Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by FourtyTwo
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Member Seen 2 hrs ago

Somewhere in London, England

Martin walked past the guard, nodding as he went through the first door. The room was spacious, wide open, with a glass view on the Thames outside. Blacked out glass, it almost acted as one way mirror. Walking towards the second retinal scan, he moved his eye in front of the laser, and a simple shot fired light at the back of his right eye, catching who this was. Martin Duncan Thatcher, Head of Sierra Vanguard, and most of the details that propped up on the guard's computer had black bars through it. The bald 45 year old section leader was nodded through, as the two heavy lift doors opened, Martin entering inside. Exhaling, the door shut, as he was taken down.

The lift doors opened, the facility small underneath MI5, but significant. It was a concrete cell, a basement below a basement, and probably could double as a nuclear bunker. 20m below the ground was deep, after all. The first corridor was thinly decorated, with few pieces to indicate you were in a top-secret, black ops espionage agency's room. Walking forward, Martin opened the door second on the left, walking into the office. It was nicely decorated, and definitely, appeared to be a warm, welcoming place compared to the cold concrete outside. It had a carpet, an oak desk, and a computer on it, though was nestled to the side and clearly looked a little more complicated than your standard affair, with a projector of sorts sat next to it. Taking a seat on the large black leather chair, he brought up the satellite feed, and picked up the tags of Lancaster, Liberty, and Cavalier. They were having fun in that hot hellhole, playing at secret identities. Gosh, it was good fun. Reminded Martin of his days as a field agent, it was good, but it had to end. This was something he did better, after all. Running things. The order of life. Taking a bottle of scotch on his desk, he gave it a whiff, before pouring a measure. He had to check on progress with Drevan, and he needed a drink.



Somewhere in Peshawar, Pakistan

The hashish bar was smokey, and smelled distinctly of one thing. Thom, or Cavalier, had thought to ask before they entered about the substances they smoked in here. It turned out, one such substance was one that Thom was very happy indeed that existed here in some form or measure. The hash was of excellent quality, and from the pipe, Thom took a good inhalation. Like Lancaster, they were dressed locally, and disguised locally. It was amazing what make up artists could do this day. He really did look like he was some sort of trader, tanned appropriately and wearing the correct clothes, worn to a correct degree to make him look just poor enough. A beard that he'd grown for the last few days had given him the full Hindu Kush look.
"This is most excellent hashish, Sadiq." He said, Thom's Pashto sounding local, and authentic. He had put practice into it, and smiled, as he inhaled again, laughing.
"I am very glad to hear it, Hussain! It is locally sourced, the money goes straight to local farmers. And those local farmers, they fund us! So I don't blame them at all. It is an excellent deal." Sadiq responded, the man sitting across from Thom with a pipe of his own, inhaling madly. He was a contact of a local Taliban leader, of whom Lancaster and Cavalier were here to take down a notch. English-born Mohamed Hassam was making moves, and it didn't look good. They were here to stop him before he decided that another valley would fall from the Pakistani government, and as radical as the latter was, it was better than having the Taliban around. Him being in Peshawar was perfect, and a snatch and grab was due in progress. The fact that Sadiq probably was affiliated with Hassam was why Lancaster and Cavalier were smoking pipes with him.
"Some more, my guests?" He asked, looking accross the bar, another six people reading books, and inhaling from the herbal pipes, this little place cosy and warm. The carpeted floor and comfortable seats were pleasant, but Thom knew how this would end. They'd get what they needed to know, and before Sadiq knew it, his session would be over indeed.


Walking into Drevan's cave of a tech room, he watched the hacker at work, standing in the door.
"You look like a man who needs some Scotch." Martin simply stated, walking inside, watching Drevan at work.
"I need you to keep tracking Hassam, one way or another. Liberty should be giving you eyes soon." Martin said, as he adjusted his bluetooth headset that he pulled from his pocket, putting it on, nodding to Drevan, as the comms link went through. Martin had let Liberty take her role in this operation, knowing full well what Lancaster and Cavalier would do. Cassie knew best when it came to environments like this. Hardline Islamic terrorists in a country where Sharia was the law; Martin would give Liberty the choice in terms of how she would follow her target, without arousing any suspicion, though no doubt it would be unorthofox.
"Liberty, it's Kingmaker. Lancaster and Cavalier are busy at the Hashish establishment talking to Sadiq. We're going to pull what we can from them. Keep following him, don't expose yourself. Remember your role. Find him, find out where he's going, and set up a trap to pull him out of that area, preferably alive." Martin said, as he looked to Drevan, the suited section leader looking firm and secure in his expression.
"Have the UGV ready. If this goes to shit, you need get them backup, fast. Keep monitoring the cell phones too, we might get a snippet of something soon."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by BigPapaBelial
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BigPapaBelial I have seen you...I have watched you...

Member Seen 14 hrs ago

Drevan Kaii, a middle aged, strawberry blonde man quietly sat in front of the flaring brightness of about sixteen monitors, the hum of seven, fifty terabyte servers whined behind him, five two terabyte HDD, fourteen gig RAM towers snuggled under the table to one side allowing him five keyboards, five mice and a set of surround sound speakers just in case. Drevan is so used to the sound he doesn't even hear it not one bit. But he does hear the conversations coming from the agents mics and other audio pick ups that he had secreted in their kit.

Looking over to one of the many monitors forming a semi circle, three layers tall above and around him, he checks to make sure that there are no traces on any of the back doors that he had installed in the computer systems near the operation area. He sniffed softly then blinked as one of the monitors blinked. At that time he heard Martin walk in. He waved as he turned the camera on the monitor on. "Bastion! Hey man. You find what I'm looking for?" The face of a Guy Fawkes mask looked back at him. The voice of a young man responding, "Yeah we got the code. This is verging on Black Hat here, Factor. We can't be tied to this." Drevan nodded, "Don't worry about it Bastion just give me the code and I'll do the rest. No one will know. I promise you." The Skype window soon had a code written into the chat area. Which Drevan copied and sent over to another screen to be used for something else. Drevan smiled, "Thanks Basti. I'll talk to you later." He signed out of the Skype call then looked to Martin, "A drink to calm my nerves boss? I guess it couldn't hurt. Do I need to go mix my own?"

Drevan turned back to the screens then smiled, "Keeping Hassam shouldn't be too much of a problem. Having eyes on the ground would help yes. But...I think I just got some eyes in the sky. Old friends of mine got the codes to a UAV that's in the air. And I've...ummm...appropriated it. The US Military will never know it's missing mind."

He smiled brightly, keying into Liberty's channel, "Liberty, Bugcatcher here, pull the switch now on your camera would you? I'm going to need eyes on the ground just in case." He reached over and slaved a monitor to the video feed he hoped came soon. He looked up at Martin, "Don't worry Boss I've got them covered. And the UGV is tucked away, and can role out in seconds. I made sure it has a pair of L86A1 LSWs slaved into it, and a Mk47 Striker onboard as well just in case. If push comes to shove and the team needs help there's a nice multinational unit down there that will really screw up people's minds if it gets too damaged to use."

He looked up sharply, then scooted over, "Excuse me a second boss. My worms just located a search on Hassam. Lemme see to this." His fingers began to fly.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by ONL
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ONL Occasional Private Dick

Member Seen 6 mos ago

"Please yes, kind sir." a voice could be heard from what one would imagine was the bathroom, an outdoors one of course. Not long afterwards, a man of Middle Eastern origin entered through a door in the back of the bar. The man wore clothing associated with Pakistan's neighbouring Afghanistan, his beard giving away his age and faith by it's length and thickness. Walking over to the man he knew by name as Sadiq, the Afghan man sat down on the carpet with the group of men. Beside him sat Hussain, also known as Thom or Cavalier, depending on whether you were his friend, colleague or target, and in this case, his colleague.

Lancaster, cleverly disguised as an Afghan trader, like Cavalier, speaking with a perfect accent and in broken Pashto, as to seem truly Afghani. He politely took one of the pipes and smoked it, breathing out the smoke of hash, making sure not to actually inhale it all the way down; getting high while at work was not according to the book. Lancaster looked at Sadiq with a smile, handing him back the pipe. "Speaking of guest, I have heard important figure will come tonight, yes? I hoped I could make business arrangement with him, perhaps my friend Hussian too maybe?" Lancaster said to their newly acquainted friend in his broken Pashtu, looking back and forth from Sadiq and Cavalier. "And I hope coffee is possible to buy here, no?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Bee
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Member Seen 3 mos ago

Cassandra, also known as Liberty was perched on a rooftop somewhere in Peshawar, obviously quite a way away from her partner(s). She was given the task of watching for some guy named Hassam and tracking his every move. This was right up the former Navy SEAL's alley. Unlike her fellows down below, she was dressed in more traditional operator fashion. Since this was the Middle East, everything in this area was a beige-y color. The beige influenced her overall colors, causing Liberty to wear a beige shirt, and khaki colored cargo pants and boots to blend in with her surroundings. Since girls weren't really seen as equal in a place like this, the best thing for Liberty to do was to stay out of people's sight and remain incognito. Liberty was on her belly, watching for Hassam from quite a distance away as she looked down, sunglasses covering her green eyes. She was wondering on when she would be getting word from her colleagues, because she didn't exactly feel like lying here right now and watching someone. Not what she was expecting herself to do right now. Cassandra was someone who wanted to take initiative, fire a few bullets or break some necks instead of lying here doing nothing besides breathing and watching.

At last, she heard something on the radio and followed their instructions promptly, turning on the camera embedded in her sunglasses and giving their local nerd a good view. She continued to wait until she caught glimpse of someone who caught her eye in particular. She pulled out her phone and pulled up the photo of Hassam she was sent. Comparing the two, she came to realize it was exactly him. "I got visual on Hassam. I'm gonna be following him in just a sec." Hassam walked out of an alley, accompanied by an entourage of about ten? Was a bit unnecessary, but considering Hassam was a big target, it was better safe than sorry. As soon as Cassandra lost visual, she got up, relocating herself according to his movements. "Bugcatcher, let me know where he's going. I can already tell it's going to be very easy for me to lose visual because of all these stupid towels covering below." Cassandra said sternly, getting up and walking along the rooftops in a crouched position. She was careful to maintain a discreet position. Wouldn't want to bring out "Plan Triple B".
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by FourtyTwo
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Member Seen 2 hrs ago

Martin looked over to Drevan, looking at the multiple feeds he picked up, giving his approval with a simple quarter nod.
"Nicely done. Remember, let's avoid civilian casualties on this run. And if they trace the UAV's hack back to this IP, there will be hell to pay with the CIA. But you know what you're doing, just make sure you don't waste any weaponry or keep it in our AO any longer than needed." Martin simply said, as he looked over at Liberty's camera, being able to see what she saw. The ID of Hassam appeared to check out, and the two pictures matched from what he saw on her sent image, suggesting that this was the man indeed that they were hunting. He heard Liberty report in, before he gave his response.


Sadiq smiled at Lancaster and Cavalier, totally unaware of who they were.
"Of course, Qadir. Help yourself to coffee, though I hear the tea is better in these parts. My boss is in town, I can give him a phone call. Encrypted, of course, you never know what the CIA are up to in these parts. Anyway, you two seem pleasant, and I see no reason why he shouldn't meet you. Just give me a moment." He said, looking to the two traders across from him, taking his phone out as he headed outside, Thom looking across to George, with a certain look in his face. This was on. They were dragging him over, and making acquaintances with Sadiq had worked well. Now, they just had to spring this trap, once Hassam was in the building, and Cassie was in position to take down this little meeting.


On the other end, Martin had heard the conversation, the bug that ran in that hashish bar providing audio throughout. It was mostly boring, but from that moment, Martin knew things could get a little interesting.
"Drevan, get me a break on that encryption, call from that exact GPS co-ordinate to wherever it's going. With their tech, I guess that they will need to take time to form up a proxy, I give us about forty seconds to get in. I doubt it's strong none the less, but if you can triangulate the signal on the other end, we'll be able to focus on where Hassam is. Bring the Reaper's camera onto his signal's focus, and we'll be able to see his every move." He added, watching Drevan get to work, aware it was a task and a half. Lots of multi-tasking to do, but this all meant that Hassam was watched, observed under an electron microscope of detail. This wasn't the CIA, after all- this was a division in black ops far above, and the computing power that Sierra Vanguard had access to meant that they could track and trace people with tech that was far ahead of whatever they had. When inteligence agencies said that most of what was the computing powers that these agencies had in films was fiction, they were lying. Of course, it was wildly overblown in areas, but tracing, and effectively tracking people wasn't too hard, nor was cracking open some encrypted networks in little time. They would find out exactly where Hassam was going, through Liberty being on the ground, the UAV feed, his signal, and perhaps a promise from Sadiq that he'd come. The call was going through, and while Martin didn't know at first what they were talking about, they could feed it through following the conversation and he could have a look. His Pashto wasn't perfect, but it would be good enough to make it out.
"Liberty, we're coming close to a fix. Keep following it according to your phone and what Bugcatcher says." Martin said over the comms, as he looked over at the screen, watching Drevan at work.


Back in the Hashish bar, Sadiq came back after a couple of minutes, seeing Cavalier on the carpet at the pipe, taking a deep breath of the pipe.
"Wonderful." Thom said, exhaling, the warm heat and humid room definitely a little reminding of a Sauna. Still, it felt good to have some of this stuff in his lungs, it was so fresh compared to the backmarket things he got for his pipe back at home. It was a shameful addiction, but here, in Peshwar, it felt good to be hitting the Hindu Kush of local breed.
"I'll have my boss, Hassam, come and have a visit. He was around in town for some business, but I'm sure he can join in for a session on the pipes. So, you two in the business of trading, yes? Cross border? I could use a pair of men like you, to help my boss's breatheren in Afghanistan. It seems all you trade is linen, but you realize that there is a lot of money to be made. Perhaps my boss can convince you otherwise." Sadiq said, looking to the two, as Thom nodded.
"And since it appears you like the local hashish so much, I am sure that you could help out in harder parts of our drugs trede. What do you think? I mean, of course, think about it. But you two look like honest followers of Allah, and ought to be rewarded for it." Sadiq added, taking a strong hit, smirking.
"My friends in Britain say it's falling out of trend, yet look at us here!" He said, as Thom giggled a little, looking to George, then Sadiq.
"I'll think about it. I cannot speak for Qadir, but we do go across the border often. To Kabul, Kandahar, usually no further. There's a good trade going on, but if we get caught, I dare not think of the consequences." Thom said, putting a little reliable doubt into his statement, aware that he couldn't outright agree now. It would never happen, but he had to make it seem genuine.
"Oh, relax. Hassam runs the network getting things across the border, we need good people, not courageous ones for this. Just a few guns from Darra, on the back of a lorry amongst your linen would be fine. After all, you're reliable. And I put my trust lightly in people, so consider it a gratitude that I consider you. After all, you never know who is working out there." Sadiq said, Thom knowing full well that this was a sting, and that he wasn't letting a single word slip on anything.
"All you need to do is just drive across, you know. Easy money." Sadiq added, taking another hit, as Thom looked to Lancaster. He had gotten his coffee it appeared, and he was leaving the intricacies of this conversation with Sadiq to Lancaster right now. In Thom's ear, a light buzz came through, as he heard Kingmaker's voice come through.


"Lancaster, Cavalier listen close. We've got a feed on Hassam- he's headed your way, nicely done. Liberty has an operator kit at the moment, so when she arrives, you're going to want to keep your heads down. Remember the target, and the word." Martin simply said over the comms to the two in the hashish bar, aware that their tiny earpieces were subdernal behind their ear- almost impossible to make out beyond the mess of hair and beard that they currently had going. They just had to hear this, not respond, and Martin knew that it would at least prepare them for what was coming. He knew his fellow agents well- they could spring the trap when needed, and did their jobs well. He just had to make sure that there was no blowback, and while there were some risks they were taking, it was calculated. Martin could see Hassam's silhouette, highlighted specifically due to his signal trace, heading down the alleys and tight streets of Peshwar's market, barely wide enough for a car to fit down. He was headed to that Hashish bar, with his whole group of friends, AK's not visible but cut-down under their robes. Martin knew that from here, they were going to snatch him once he entered the hashish bar, and get him the fuck out of the area before the rest of his local friends realized what had happened.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by ONL
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ONL Occasional Private Dick

Member Seen 6 mos ago

"I regret to tell I prefer coffee, my kind friend Sadiq; accident in childhood, siblings you know." Lancaster said back to Sadiq with his broken Pashtu, watching him walk away to call their target. In his mind, Lancaster was thinking how perfect this was going, just as perfect as he had anticipated of course. Lancaster looked at Thom, seeing the look in his eyes that told him he agreed, Mohamed Hassan was walking straight into their trap.

As Sadiq came back to their company, Lancaster/Qadir had been finally given his cup of coffee, freshly pressed from local coffee farms. Lancaster took a deep breath of the smell, while listening to Thom and Sadiq having their conversation over possible cooperation as "traders".
"Hussain is right, it is dangerous on borders. My father, Allah rest his soul, was captured by Russians while bringing...items across border during invasion. I did not see him for years, they torture and prison him, and when he come back, he different man. Americans is just the same, only then have eyes in sky. May Allah bring them to justice." Lancaster replied to Sadiq, in-between his sentences drinking his coffee and acting like he was trying to remain calm. Lancaster had no compassion for these kind of people, but faking it to complete a mission was by far accepted in the book. One day he would show that book to Liberty, but today was not that day.

Lancaster heard Martin's voice through his ear-piece, while trying to look like he was actually listening to Sadiq. "Okay, I will think, like Hussain has said. The route is dangerous, but we both need money. If we do it safe, it can take many days, maybe week to get forward without being detected. But if we can make deal with you and your friend, we maybe can send first shipment tomorrow?" Lancaster stood up, taking with him his cup of coffee from the table. "Excuse me for moment, the coffee was good I'd like more." He excused himself to Sadiq and Hussain, walking over to the counter. As he walked, he pulled out a small, flat object from under his clothes, dropping it into his cup of coffee so it wasn't visible. He politely reached for the coffee and began pouring more into his cup. All they had to do was to wait for Hassan, and he would have a big surprise in for him.

"Is someone at door? Your friend?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by BigPapaBelial
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BigPapaBelial I have seen you...I have watched you...

Member Seen 14 hrs ago

Drevan bit his lower lip, setting the Net-worms to working. He scooted back over to the main terminal, "Don't worry the CIA will never know, I have this IP on a Black List, and I'm bouncing our signal through a number of routers and proxy servers. The CIA hackers are good, but they aren't me. I've been using some really trick glitches and hacks to make sure it doesn't come back to us." He tapped away at a keyboard, "I'm pretty sure we can get away with this. No one will track it. The UAV is armed, six Hellfires. But if things go south we won't need them. Our people on the ground have what they need, and if shit dives we have the UGV. I'm not going to waste taxpayer dollars on this."

He pushed over to another bank of monitors, "Liberty, I have Hassam on the UAV camera's, he's moving now. I'll keep watch on him, the UAV has one and a half hours on station, hopefully we won't need all that. I'll have to send this thing back before then of course." He kept working, keeping an eye on the UAV's feed. He bit his lower lip again, "Okay, Liberty he just took a left turn at the next intersection, there's some overhangs coming up, and what looks like an open air bazaar. I'm most likely to going to have a shit time keeping an eye on him in the tarps and tents, I'll do my best to keep him green lit. If you can, find yourself a overlook, and keep scanning ground side. And make sure your camera has a clear view."

He scooted over to another terminal, "Come on then baby...let's play...give it up nicely..." He began clicking away at two keyboards at once, "Here's come the Reaper...alright..." He kept working, smiling, "This is...almost easy..." The camera on the UAV zoomed right in and got them visuals clear and crystal as Hassam passed into the bazaar, "Green on the visuals, no chance of it being wrong. It's him." He clicked into another monitor, the bio on Hassam coming up, and flashing green, "But he's in that Bazaar now. Liberty, keep an eye on him as best you can. As soon as he comes out of there I'll know and I'll give you a bearing."

Drevan looked up at Martin, "You don't get anymore clear then that." He nodded towards the captured image of Hassam.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Bee
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Bee cheer up baby

Member Seen 3 mos ago

Liberty nodded as she received some information from Bugcatcher. Going into that bazaar would be a big obstacle in tracking Hassam, because there were a lot of people and she would be sticking out like a sore thumb. When he turned, she needed to find a way to get to a level where she could easily see Hassam. But where? Where could she see Hassam. Liberty expressed some thanks to her eye in the sky, and proceeded to get a little creative as he started to get lost in the sea of towels covering the bazaar. Now, she knew she was standing on a two story building and there was a overhang overlooking the bazaar. Problem was, how was she going to get there without risking a bad fall? Liberty looked down and saw a window right below her. That was one issue wiped out of the equation, next thing was how she was going to get down there. These things had no hang where she could put her feet on and throw her momentum inside. Was there something she could swing off of? She looked around only to see a conveniently placed pole with some rope like material hanging off of it. It was real tempting for her to go all Tarzan and just swing into the window. But she decided against it, but that didn't mean she wouldn't utilize those things.

Some climbing and creativity later, she was on the overhang, keeping her eyes on Hassam as she trailed him from up above. "This a good angle? Took some shit to get here." She remarked, hoping that she was keeping eyes on the right person. "Update, Bugcatcher? Got any bearings?" She said, as she continued along the overhang, stopping in the middle where she was given a good position overlooking the bazaar.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by FourtyTwo
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Member Seen 2 hrs ago

"We can do that, Qadir. I'll get in contact with you when needs be. But let us enjoy these pipes now, and talk business back at my compound." Sadiq said, taking another inhalation, as he looked over to Thom, or Hussain, his eyes already a little red. Thom knew that Sadiq had smoked far, far more than him, and kush in these parts was seriously strong. Even Thom had laid off it, and while getting stoned on a mission wasn't perhaps the best way to keep your reflexes, he had his eye on the goal. Besides, he knew that Lancaster, the extraordinaire of a person, would have this one in the bag. As he came back with the coffee, Sadiq looked to Thom again, after hitting the long pipe again.
"Hassam is a paranoid man. You must understand that. He things people are coming to get him. CIA people. Bad, bad people." He said, as Thom nodded.
"I don't blame him, he is a very strong leader of the holy." Thom said, as Sadiq nodded.
"Indeed. Anyway, just keep that in mind. Don't insult him. Or else he will have your head. I have seen him literally behead a traitor and two American journalists, the man is a very holy man indeed, but he does not forgive people who work against him." Sadiq added, Thom acutely aware of the video that this had happened on. There were few times where you browsed YouTube and prayed that you would rather see a Justin Bieber music video than the rest of the head-taking, though Thom did know that one was definitely decapitating any sense of the music industry anyway. None the less, the guy was fiery, and it would be interesting to see it in the flesh.


Martin watched the feed from Liberty, on the banks of screens, with the drone and Liberty's view visible.
"Well then, I guess carry on. Sierra has people like you with good reason." Martin spoke, as he observed Hassam, heading through the Bazaar, now being tracked. This was the person they were going for, that was absolutely certain. Martin could see that he was headed towards the northern end of the bazaar, right towards the hashish bar, and that if Lancaster had done as well as they had, they had gotten him to there. That proved to be correct, as Hassam and his entourage turned the corner out of the packed bazaar, the hashish bar on the second floor, with a set of stairs going up into the building. It was packed tightly in and amongst a whole set of terraced buildings, made out of varying building materials. Some sandstone, some clay and mud-built, all likely to fail building inspections.
"Liberty, we've got a confirmed sight that he's coming into the hashish bar, second floor. Entourage is following in. Prepare a breach, but hold until the word." Martin said, smirking.
"I do love it when you just thread everything together. They're all competent enough to get the job done. So now, you just need to watch a whole bunch of terrorists get floored." Martin said, chuckling, as he finished his glass, looking to Drevan.
"I'll get you a glass." He said, heading out the room, his headset still on.


Hassam entered inside, looking around, before looking at Sadiq. He had a scowl on his face, as he spoke to Sadiq in Arabic, not Pashto. Thom listened patiently, his Arabic so-so, but being able to discern the conversation.
"Sadiq, remember, I do not like time wasters. Don't drag me down for a group of smugglers. They better be worth what you say." He said, as Sadiq nodded, a little shy in the way he was.
"I understand, Boss. May Allah be merciful to all." Sadiq said, weakly back in Arabic, as the intimidating Taliban leader took a seat on the carpet, where Sadiq had been sitting. He changed to his Pashto, looking at both agents.
"So, Sadiq says you are reliable men. I don't trust stoned traders. You will say anything for money, not Allah." He said, looking at them.
"But, I digress. The Americans are far worse in this front. You will recieve any payment from me after you cross with what I give you to deliever. You do not check what it is, or question it. And you only answer to Sadiq personally from now on. You want to go to the Mosque, you go with Sadiq. I do not like rats. So you either turn now, or you follow me and help create the Kingdom of Allah." He said, sternly, as Thom nodded.

"I understand your wisdom, and I understand this. We can abide by this." He said, as Hassam looked.
"You aren't saying that because you're stoned. If you are, then please, I will have you hung by the very linen you sell."
"Of course not. I wish to serve. We will do exactly as you say, if it is true."
"Do not question me, brother. You are on a very slippery slope. Watch your tongue, before I feed it to the very mountain goats that your kind can belong with. Enshallah, Sadiq. You find idiots these days." Hassam said, bitter in his wording, as Thom knew that this was a very dangerous man indeed sitting opposite- easily enraged, it appeared, for a tiny comment that wouldn't have set anybody sane off. This man was clearly paranoid, and hard to get to.
"They're good men, Hassam. Give them a chance. They're not here to kill you." Sadiq supportively said, as Hassam sighed.
"Well, there's enough already trying, my paranoia is justified. But fine. Pass me the pipe. Also, I need a drink." He said back to Sadiq, looking over at Lancaster.
"Is the coffee good here? I haven't had the chance to ask." Hassam asked, as Thom adjusted his hand slowly, the tattered old Timex on his wrist being something that had a little more than a chronograph inside. It looked like it would fit on a trader, being of the right kind of watch. Turning the small screw on the side, he felt a slight click against his wrist, as he looked to Lancaster.

His left wrist sat on his left knee, poking in the right direction to strike Sadiq straight in the area around his neck. A tiny Cyanide-tipped poison dart was loaded in the watch's mechanism, and while Sadiq was a target of opportunity, he was expendable as far as Lancaster and Cavalier had agreed. The dart had enough propulsion to go about 5m, and it would likely spike through Sadiq's neck, coming out the other side and leaving a long trail of poison in his blood- that would instantly be pumped to his heart and brain, hitting smaller veins and arteries. He wasn't major enough a fish to fry out, but Hassam, oh, he was. Thom knew that Lancaster had Hassam covered, and in whatever way he planned it, Thom knew that once he was out cold, they'd have him out of here in no time at all, as the Taliban leader sat down. The men didn't smoke in the background- they watched the door, they watched outside, and looked stern. There was a good number of them, but that never meant that Liberty would have a problem.
"It isn't bad."


Martin could continue hearing this, aware that soon, it was going to be very dangerous indeed for everyone involved. If Liberty was ready, he knew that as soon as Lancaster or Cavalier gave the word that this would be on, as he walked back in, the bottle in hand as well as two glasses in his fingers. He placed it down on a desk behind Drevan, away from the computers, as he poured the scotch in.
"Well, his psychological profile does check out. Drevan, keep a watch, see if there's any particular groups lingering around the front. And do something creative with them that doesn't involve the drone's hellfires, if you get my gist." Martin added, as he continued listening to the events inside.
"Cavalier, Lancaster, let's take him alive then. On the word, and when Liberty sounds it, you make the move." Martin said coldly across the comms, watching the drone's feed of the building, the mics all coming when Martin selectively went through the list. This would be a situation that very, very soon, was going to explode. He let his team have a fairly free method of getting the job done, so long as it was. And at that moment, inside the hashish bar, Martin could tell that one very paranoid Taliban leader was about to get ripe for the taking.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by BigPapaBelial
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BigPapaBelial I have seen you...I have watched you...

Member Seen 14 hrs ago

Drevan smiled for abit longer. Then leans back in, adjusting the gain on the feed he's getting from Liberty. He hrmed then brought the feed from the UAV up on an adajacent monitor, with some keystrokes he had the two feeds synqed up and an overlay of which way Liberty is looking along with where the feeds and signal triangulation told him where Hassam is. He nodded," Okay Liberty, turn to your right, down that aisle there, looking out down it, he's about, 27 meters in front of you." He called up a general layout of the bazaar the usual way it's set up on a usual day. He checked all three like a manic meerkat for a few moments, "That's him right there, passing the carpet vendor at you one o' clock. That's our boy. Let him walk...it's Lancaster and Cavalier's game once he's in that bar." He pushed himself over to another console. This one had a portable joystick rig, with a lap mount and a simplifed throttle and turret rig.

A biggest, most shit-eatting, evil grin crossed the hackers face, "Something creative huh? I could do this...or...well hmmm." He set the control rig nearby, "I can set something up quite nicely. Unless you want something subtle." He reached for one of the drinks, saluting Martin with it, "Salud." He took a quick little bolt of the drink then set it down away from the rig. He checked the UAV, watching the approaches to the hashish bar closely, just in case some lookie-loos or some of Hassam's cronies showed up. He pulled the control rig up, and initiated the start up sequence on the UGV. The big steel container the tracked UGV is hidden in shudders, as the UGV grinds to life. Weapons systems cue up, the pair of linked L86 LMGs showing full belted clips, modified to fire from belt rather then a magazine. The Striker GMG full loading, and guidance systems coming up. He smiled, and waited, not wanting to jump the gun too soon. Even though it felt incredible to have that kind of power in his lap.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by ONL
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ONL Occasional Private Dick

Member Seen 6 mos ago

Lancaster's suspicion was confirmed once the mean-looking Arab entered with his entourage of less mean-looking body guards. It wasn't difficult to see that this was an indeed paranoid man, his very presence scared the living hell out of Sadiq by mere sight of Hassam. Lancaster wasn't intimidated though, he was having everything under control. Quietly sitting down again, he listened to the conversation between Hassam, Sadiq and Thom, while drinking from his cup of coffee, seemingly unfazed by it all.

"Hussain is quite right in his statement, I can personally confirm that the coffee is excellent. I'll get you one right now, my friend." Lancaster said politely to Hassam in perfect Arabic, perhaps taking Hassam a little off-guard as he gave him a look that could kill.

-"I am no friend of you, you none of mine, and you should be careful with saying otherwise. I do not know you, you're lucky to not end up like your father before you, Afghan." Hassam shot back at Lancaster, clearly annoyed at him for his unreasonable good mood around him. "And I'll take your coffee. Now."

Lancaster sighed, bowing down and placing the cup in-front of Hassam. "As you wish." All according to plan, as he walked back to the counter to get his own coffee again. Standing with his back to the rest of the men, he turned the screw rightwards for three clicks, as practised before. The small flat object in now Hassam's coffee would eject a small dose of highly potent chloroform, able to put an elephant to sleep in seconds, minutes if it was a large elephant or just stubborn man. Now it was only a matter of seconds before shit would hit the fan, as one said. Turning around, Lancaster looked at Hassam with a smile, and a sly look in his eyes. "As-salamu alaykum, my dear friend Mohamed Hassam."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Bee
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Member Seen 3 mos ago

Liberty heard Bugcatcher give the exact location of Hassam, which was real handy-dandy considering she almost lost track of him. As much as Liberty wanted to swoop in and just capture him already all for herself, she supposed that Lancaster and Cavalier were responsible for that. As for Liberty's job, she needed to make sure that Hassam's entourage was out of the question, which Liberty wouldn't mind doing at all. She could already imagine many entry points. Obviously the front door wasn't a good idea, since she'd be right there and everyone would just see her come in and shoot everyone, if not get shot by one of those Quran thumper fuckers. She needed a discreet way in so that she could take them by surprise. A group of people with AKs was a fight Liberty desperately needed the element of surprise. No way she was coming out alive without it.

As Hassam's people went closer to the bar, Liberty needed to get her ass to a side door. She made her way down to the Bazaar, walking through it quickly so that she could access the alley right next to the bar. Hopefully there she could gain access to an alternate way inside and breach in from a totally unexpected path. Pushing through the crowd, Liberty eventually made her way into the alley, where there was a door conveniently placed right there. Liberty tried the lock, and surprisingly enough, it was unlocked and ready for her to enter and sneak into. She slipped inside, closing the door behind her as she crouched low. Sneaking towards a hole in the woodwork, she peered through and could confirm her target was in there. She sighed, "Liberty, waiting for go." She waited patiently for the go-code, hoping it would come soon so that she could get out of here already. This place smelled like ass, probably due to some rotten shit or something. It was some storage room that was obviously very poorly maintained. Liberty wasn't holding her breath though, she'd been through worse.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by FourtyTwo
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Member Seen 2 hrs ago

"That GMG might be useful for their vehicles, but watch for collaterals. Area looks mostly clear of civies, but remember, we minimize it and avoid the shitty blowblack we've already expected for this. Still, click and shoot. Should work though." Martin said, looking over at the general overview of the feeds, as he then watched the drone in the sky, the one that Drevan had "borrowed" for observation. Martin couldn't help but feel charmed that his team were good at creating solutions to problems. They needed an eye in the sky, and Martin wanted a drone from MI5, to do their work for them. Instead, he had been refused, as it was too risky in an airspace like this. So instead, now, Drevan had done this. Here he was thinking that he'd engineered a different solution, but in reality, this was the one that would work, this was the one that was giving them the views. The UGV was a good piece of equipment to use, but again, was a failsafe. Martin didn't like losing agents after all, and Sierra had only ever lost a few. A few good men and women, who were cremated, their bodies buried at sea if they were recovered at all. And he knew that it was all based on getting the right timing and the right methods that meant that people didn't fuck up. From Drevan's questionable hacking, to Cassie's unorthodoxy, George's suave methods and Thom's role in the background as a connecting thread, you could tell that while they all had different ways of getting the job done, they were unbeatable. Oh, and him. Controlling that circus like the brave magician he was. He knew exactly how it ran from the lower levels, so he had no qualms in calling the shots to make the calls he was making now. There would be bodies
"Affirmative, Liberty." Martin simply said into his headset, as he took another sip, watching Liberty's feed.


Hassam looked at Lancaster, or Qadir, taking a small sip, as he nodded, Thom looking across. Very soon, things would be getting real. The radio buzzed, as he heard Liberty place herself in position, and could tell, that when she came in, it was going to get very dangerous indeed. Hassam drank down a little more, as Thom took another strong puff, before putting it back.
"This hashish is not bad at all. I'll need to take some with me. Allahu Akbar (God is great) for your presence, Mohammed. I do wish I could make a better introduction." Thom simply said in Arabic, as he adjusted the position of his watch. Hassam looked at Thom particularly, words forming in his throat but not coming out, as Thom moved his wrist up an inch further, Sadiq looking at Hassam in particular worry. Then, Thom pushed his finger into the watch's adjusting dial, and the miniture pressurized compartment, and the cyanide dart inside flew out of the watch.

The tiny dart was perhaps half the size of a toothpick, and it flew through the air with a vigorous force, landing into Sadiq's neck. It flew through his Carotid Artery, and the tipped dart left enough poison in his bloodstream, pumped to his heart to shut it down within mere seconds. The handful of men in the room looked around and yelled loudly in Arabic, as Thom watched the carnage now unveil from Liberty's unorthodox methods- throwing himself flat on the floor in front with his hands pushed forward, head down so as to not get shot or murdered. Hassam was already out for the count, and on the floor too, unconscious but more passed out than a sleeping drunkard.

(Short post is short. May the defecation hit the ventilation, people.)
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Bee
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Bee cheer up baby

Member Seen 3 mos ago

[Appropriate OST, shout out to ONL :)]

As Liberty heard the codeword after god knows however long it was, she grabbed a flashbang off of her chest rig, pulling the pin and the safety lever off of it as she opened the door and chucked it into the bar, shutting it before hearing the bang. After that she pulled her dual Glocks from her hip holsters, slamming into the door so that her weight would be on it and be able to drive across the bar. She felt herself go airborne momentarily, the door succumbing to her weight as it assisted in pushing her across the counter, pistols firing carefully as she took out two people from Hassam's clique. Liberty's body fell onto the ground and she managed to kill three more people, before sliding into a booth and ducking for cover as Hassam's men recouped. Firing their AK47 wildly as Liberty toppled the table, ducking behind it before she heard the clicking sound she had been waiting a smidge bit too much for.

She popped back up, before unloading the rest of her magazines into the rest of the clique except for one person, who was left standing as her Glocks indicated that they were empty. She ditched them as she sprinted towards them, jumping up and dropkicking them. She then wrestled for their pistol, making sure that she got to it before they did. She took his arms and directed them away from anywhere below his waist, but at the same time she was trying to keep her knife away from him. She elbowed him in the face, before her face was posted up with a hand. Liberty shifted to an armbar by quickly jumping guard, wrapping her legs around his arms and pulling, before she let go and bent to the side. Liberty grabbed hold of the arnament in his thigh holster, pulling it out, standing up, and unloading a few rounds into his head. Liberty sighed as she dropped the weapon, going back to grab her Glocks. "Alright guys, we gotta get out of here."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by BigPapaBelial
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BigPapaBelial I have seen you...I have watched you...

Member Seen 14 hrs ago

Down an alley, up a set of stairs and slipped into an unused warehouse parking lot sat a big cargo container, inside among some extra little things like extra weapons, and ammo if the group had needed it, sat a tracked UAV about the size of a horse, about 2 and a half feet wide, 3 feet and maybe a quarter tall, the GMG and the LMGs attached to it.

As everyone is getting in position and the first moves are made, Drevan hits a few buttons, the bolts on the container explosively detaching. The panel fell forward, and the UGV ground out. Drevan at the controller. Inside the container a few timed thermite grenades begin to tick, most of the stuff in there is cheap so it's not a HUGE loss. Drevan gives the controls a careful check, rotating the small turret atop it, dry firing the guns to make sure the orders can go through. As he rolls out into the street, scaring a few of the people on the street he's already loading the weapons.

As a group of fighters ran over to check on what's going on at the Hashish bar, the UGV rolled out of a side street. Right into their line of travel. The two LMGs already trained down the street towards them. Drevan grinned broadly, "Hello gentleman." The men drew pistols and in a few cases a couple of small carbines. They opened fire on the UGV. The rounds kicking and pinging off it's light armoring. Drevan laughed then depressed the trigger on his control pad. The LMGs clattering. Cutting the men down. The market burst into chaos, as the sound of the heavy rounds sent people diving for cover. Drevan picked his moments to fire, cutting down a few more men that ran to Hassam's postion.

Drevan chuckled, keying into the groups comms, "Outside is clear for now. I've got the UGV out here." He looked over to another feed. "Sadly I need to send the UAV back, if I don't it'll reach low fuel and the 'Muricans will know something is wrong." He reached over and typed in some commands, turning the UAV back around, "We've lost our eye in the sky guys. Got 3 hours left on the UGV before it's timed explosives go off. Or someone lands a lucky hit. Shall we?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by ONL
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ONL Occasional Private Dick

Member Seen 6 mos ago

Things developed rapidly, all accordingly to plan. Well, everything except the position Lancaster ended up in. Liberty had done everything as they agreed, but of course she had forgotten where to actually throw her flash bang, as she threw it from her location, ending up a few feet from him. The flash bang blew up right in front of him, and though he did cover his eyes, it was not enough. While blinded by the immense flash, Lancaster heard what he knew as Liberty's preferred style of handling their line of work; gunfire.

Lancaster remained on the ground until he heard Liberty talking to them, and then doing his best to get back on his feet. He was beginning to see again, but everything was still mostly blurry. "I thought we agreed on the flash bang, Liberty." Lancaster said to where he thought Liberty stood, but to his great dismay, he was still dizzy. Having just stood up, he fell back onto the ground face first. What a fool he made of himself. "...We'll speak of this, later...."

Eventually Lancaster got back to his senses, back on his feet, and back on track. Lancaster had to admit, Liberty had done her job well, if a little messy, but well. Lancaster pulled out a Walther CCP pistol out off his robes and walking over to Hassam, unconscious. With some effort, Lancaster managed to get Hassam over his shoulder. "He's just as heavy as looks." He commented as he steadied himself with the weight on his shoulders, and heading towards the exit, where he heard frantic gunfire from the outside. "We most likely shall, Drevan. I'd prefer to get home to civilization sooner rather than later."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by FourtyTwo
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Member Seen 2 hrs ago

Thom kept his head down, as Liberty distributed her brand of kick-ass into the heads of the insurgents in the room. It was a clean execution, and there was nobody left, as Thom uncovered his eyes, his mouth open in order to avoid the ringing sensation of the flashbang. He watched as Lancaster got up, tripping balls, falling over. Liberty always made interesting entrances, and this was nothing less than pure her, he thought to himself, as he saw Lancaster roll over. He lent his colleague a hand, helping him up, before taking his own sidearm out of his right boot. Sliding the AMT Backup out, the pistol chambered in .357 SIG and having eight rounds in it's magazine yet being barely the size of his hand, he looked to the other two, as the LMGs blared outside. He wanted to laugh at Lancaster, but held it in for the moment, knowing it was something that was definitely on Liberty's camera.
"That's the signal. We're good to get out of here." He said in English, as he kicked over one of the pipes going over the bodies, moving to the door. Bullets riddled it, and then moans could be heard, as Thom took point, looking to Lancaster and Liberty.
"I'll get the door. Liberty, you're driving the pickup truck. Bugcatcher, we're going to make a play for it, guns ahoy." Thom said, as he looked back, nodding to the two of them.
"You okay, Lancaster? Guess you got 'banged by Liberty." He asked, the look on his face saying it all before, he chuckled.
"Hopefully you got enough co-ordination for this." Thom added, as he smashed down the door, dropping two men as he exited, a straight shot into one of the fighters' head throwing him down the stairs, as he led the way. Lancaster had the HVT, and Liberty could make a run for it, jumping straight down into the pickup truck. For now, Thom headed down the stairs and onto the street, past the carnage and dead bodies, looking around as he ran for the white Toyota Hilux.


"Team, we've got a flash of phone signals, we're going to have company sometime soon. Get him out of there, head to the designated rendevous and lose any tail you have going there. Drevan, you know the drill. Shoot off those rounds at anything that follows it, your UGV won't keep up but it can stop anything with enough fire." Martin said, watching Drevan at work, as he watched Liberty's camera.
"Nicely done with Hassam, by the way. Catch of the week, I call it." Martin added, chuckling, as he saw the drone feed break off as it moved out of the area, the distant thermal imagery of dead bodies and the outside of the Hashish bar now seeing more and more blur.


Throwing himself into the back of the pickup truck, he opened up a small compartment in the rear, Thom taking out a pair of Sig Sauer MPX personal defense weapons, and approximately four magazines, loaded with the same .357 SIG that was inside his pistol. More men were running round the corner, as he watched Hassam get thrown in, Thom firing down the street with his pistol as he looked to Lancaster.
"Fuck, they've got numbers!" Thom simply said, as he finished off the mag on the AMT, grabbing one of the MPXes, and loading up one of the curved 30-round magazines. Pulling the stock back, he aimed down the CompM4 optic and pulled the trigger, inaccurate but supressing fire, as the group at the end kept their heads down, enough for the drone to get a focus on it.
"Liberty, floor it! We'll keep tails off us!" Thom said, sliding the other silver MPX to Lancaster, or George.
"Get a magazine in and drop anything, they look angry!" He added, as they now hit the road, the whole situation passing in an instant, as they now hit the chaotic highways of inner Peshwar, knowing full well that this place was crawling. It was going to take some aggressive driving, to say the least.


The phone buzzed, as Martin looked at the number, sighing.
"Hello, Kingmaker speaking?" He said, as he looked over at Drevan, walking out of the room.
"What do you mean one of your drones has gone missing? Martin said into the mic, as he walked out. The voice on the other head was CIA- Anthony Perkins, a handler in the region, and one of Martin's many contacts. He knew him not too well, but knew of his reputation more. Martin didn't care that he had disrupted him- after all, Sierra Vanguard came first.
"Check the signalling again, it's local connections that can tamper it. MI5 has told you again and again, exposed fucking signals..." Martin said into it again, as he headed to his office, looking back at Drevan as he saw the feed drop off from his control, and back into the CIA's grid. Like it had just gone off and had a mind of it's own, with none of Sierra Vanguard's influence.

Putting the phone back, he walked in, the issue apparently sorted out, as his headset buzzed.
"Package is secured in the vehicle, we are exfiling under heavy fire, Kingmaker." Thom said into the radio, as Martin chuckled.
"Oh come on, that's not heavy fire. You have maybe half a dozen vehicles attempting to tail you. You've got ammunition. Use it productively." Martin simply said, quietly amused as he knew that this was where a Sierra Vanguard agent differed from your regular service personel. And that when Martin had his team on a problem, they would get it done, despite whatever odds there were.
"Drevan, take out those at the back with the UGV, and lead off whatever else there is. We'll go to Plan B. Destroy the drone at Ahmedabad Street, and with it any chance of a lead on our drone."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by BigPapaBelial
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BigPapaBelial I have seen you...I have watched you...

Member Seen 14 hrs ago

Drevan worked his magic on the UGV's control rig, covering his squishy co workers as they got into their vehicle. He chattered rounds at the approaching fighters. "I can do my best to take out as many as I can, and draw off as many as I can too." He peppered a truck as it pulled up at the other end of the market with one hand, while he primed and prepped the onboard explosive charges with the other. He still had loads of time on the UGV, as it also had an auto counter to set the charges off, but the manual detonator was there as well.

He looked up briefly from the UGV control rig and looked up at the connection to the UAV, he'd set it on course back and the backdoor he had put in should be running out shortly. He listened absently to the conversation that Martin was having, just as the signal dropped he made a gesture saying they were clear. He really felt sorry for the CIA, they had some good hackers and techies. But he is just so much better then them. He looked over at Martin as he came back into the room. Drevan tried his best to keep his smug grin out of his voice, "The CIA ought to try and make their passwords less easy to data mine out of their systems. All it takes is a little time and determination."

Drevan focused back on the UGV. He powered the tracked beast up and over a stall, pattering rounds out at the vehicles the enemy were using as they approached. He waited as they pulled by and began to follow them all as the rest of the team pulled off in their truck. Drevan immediately hammered the rear units with nice heavy barks from the GMG. Several of the pursuing vehicles fliping on their sides or end over end as the rounds kicked into them. He laughed, "Liberty, Lancaster, Cavalier, I can lead maybe one or two of those off, they are going to want to get some idea of who made this thing. The rest are yours." He peeled the UGV off, and down a street, a pair of the remaining vehicles following him.

Drevan grinned, making for Ahmedabad at top speed. He turned the turret and kicked rounds from the LMGs, trying to urge the vehicles closer. Radar pinged only a few civilians in the street, and none of them held guns, in fact most of them were running from the gun fire. Drevan pulled the UGV to a stop and steve-nashed his index finger and thumb, then flicked the manual detonator. The UGV gave a kick, drove forward on it;s own power, just far enough that the trucks followed close. Then the UGV went up in flames, sending shrapnel up in a high arch. Drevan laughed, "Big big boom! I have got to let the ordnance group know they did an awesome job with packing those explosives!" he laughed then pushed the UGV controller off to one side and worked to get the visuals from the team back onto the feeds, "I'm out people. You're on your own on the ground."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by ONL
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ONL Occasional Private Dick

Member Seen 6 mos ago

"Yes, I am okay Cavalier. Now would you kindly focus on the mission, we don't have time for this...this nonsense." Lancaster said back to Thom before they left the complex, guns blazing at any hostile target around them. As they made their way towards the Toyota, Lancaster focused on moving as fast while carrying Hassam, seen as he was a rather heavy person. The others would cover him, but he did get in one shot. While making their way through the streets of Peshawar, Lancaster caught the sight of a figure standing on a balcony, armed with the infamous AK47, and in Lancaster's opinion, highly overrated. The others seemed too busy shooting the others, leaving Lancaster with the job. Effortlessly he aimed upwards and fired three times. Every bullet hit the man's chest before he could fire back, and fell over the fencing and down on the ground. "You missed one, Liberty."

They finally made their way to their getaway car, the infamous white Toyota that was frequently used in the region. Lancaster was once again not amused by it, it was far from his preferred car, but he knew in that area it was their best pick. It was still ugly in his eyes. Lancaster threw the unconscious Hassam into the rear compartment while Cavalier suppressed their pursuers. "Finally, I was starting to fear I had to carry him all the way back home." Lancaster commented while he got in the car just before they sped off. It was far from over now, now came perhaps the most dangerous part of the mission. "I'll try, if Liberty can drive according to the plan."

Lancaster loaded the MPX with the curved 30-bullet magazine, and opened fire. He did his best to fire accurately, hitting a couple of targets as they sped down the road. Bullets flew both ways, but luckily Sierra wasn't the ones getting hit. "Sure, this is just a lovely evening in the park to you, Kingmaker. If we were given a few more magazines that just these, perhaps we could feel the same way." Lancaster said calmly, perhaps a bit sarcastic into his comms, joining in on the conversation. They were going to be fine, they were trained for just this kind of sticky situation. And though Lancaster didn't always like gun fights, he knew when more was better than less. "What about road blocks up ahead of the road? Surely the news has spread by now?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Bee
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Member Seen 3 mos ago

Liberty was at this point chilling in the truck, legs up on the dashboard as their local buddies were loaded into the back of a truck. Quite fun indeedy. Up until some terrorist folks decided to come by and ruin all the fun. Nope, not up Liberty's aisle at all. She turned back and sighed, actually turning on the truck and flooring it once everyone was inside. She knew everyone in the truck was being ragdolled but Liberty gave as many fucks as the amount of money Greece had. These janky-ass trucks had tricky transmissions, but once you got the hang of them they were just as good as any other car out there. She whipped the car onto a street, shifting down and flooring it again as she wove in and out of traffic. "You okay, Lancaster? Or are you gonna lose it on your five-thousand dollar getup?" Liberty pulled the emergency brake and pulled into another alley, running through it.

Surely someone must've been nauseous following them. Maybe their local nerd Bugcatcher was disoriented. Kinda bad considering Liberty was operating off of Bugcatcher's word. She really did hope they had a plan to go. She wasn't in a particular mood to get captured. Liberty looked up further and happened to see a roadblock. Lancaster and his big mouth jinxed it! "You mean those roadblocks?" Liberty screamed at Lancaster, before she saw the machine gun being loaded. Liberty had to think fast, and her definition of a getaway meant swerving off the road and falling onto a road on a lower level. The impact definitely shook the truck up, but Japanese trucks were built for abuse. Lovely things, these. She just wished they weren't the signature vehicle of this area.
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