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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Kiri


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

The Demonic Palace

The dread king sat on his ebony throne with an uncharacteristically excited look on his face. And why shouldn't he be? The day had come. No more fire fights over the last leg of meat. No more wrestling matches in the royal gardens. No more duels over maidens in the presence of their mothers. No more exceedingly extravagant bills covering the living expenses of his sons- cars that hadn't even been released on the Surface yet, watches with more diamonds than a mine, clothes fit for world rulers rather than joint ruling princes- all this to an end. Now his wallet could rest in peace... Somewhat.

Before he could speak, his attendant announced,

"Now speaks Demon king of the damned Tielham Famzhur the first of that name. Lord of hells, ruler of the Circles, Dread King of-"

"Yes yes- thank you Birchen- I believe my sons know who I am." He cut the attendant off, waving the lesser demon to step back behind the throne. The demon king turned his eyes upon his sons, taking on the cold and serious demeanor once more.

"You five must assume that you are here for some reward. And you would be wrong, boys. Today is the day that I strip you of your titles and names- today you become human." He paused, allowing that to settle in to their minds,

"Well.. Virtually human, that is. Your powers remain- however limited they now are. After this meeting is concluded you will be escorted to the Surface. Where you will pick your human names and live amongst the human race. You will attend a school and learn- ah but not simply academia- but life. You will learn how to be grown men. Your mother and I refuse to continue being the safety net that you fall into when things get tough.

From this point on you are all exiled. You will attend this school and maintain your grades. You will attend for a full year or face my wrath. You must abide by human law- no matter how small- and not gain detention or be jailed. You all have curfews- which will be enforced by my servants who watch you at all times- which is 11 pm.

How can you return? Show to me that you are worthy of being my son. Find a bride. Choose a mortal sin to rule. But your bride is the key to your new kingdoms."

At this point the king grinned,

"But- of course- there is always the question of failure. If you fail this task not only will you remain without titles, without a demon name, and ultimately without rulership- but you will lose your place in my heart as a son. You will remain on earth, made fully human, and thus without power. I will have you walk the sands of the Sahara, with an oasis always on the horizon, never to be reached until you parish."

He nodded in a way that showed he'd just made this up on the spot and, pleased with the extreme measure of it, continued,

"My final conditions are thus: your budgets will only provide for the school. Meaning you must find jobs. I also expect you to call me and report in at the end of each week. My servants see everything, yes, but call your parents- its only polite." He motioned to a servant who walked over with a mirror,

"I assume you all know what this is?" He showed them the simple mirror,

"Simply fog the surface and write Famzhur backwards. It will contact me or your mother."

He cleared his throat, glancing over at his wife before continuing,

"As for who you will be watched by- even I do not know. But they will be there and they will probably never make their presence known. If I learn that one of them has been harmed by your hands, boys, then I will personally choke the damned life out of you."

In conclusion he looked at each of them individually,

"Be gone from my sight. For you are nothing but mortal to me now. Entrance to the Eternal Palace will be forbidden of you. When you return, if you return, I expect to meet men and not boys."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Aisling
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Aisling The Creator of RPs and creating things for them!

Member Seen 9 mos ago

The Queen sat patiently as the dread king spoke. Once he was through, she cleared her throat loudly.
"If your highness will permit me a few words...." she began as she glared at the king then back to her sons.
"I too have a task for you to do. In that corner are five boxes. In each box is but a small present for you. There is a catch however. You must not open that box until you have your own castle. If you do, you will release something that you just may regret for the rest of your life.. Or may enjoy depending on when you decide to open the box. Take them in remembrance of me. Take care and do as you are told for a change."

The Queen's speech was short and to the point. Each box had something inside that would terrify a normal being. Yet it can and would harm her sons if they happen to open them early.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by LovelyAnastasia
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LovelyAnastasia Miss Bloody Cute Chaos

Member Seen 7 yrs ago


Drienuhn's long dark hair was loosely tied over one shoulder. He wore loose dark clothing, the kind that would easy to take off or sleep in comfortably. His handsome cold features were arranged in their usual indifference. Being called before their parents... How tedious. He didn't like it. He'd much rather be left to drink or watch a pretty demon dance. Now that was his idea of a good time.

His dark sharp eyes showed not even a hint of amusement at the long uninteresting speech the attendant gave to introduce him. To his own sons. Idiot. Of course they knew all the titles and powers their own father lorded over. And they called him stupid.

Letting out a small thinly veiled yawn, he brushed his dark hair over one ear, just letting the rest of it fall where it liked. His feet were bare and he lifted one foot, as if suddenly realizing he wasn't wearing shoes. Missing a bit of the first part of his father's speech, he looked up with a tilted brow when there was a small pause.

What? Had he missed something important? By the look on the King's face he had. Hells Bells... Glancing over at his brothers, he rest on arm in the loose cloth of his yukata. Human? Drienuhn scowled. That sounded like too much work. Humans were stupid creatures, but they were always worried and buzzing about doing something useless.

"Ah, learning..." his deep and sleepy voice was more than a mutter, "The most tedious of all mundane tasks..." Also something he had never bothered with. Reading was too frustrating. All those symbols like to rearrange themselves, flipping upside down and blurring together into an unrecognizable lump. What was the use of it? All that was enjoyable was to be seen and done, not wasted in reading about it. Or worse. Written about.

"E-Exiled..." he looked a bit surprised, his usually sharp hooded eyes growing wide for once. That... was harsh, wasn't it? He looked to his brothers. And a curfew as well?! Glowering, he gritted his teeth and shifted his body so that his arms were crossed over his chest. Everything interesting, wine, shooting stars, fireworks, dancers, those all happened after the sun went down. And human laws as well? Why not send them to the center of the Earth then? That might be a better prison.

"And marriage as well," he scoffed in disbelief. A nagging, whining, fish woman wife. Wonderful. Just what he always wanted. A warrant to go with his prison sentence. Or was it 'warren'? 'Warden'? What did it matter?! In the end it was just another person to tell him what to do and give him more tedious chores to attend to. Disgusting. How could Father grin at a time like this?

Drienuhn at this point was too shocked and disgusted. He could hard even imagine what life would be like as a worm-skinned human. What in the Seven Hells was he going to do? Humans would make him try to read and go places. They'd make him do things. And there would be hardly enough money to feast and drink wine. And what even was a human job? His head was starting to hurt...

His father looked at them each, and he could hardly hide his contempt. Shaking his head, he rubbed her forehead. What a pain all of this was going to be. Bared from home. With hardly any money. To be mortal and have to take up a human job...go to human school... He would be sick, if it weren't so much effort.

Looking up at the Queen, his last hope of maternal pity and someone to save him from the horrors that lay before them were gone.


But no. She just added to the punishment. A box? What the Hellfire was that was suppose to do? Open it when he had a castle? Did worm brained humans even have castles? Rubbing his forehead, Drienuhn sighed heavily. Remember her? Oh yeah he would. Anyone the exact opposite of the Queen for his so called 'wife' would be great. Someone who left him alone would be nice.

"I need... a drink," he sighed heavily, barely addible. The ivory carved out box, lavishly decorated with Arabic patterns, handed to him, the prince frowned. Drienuhn sighed once more, separating himself from his brothers. The elegant, lazy prince looked with indifference on his siblings. Often he was ignored, to some great relief, but this time he watched their reactions.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by ZB1996


Member Seen 4 yrs ago


Being summoned by his father, Ruomahl nonchalantly ran his fingers through his hair, looking at everything in front of him except his parents. His fine black hair was long enough to run your figure across its luciousness, but not long enough to call it shoulder-length. Ruomahl didn't really care about being summoned. He'd just wait until this was all over, then go back to his things.

The servant spoke, but the King cut him off. Everyone else seemed annoyed, but Ruomahl didn't care. He didn't even know his name. What came next, however, Ruomahl did care about.

The King was going to make them human, he said. Ruomahl tried to make sense of this statement, but couldn't. Ruomahl couldn't think of why, and he couldn't figure what this meant. It sounded horrible, however, whatever it was.

Then the King continued, which only served fuel Ruomahl's rage. Perhaps the food bill was a bit big and maybe they did buy a few things, but that obviously wasn't Ruomahl's fault. Except for the jewels, and the elaborate clothes, and maybe that crown he had ordered was a bit excessive, but his brother's had all done the same thing! Ruomahl couldn't rightfully let them surpass him. But to be stripped of his birthright was an unfathomable usurpation of himself that Ruomahl felt like doing nothing but screaming.

The King continued, and he made it worse. Of course they were being sent to the human world. That wasn't so bad in itself, at least for Ruomahl. Ruomahl assumed his father knew this, and so he had done everything to make it miserable. Ruomahl would have to follow so many rules that he would likely go insane, and his brothers would go even more insane.

At least he'd get a wife. Although Ruomahl had heard that mortal women were a bit difficult to woo. Everything about this was going to be hard. He knew nothing about the mortal world, but now he was supposed to do something as difficult as to seduce a young girl with his devilish good looks. It seemed that a war was beginning, and it would be a war of attrition.

When his mother spoke, Ruomahl wasn't expecting much. That was what he got. For now, he might as well have received an empty box. Maybe it'd be important one day, but not today.

"I suppose that's it, then," Ruomahl said, very unsatisfied.

Ruomahl would have to take one last look at his things. Hopefully there would be time for at least that.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Kiri


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Chobach | Silas

Chobach itched his collarbone as he squinted up at the ornate decor of the throne room. He wondered how many slaves died to build this room. This palace. This city. On how many bones did his father now sit? He, alongside his brothers, stood in a tomb. And the message their father attempted to convey to them sounded all the more grave.

The demon prince giggled. Oh how improper of him, to laugh while his father spoke. Quickly he pinned his mouth shut with his fingers. His repressed laughter caused his shoulders to shake. Surely the laughter would escape from his eyes as well! So these he shut tight. The insane son looked as if he were crying and attempting to stop the tears- when really..

Through his efforts he failed to hear much. He heard "net"- butterfly net? Volleyball net. No, no his fathers sport was hunting. Funny, how the deaths of living creatures are justified by exercise- all for a show of prowess. Chobach was aware that the point and meaning of the speech was slipping from him. He dropped his hands from his mouth and bit his tongue to stop the laughter. His teeth simply bore holes there.

His father spoke of rules and regulations concerning their education- but Chobach was much too concerned with the word "wrath" that the king had just mentioned. That felt right. Like a puzzle piece locking in place. Suddenly the prince calmed down and a cold expression held on his face. His body stopped convulsing with repressed laughter.

And so, finally, he could listen- but it was only in time to hear their father dismiss them. His lips pressed together in a thin line, which only relaxed when his mother began to speak.

Boxes! Oh how he loved gifts. What could be inside? Something dangerous, no doubt. Or something ironic. Once their mother dismissed them he bowed his head and made his way toward a box which he believed to be his. The swirls on its surface resonated with him. He was so tempted to open it. Why must they wait? His impatience would be his downfall. This he knew well. To the nearest servant he snapped his fingers,

"Take this to the human world for me." The servant hesitated before bowing an apology, explaining that it was against his orders to obey the prince any longer. Chobach bristled, cheeks aflame with embarrassment, he bore his sharp fangs at him,

"Out of my sight, then." Before tucking the box under one arm and shooing the servant away with a hand. At this the servant bowed low before retreating into the palace.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Snarl
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Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Taelor Ω August

Taelor stood with his brothers and openly expressed, more than once, a whiny "I don't want to be here". Before occupying himself with reaching out and flicking locks of Drieuhn's hair when he wasn't looking.

As their father spoke and cast his eye over them all Taelor nodded and smiled to maintain the facade that he was actually listening. Which he wasn't, of course. No, his mind wandered back to his bedchamber, where he was sure a lusty demoness and her friends waited for him.

His attention was drawn by the word "exile", however, and from that point on his attention was genuine. What was with this flurry of rules all of a sudden? Surely his father was joking- this was all some delayed April fools joke or something. They didn't even follow human traditions so it made his assumption all the more ridiculous. With each new rule he groaned, leaning against Ruomahl, he weakly mumbled,

"Brother- Father's cruelty knows no end. Save us- repent all your sins or whatever. You are his favorite, you know." He said just before he spotted Chobach gripping his face and shaking. Taelor saw an opportunity. He whispered to Ruomahl,

"Surely our brother Chobach does not think you are worthy. Look how he laughs at you, brother."

The demon prince bowed his head to his mother as she finished speaking, to show his clear disdain towards his fathers words.

"Gracious mother. I will not disappoint you. Your beloved son Taelor Famzhur will return with a bride and rule a kingdom of mortal sin as your majesty and the demon king have requested."

He made a point only to address his mother and to honor only her- so sharp was his rage toward his father. He felt like this punishment was unjust. An injury to his pride.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by NarcissisticPotato
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NarcissisticPotato Dirty on the Outside, Fluffy on the Inside

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

As per usual, it was Skeixura who was the last to arrive in his father's throne room, fortunately missing out on the tediously long title-calling which only made him want to dash someone's skull against the wall. Similarly as usual, his shirt was nonchalantly splayed open, exposing the chiseled body which garnered him considerably more attention from females than his brothers could boast of. It was for no arbitrary reason either - there was a new maid servant and he was determined to be the one to get his experienced hands on her.

Yawning, he casually leaned upon one leg, throwing a bored look towards the rest of his brothers before letting his gaze rise to his father. Most of his brothers were sorry excuses for demon princes and tolerating them during the few times they were mashed together was a painful experience for Skei.

When his father actually announced that they were becoming human, he couldn't help but crack a grin, a laugh finding its way to his lips before escaping into the cold silence that normally befell the throne room when his father spoke. His father would never dare ruin his reputation by kicking his own seed down into the mud! Humans were naught but squealing pigs with little to no use except for being exceptionally good expendable-castle-builders. Raising his fingers to his temples, he massaged them, allowing his almost translucent, blue eyes slide closed.

School didn't bother him. From his understanding of human cultures, female teachers were typically experienced, busty lovers. Even the mere thought had him craving but then his father went and kicked him into his grave. Eleven pm curfew. Eleven pm curfew? Eleven pm curfew! How dare he! Those other bastards he had for brothers could exist during the day but from his understanding of humans, they only mated in the dark! This was horrible...

Why? Why would his father do this to them? They were only young men! They didn't deserve this fate!

After that, his mind blanked in pure sorrow, allowing him to skim over the details. He caught onto bride and job but in his sadness, he chose to ignore them, instead focusing on reaching out to grasp a shoulder of a nearby brother, holding himself up. There was no fate worse than one of condemnation to Hell itself - the mortal world. Although there were capable bed partners present there, their arousal paled in comparison to demonesses. He had read classical human literature such as Fifty Shades of Grey! If anything, it just showed that they were completely inexperienced. He groaned, his metaphorical wound growing bigger each time his father uttered a single word.

Finally, he snapped and set into a cold fury just as soon as his father finished speaking. Although his father had betrayed him, he turned his attention to his mother. The woman liked Skeixura the least which he put down to him being the best looking. Mothers always preferred the uglier ones. "Dear mother!" He greeted, his grin widening and his sorrow dampening as he casually stepped forward into the limelight.

"Surely you know your fate if we all fail? Even I seem daunted by this task and I am the most capable when it comes to females. I dare not think how hopeless the situation of my brothers is! Their needless suffering brings me much pain." Smiling sadistically, he set his cold blue eyes on her, continuing. "Nevertheless, you must know that if we all fail you shall be cast aside, correct? Father will lose all five of his heirs and he will be forced to make more which will require a more... fertile wife." After that, he turned his gaze towards his father, bowing his head in mock respect - he knew his father doted on his mother so he hoped the thought of having to take another would inspire some wisdom in the fool.

Moving forward, he clasped a richly decorated box with gold rimming before lifting it with considerable ease and turning, his intentions of leaving already prevalent. Extending a hand back to them, he waved goodbye and advanced towards the exit. It was then that his mind finally caught up with him and he collapsed in sheer pain.

"No! By all things evil and hateful! Tell me you did not say bride!?" He cried out, his features falling into deep anguish. "I can never marry! She'll demand commitment then she'll want little... beasts! Forgive me father! Do not curse me to such a fate!"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Aisling
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Aisling The Creator of RPs and creating things for them!

Member Seen 9 mos ago

By now Queen Fraerusa was quite tired of her sons attitudes. She smiles pleasantly to her demon sons.

"Perhaps all of you should have paid more attention to your father and I. I have been up there and I don't think that any of you will die by being up there for a short year. All you have to do is go to school, keep your grades up, find a decent job so that you may buy a few things, get to know a few girls and choose yourself a female for your bride. It is all part of life.

As far as your father and I, what goes on between us is our secrets that none of you need to worry yourself with. What you need to worry yourself with is your own exile. You will each have a set of clothes in your assigned room which you will keep clean at all times. You will do your own laundry. You will do as you are told or suffer the extreme consequences.

Oh by the way, boys, if I hear one more compliant, I will add more chores to all of you. Have I made myself clear?" she asked sweetly.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by LovelyAnastasia
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LovelyAnastasia Miss Bloody Cute Chaos

Member Seen 7 yrs ago


Drienuhn's long unusually cut hair was draped over his shoulder and tied loosely. Compared to his other brothers, he usually looked as though he had just gotten out of bed. With the ivory box cradled in his one arm, his dark eyes narrowed slightly.

Normally he had no opinion to whatever his brothers did, or to what his parents insisted was necessary to teach them all a lesson. Cold, quiet indifference was his answer to most of their overly dramatic actions. All he wanted from life was comfort and quiet.

Human school and a human job and a wife, those were the exact opposites of how he believed life should be lived. Perhaps he didn't care much about anything in particular, but his sole reason for even putting up with his brothers was to live an easy life.

Of course... It could also be entertaining to persuade humans to his way of life as well. It was always nicer to lounge about when surrounded by the warmth of other lazy souls. With a small ghost of a smile, Drienuhn looked down at the box and then up at his mother.

"It will be amusing to see how humans differ from us," he murmured softly. He always said passive things, but the prince had his father's eyes. Something dark and dangerous was always brewing under the surface. Even he and his minuscule wit might not yet understand it, but it would boil over in the right hour. It always did.

Compared to his energetic brothers, Drienuhn was a background noise no one ever seemed to take seriously. But he was still a demon. And he could get others to listlessly drown in laziness. To give up hopes and goals. To live in an endless fog of dreams. It was the only thing he was good at after all.

Maybe their parents did truly realize how dangerous it could be uptop. For the humans anyhow. Indifferent as he was, it didn't mean he was without emotions. Even he got angry. Yet the only thing that showed any amount of emotion on his face was one small cold smile.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by ZB1996


Member Seen 4 yrs ago


As Ruomahl had been listening, his brother Taelor leaned up against him, and he whispered to Ruomahl, that he was their father's favorite. Ruomahl knew this to be true. Of course he was their father's favorite. There was no one else who would be worthy enough to earn his admiration, Ruomahl thought. The thought of it being someone else was unthinkable.

Taelor continued with his sweet words, and told him that his brother Chobach laughed at him. Certainly not, Ruomahl thought. He must have only been laughing, but what was he laughing at? But then Ruomahl thought that maybe Taelor was right, and maybe Chobach was laughing at him. If this was true, then Ruomahl would show him just who he was laughing at.

"Is it true?" Ruomahl said to Taelor. "Chobach laughs at me? That is unacceptable! Tell me, brother, is he the only one, or do the others laugh as well? I have seen how Skeixura mocks me as I turn my back."

Ruomahl then heard his mother gave one last scolding. It was unnerving for Ruomahl to hear even more of this. He was being forced to do so much. It really was like prison labor.

"Brother," Ruomahl said to Taelor. "I will not be convincing anyone of anything today. It would probably be best if we don't start any fights today, unless we want to go to the Sahara early."
1x Laugh Laugh
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Kiri


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Tielham Famzhur

King Tielham closed his eyes as he listened to his sons bitch and moan about their situation. Honestly it was this kind of behavior that made him regret the mistake of giving them royal liberties. He should've sent them away when they were younger and unsure of who they were as individuals. At their twenty years they already knew the sins they wanted to rule. When a demon is aligned to their sin- who they are rarely changes after the fact.

What they said mattered little to him. The demon king snapped, his face shifting into a dreadful scaled creature with eight eyes, hellfire flaring from his hands and nostrils,

"Silence. You are all serpents- who's heads I will pin to the Gates with lances thrown by my arm- if you disobey one syllable of my orders. You leave here today not as mere leeches who have been dining on the ichor of your parents for far too long- but born anew and given the opportunity at redemption. Redem yourselves in the eye of your father. Show me that you are worthy of my love, of my respect, of the royal blood the courses black through your veins."

Disgusted with them he scrunched up his nose, as if they were shit he accidentally stepped in on the sidewalk,

"We hail from a long line of damned, fallen angels. Our ancestors are monuments of blazing glory that would pale to see their line culminate- no, reduced- to the pathetic excuses of children that I have."

His face settled back into the beautiful contours of his kingly form. However, the blue hellfire remained bright in his eyes.

"Leave at once. Bring glory upon the name Famzhur. Honor your father, your mother- the Kingdom."

He sighed and stood, leaving the room before his royal attendant could even announce the end to the meeting. Several servants rushed after him in distress, picking up the train of his cloak so it would not drag against the floor. The king disappeared farther into the palace without so much as a farewell to his children.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Aisling
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Aisling The Creator of RPs and creating things for them!

Member Seen 9 mos ago

The Queen decided to change her mind about where the boys were to go.

"I have made a decision of where to send you boys. In fact I have the uniforms for you to look at before you go. The place is a military academy situated on a lovely beach. It is a co-ed academy so you will get a chance to meet a few girls there. Each of you will get your own room. Here is what your school uniforms will look like." she spoke sweetly as she conjured an image of the uniform.

Beside this uniform are the words:
For the low ranking newbie students

Beside this uniform are the words:
This uniform is for students who have past the trial period. More privileges come with this uniform.

Queen spoke once more to remind the boys one important fact.
"While you are living among the humans, you will have a body of a human. You will need to rest, you may become ill or even die. If you sire a child, you will not be coming back until that child is raised. Be responsible for your actions and good luck. I am sure that you will need it."

The Queen walked out of the room knowing that once the boys walked out of the throne room they would be in their new room.

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by ZB1996


Member Seen 4 yrs ago


Ruomahl heard the King tell them how oh so horrible they had been, spending all of his hard-earned cash. Hailing from a long-line of fallen angels who had decided it was better to reign in hell than to serve in heaven , and now being reduced to what laid before him. That was what Ruomahl was being told, anyway. He was told that they would have to earn their father's love.

"Well," Ruomahl thought. "He's obviously not talking about me."

Ruomahl expected that his mother would not make anything any better. Every time she opened her mouth, things just got worse. A military Academy. Ruomahl didn't know much about human warriors, but he knew enough to make this news torturous. Humans weren't like demons. Humans were fragile, docile things which weren't so fearsome even to each other, so they were taken to places where they were made strong, and were taught in martial arts, in tactics, and in arms training. The Queen showed the princes the standard uniform, and Ruomahl took a good look. Snazzy. She then showed them them another uniform. Snazzy.

From the looks of things, Ruomahl wasn't being sent to the barracks. He hoped that this was where officers were trained, which was a little better. Gritty still, but a bit better. What was on Ruomahl's mind now was how he was going to accomplish this quest. He couldn't have his brother's having one up on him, so he'd have to swift, even swifter than Skeixura, which was impossible. Ruomahl would assign someone to take care of his things while he was gone. It should probably be Kalinis, as he had always been so dependable. He'd probably have one last laugh with that fool Dormius, and play one last game of chess with Fornyeus before talking over one last cup of demonic coffee. He of course would give one last kiss to Antinigua and give her a heartfelt kiss and then give her a merry goodbye and -


Where in his father's name was he now? Everything around him seemed so foreign and so damned bright. Nothing around him looked familiar. He couldn't handle it. Ruomahl was too confused to think properly. What had happened? Just then, a thought went through his mind.

Those bastards.

That was one of the things Ruomahl liked about humans. They took care of their young. Demons? Nope; throw them out with the trash. It was all well and good to be rude and callous, but it wasn't so sweet when you're on the receiving end. He didn't even have time to get ready. Ruomahl thought that surely his parents valued his son's social ties. Apparently not, however.

Ruomahl decided to look around. After all, it couldn't hurt. He could get busy later. He knew someone was watching him, but he couldn't deal with that now. For now, he had to figure out more about the place he was. He wanted information. Ruomahl searched through the desk on one end of his room, but he only found books with knowledge that was unnecessary for now. Good information, he was sure, but not for now. Disappointed, Ruomahl turned his attention to the other desk that held a strange contraption. This strange machine was connected by many thick wires with a bulky block that held on it a large button.

Ruomahl was only slightly afraid. He assured himself that his power was still with him, and that a human device this small had no way of hurting him in any meaningful way. Ruomahl pressed the button.

There was a loud sound, and it continued for a while. He pressed another button on the uppermost contraption after nothing happened for a minute. The fear had given way to fascination. Was this uppermost contraption really a conduit for the powers upon which the lowermost device operated. Was it a sort of portal, or perhaps it a screen? Ruomahl thought that yes, this must be a screen. He recalled a phrase upon which a great human sage had said; "sufficently advanced science is indistinguishable from magic." So this was science, the cold, methodical magic garnered by humans through logic and experience. Ruomahl found it so very interesting.

Ruomahl saw a white speck in the center of that conduit, the screen. Ruomahl thought that perhaps this was the key to controlling this human contraption. He put his hand on the lower device, and used his magic to delve deep into its fundamental elements. Big mistake. Ruomahl was overloaded with a seemingly infinite amount of data, and his mind could not take it. He immediately released his hand, and moved it to his mouth to prevent himself from puking.

"By my father, what was that monstrosity," Ruomahl said. "That eldritch abomination. How could mortals, in their finite wisdom, develop such a thing?"

Yet even with a newfound fear, Ruomahl forced himself to continue. After looking around, Ruomahl found a device which he had neglected to investigate thoroughly. When he moved it, so too did the white speck on the screen.

"Beast!" Ruomahl said. "I have tamed you."

Ruomahl clicked upon a box which was labeled "guest." He assumed it was as good a place to start as any. There was a high-pitched, harmonious sound, and the screen was somewhere else. This screen was quite impressive. Ruomahl moved the cursor to one of the few labeled things on screen, something which said "Mozilla Firefox." Hopefully the wisdom of the Firefox would enlighten him. Ruomahl looked down, and saw on the desk something sprayed with human letters. From the few words spread a across it, Ruomahl could assume that it was in the most common human language, English. After a bit of foolishness, Ruomahl figured out how to use the mouse and the search bar. He typed into it the English name for the human world, Earth. Today was going to be a day of independent studying.
1x Laugh Laugh
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Snarl
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Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Taelor ↭ August

The demon kept his eyes shut, because he knew if he opened them then he wouldn't see the decadence of his past life, but a new and much plainer one. Wherever he had been transported to, he knew that he sat on a bed- a rather hard one at that. With a hand he felt the bedsheets and at once flinched away- his fingers had never graced any fabric below the caliber of silk. The rough, starch washed cotton was alien to him.

"I'll break out into hives!" He gasped as his eyes sprung open and he judged his living quarters. There must have been a mistake. His new bedroom was the size of his bathroom back home. The simple furniture and sterile feel to the room were also strange. The word "prison" echoed in his thoughts over and over. It made him uncomfortable, this new room of his, and so he made haste to leave it. On the bedroom door hung the uniform that his mother had shown them. As he opened the door it fell on the floor. Taelor scrambled to pick it up and threw it on his bed before stepping out into the main room.

In the main room now he found that he was alone. He noted that there were four other doors- no doubt the bedrooms of his brothers. Taelor walked out toward a glass table surrounded by five chairs. Over his shoulder he saw a panel against the wall- its screen black. Before it were five lounging chairs. To his right, though, he saw something unfamiliar.

"What the hell is this?" He said, walking into the kitchen. The royal palace had these- but he never walked into one. He opened all of the cabinets before coming to a heavy cabinet door that opened at an odd angle. There were coils and metal sheets inside. Curious, he fiddled with the knobs on this cabinet and- to his surprise- flame burst from the coils on its surface!

The flames were blue as hellfire but smelled not of sulfur but of something else. He was tempted to touch it but he was soon distracted by the heat emanating from the cabinet with metal trays.

"Surely this is where we can curl up when it becomes cold." He said as he recalled hearing somewhere that the human realm suffered from a season never seen in hell. Where ice and tundric temperatures enveloped the earth- killing greenery and forcing the inhabitants indoors. This "winter" sounded hellish indeed.

Feeling clever for finding a heat source first, Taelor crouched and reached in to the oven, ready to climb in. He recoiled with a hiss, his fingertips seared, for he had touched one of the coils and had felt not warmth but fire. He kicked the oven door closed and slapped at the knobs to turn everything off.

"Not a place to sleep." He said, pained. Standing he looked for something to ease his pain. The surface of the island in the kitchen was cool, so he placed his hand there for a moment. Taelor inspected the damage- his fingertips were red and they ached- but the skin was fine otherwise.
1x Laugh Laugh
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Kiri


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Chobach | Silas

Chobach found himself in a room not his own. He deduced from the uniform that this was, in fact, his room- because the name tag read "Silas Maddox"- the human alias he used when he dealt with humans on the Surface. These "dealings" were often his selling artwork or when he slipped to the surface to prowl the nightclubs. These were secrets of his, of course, that he kept from his family. Although he suspected his father knew and this was a major reason for the distaste between the two.

The demon ignored the gadgets on his desk- the textbooks, also, failed to garner his interest- instead he stepped out of his bedroom. As he closed the door he heard his brother, Taelor, cry out in pain. The demon took pleasure in the pain that his brothers inflicted on one another- none of them were ever really on good terms- and so he held very little affection for them. In fact, they were more like sttangers than family. And so Chobach wanted to see what his brother had done to hurt himself.

He stepped into one of the rooms- he didn't recognize its function- mainly because he had never cooked a day in his life. The same could be assumed of Taelor, who was nursing a wounded hand.

"Its only like you to hurt yourself within minutes of arriving, Taelor." He said as he leaned against one of the counters. It wouldn't be wise to show his brother that he knew what the sink was and that it could provide water to cool his wounded hand. Plus he really didn't care to help his sibling. So he tilted his head and made no move to help.

"Have you chosen your name yet? I have no idea when classes start- but it would be wise to choose a name before then." Something beyond the kitchen caught his attention and so he walked toward the living room, failing to wait for his brothers reply.

He plopped down infront of the televison and began to fiddle with the remote. Local cable in hell only ever showed torture or porn- which was what he expected to see when he turned on the tv. Instead he saw two men in a car, talking about the flight to some city he had never heard of before, to see a catfish (whatever the hell that was) that may or may not be in this city. He didn't understand.

"Pointless." He said as he changed the channel and began to watch a show called "Hells kitchen", the demons interest was piqued. Demonic cuisine explored by humans? Where humans even aware that demons ate? But instead of seeing hellish delicacies he saw a man screaming at other humans while they toiled over the strangest looking food. Chobach was confused. There was obviously nothing demonic about this show. He began to channel surf- exclaiming his confusion every now and then.
1x Laugh Laugh
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by UnlosingRanger
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Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Uriko Ryuta/Strife
Time: Days before current lockdown.

An alarm goes off, 5:00 A.M.; sunlight is only just starting to peek through the curtains of the room.

"You've gotta be kidding me, that time already?"
A young woman smashes the alarm clock across the room into a wall from her bed and slowly gets up, she appears to be wearing pajamas that are covered in black on one side and white on the other and a hoodie that has a sinister look of glaring red eyes.
((no alarm clocks were harmed in the making of this paragraph...much))
She makes her way to the closet in her bedroom and picks up her uniform and casual clothes then makes her way to the shower.

"Can't believe I have to take another year at that place I was so close last year... Well I guess I'll just take it out on any newbies that's always fun." Entering the bathroom she plops the clothes down and undressed for a shower. Turning the nobs of the water to only cold.

"I won't let her overtake me this year, I'll defeat her this time for sure... Only I should be number one."
Finished she exits and drys off with a towel, some of her hair goes off into a cowlick
"Can't ever keep you down. Just like me."
She then brushes her teeth and smiles looking at her reflection admiring it.

The woman is of well kept stature her body obviously trained and hair of Auburn Orange, it's hard to say if she dyed it or it's her natural hair color. She puts two simple earrings on followed by her casual clothes and sandals.

"So freeing, unlike those stuffy school clothes they force me to wear on campus. Much better for combat. They should have me designing new student uniform."

Uriko lives off campus alone on the breaks they are allowed to have off it.
This is an apartment nearby she's been renting. She's brokered a deal with the owner, a close friend, to make this exclusively her apartment though she only really stays on breaks be they long like now or a short hour or so. Of course she pays rent, but it's fairly cheap. It's moderate, not high class, but it's enough.
The apartment isn't perfectly well kept, but it's clearly organized to her liking even if things are slightly messy. There is a computer in the corner of the main room.

She makes her way to the kitchen. There are supplements of varying nature to help balance her vitamin intake and balanced pre-made meals in the fridge. She picks up a balanced array of blue berries mixed into a salad of sweet potatoes, carrots, and pecan nuts along with a mix of vitamins which she dumps into a glass of skim milk she poured. She begins eating slowly

"I guess I'll have to head there early, should be a new batch of recruits to teach like every year. Maybe put some fear into them."
Finished she washes her face, rinses out her mouth, then washes the dishes putting them into a dish washer
"Lets see what's online today..."
Making her way to the computer in the main room for entertainment she checks the time on the computer once there.
"5:30 A.M., plenty of time. Some new advancements in quantum technology? Interesting... Ghost stories... Celebrity news... Demonic possessions... None of this other stuff is important enough for me to use in the future."
She logs off the computer and grabs a backpack from her bedroom then neatly stuffs the school uniform into it along with anything else she'd usually need, like supplements and food. She stretches for a moment before putting the pack on her back.
Grabing some keys from the wall, her wallet and exiting the apartment, she locks it behind her then making her way to a bike chained up near the street, she unlocks it hooking the chain around a loop on her pack then starts riding off towards the school at blazing speeds, stopping at the docks that have boats leading there.
She meets the captain of a boat that takes students to the island before lockdown.
"Captain, nice day isn't it?"
The captain nods back and warms the boat up and makes his way to the island once several other students are on board.

She wears the school uniform over her current clothes before taking a step onto campus and makes her way to the list that shows tenants on the apartment listings.

"Silas Maddox,Arden August,Darien,Rowan Mullen...
More male recruits this year. Looks like I'll be across them along with... Oh, looks like I got grouped with some decent people this year for a change, not sure about the newbies across though."

She makes her way to the main campus office to obtain her keys to get settled in on campus again in her new assigned apartment early, then makes her way to it.

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by LovelyAnastasia
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LovelyAnastasia Miss Bloody Cute Chaos

Member Seen 7 yrs ago


Waking up was always the easiest part of her day. Human life was so mundane, they practically had everything planned out. Slipping out of bed, Hermessent brushed her long ink black hair, till it shined like the sick black blood from a dying hell hound. In the mirror she lined her dagger sharp eyes with khol and pressed the barest hint of red to her full lips. Sultry sharp eyes and beautiful bow shaped lips on the smoothest of pale skin. Giving her own reflection a heart melting wink, she pulled on her uniform. Somehow the modest clothing seemed to hug her womanly figure in a very suggestive way. Perhaps that was why the human men at this school adored her so much.

She was their idol, their queen, their goddess. They adored her. The boys wanted to have her and the girls wanted to be her. It was only natural of course. Their weak human hearts couldn't handle her demonic perfection. And the delight she took from lapping up their desire was indescribable. Being cast out for punishment had never been so fortunate for her. Giving a haughty flick of her wrist, her dark hair fell behind her in a majestic dark wave of silk. Taking up her bag, she gave her reflection one last wink. Those mundane suckers wouldn't be able to keep their poor eyes off her.

Walking from the girl's housing apartments, Hermessent was approached by two of the human girls that had rooms near her.

"Hermonia!" they called her human name with such delight and adoration, she couldn't help but grace them with a smile, "Good morning!"

"Good morning," her voice was like a warm caress, and the two girls trembled like happy puppies, "You two are hyper this morning."

"New arrivals!" one of the girls chirped, "And they are boys this time!"

"I heard that you'll be looking after one of them too!" the other girl giggled, "I bet the senior boys are all green with envy!"

"Oooh~ Are you kidding?" the first girl whimpered, "Half the girls are jealous too! What I wouldn't give to be taught by Harmonia!"

"Now, now, little flowers," Harmonia's liquid sweet voice dripped from her red smiling lips, "No need to be jealous. Doesn't it simply mean that you are already so advanced, you won't be needing me any longer?"

"Never!" they cried together, "We will still get to ask you for help, right?"

"Of course," she tilted her head to the side, "It always makes me so happy when you come to visit. You always brighten up my evening." The two girls blushed and quivered in happiness. Harmonia waved goodbye to them and continued her walk. Foolish humans. They so eagerly ran to their own ruin. At least she never had to worry about doing too many mundane tasks, like cooking or shopping with such hyper little followers doting on her. Smiling contently to herself, her long legs carried her quickly to the campus, throwing a 'hello' here and a 'good morning' there as she saw fit, leaving a path of blushing teens in her wake.

Getting her assigned schedule and tutoring notice, she scanned over the names of the new recruits. With a small smirk to herself, she quickly replaced her tiny evil grin with that of a pleasant smile fit for an idol. Humans only ever saw what they chose to see. And she'd make them all she her for the beautiful creature she knew she was.



Drienuhn closed his eyes. When he opened them he was in a small odd room with white seamless walls. Ugly. That was his first thought. There was hardly any decoration and absolutely no attention to aesthetic taste. Rather, the only true color was an irritating sky blue heap of cloth on the bed. Setting the ivory box down, he pushed it under the bed with his foot. The cloths were far more interesting than anything his mother could try and win him back with.

The clothes were odd looking. Stripping down, he put them on slowly and with a little difficulty. Tight. They were too fitted. There was no easy way to get out of them and they were snug on his lean body, hugging his muscles like some sort of clingy wine barer. Mirror. He wanted to see just how ridiculous these clothes looked on him. But when his reflection met him, he was surprised. Had he always been this broad in the shoulders? Had he always been so...elegant looking? Standing up straight, he was pleasantly surprised to find that he was every bit as handsome as his brothers. Maybe even more so. His long hair tied over one shoulder, the blue blazer on his figure, he looked good.

With a small snort, he finally took a look around the rest of his room. A thin and rather plain bed, but at least it wasn't a pile of hay on a dirt floor. A flimsy desk of drawers, unlike any design he had ever seen before, but in their hideous natural shade of skinned wood. Some sort of desk with a large decapitated head on it. The severed head was oddly square, as if it had been flattened, and there were no features to its face, except for one giant eye. The eye took up the entire face too. Peculiar, if a bit disturbing. He dare not touch it, less it be too freshly severed, what with the way it shined in the light like that.

This room... It was so strange. And with only one door, he could only guess that it was the only exit and entrance. Leaving the room he was surprised to find more door, leading who knew were. At the end of the short hall of doors was a lounge. Only it wasn't any lounge he was used to. Just like his room, it was plain and an ugly shade of white. A giant decapitated head, much like one in his room, was on the left, surrounded by choppy tall cushions he could only guess were chairs. On his right there was some small and pathetic version of a kitchen.

Rubbing his forehead, he sighed. Chobach was sitting before the giant severed head, watching strange tales of humans though its gaping eye. Going to his brother, he fit his hands into the pockets of his odd lower clothing. Taelor was behind them in the small mockery of a cooking area. He stood over Chobach till he was sure that his brother at least knew he was there. Often times he moved too quietly and would end up scaring his own brothers, who were not quiet used to his presence, for more often than not Drienuhn spent his time alone.

"Brother..." his slow and deep water voice was strangely clear over the noise of the magic severed head's eye stories, "The symbols on my clothing," he peered down at the name tag on his chest, "what does it say?" It was so prominent on his chest. Perhaps it was a name? His name? The name of someone who owned the clothing? If they were to go about the human school as humans, his parents had said that they would be considered human. So that meant a human name right? Hopefully it had been chosen for him and that was the reason it was on the tag on his clothing. Too many tedious things were happening today. He didn't want to have to put out more energy than was needed just to get through one bloody day.

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Aisling
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Aisling The Creator of RPs and creating things for them!

Member Seen 9 mos ago

Bessie had quietly packed her two roll along suitcases and a duffle bag for her tutoring duty. She was not ever given a clear answer why she was chosen. Outside of her great grades but that is another subject.

The reason why she was chosen had nothing to with her grades but with her introvertedness. She prefers books and crafts to associate with some people who are so loud and can’t sit still.
Bessie hated excessive noise and people asking stupid questions like why her hair was all white and why she flinches when someone is loud. And now she had to face new people and these new people were boys which in her own opinion were the worse offending people she ever knew.

Another thing…. These are not the normal type boys since they are being trained by one of the girls. They were being housed in the Apartment Complex which is usually reserved for Academy guests. These guys must have a few serious problems if she was to guess…..

With a loud heavy sigh, Bessie began to pull her two suitcases out of her room to face a dreaded ordeal of tutoring. As she left she heard all of the chatter of the girls and knew that Hermonia’s fan club was around the corner. Bessie carefully went around the group of girls without a mishap.

Once Bessie was outside with her suitcases, she looked for the bus. It was off to one side waiting for them. Academy Island was a small island but students come here for a reason. Which is why there was a lot of staff around. Each student had a problem of one sort or another. This academy vows to bring out the best of each student or the student would not be leaving the Academy. What ever that meant. Of course, the older students spoke of rumors of various kinds but Bessie rarely listen to them.
She climbed into to the bus to wait for the other four to join her. She chose a seat in the back and sat in the corner with a book in her hands to entertain her while she waited.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Kiri


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Chobach | Silas

The demon was tempted to ignore the laziest of his brothers- but he couldn't find a plausible excuse to. Chobach was not as witty as Taelor- so he failed to think of something funny to say in place of what he read. As he peered at the nametag and read "Darien", Chobach could not help but think about how fucked his siblings are. Here Drienuhn was, disabled due to overpampering and endless laziness, unable to read and yield the world of written knowledge as his own. Behind them Taelor stood, brooding over a wound like a baby- because he had never felt the flames of any fight- simply due to the fact that he incited all of the fights himself.

Chobach thought of his other two siblings as he passed the nametag back to Drienuhn. The most handsome of them, Skeixura, was also the most blind. Life to him was one sexual conquest after another. Their fathers Task would be almost impossible for him- the fear of settling down could be too much for him. And finally there was Ruomahl- who could not live comfortably unless he had the same as his brothers. His achievements paled if his brothers had more than him. He would never be happy unless he came out on top- was the most favored in every situation.

And then there was himself... But when the demon thought of himself- he failed to see anything wrong. Hell- he was impatient and often didn't care to wait when he had the power to get it for himself. But.. Otherwise he was the golden child. Chobach was sure that his father punished all of his children simply to be fair. Sending him away was, in a way, to protect his beloved son from the wrath of his vengeful brothers. He didn't approve of his being sent away in this way- but he was sure once his brothers settled down here- then his father would have him sent back home. It was only a matter of time.

So for the time being he'd play along.

"Darien.." he repeated, "human names sound so odd, don't they, Drienuhn?"

He looked back to the tv. On its screen there ran about the fuzziest hellhounds he had ever seen- some pathetically small while others had excessive wrinkles and slobber. At the corner of the screen "AnimalPlanet" was pinned to the images. For some reason he wanted one. A ridiculous hellhound.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by UnlosingRanger
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Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Uriko Ryuta/Strife
Uriko also makes her way onto the bus after leaving her apartment which she has settled into now at the appointed time for lock down and seems to be carrying something very heavy in her pack. The bus shifts before balancing back out from her first steps onto it.
She spots Bessie, whom she considers to be a person that's alright, least compared to the likes of Hermonia at the back in a corner even if she's quite most times and keeps to herself.

Quickly Uriko sits next to Bessie, putting her pack in front of herself which makes a loud clank sound of metal hitting the bus floor, also blocking Bessie into a corner.
Before talking to Bessie she puts her hand in front of a her book for a split second to let her know she's there, she knows how she can get drawn in.
"Hey Bes, are you excited to start torturing those boys? Maybe you'll find someone like you in the group there to read with? You know you need someone for ya at some point with all those books you read."
Ryuta stretches noisily.
"After all you can't find everything you need in those books of yours Bes."
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