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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Weird Tales
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Weird Tales A Stranger from A Strange Outer Dimension

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

I'm interested
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Marx
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Marx The number you have dialed has been disconnected.

Member Seen 4 mos ago

Great. Hope to see a cs from you!
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Apollo
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Hello! I'm very interested in this, though I am very behind it seems. I am trying to catch and have been looking over the CS's and the OOC.

I have an idea for a character with Atmokinesis (Storm Manipulation), but I wanted to run that by you first before making an App.

The ability would be very similar to Storm from X-Men. I know that someone already has Electrokinesis and that's why I wanted to ask first. My character wouldn't be able to control electricity exactly. Instead, they control lightning, and it has to come from the sky and she can't shoot it out of her hands and stuff like that. With Atmokinesis she can generate wind storms, make it rain hard or a little, and make snow and cloudyness and things like that. Though she doesn't have direct control over wind the way someone with Wind Manipulation can. And she doesn't manipulate water either, just the rain downpour and how much it pours down and stuff like that.

I was thinking that it would be tied to her emotions.

Hopefully there's still room! Let me know what you think of this ability and if you have any suggestions.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Marx
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Member Seen 4 mos ago

There's still room! Go ahead and make your character. I look forward to seeing your CS.

Also I should probably clarify - The following players are still in the RP, if they are not mentioned ignore their CSs in the character list:
Winter05 (on hiatus)
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Marx
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Member Seen 4 mos ago

Hey folks, we're looking for up to four new members for the RP. If you're interested post your apps here and I'll look them over.

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Marx
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Marx The number you have dialed has been disconnected.

Member Seen 4 mos ago

I should add that due to the current place we are at in the RP, characters being created now will have more freedom in terms of where they are from and their background. Players joining now won't enter the main storyline until the current arc concludes (which will be soon).
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Marx
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Member Seen 4 mos ago

Aaaaaaaaand bump
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Weird Tales
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Weird Tales A Stranger from A Strange Outer Dimension

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

before I make a character, are cosmic based powers or magic alright?
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Apollo
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

I was wondering about that haha. I was like, would my character come out of the bathroom and be like, "Is this a bad time?" haha

I'm still trying to think up a good character, I'm sort of deciding if I might want her to have a different power haha
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Marx
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Marx The number you have dialed has been disconnected.

Member Seen 4 mos ago

@Weird Tales
If power is limited, yes. Your character would be coming into this RP relatively new to their own power, so they might not necessarily understand how to use their powers.
If I have some qualms about what you present, I'll let you know. If it's presented well, I'll more than likely allow it.

Haha, as much as I'd love that to happen I have a sliiiiightly different plan for how new players are going to be introduced.
If you're still struggling with chosing a power, I recommend mindlessly browsing the Super Power Wiki. It's how I finally decided what my soon to be unveiled character's power will be.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Marx
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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Weird Tales
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Weird Tales A Stranger from A Strange Outer Dimension

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

@Marx I want to use republican superhero who has superhuman strength and can fire blasts of cosmic energy. would that be alright?
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Marx
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Member Seen 4 mos ago

@Weird Tales
That would be great. Only stipulation is your character is going to have to start with both powers being both untrained and still maturing.

If you want a good example of character growth with a super power, check out the main character in Boku no Hero Academia who often breaks bones learning to control his super strength.

And if super strength is one of your character's powers, I assume super endurance is probably a given, yes?
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Weird Tales
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Weird Tales A Stranger from A Strange Outer Dimension

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

@Weird Tales
That would be great. Only stipulation is your character is going to have to start with both powers being both untrained and still maturing.

If you want a good example of character growth with a super power, check out the main character in Boku no Hero Academia who often breaks bones learning to control his super strength.

And if super strength is one of your character's powers, I assume super endurance is probably a given, yes?

Yeah like superhuman durability.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Marx
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Member Seen 4 mos ago

@Weird Tales
Alright, sounds kosher. Once I see your CS I'll either approve it, disapprove it, or give you criticism.

I'm only accepting up to four new players, though as of now neither you nor Apollo have any competition.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Weird Tales
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Weird Tales A Stranger from A Strange Outer Dimension

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

I'll either have the cs up later today or tomorrow
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Marx
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Member Seen 4 mos ago

Bumper cars
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Weird Tales
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Weird Tales A Stranger from A Strange Outer Dimension

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

decided to go with a different character.

Name: Walter Chuck Jones
Age: 14
Gender: male


Cartoon Constructs: This ability allows him to create solid cartoon objects and beings which he can use in many different ways. These constructs can have the physical qualities and abilities of whacky cartoon characters, and they also have personalities like cartoon characters and can speak.

Despite their versatility his constructs do have a limited time for how long they can be maintained and will start to deteriorate, or will shatter if too much force is put against them. Also the bigger his constructs are, the more energy he uses up to make them and keep them strong. The strength of his constructs are determined by how positive his emotional state is, if he is too negative then his powers will weaken.

Personality: Walt is almost the definition of loony and goofy. One would think that he was a cartoon with how ridiculous his personality and that makes him very annoying to those that take things very seriously. He has bad habit of wanting to lighten the mood of heroes that seem dark and brooding like Batman. despite his obnoxious and ridiculous personality, Walter will get mad if criminals start hurting innocent people and trying to bully the weak.
Likes: cartoons, jokes, cheeseburgers and fries. Video games and comics.
Dislikes: vegetables, rude people, jerks and modern day Cartoon network
History: Walter Chuck Jones never really saw himself as special, but that never got him down. He was always willing to try and look on the bright side of things. He loved watching cartoons throughout all of his childhood, and tried to use the feeling he got from watching the shows to make others feel happy. But things weren't always that good for Walt, he was bullied at school on a few occasions and was many times thought of as the joke of the school, but he still didn't let it get him down.

Awakening: in his blood he carried a mutated gene that had laid dormant for generations, but now it was active inside of him and one day when he had just turned fourteen, he discovered his great powers. His new found powers were the ability to create cartoon constructs and have them do whacky things.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Apollo
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Sayuri Suzuki





Atmokinesis - the ability to manipulate the atmosphere, like making storms.

Sayuri is quiet and reserved. She prefers the company of books and enjoys being in libraries or coffee houses. She loves music and must always have music on. She can be a bit distracted sometimes since she has Obsessive Compulsive Disorder. She can sometimes have mood swings that come out of nowhere.

Likes: Anime, music, manga, reading, sci-fi, researching, libraries, learning, swimming, kayaking.

Dislikes: Rudeness, tardiness, being told her opinion is wrong, not being taken seriously, black coffee, hovering adults, being part of a group, not having her own private space.

Sayuri was born in a small seaside town in the countryside of Japan. Her mother is Japanese and her father was American. They lived in Japan for the first five years of her life before moving to Pavar. She speaks fluent Japanese and English with native accents. She is an only child and sometimes she wishes that she had siblings, though this feeling is usually at war with her introverted personality. She’s always done good in school and she had plans to eventually go to Oxford to earn a degree in Astrophysics, however, a very powerful event in her life changed everything.

When she was 12, her father was killed in a mugging as he was coming home from work. Her father’s death devastated Sayuri and her mother. She started feeling depressed and she had nightmares. Her mother became distant, when before she used to be warm and loving. Sayuri felt her mother drift away into herself. It hurt Sayuri that her mother was still there, but leaving her to fend for herself emotionally. Her mother started taking pills and no longer treated Sayuri like her daughter. She became cold and threw herself into her work as a bank executive.

Sayuri began to have difficulties managing her emotions. She started to have more mood swings and she occasionally felt the urge to snap at people and tell them mean things - though she never did. Her grades began to suffer. She was still learning, but she wouldn’t do her homework and didn’t care about turning it in. She didn’t care about the future or where she would go to school. Life seemed meaningless to her. What was the point of living when you could get mugged inches from your car and murdered?

Even after realizing she had a gift, it only made life harder for her. Her gift was volatile and it meant that she had to try and keep a tighter reign on her emotions. It was enough to make someone crazy. Sayuri believed that she would eventually go crazy.

Everyone was crying. Her mother was crying - the last time she ever would. Her aunts and uncles were crying, the hypocrites. They never liked her father and it made her sick that they were pretending to now. All of her father’s friends were there. He hadn’t had any blood relatives. Her father had always told her that she was his whole world.

Sayuri hadn’t been able to cry. Her mother had slapped her in the car minutes before the ceremony at the graveyard, but she couldn’t cry. It was like she’d dried up before she’d even had a chance to shed a single tear. Even the black suits and black dresses and black mesh covering her aunts’ faces, and even the priest making his speech over her father’s casket as it was being lowered - none of it let it her cry. It made her angry, but she couldn’t even hold on to that anger. It was leaking out of her. Leaking out like the tears were supposed to.

She looked up at the clear sky and the scorching sun. She felt hot in her black mourning dress. Her father would have thought this was funny. People wearing ridiculous clothing during a hot summer day. The sky was trying to cry too. She could feel it in her bones. But it couldn’t cry. Not until she did.

The priest stopped speaking and people formed a line to pour dirt into the hole where her dad would live for the rest of eternity. When it was her turn, she picked up a handful of sand.

“What a strange custom,” she thought - and then she opened her hand and started to cry. She fell to the ground and a pain so absolute blossomed inside her soul and filled her completely. She let out a silent scream and tears streamed down her face so violently that she could feel herself being hollowed out. Someone was at her side, she didn’t know who. Water began to pool underneath her and she thought it was strange that she could cry so much as to create a pool. And then it seemed to go dark. She could hear people calling out to her, but she didn’t want to hear them. Thunder boomed. Someone tried to move her and she cried out. There was a flash of light and then - boom! The thunder was right on top of them and she could feel buckets of water pouring down on her. Why were they throwing buckets of water at her?

She finally looked up. The sun was gone. Instead, dark living clouds covered the sky. They roared with anger and sadness and she knew that it was her own anger, her own sadness, trapped in those clouds.

“Where did this rain come from?” She heard someone yell. Everyone around her was drenched and trying to find cover. It began to hail and large chunks of hail hit the ground around her. One of her uncles would later have a black eye were one large piece of hail hit him. Lightning fell from the sky. The wind howled and she could feel it fly by her faster than she ever had before. Part of her mind registered tornadoes in the distance. People were trying to stay on the ground, but she saw the priest carried past her by strong winds. She almost laughed in hysteria.

She could feel bits of debris hitting her face, but she didn’t care. Her emotions were pouring out and she didn’t want it to stop. But part of her knew that she had to stop. And so she did. Her energy had expended itself. She could feel the clouds moving away. Rays of sunlight shone through the dark clouds. The rain stopped and so did everything else. When she looked up at the sky again, the sun was back. She fell to the ground and let herself smile sadly.

“Goodbye father,” she said. She has not been able to cause a storm like that again and wasn’t sure if she ever could.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Apollo
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Sorry for taking so long haha. Thank you for providing that list! I decided to go with the Atmokinesis idea. I hope I did ok with my CS haha.

I was wondering, that storm that she caused, could that be a sort of historical event for the town? Like maybe it's known as the Great Freak Storm of 2013? Just a thought I had haha.
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