I guess this whole thing goes to prove how little I read the OOC. Having never read anything in the past few pages except for some complaints about dragons and the whole thing with whips and Erza's breast hammerspace, I was totally unaware that Hael was planning to create the planet's core. And here I was thinking I was being original. Anyway, I'll wait for Hael to post, and then edit my own to reflect the changes he's made. If everything I planned to do is taken care of, I'll have Escre go to another planet.
Basically, a planet is going to be impaled either way.
As for your response to this: your post made me feel a lot worse than anything on this site in quite some time. Initially, I planned on getting mad about it, but I stood up from my chair and took a few paces. By the time I sat back down, I knew getting mad wouldn't solve anything, and you'd be more likely to realize that you'd been unfair if I just did exactly what you asked without question. That's why I immediately erased my post, without even arguing. Anger is a hard thing to understand because it urges you to fly in the face of rationality; the best cure for anger is time, even if only a minute.