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Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by BuriedComic7
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BuriedComic7 Soft Taco Enthusiast

Member Seen 4 yrs ago


I am one of the GMs over at Supers: A Superpower RP

We've had some players drop/never show up. So we are looking for FOUR more players. The RP is high casual, and the IC has only recently started so it will very easy to jump into. We are looking for the BEST four people to fill these positions. The positions are NOT first come first serve. If you are interested please post your CS here and we will select the four that we like the most. Please stop by the OOC to familiarize yourself with the rules/setting of the RP. CS is as follows:

The CS
Name: (What is your name?)
Age:(High school ageish. You can be graduated from the school and living in town. No older than 20. If currently enrolled at Pavar High include your grade)
Gender:(Self Explanatory)
Appearance:(Picture here please, non-anime if you can help it)
Power: (What is your power? Handy list Here)
Personality: (Few lines of what your character is like)
Likes: (What do you like?)
Dislikes: (What don’t you like?)
History: (You don’t have to write much. Was you character born in Pavar? Move? Friends? Family?)
Awakening: (Describe how your powers manifested. Think of this as a way to show how you are going to write in the IC. A mock post of sorts)
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Penguin
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Member Seen 5 days ago

Name: Rosaline Gale

Age: 17 (Senior)

Gender: Female

Power: Telekinesis

Personality: Rose is a quirky individual, always looking to have fun in any way possible. She's outgoing, super friendly, and never afraid to speak her mind. Despite being very kind, she's got a bit of an attitude and never fails to say something sarcastic. She's as stubborn as a bull and will not change her mind once it's set on something. Rose is also on the reckless side. She often jumps into situations too fast, especially if a loved one is in trouble.

Likes: Cats, comic books, coffee, videogames, music, skateboarding, italian food, the color pink

Dislikes: Rude or judgmental people, smoking, liars, schoolwork

History: Rosaline's life has been up until this point quite normal. To her knowledge, she was born to Benjamin and Jocelyn Gale. They had always lived in Pavar. She had been close with both and was well-raised to be an intelligent and lively girl. Benjamin and Rose had done everything together. The two of them were best friends. Then one day, when Rose was around twelve years old, he left without a trace. Her mother had no explanation to give her other than that she was too young to understand. Even today, Rose still hasn't gotten a clear-cut reason from her. Nonetheless, the two remained close over the years.


"Rosie! Hurry up! The doors open in thirty minutes!"
The sun rays beat down on the streets as two young girls rushed to the Sand Creek Mall that Saturday morning. Everyone knew today was the big sale. The short, skinny blonde girl in the black knit beanie swerved right and left weaving through the crowd of people as her taller, brunette friend ran up ahead of her. The sun beat down on them hard that day even so early in the morning. Her friend was the track star of the school. Even on a skateboard, Rose was working up a sweat trying to keep up with her.

"Geez Hannah! Can you go any slower?"Rose playfully called up to her friend, "The mall isn't going anywhere!"

"The mall might not be moving but that Betsy Johnson bag might be!" The girl yelled back over her shoulder. She was so far ahead now that her voice was being carried off by the wind. Rose barely understood what she had even said.

Rosaline groaned and picked up her skateboard, "What!?"She yelled. "Hannah where-.."She got on her tippy toes to try to get sight of the girl, craning her neck, her fair hair spilling down her back. "Fudge brownie..."She muttered, cursing in her own strange way. She went to sprint forward only to find her body being jerked backward. A big hand covered her mouth and another wrapped around her waist, yanking her into the dark, filthy alleyway. She was dragged behind the dumpster and soon she was greeted by the cool feeling of sharp metal up against her neck.

Rose's eyes darted left and right, sizing up the situation. Three tall figures stood in front of her, all wearing masks that hid all but their eyes. The tallest one was holding a knife to her neck. He had to bend down to do so. Rose almost laughed despite her building fear. She was so pathetically short. "Uh. You boys heading to the mall too? "She asked nervously.

"Shut up." The one with the knife snapped coldly. "Take out your wallet now, blondie."

"Okay."Rose whispered. She didn't really have much of a choice other than to pull her backpack slowly off her shoulder and began searching through it for her wallet.

"She's very cute. I bet we could get away with messing with her for a while too."One suggested.
His friends laughed, "We totally could!"

A sharp jolt of terror went through Rose's body and she stopped searching to clutch her bag in horror. Giving up a couple of twenties was one thing but that was a whole different level. She looked up with wide eyes, hearing sudden thuds. The three men were flying through the air. Two smacked hard into the wall while the other went rolling on to the floor. "What even..." Rose questioned it for maybe a millisecond before throwing her bag back over her shoulder and sprinting out of the alley. She bumped hard into someone and glanced up. It was Hannah.

"Rose what the hell are you doing? Let's go!"

Rose stared at her for a moment, her mind still whirling from the incident. Her heart was pounding hard against her ribs, threatening to pop out of her chest. "Umm... Sorry. " Rose managed to utter in reply.

"Yeah whatever." She sighed and grabbed Rose by the wrist, dragging her down the street. Rose looked over her shoulder to see the thugs emerging from the alley, rubbing their heads in pain. They seemed as confused as she was.

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Marx
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Marx The number you have dialed has been disconnected.

Member Seen 4 mos ago

Very solid CS, Penguin.
In a day or two Buried and I will look over applicants and make our decisions, if not earlier.
1x Like Like
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by corrosive


Banned Seen 2 yrs ago

Name: Carson Anthony Graye.

Age: Seventeen (Senior).

Gender: Male.

Power: Duplication (temporal) - Ability to bring past and future versions of oneself back to the present.

Personality: Carson is full of wasted potential, a kid who grew up being told that he was smart and that he had a chance to go very far. He was imaginative and creative, often writing silly stories or drawing strange monsters. Though he is smart, incredibly clever and prone to thinking of complex plans and ideas, he's also very lazy. The extent of this laziness is almost horrifying, he has a tendency to never complete assignments, sometimes to never start them at all, it's nearly ridiculous the levels that he's willing to go to avoid doing them in general. Prone to trying to avoid tests and to trying to skip school, Carson is almost always ready to jump at a moment's notice. Too preoccupied in his own self to care about the grades that he's let drastically fall. Though he tends to look on the bright side and keeps an almost amused air about everything that he faces.

Likes: Parties, smoking, meeting people, beaches, rain, animals, video games, drawing.

Dislikes: Arguments that involve screaming or loud noises, math, dreams that end on cliff hangers.

History: He was born here with his mother and father, a pair who were often on the fritz of divorcing and that kept him almost always on the edge, made him sort of act out. He became very good at story telling, found a penchant for weaving tales to all who would listen to him but as he got older, his parents started to find that the tales had become clever lies and that the boy was no longer making his gentle stories but instead finding new ways to trick them into letting him do just about everything he wanted to do. This often got him in trouble, leaving him to his own devices, the boy started to rely on his story telling to guide him forth, found ways to weasel out windows and he ended up constantly getting in trouble. This new habit of sneaking out at night and becoming somewhat lazy with his school work lead him to dropping in his grades and the stories gave way to his new hobbies, bumming cigarettes and disappointing his dear parents.


The sound of the bass made the floor hum beneath his feet, he could hear the laughter and the loud clattering voices, all talking at once. It was a crescendo of noise, meshing together and rising, rising, rising to it's peak. They fell together and rose together, bending with his vision, he could see shapes and the way some seem to split when he moved too fast. It was disorienting, a tempo that he couldn't keep up with, thumping with the beat of his heart. He saw boys and girls, saw hips grinding hips, saw mouths trailing throats. It was cramped, made it hard to breath with their pushing hands and the smell of beer and cigarette smoke and the way he couldn't see his way through the crowd of kids. It was just a party, a really shitty party by the way his sweat was starting to soak through his shirt. The AC didn't seem to be blowing enough air around the living room and nobody seemed to really care that the place was a threshpool of hormonal, drunken teenagers or that Carson was crushed in between them.

He'd only come here because the invitation had seemed promising, an upscale house, an upscale neighborhood but now he was trapped in a mass of kids and he couldn't tell left from right. The black dress shirt was sticking to him now and he had to settle herself for trying to readjust it so he'd stop sweating into the silky fabric. He couldn't see anyone he knew at all, lost in the crowd of constantly moving teenagers. With a groan of defeat, he made his way back out the door he'd came through, it'd been fun while it lasted but now he far too frustrated to gain anything else from the situation. It was just so irritating, he was sweaty, and he reeked of secondhand smoke, it was disgusting. He felt disgusting, it was all so disgusting. He'd never been made to follow this crowd and yet here he was, half trapped in a mass of teenagers that couldn't seem to slow down. Grabbing the knob in his hand, he twisted it and pushed the door open. The night hair was cool and few scragglers were hanging around on the porch, he could hear the lilt of their conversation as they spoke.

He could hear their voices drifting from all around, soft voices and noises. He could remember a story he once told his mom at bedtime. A story about a prince who's ears were so big that he could hear everything all at once. A prince who couldn't find a princess who would not hurt his delicate ears and his mother had asked him how he'd run a kingdom without a Queen because Queen's were very important. Obligingly, he'd told her that he would give his kingdom completely to the Princess with the softest voice and so the Prince waited for days and days before he found the perfect girl, and she was strong, a kind and had the softest voice. She rose to be the greatest Queen that the kingdom had ever seen and the Prince with the very big ears moved to a house by the sea, where he could always playing the water and nothing was ever too loud. The memory was interrupted by a voice.

"Ay, you, kid says he knows you? Did you bring a kid here?" it was a girl that he went to school with, a pretty thing with brown hair and brown eyes and at her side was a child with red hair, biting his thumb and smiling. "This ain't exactly a good place to babysit."

"No. Shit, I don't know any kids." he mumbled, staring down at the smiling mite before him. "Why would he be mine?"

"I don't know, he said he knows you. He pointed at you specifically."

"But I-" staring at the the child, he thought back to an old family photo, one of a grinning four year old with messy red hair and large eyes. A four year old who liked to bite his thumb. He felt sick very suddenly and grimaced at the kid, squinting and leaning forward while the girl watched with a frown. "Yeah, I think I do know him."

"Fantastic. Take him home." she snapped, strolling back over to her friends.

"Hey." he mumbled to the kid.

"Hi!" the child barked back, waving erratically.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Marx
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Member Seen 4 mos ago

Gonna need to hear a little bit about your power. Mind expanding on it for me a bit?
If he brings back him from the past and past him is killed, does current him happen?
Are you assuming time is static or fluid? Are the past and future Carsons from the same dimension or an alternate dinension(s)?
How many can he bring back and forward and how often?
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by corrosive


Banned Seen 2 yrs ago

Alrighty, I can definitely try to do that!
Honestly, I was just trying to find something that called to me so I went with the one that seems the most promising in coincidence with this particular character. I'm assuming that they're from alternate dimensions and they probably don't stay very long because he's only ever had it happen at random, assuming the younger version of him probably sort of zapped away before he had much time to get acquainted with him. I'm into a more fluid view of time so there's that edge of leeway room there, plucking from certain timelines and assuming those timelines sort of crumple each time he takes a version of himself from them.
I think that at a time, he can only bring about three forward but they'll vary heavily in age and depending on if he learns to control it in a fixed way, they'll stick around awhile but for now, they appear kind of at random, depending on his thought process and they generally last a few minutes, maybe an hour.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by True Night
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True Night Friendly Neighborhood Forum Lurker

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

I have some rather detailed superpower character sheets that could be easily transferred to this format. The only thing is the sample post I have written up isn't when the characters power manifested. If that's okay I'll have it up probably later today, otherwise I'll take a little time to make a narration for their awakening.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Marx
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Member Seen 4 mos ago

Alright, cool. I think I can dig it. If I have any other questions/concerns, I'll ship 'en your way.

@True Night
While I'm not against you recycling an older CS, I'd like for it to be made as relevant for the RP as possible. Go ahead and run with what you have, but I would be a bit happier if you posted your characters awakening instead. If Buried says that he would much prefer you to have an awakening, I'd highly recommend it.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by True Night
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True Night Friendly Neighborhood Forum Lurker

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

In that case will get on formatting it, and the chances are I will make an awakening post anyways. Maybe not right away though.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Marx
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Marx The number you have dialed has been disconnected.

Member Seen 4 mos ago

Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Milowan
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Milowan time for a tea party

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Name: Brent Bordeaux

Age: 17 (Senior)

Gender: male

Power: Image-Summoning

Personality: Generally narcissistic, Brent tends to mock others for acting foolishly. Brent also greatly cares for any and all of his friends. Brent has a fixation on Greek mythology, and has great interest in the Zodiac.

Likes: Brent loves listening to power metal, he also enjoys playing a variety of MMORPGs. He is also an avid artist.

Dislikes: Other narcissists, stupid people and whiners.

History: As a child Brent was a very sensitive boy and found he had trouble playing with other kids. Already a recluse, Brent decided to throw himself into the world of online gaming, as he spent most of his time gaming Brent also discovered power metal. As a result Brent tends to listen to songs of a nerdier nature.

Brent moved to Pavar from a small town in Canada, his attitude generally ran most people off; however, this meant that those who stayed with Brent didn't care. Enjoying his time with some good friends Brent occasionally has an outburst of anger. Being as narcissistic as he is Brent was never satisfied with having an average body type, this lead him to do a large amount of physical training to keep his body in shape.

Awakening: Brent was sitting bored in his room doodling when, he decided to try drawing a tiger. As he drew Brent found that it felt as though the lines were already there and he was simply tracing them out for everyone to see. Brent could see his drawing becoming more and more detailed over time, as he finished the drawing a large Siberian tiger jumped out of the page and into his bedroom. Brent panicked and ran out of his room to get his parents, only to find that they'd gone out for dinner.

Summoning the courage to return to his room, Brent found the tiger asleep on his bed. As he opened the door the tiger lifted its head in a thunderous yawn. Brent crept into his room and felt the urge to pet the tiger, reaching out his hand Brent found the fur soft to the touch. As he pet the tiger it started purring loudly. Looking over at his sketchbook Brent saw that the tiger was no longer as he drew it (standing and fierce), now it was lying down just like the one on his bed. Brimming with curiosity Brent tore the page and was stunned to see the great cat completely disappear.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Marx
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Marx The number you have dialed has been disconnected.

Member Seen 4 mos ago

Not too big on time manipulation as a power. It cheapens the RP as a whole.
I'd also like to see a good bit more out of his history, awakening, and personality.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Milowan
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Milowan time for a tea party

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

@Marx there, made some changes
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Marx
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Member Seen 4 mos ago


Alright, Buried and I have talked it over and we like the both of you quite a bit. Welcome aboard!
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by corrosive


Banned Seen 2 yrs ago

Thank you, I'm glad to be a part!
Is any time a good time to write an introduction post?
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Penguin
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Member Seen 5 days ago

Yay! Thank you :)
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Marx
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Marx The number you have dialed has been disconnected.

Member Seen 4 mos ago

Any time is fine.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Marx
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Member Seen 4 mos ago

Oh, and don't forget to post your characters here.
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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Marx
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Marx The number you have dialed has been disconnected.

Member Seen 4 mos ago

Hey folks, we're looking for up to four new members for the RP. If you're interested post your apps here and I'll look them over.

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