both were great my fave is a tie between Kiva, Double, Wizard, and OOO
But Gaim doesn't have any where near as much yaoi bait...
I mean... um...
yeah I should probably ban them too as well as ones like Orga and Psyga and Eternal and there are far too many If they seem op ask me
Psyga is insanely strong and insanely fast but i haven't watched Paradise Lost in a long time so maybe im wrong
This sounds pretty interesting.
As far as overpowered Riders go...basically everyone from Kabuto, Chase and Mach, by virtue of being ridiculously hard to fight back against? Unless Clock Up gets hit with the nerf bat and the other two lose their Slowdown access.
since I haven't watched drive this all seems like its good and I wouldnt say that the Kabuto Riders are OP the Hyper forms are but otherwise they're fine the Clock Up is only used in short bursts anyway and the later forms of Kuuga are pretty bad but not as bad as others saying that bas Mighty Form Kuuga is on par with Decade Psyga and Orga is pretty far fettched don't you think?