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Bee cheer up baby

Member Seen 3 mos ago

Name: Cassandra L. Marquise
Codename (Radio Call): Liberty
Age: 29
Nationality: American
Role: Field Agent

"Fucking Bugcatcher!" No further caption necessary.[Circa late 2000s/early 2010s]
Cassandra stands at 5'11" and weighs about 135 lbs, maintaining a slender yet toned frame, perfect for operating and operations in general. She has flowing light brown hair, and piercing green eyes. Her face remains relatively untouched, although it is rather uncommon to see her without makeup of some sort. Whether it is due to the nature of her job or some personal matter is entirely unknown. Her everyday dress is business oriented, lots of high heels and blouses and whatnot.
Cassandra is known as Triple B among her fellow agents, standing for "Big Bad Bitch". She lives up to that nickname as she is not a force to be reckoned with. Lancaster experiences quite a bit of these traits on a day-to-day basis, especially the dagger of a tongue she has. To summarize, she is smart, sarcastic, and incredibly, incredibly unorthodox. She can and will use whatever it takes to get what she wants, even if it's incredibly bizzare. Cassandra also likes to be considered as the more professional one out of the pair she forms with Lancaster, claiming that she doesn't spend 'every single waking minute of their life fucking their way through'.
Service History:
Cassandra L. Marquise was born on September 22nd, 1986 in New York City, New York. Her father made pizzas for a living in his own special little pizzeria in Manhattan, while her mom worked for some corporation also in Manhattan. Growing up, Cassandra proved to be quite the remarkable student, eventually graduating as valedictorian from her high school and her undergraduate studies in college. However, coming out of college her path took a really odd turn, deciding to enter the US Navy as an officer. From there she saw quick success, quickly moving onto higher things. Soon, she was able to enter the Navy SEALs were she flourished even further.


A few years ago, she was told that she would be transferred across the Atlantic Ocean to the British for some super secret project. Cassandra gladly accepted, and now she currently carries out operations for Sierra Vanguard as a field agent, taking on tasks like counter-terrorism or quelling whatever group decided they wanted to be a nuisance to the Western world. Some of her skills include speaking 7 different languages frequently, expert handling of smaller arms such as assault rifles, sub-machine guns, and especially pistols, advanced survival techniques, in-depth martial arts training, and lots of various other skills she had accumulated throughout her experiences in the Navy SEALs and Sierra Vanguard. However, her most cherished skill is her incredibly sharp tongue, in which Lancaster is very well aware of.

Other: Cassandra likes to drive her Porsche 911 Turbo S, one of many cars in her possession in her garage. She has one overseas, and one back in America. In terms of things like smartphones, she is very particular to her Samsung Galaxy S5, since she can swap out sim cards on her command quickly. When it comes to her fashion though, it is provided by an on-site specialist who keeps up with the trends and buys whatever he thinks would make Cassandra stun all those who come across her. She likes to think that he has a better job than she does.

Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by ONL
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ONL Occasional Private Dick

Member Seen 6 mos ago

Name: George Alexander Upperton Cuddlesworth
Codename (Radio Call): Lancaster
Age: 30
Nationality: English
Role: Field agent

One of the last known pictures of George at Oxford University before leaving for new adventures, or so George called it.

George stands at an little more than average height of 6'1, with his dark, blue eyes and always well-styled brown hair. His face is of an elegant, English gentleman, with well-trimmed facial hair and an even better suit, which one can get an idea of his decent frame for upper-class man; not a macho-man by most means, but enough muscles to stand a fight.

Personality: George and Cassandra aren't too different from each other, his self-esteem matching hers just fine, his sarcastic comments (mostly directed towards her), and his will to accomplish a task by his way. But compared to Cassandra, George prefers to take more quiet and bloodless routes, usually involving espionage, diplomacy and hand-to-hand combat, though he does not shy away from a good gun-fight. He loves a good drink, his upper-class way of life, and himself of course. He does his best to go by the book, as long as it suits him well, and him too considers himself to be the more professional of the pair, stating that he does his work clean and smooth, while Cassandra always makes a mess, even if he ends up quite a few beds.

Service History: Born into prosperity on the 7th of April 1985, George never had a bad day in his life. His parents were both from a long line of rich merchants, land-owners, industrialists, diplomats and governors of Britain's past colonies, and it was only reasonable for George to follow in this path. He grew up on his family's estate in York, growing fond of the rich man's life and all that followed with it; swordsmanship, fox hunting, sailing, and women. He proved to be a good student too, going on to study law, international relations and politics at no other than at Oxford.

Like his father, grandfather, great grandfather and so on, George entered the armed forces to serve Queen and country, preferably as a fighter pilot or an officer, ending up as the latter after discrete encouragement from "unknown sources" with tons of money. Even for the obvious effect of the money, George was actually a decent army man, showing potential for SAS, though this is where his official records stops. As far as the public knows, George is serving down Iraq in the army.

-Top Secret-
Sierra Vanguard

Codename: Lancaster
Service record: Infiltrating several Russian arms-dealer groups; military and political espionage in China, Venezuela, Iran, Serbia, Egypt and Syria; assisting rebel forces and governmental forces in different civil wars and conflicts; retrieving key-components from North-Korean nuclear program...Classified.
Speaks five different languages, practices six different martial arts, skilled in use of light, medium and heavy firearms, expert in diplomacy, deception and espionage. High-value agent. Possible future confrontation with agent Liberty. Under evaluation.

Other: Like the spoiled upper-class man he his, his car of choice is a silver Aston Martin DB AR1 for which he loves dearly. Having given a lot of love and money (mostly money), the car is on top shape, and can compete with any new car anytime, anywhere, anyhow. In terms of phones, he always uses the newest of the Samsung Galaxy series, with plenty of useful gadgets that make him feel like James Bond, only better of course. And finally he always dressed as a proper gentleman, be it a clean-cut tailored suit of the finest Italian cloth or anything else fitting the occasion. Women turn their heads to take a look at this good-looking, finely dressed man, and George enjoys every second of it.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by FourtyTwo
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Member Seen 2 hrs ago

Name: Martin Thatcher
Codename (Radio Call): Kingmaker
Age: 45
Nationality: British (English)
Role: Section Leader

Picture taken approximately nine years ago. George W Bush did indeed photobomb this rare picture of Martin.

Martin stands at about 6"1, and looks intimidating, an agent of Sierra Vanguard in years past. He is bald, with his hair almost completely shaved short. Brown eyes, and a broken nose, as well as a scar running down the length of the side of his neck, not noticeable immediately at first but mostly healed. He has a fairly moderate build, and keeps in a moderate level of fitness, neither at his peak or lazy. He can usually be seen wearing a bespoke suit from Anderson & Sheppard on Saville Row, a distinct dark grey and with a black tie, his pin as Kingmaker attached in the building. A pair of Oxfords sit on his feet, and a pair of immaculate Ray Ban sunglasses sit on his face on a sunny day, when he is forced from his office to venture outside. He has no tattoos, or any other distinguishing feature, apart from his wrought steel appearance when he stares you in the eyes.

Martin is an individual who unites the chaos that is Sierra Vanguard, being a former field agent and someone who has risen the ranks. He is not remorseless, but he has seen it all. Death, love, duty, honor. He has seen them come and go, and knows that Sierra Vanguard agents are one of a kind. He likes to say he runs a tight ship, but he knows full well he lets his agents do as they please, as they do their jobs as they know best. He will bring them in line whenever it is needed, and will be a bollocking that usually hits home, proving the point. Martin may appear on the outside as a tough and loud superior, but is sharp and intelligent, with both in copiously good quantities; being able to often hammer the point home. He is gentlemanly, and understands ettiuquette, though being from a middle class background, he doesn't forget his roots and probably swears more than most, this being perhaps anger at times. He isn't as cocky as perhaps Lancaster is, but neither is he as unorthodox as Liberty, taking a path as the section leader that balances the two quite well. A lack of criticism from his superiors on Sierra Vanguard's efforts in his last three years as section leader show that perhaps, Martin is quite good at keeping the team on point.

Service History:
Martin Duncan Thatcher was born in Oxford, England, in 1970, to a middle class family, growing up in a mixed environment of his dad's Army glory, and his mother's job as a doctor. He consistently proved to be stubborn as a mule when it came to doing well in school, but he did get good grades at the end for some reason- he was just born smart, and able to pull good results from nowhere. Martin was destined for something better than fucking around doing donuts in car parks and smoking weed, it would appear, whether he liked it or not. In 1988, he accepted an offer to the University of Cambridge, studying Philosophy, a subject that he studied for three years. He was a member of their Rugby Society, a highly prestigious social grouping, and number of others. He served in the TA as an officer, and while this wasn't anything notable, Martin's father was a former Major that had influenced his sphere of thought on doing this. His intelligence was duly noted, as he was approached by a member of the British Secret Intelligence Service, working for MI5 in his third year. This was something that did surprise Martin.

He was brought on board as an intelligence analyst, at first, being asked to work in MI5 in dealing with internal threats of terror. The dissolution of the Soviet Union had brought with it a variety of threats, and Martin was good at catching the gun runners and bootleggers before they became a threat to British society, picking up espionage work naturally, from 1991-1993. He was later placed into working on the field, something that he was taught to a greater extent by a variety of sources. From ex-SAS soldiers, to spymasters, he picked up the trade of espionage and the intricacies within. He learned languages rapidly, and was taught how to shoot, stab, and generally stop someone from killing you. It was something that came late, but Martin wasn't a physical slouch, back in these times. Skills that an agent would need, were ones that he picked up. For the next five years, he worked in MI6's division in South America, and from here, he was offered a spot in Sierra Vanguard in 1997.

In his time in Sierra Vanguard, for the over fifteen years, Martin was involved in a variety of operations. An assassination on Blair by hardline activists that never was reported on in 2001 (politics is not Martin's game- he does not care for political figures in the West), or the destruction of North Korea's long range missile capability in 2002. The killing of two infamously corrupt Swiss bankers at a hotel in Geneva under "mysterious circumstances" in 2005, of whom were funding Taliban-related insurgencies in Central Asia. The bust of psycho-active drug shipments from Columbia in 2009, that were responsible for the deaths of tens of party-goers in Ibiza, and virtually turning almost a whole grouping of farmers and insurgents beserk. He may not have been former military, but his sharp mind, and his even more efficiency nature, made him one of the agency's top. Of the skills required for a Sierra Vanguard agent, he mastered most. Speaking ten different languages with a pitch perfect fluency, being able to become almost someone else with a different alias, as well as perform high risk operations in countries with no backup, Martin proved he was very talented indeed in his time as an agent.

By 2012, he had aged, and of course, there were plenty of new agents waiting in the wings. So with the departure of the Section Leader, he was promoted, the head of MI6 knowing full well that Martin was the best man for the job. With age, came wisdom, and Martin's mind as a leader found people who were more than willing to continue Sierra Vanguard's mandate. He is good at his job. And most threats, be they critical to world security or minor, he has dealt with. The one that he now faces is one that perhaps will be beyond even his reach, as an experienced operator...and that would take a very scary threat indeed.

Other: Martin drives a black Jaguar XFR, proving the epitome of class is still with the British Section Head. Crossing London can sometimes be a boon at rush hour, so for when his team needs to be inspected arming up at the London Docklands, a black, unmarked Agusta-Westland AW109 is his heli-taxi across the nation's capital, with a capacity for the whole team. Usually carries a Samsung S5, with a custom built titanium case. Like a Swiss Army Knife, it contains more than just a smartphone in tools.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by BigPapaBelial
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BigPapaBelial I have seen you...I have watched you...

Member Seen 14 hrs ago

Name: Drevan Kaii
Codename (Radio Call): Bugcatcher
Age: 34
Nationality: Canadian, Vancouver Born and bred
Role: Hacker/Support personnel


Picture taken by a wireless drone, mere moments before it was spotted, swatted and the operator found over Hacknet and had his system aggressively burned out.

Standing a pretty average 5 foot 6 inches, red-blonde hair, black eyes. A good 221 pounds almost none of it fat. Mostly tanned skin over muscle. Clean shaven, well groomed. nothing like what someone would expect from a hacker. His tendency to wear hoodies even in the warmest weather makes him a little bit of a unique character. Usually under that he'll have fine nylon or silk shirt, and pants, no one has yet seen his underwear to tell what that looks like. He's usually styled up quite plainly. Only when going out on the town will he put any kind of gel or cologne on. Red-blonde hair on just barely pale skin. He's not all that remarkable when it comes down to things. When he's out and about he tends to wear a broad brimmed Panama hat, usually in charcoal black, a black designer leather jacket, silk shirt and khaki jacket. Often with extra pockets sewn into it, just in case.


A fine balance between introvert and extrovert. Willing to go out and party, he's a regular at his local gym. But he really does enjoy his alone time, in his flat, with his books, and computer. He'll gladly go out to a bar or party. But he'll just as quickly take to his home office and his bank of computers, servers and hack tools as well.


Growing up on the "mean" streets of Vancouver. What a place, the biggest melting pot in all of Canada. One of the greatest jewels of the nation. It was fun and giggles for Drevan's early years. He'd done his time in school. Excelling at all things social studies, computers and technology. It was in high school that he got into a differant crowd. He met the Anonymous Crew online. Mostly by accident. He'd been scrolling through some reddit, tumblr and 4chan posts. He'd expressed interest in furthering his knowledge of computers and the cyberworld.

This began a world wide, whirlwind time of learning. He was given a Hackers Starter kit of programs and little widgets for his PC and laptop. Wifi tappers, worms, moles, aggressive tunnelers and various other goodies. He joined minor operations to grab information about incidents and problems and passed them on to others who could use it. He joined DDoS attacks, Leak operations. Ripped the innards out of a "secure" database almost all on his own. He got good. So good, that for a time, he went Black Hat. He ripped information, and ideas and sold them to the people who could use them. He became abit of a notorious figure under several names. Joining Lulsec for a time, but by then he had made a name all his own, and he didn't want to be tied down.

One day he was given an unexpected challenge. While writing a paper for a college class, he recieved an email, with an anonymous sender, saying they wanted a system broken into, and the information within, ripped out, cleaned out and sent back to them. Drevan knew nothing about Sierra at this point. So he took the job, he finished his paper, and began the hack. By then he had a whole bank of computers, servers and towers he used to do his hacks. And a whole wall of touchscreen monitors that he could use to keep track of the on going hack. And so it began. He covertly tunneled into the system, broke it's security, installed back doors just in case and began to datamine. He quickly learned that this system was a private system. Owned by a group with military and espionage capabilities. That's when he saw it. Someone had put a trace on him.

What followed was a race. He needed to get out of the system, dust the trace and clean his trail. He wasn't quite fast enough. He soon had armed men in his flat. And a single suited man, who offered him a job, in exchange for the clearing of his record. Drevan agreed, and ditched his old alias. And became Bugcatcher, Reserve Member of Sierra Espionage. His kit and rigs were now 100 times as powerful as they were before with Sierra backing, his programs super-charged. If you wanted into a system, lights, doors and cameras slaved. He was your boy.

Other: Despite having money to burn, Drevan/Bugcatcher drives an old Jeep Cherokee. Mind you, he's kitted it out with aluminum body panels making it lighter, and a tricked out, powerful V10 engine. Giving the thing one hell of a powerful kick. A mobile hotspot, it allows him to set up a mini-office almost anywhere. Giving him mobility to hack from right outside a target location if he needs too. The newest Android cellphone the LG G4 is what he tends to use most. Onto which he's loaded some very choice remote hacking software. He'll occasionally also have a couriers bag over one shoulder, with one of his smaller, high end laptops in it, as well as any other additional gear he might need.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by FourtyTwo
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Member Seen 2 hrs ago

Name: Thom Stark
Codename (Radio Call): Cavalier
Age: 31
Nationality: English
Role: Support Field Agent

Picture taken at least a year ago. That's a vintage '64 Ben Bracken.

Thom is about 6"1 tall, and can often be seen wearing a beige colored Kilgour suit, with a white shirt and green tie. He often has a clean shaven or slightly stubbled face, and neat brown Oxfords at his feet, with a distinct Home Counties accent that sounds quintessentially English. Whilst his upbringing was more rough than most gentlemen, he still has a quite polite manner of speaking that he has aquired as an officer and field agent in MI5, though it is rough around the edges in some places. He can be occasionally be seen smoking a pipe- something that is perhaps a little more aspiring gentlemanly than a roll-up. He seems well built beneath his suit, and a pair burn scars on his should indicating that he has had tattoos removed.


Thom is an interesting fellow, definitely espousing the traditional English stiff upper lip and gentlemanly characteristics. Like his boss, and similarly to Lancaster, in this regard. He is perhaps a little more reserved, and orthodox in his methods, leaving the carnage to his colleagues. He seems to be confident in most part, and whilst not always a leader, he knows what it takes to point out things that he catches in the corner of his eyes. Observant, and patient, but aware that he isn't the best of the best- that is better left for Lancaster and Liberty. He isn't as sharply tuned as Kingmaker, but he has a good head, and in practical situations, knows what he does best, supporting the other two in any way possible. He seems to be an aspiring gentleman, and perhaps has embraced it a little too much, not having the suave sarcasm of Lancaster just yet to really pull it off.

Service History:
Thom was born in Portsmouth, Hampshire in 1984, his father a Merchant Seaman, and his mother a housewife from a middle-class background. His parents had little time for him, and Thom often was on his own, up to no good and often fucking around. This said, his father did have aquired tastes- and throughout his youth, his dad did show him various alcoholic beverages, one that Thom remained good at identifying, as well as a certain gentlemanly nature. The fact he wondered did hit hard in school- and his grades were poor, though he showed promise in Maths, Physics and Foreign Languages, less so in other fields. He was not an academic, it appeared- but as a sportsman, he was reaching his physical pinnacle by the age of 15. He was the local Cross-Country champion, and a member of Swimming and Boxing clubs. He always looked forward to being 16, because he'd fulfill his dream of joining the Royal Marines Commando, as an enlisted Marine in 2000.

Thom was no officer, but he proved himself on various occasions, often being tagged along on Royal Navy reconnaissance parties on shore during the Invasion of Iraq in 2003, where he proved himself despite his young age. Being only 19 at the time, Thom found himself under fire and confident in sending it back, being suggested to become an officer instead. This he took on, being merely 22 years of age as he went through Sandhurst. Two tours later, and Thom had requested a transfer to the Royal Navy, looking for a different field of work to get involved in. Conflict had left Thom changed, and as an officer, he had become more of a "Rupert", or privileged officer than he had ever thought he would become. The last that Thom worked in the Royal Navy, he was in Signals, working aboard HMS Ark Royal in 2007. This was when he was offered a career change.

Thom's work at MI6 was one of a very interesting caliber indeed. He was taken immediately on as a field agent, and learned a variety of languages, learning how to fly helicopters and aircraft, among others gave Thom a broad and wide ranging skillset that made him ideal as a supporting agent. In many circumstances, Thom was able to get agents out of a sticky situation in foreign countries chased by militants, preventing the failure of missions by doing whatever was needed to complete their exfiltration. In 2009, this was a literal example when an MI6 agent was evacuated from an improvised jungle landing strip by Thom flying a paramotor, chased by hundreds of armed AK-wielding LRA militants in Uganda. Or providing a vital role in a wiretap operation against a major arms deal in Berlin, in 2010. This later evolved into Thom joining Sierra Vanguard, on his wide skillset and positive service history.

The group needed a supporting field agent, and he was drafted into the group in 2013, after several years of service in MI6's Asian and African branches. Thom has acquired a far greater gentlemanly taste than his background would expect him to do so, and whilst not an equal to Lancaster and Liberty in infiltration and acquiring information, he is able to be the third man of the group and help to get the job done, whatever the odds facing the team.


Thom drives a gun-metal grey 2008 Audi RS6 Avant, a car that whilst having a hefty price tag, is more than useful for getting from point A to point B in quick speed. And as an added bonus, it has a lot of room for bodies. The car has reversible plates, and has been resprayed multiple times, owing to it's use in operations in Europe and Britain, though safe for Thom to use.

Thom has an exceptional taste for whiskey. He is probably one of the best among the Sierra Vanguard team at telling apart drinks, something from his youth. It's uncanny. He also happens to enjoy smoking pipes, a vintage 1930s hazelnut pipe being the nicest of his collection. Wacky Backy has been mixed infrequently.
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