Fire and Water.

Cithra, the God of Darkness and the Void.

Vitan, the God of Life.

Fenox, the God of Chaos and Corruption.

Lethos, the God of DERP ( Misguided intentions and Ill-begotten secrets).

Whyspe, the Goddess of The Soul, and Fate.

The World of Voswurn

Voswurn is a bastard experiment gone horribly wrong, courtesy of your idiot father - The Creator - and is now beyond the control of divine intervention. The mortal races of this world have grown too proud, too stubborn, to bend the knee to any supreme being but their chosen Lords. This is an insult to all that is holy! Your father, maddened by grief, that his creation would shun him thus, retreated from this part of the unniverse to pursue other endeavours that he may forget his mistake.

You and your siblings were left to wipe Voswurn from the histories; to claim the millions of ungrateful souls that walked its surface... Alas, you were defeated and imprisoned by Mage Lords - mortals, who had managed to tune themselves to the powers of your father. How they were able to do this, you do not know, though you suspect your father made them in his own image more than he admitted.

This poses a problem. Voswurn cannot be allowed to exist in this way. It is as affront to all that is Holy. A creation should never grow more mighty than he who sired it. Furthermore, how long will it be, before these Mage Lords discover a means to create things of their own? To rival father's powerful, and to cast him down.

This. Can. Not. Happen.

Voswurn is a world still in its infancy. Medieval kingdoms dot the landscape, as Empires of antiquity are slowly receding. Magic, as the mortals call it, is thankfully restricted to about a 100th of the population - and it is these individuals the Gods must fear. An infant with these kinds of powers may even be a challenge for them, in their weakened state.

Still, there is hope. People still pray to the Gods, though these are few. Perhaps appealing to your followers, may provide you with a tool? Mortal peace treaties are ever such fragile things, after all.

Or perhaps there is no time for subtle diplomacy. Perhaps there is only time for direct action. Different Gods can regain their strength in different ways. Some by absorbing the souls of the living, others by draining life from the land, or by consuming wildlife. For others, it is simply a waiting game. In any case, if a God could regain themselves quickly, then they may be able to make a direct strike against the mortal realms, and bring them to ruin before they have a chance to strike back.

Mage Lords

Mage Lords is the term given to mortals who are born with the ability to tap the Creator's residual powers, left behind by the methods he used to create the world, and the life within. This they can do, with the assistance of the shard provided to them by Xerval, the Betrayer, who taught them how to wield such powers in secret, eons ago.

A hundredth of the planet's population are eligible to become Mage Lords, but they are not simply born with the knowledge and power to throw down a God, and the world they live in is a hostile one. Often, Mage Lords are great Kings, or Emperors - warlords, and leaders of realms. Ordinary mortals struggle to oppose them, no matter how heroic or skilled in arms they may be.

For this reason, Mage Lords tend to be paranoid about those who may usurp them - mainly infants who possess the ability to contest their reign. Therefore, some Mage Lords are bloody, brutal rulers who systemically murder anyone and everyone who can tap the Creator's powers.

Others however, are relatively wise and peaceful beings, who live in remote areas and seek a life of meditation and knowledge. Most Mage Lords are semi-immortal, able to extend their lives through the use of "magic" - the name given to the powers they wield.

When it comes to using powers, the Mage Lords are able to tap a wide range of abilities, from necromancy, elemental, arcane, chaos and all of the other powers the Gods use. However, as they are mere mortals in truth, they cannot summon the same amount of power in any of these schools of magic. If a Fire God could reduce a continent to ashes, then a Mage Lord may only be able to reduce a city with similar effects.

Therefore, they are not as strong as Gods, but they are numerous. In the War against the Gods, the Mage Lords united and used their superior numbers and combined strength to out fight the Gods.

Since the defeat of the Gods, the Mage Lords have sought to replace them. Some have gone so far to attempt actual Godhood, but so far none have succeeded and these rituals usually end with bad results. Nevertheless, with their minor Godlike powers, they are able to both shape and sustain the world.


- Godmodding is very much encouraged, as far as NPCs go.

- Godmodding against other Gods will create a paradox that will crash the RP.

- A God's power, and scope of abilities is defined simply by their specialisation. I.e the God of War, would likely be a warrior without equal, and able to walk through entire armies without taking a scratch. The God of Water, would likely be very keen on the idea of allowing the oceans to overtake the land, and would be able to work tidal waves and tsunamis etc.

- Mage Lords are mortals who have managed to tap the Creator's powers, making them half-Gods. They are scary, and more numerous than the Gods, making them a deadly adversary. Unlike the Gods, Mage Lords are able to call on powers from a wide spectrum of specialisations but to a lesser degree. Whilst your God may be able to bring a mountain crashing to the ground, a Mage Lord might only be able to shake it slightly. Therefore, encounters with them should be dramatic and near-fatal, unless you have a good reason for otherwise.

- The world is literally your oyster. Lead a cultist uprising, bring through legions of the damned from portals, grow a forest of beautiful yet deadly trees - any way you want to bring the world down, is up to you. Alternatively you might want to just walk around the place, planting bad ideas in the heads of powerful men, creating war all over the show.

- If a player is perceived as problematic, I'll get involved and banish them if they do not heed my warnings.

Who Are You?

Post this in the OOC first, and await my approval. Once approval is given, please move it to the character tab. This will make it easier for players to find the details of active characters :)

I Am the God Of:

My Powers Include, but Are Not Limited To: Name your core powers, such as creating earth quakes, having unbreakable flesh, raising the dead, opening demonic gateways, telekinesis etc etc. You'll be assumed to have other, minor powers, of course.

My Name Is:

The People Who Devote Themselves To Me Are Called:

I was the Creator's: Son, daughter, experiment, shame, - whatever your relationship is to the Creator.

I Gain My Strength From: Reaping the living, drawing life from the earth, absorbing the rays of the sun, by encasing myself in the coeans, etc etc

I am King/Queen/Master of the Realm of: Your Godly residence, more than likely a plain outside of reality - a Heaven, if you will.

My Realm is a Place of: Describe your realm. Is it a place of beauty and peace? of suffering and fire? Of constant warfare?

To Mortals, My Face Is: Your appearance to mortal eyes.

To My Kin, My Face Is: Your true form, although can be the same as above.

I Carry These Relics, That Cement My Power: To remain in the physical world, the Gods each carry a relic(s). If you were the God of War, it may be a sword, or if you were the God of the Wind, it might be a fan or something. These items must remain safe at all times, although most of them will be unbreakable by even the strongest Mage Lord - unless they converged on you, of course.

If a relic is for whatever reason damaged, then your God is sent back to his or her prison -- or loses their powers, and becomes mortal, and killable. The Mage Lords chose mercy last time, for fear out of what would happen if they slew you. This time, they might not be so wise.

I Have Emerged at: Your starting location. View the map, and indeed, right click it and left click "view image" to view the full sized image.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by SuperTacticalDerp
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SuperTacticalDerp The New Monarch

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

(Note: This is a work-in-progress!)

Also, the Map looks kinda over pixelated. I honestly can't make out any of the text. I'm not sure if the picture is suppose to be clearer or we make up our own lands. Just wanted to bring it up.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by KoL
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KoL Knight of Lorelei

Member Seen 8 days ago

Mine is here:

Who Are You?

I Am the God Of: The God of Magic, Mankind and Pride

My Powers Include, but Are Not Limited To: Control over all sorts of magics, able to shape reality at will (unless there's an opposing god interfering with my powers), after stealing a shard of my father's power.

My Name Is: Xerval, the Betrayer

The People Who Devote Themselves To Me Are Called: Before their betrayal they were just humble mortals who were bestowed by me with the gift of magic, stolen from their Heavenly Father, but now they call themselves the Mage Lords.

I was the Creator's: His biggest mistake, the son who betrayed his father and sought to usurp the heavens for his own.

I Gain My Strength From: After stealing the shard my power became a as infinite as that of my father, though I can still benefit from my previous source of power the ever increasing hubris of mankind.

I am King/Queen/Master of the Realm of: The betraying Mage Lords had usurped even my own realm, the ancient city of Kirós, the capital of the greatest empire of humanity's history, thought now that I'm free I shall once more reclaim what's mine.

My Realm is a Place of: Kirós though long lost to the ravages of time now, was at it's peak a jewel standing amidst the great arid plains of Usafar, in a valley formed by the confluence of two rivers that long since dried. Now only its highest ziggurats stand tall against the waves o rolling sand.

To Mortals, My Face Is:

To My Kin, My Face Is:

I Carry These Relics, That Cement My Power:

The flask which contains the shard of essence stolen from the Heavenly Father.

I Have Emerged at: In a plain area, near the desert of Usafar.

"And thus the betrayer became the betrayed..."
-The final line of the Mage Lords creed, regarding Xerval's fate.

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Succulent
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Succulent Queen Procrastinator

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Where my goddesses at?

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Zoghor
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Zoghor Lord of Undeath

Member Seen 10 yrs ago

(Note: This is a work-in-progress!)

Also, the Map looks kinda over pixelated. I honestly can't make out any of the text. I'm not sure if the picture is suppose to be clearer or we make up our own lands. Just wanted to bring it up.

What device are you using? On a desktop or similar, it should enlarge and be as clear as day :) On a mobile, things might be a bit more problematic... that's the problem with large pictures.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by SuperTacticalDerp
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SuperTacticalDerp The New Monarch

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

<Snipped quote by SuperTacticalDerp>

What device are you using? On a desktop or similar, it should enlarge and be as clear as day :) On a mobile, things might be a bit more problematic... that's the problem with large pictures.

I'm using an old computer at work. I'll probably be able to see it when I get home.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Zoghor
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Zoghor Lord of Undeath

Member Seen 10 yrs ago

@Succulent Accepted. I like your interesting take on things :)

@KoL Annnnnnnnnd we have an antagonist. Accepted!
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by ArenaSnow
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ArenaSnow Devourer of Souls

Banned Seen 4 yrs ago

I assume my character is free to go to the [Char] tab?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Succulent
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Succulent Queen Procrastinator

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Wooo, thanks! I'll move her over to the characters thread now.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by KoL
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KoL Knight of Lorelei

Member Seen 8 days ago

@ZoghorI'm more like a foe to all than anything else, to say the truth. Anyway, off to the CS tab I go!
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Zoghor
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Zoghor Lord of Undeath

Member Seen 10 yrs ago

I assume my character is free to go to the [Char] tab?

Ah yes, of course.


Once you've got your start location sorted, you'll be good to go too :)
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by SuperTacticalDerp
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SuperTacticalDerp The New Monarch

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

My Character Sheet is all done I think. Arena approved everything in the Interest Check, so am I all good?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Zoghor
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Zoghor Lord of Undeath

Member Seen 10 yrs ago

My Character Sheet is all done I think. Arena approved everything in the Interest Check, so am I all good?

Yup, looks good to me :D
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by SuperTacticalDerp
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SuperTacticalDerp The New Monarch

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Awesome, thank you!
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by ArenaSnow
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ArenaSnow Devourer of Souls

Banned Seen 4 yrs ago

When shall the IC commence?
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Pie Flavor
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Pie Flavor No ordinary Pie

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Zoghor
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Zoghor Lord of Undeath

Member Seen 10 yrs ago

When shall the IC commence?

I normally leave the OOC out to pasture for a few hours - you know, to let any stragglers catch up. It's late over here in the UK, so I'm going to sleep. When I wake up, I guess I'll pick my God and then get the ball rolling.

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by ArenaSnow
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ArenaSnow Devourer of Souls

Banned Seen 4 yrs ago

Last question - is it one spell that freed the gods or a set of people using the spell at what turns out to be roughly the same time?
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Agamous Devout
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Agamous Devout Knights In Steel

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

I Am the God Of: Emptiness - Darkness - Dark Matter - Mystery - Void

My Powers Include, but Are Not Limited To:
Banishing Light from an Area
Creating Children (shadow demons), Objects and Tentacles of solid shadow-stuff
Seeing despite darkness or illusion

My Name Is: Cithra

The People Who Devote Themselves To Me Are Called: Nocturnals, Children of Midnight, Nightkind

I was the Creator's: Absence

I Gain My Strength From: Basking in darkness and shadow.

I am Sovereign of the Realm of: The Abyss

My Realm is a Place of: Darkness and Chaos. This pitch black limbo is actually a cold, lightless tear in the fabric of the realms. It is a puzzling, surreal landscape constructed of Dark Matter that defies all laws of physics and spatial geometry as they are known outside. The Abyss is full of unexpected arenas of strange dynamics. Nor doess time flow precisely the same at any two points within it. Up may become down, or gravity become almost nonexistent at various points. It is filled with my children (Demons of Shadow and Darkness).

To Mortals, My Face Is:

To My Kin, My Face Is:

I Carry These Relics, That Cement My Power:A pendant with what looks almost like an onyx stone. It is actually a piece of Dark Matter. It is as soft as velvet, naturally cold, and so dark and devoid of light that it almost looks offensive to mortal eyes.

I Have Emerged at: The center of The Forest of Shadows, where the dense trees keep the light at bay.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by hivekiller
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hivekiller SCP

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

I am the God Of The Fire and Water.

My powers include, but are not limited to control the element of water and fire and the ability to create sea/flame monsters as I pleased as long as I have enough strength. I have other powers too but the three mentioned above are my core.

My Name Is Ryujin, the Cunning God.

The people who devote themselves to me are called The Devil of The Sea. Pfft... What a silly name those mortals gave me.

I was the Creator's proud son but he was never my proud father.

I gain my strength whenever I am near a water/fire source! My strength is at the top peak whenever I cast spells near a sea or a burning jungles, but mortals...Please do not underestimate me although there is only a puddle of rainwater or a lighting candle in front of me as that was just enough to kill you.

I am The King of the Palace of the Burning Sea. The palace that existed at the very bottom and the deepest place in the sea. The Burning Sea is literally a place where the sea water is hot enough to burn everything, even the hardest and the most incompressible material on the mortal realm can find. The temperature is high enough to kill any mortals that tries to get near the palace. A place where you mortals do not wish to get yourselves into.

I have only one form as I will look the same in front of my kin or the mortals.

I carry these relics, That cement my power: The Helmet of The Sea King.

I Have Emerged at: The Sea of Pristaee and The Shallow Sea.
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