Ygrien Renaldo.
Watching from his hiding place he soon came to notice he was not alone, he heard voices and it was not like they were even trying to be silent or anything, in fact they came towards him and it was obvious that they had spotten him as this spot was apperently more visible than the others. At first he eyed them and could quickly discern a human among what looked like a pack of Gijinkas... he had a very bad feeling about it. Gijinkas who served humans were no better than pokémon, they even seemed to have their own balls and be following their 'trainers' commands like loyal Growlith's following their masters call. He backed out of his hiding place as they approached, and it was clear they wanted trouble before one rushed in to attack... yet Ygrien leaped backwards, backflipped and gracefully landed outside the move's target zone with a quick graceful Acrobatic dodge. He didn't hesitate for a moment to counter with a Dragon pulse yet aimed for the human rather than the gijinka who attacked him.
Yet he kept his eyes on both as he fired his Dragon Pulse from his two hands "Wild human appears... " he remarked before increasing the distance between them. "Now stand down on your own, or I will make you" he said threateningly as he prepared for the next exchange of moves, he weren't afraid of them,... after all, if he took the head of the human, the rest of the 'snake' would die... or so to speak.