Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Anlu
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Anlu Only A Little Crazy

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Eye of Anhara, Pelor's Crypt.

It was the third night since the Equinox - a time celebrated in commemoration of the birth of Anhara - and the festival had finally wound to an end. Half of Schwarzenburg was drunk and broke; the other half was sober and flush with cash. And yet the priesthood of Anhara, whose faith had been predominant in Sabiland for all of living memory, was scarcely to be seen. The Eye, the fortress's most influential priest (some said he was blessed with prophetic vision), slammed his paw down on a table far beneath the black walls of the castle. "Enough!"
The bickering clergy gradually fell silent.
"I saw it with my own eyes. You saw it. Even the kids saw it." The ninetales, unusually tall for his kind and blind in one eye, gestured toward the diminutive group huddled at the end of the long table. There, Feuertanz ducked his head, leaning into the nearest acolyte, who murmured and stroked his ears to calm him.

"Twice a year," began the fox, good eye glimmering by the light of the fire. "Twice a year on the equinox, Anhara chooses which students will ascend. She redistributes her power among her faithful. But we all saw the fire in the sky. We felt the earth shake. And not one among our order has found her spark. Our foremost have lost... a considerable amount of their power. My own dreams are of pain and of fear. What many of you do not know, however.." Here, he paused, and after a gesture a pair of attendants rolled out a long weathered map on the table...

Feuertanz, Schwarzenburg Gate

The next morning, Feuertanz stood very nervously at the gates of the fortress wearing his jet black acolyte's robes - black, with a line of crimson thread down the spine, and double bars down the front. A small insignia was emblazoned over his heart, an iconographic star with a single unblinking pupil. The mark of Anhara. He clutched in one paw a rolled up map and in the other the strap of a small satchel that he'd slung over his shoulder. The young quilava was grateful for the insulation provided by the thick woolen robe in the crisp morning air.

For all that was wrong with the world, it was still a beautiful morning. He paused to appreciate this, the scent of pine in the cold air, and to watch his hot breath turn to mist. Who would join him? He'd spent the whole night before handing out flyers. An expedition! An adventure. Reports had been filtering in since the Equinox, and none of it made a lot of sense. Lights in the middle of the night, unlike anything the scouts had seen before - floating, or high in the air, mostly around the ruined city to the north. His map said it was called Mannheim. Would it be dangerous for an unseasoned acolyte to venture into the wilderness? Of course it would. But he... felt the need to see what lay beyond Sabiland. He felt ... drawn to the north. The feeling was indescribable, almost magnetic - and he could nearly taste it. And... maybe even more importantly... he knew that north lay the Pillar. But he couldn't put that kind of stuff in the fliers!

Nihonto, Schwarzenburg Square

Much less appreciative of the cool morning air, a singular and very recognizable typhlosion stood in the castle's square. Nihonto was more or less right-hand-man to the Duke - a Knight of relatively moderate standing but whose eccentricities had become well known. He stuck his nose into everything after all - he drunk, he whored, and he kept the peace. Sometimes he took it upon himself to perform law enforcement duties within his master's land, even to collect taxes and mediate local affairs.

So for those familiar with his eccentric reputation, perhaps it wasn't a surprise that he stood here, ruby-colored sword planted in the nearly frozen ground beneath the Moeri flag on the tail end of his speech. "Any takers, men of Sabiland?" He rose his voice as he addressed the crowd - gathered either out of interest or curiosity of the spectacle. My lord's men are stretched far too thin - he cannot possibly spare the manpower to march north. Instead I must turn to you. I need a small squad to accompany me to the north. Do you all remember the earthquake on the first night of Equinox? The way the sky lit up, as if the sun had risen all over again? We've received reports that, north of Mannheim, fire descended from the sky. It swallowed up two entire villages and left nothing but ashe and glass. A neighboring wildling tribe has also suffered tremendous casualties. We do not know what has caused this. But we need to know. I ask again: Any takers?"

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Kamen Evie
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Kamen Evie Masked Witch

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Lusser von Steigen dug around in his coat pocket and sighed, having predicted such a thing happening already. The various scouts, soldiers, and soothsayers of the land would already be looking into this mystery long before a lone drifter like him could ever hope of reaching it. Fortunately, however, it seemed to him that they were far too busy squabbling amongst each other to secure it, leaving him a perfect opportunity to go and see these wonders first hand, and with the added bonus of some number of warm bodies to watch his back, in case the creators of this ruined city wished for their secrets to remain undisclosed long after their own failure.

“I believe you foisted this paper onto me last night,” Lusser said to the Quilava as he pulled the flyer out of his pocket, containing his annoyance over how said gift had interrupted one of his games and disrupted his focus. “And I hope to join you on this promising expedition. When do you plan on setting off?” Lusser hoped to be out of the dreadfully cold air sooner rather than later, or at the very least start moving so he could walk off the lack of heat. Though, now that he looked at the Quilava's garb, he could very well be inclined in magic, perhaps even something related to fire. Perhaps today would turn out to be a bit warmer than he thought.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Lugia
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Lugia Legendary Bird

Member Seen 3 mos ago

Another night spent at this inn... I wish I had the supplies to continue my journey... I thought as I looked in my bag, only to reveal a few coins, which was barely enough to stay another day at this place Just as well, I suppose I then think as I take my dirty, slightly torn, and worn brown tunic, as well as my armor, which was faring much better for some reason, and after, of course, dressing and taking my spear, I finally leave my room. There didn't seem to be too many others here, or at least, there were only a few pokemon who I realized were deeply loyal regulars who almost never saw their family. Both of them, a Mr. Mime, and a Conkeldurr seemed to be crying into their drinks, as per the usual, or, at least, what I was told was the usual by the barkeeper. The fact that the barkeeper was a Zoroark, however, made me a little suspicious of him, even if he allowed me to stay here for almost nothing, something about his species, as well as the ditto, just made me instantly not trust them. I wonder... is it because I've been the target of their shape-shifting antics in the war? Maybe I just don't like pokemon who could essentially steal your identity on a whim I ponder before the barkeeper greets me with "Hey there, Thorvald! Third day here, huh? So, are you leaving on your giant quest for... er... whatever it was?" I try to hide my suspicions of him as I answer "Well... probably, but I have just enough coin for another night here," he smiled at me, and said "Well, I wish you luck, though, I always hate to see a customer leave," sure, he seemed to be friendly towards me, but that didn't change the fact that he could turn on me, lock me up in some broom closet while I sleep, and head off, pretending to be me... of course, thinking about it further, he didn't have much to gain from stealing my identity, did he? My armor and weapons, maybe, but I was thankfully rather unknown in these parts.

I head out the door after a few glasses of pure water, which grass types practically craved constantly, and notice a very... familiar fire type. Nihonto... that drunkard who used to be what some would refer to as my 'rival'. I held up my spear to the Typhlosion, and said "Nihonto... the duke's loyal guard dog, the drunkard who used to try to take credit for apparently teaching me all that I knew, the same man who beat up my actual mentor during one of their 'outings' into the nearby city, and the same one who led the charge to take over whatever city it was I lived near, and indirectly had me thrust into the military. I'll bet you can't even remember my name, however..." I then probably surprised him by lowering my weapon, and putting it away soon after. "...if this truly is just a squad to help out pokemon effected by that earthquake, and figure out whether or not it was caused by something out of the ordinary, I'll join. Consider me a part of this squad," I then wondered if he actually did remember my name, and if he didn't, I might just have to lie, due to the fact that he'd certainly remember that I was in the military, and would remember that I was 'supposedly' killed on a mission to kill a helpless, defenseless druid, and even if he was drunk right now, he'd probably be able to figure out the fact that I deserted the army, and that might not end well, as he always was stronger than I was, of course, I was faster, but that wouldn't be enough, not with that fire magic of his.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by AdamTheChao
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AdamTheChao Monster Hunter Extraordinaire

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Nearby, her leather armor barely shielding her from the cold, Alina fumbled nervously with the flyer in her hands. Having spotted the Quilava she had been instructed to meet, as well as a Bagon that appeared to be doing the same. She gave the flyer one last look over, but this only proved to make her more nervous. Having reinforced the fact that she had no idea what any of it meant and had only her commander's instructions to go by. As she approached, her eyes fell upon the Mark of Anhara on the Quilava's chest, which gave her a bit more confidence in what she was doing. Once she was noticed by him however, her nerves got the better of her again and she hid her face behind the flyer.

Slowly lifting her face up, she tried to remember how to talk again. Avoiding glancing to the stern looking Bagon beside her lest she completely freeze up from that, not that the frigid morning air hadn't almost done so already. "U-um, hello. M-my name's Alina" She began to stutter, weakly holding the flyer out to the Quilava. "My commander saw this and, um, and he told me...Told me to come with you on your expedition. He said I'd be more useful with you than I would be here-" Her sentence trailed off into silence as she tried to keep eye contact, resisting the urge to just stare down at the ground.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Pearion_Rehtyer
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Pearion_Rehtyer The Hug Dragon

Member Seen 10 yrs ago

The Cubone was not within the crowd upon Nihonto's speech, but rather on the circumference, keeping an eye out for those that were not behaving. It was not uncommon that rising tension would have to put down, and with the current topic she assumed moreso that some would grow agitated. Those that had been in contact with the locations the fire rained on. She paused her attention when Nihonto mentioned the earthquakes. She had indeed felt that prior to others on that day, her whole family did. She sighed a bit at the thought, the destruction that had followed it. And when the Sceptile wandered forward and started slandering Nihonto. This was not something she expected, but she could not say she could shove his accusations aside. The Typhlosion was a little obnoxious for an official if what she heard from other guards was true. Still, she shuffled through the crowd over to the Sceptile. Her lance jangling a little as she pressed a few poochyena out of the way.

Attempting to grab at his arm she stated, "I would suggest you relax for the moment, you can speak to Sir Nihonto about whatever foolish things he's done while you are out traveling with him." Releasing his arm, if she had grabbed it, she added, "Although I recommend not agitating him if you can help it, he has fire. I'm sure you know that, yes?" She glared up at the Typhlosion's blade before looking back and suddenly realizing she was standing next to the person Nihonto and probably most of the crowd was observing at the moment. She gave pause and looked around before straightening up and trying to think of something to say so she wouldn't look stupid. She had most certainly had enough of that with her blade training.

Staring up at Nihonto she shrugged, "I am but a simple soldier, but I would say it's my duty to go and try to solve the matter for those that cannot, if you would have me."

She grinned, actually she had rather wanted to see what the earthquakes were about ever since the fire had ripped through the sky on that day. She just never thought she would get the chance as a soldier. They would surely send more experienced adventurers out would they not, but after the Sceptile's display, it would be difficult for one to refuse one not as brash, no? Perhaps she would have to thank the Sceptile later, if she enjoyed the journey.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Evanist
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Evanist The Mewing Mew

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

*View in the past*

Erion had been travelling for a long time…. Forest after forest, plains after plains. It had been a hard journey for him. But he had finally arrived…. The kingdom of Moere. Finally he had arrived. He had hunted and gathered good and such all his way over there, although he had gotten quite some troubles in the first days. But it was all worth it. His cloak were full of dirt and dust, showing that the jouney was not an easy one.He had gotten quite some trouble…. Including a wild ursaring that tried to maul him… only to have been striked multiple times by his rapier. The thing then ran away after that. Funny though, a small espurr terrorising a ursaring…. Size was not what was important here. He moved inside the kingdom, people walking around, his cloak hiding every part of him. He continued to walk towards the castle.

When he arrived, 2 guards stopped him.
“Halt… who goes there…” they say to Erion, who looked up at the figures. One of them was a machamp… the other an escavalier.
“I come to give a message to the king… a warning of what might come….” Erion then said, getting a envelope out. The machamp then took the envelope and then opened it, before Erion turned around to walk away. The machamp looked down at the letter. The symbol of the royal family of Aelvail was at the bottom part of the letter. The machamp showed to the escavalier the letter before both of them looked at each other, then at Erion who was at a good distance now. A letter of warning about the king of Aelvail being poisoned, about the throne that might be ursurped by a tyrant, and to keep a eye out in case. Aelvail always had a trade pact with the kingdom of Moore, for spices and things like that. It was the reason why they never really got into war with Moore. They had a strong militairy, but it was more for defense then anything.

Erion walked away, having done his job. He didn’t want a audience with the king… He only wanted to give the warning of what might happen. To keep a eye out. With how relations were with Moore, he probably won’t break out a war just for that letter, only keep his guards up in case. Then Erion though about it… what could he do now… he had done what he came to do… but what was he going to do now… He poundered. Well… he was going east… If he was going to be stronger, he would need to learn more about how to survive… He sold what he had found in the forests that he didn’t need and then moved east.

*Present days*
It had been a while since Erion travelled from his kingdom… He had heard about multiple things that happened. Passer by talking, saying rumors and facts. It was always good to listen to what people said to get the latest information. He continued to walk before seeing a flyer on the ground. He picked it up and looked at it. He smiled a bit as he read it. A expedition up north… with the mark of Anhara on the flyer. This could actually be interesting. To find the source of the light he been seeing during the night in the forest.

Erion knew that getting the throne from his brother would be difficult… too difficult for him. In his curent state, he would be beaten down easy by whoever he had hired… and by the guards that he probably brainwashed using his powers. His brother was always the type to play with people’s minds to get what he wanted… He had went to master this. Erion, however disliked going into people’s minds, finding it both disrespectful and dishonorable. To play with someones mind to get what you want… to be manupulative. His father too didn’t like using those kinds of powers….although he used them in emergencies like assasination attempts. Though this time he didn’t see it coming…

Back to what Erion was doing… He readed the paper a bit more before looking at where the meeting was. Schwarzenburg Gate. The place he entered from… Although he didn’t see anyone for that group when he arrived. Probably cause he was early or he didn’t notice. He then saw a quilava with the mark of Anhara. He smiles under his cloak a bit and moves forwards, then seeing a bagon and a kirlia with the quilava.
“Excuse me…. I… am guessing you guys are here for the expedition… I… would like to join in.” he says, before removing the hood of his cloak, but keeping it on, so he would not be as reconized. Last thing he needed was to have some assasins try to get him. Sure… he had noble blood, but sometimes he wish he didn’t. He breath deeply.
“I think I could help with danger that would be on the way.” He then adds, giving a smile slightly. He was on his guard at the moment though. He didn’t know what to expect from these guys. But this might actually make him have a good training and learn a lot also. The more he learned, the better he can adapt and possibly find a way to remove his brother from the throne. He missed his mentor… but right now he needed to do this on his own.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Anlu
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Anlu Only A Little Crazy

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Feuertanz, Schwarzenburg Gate

Feuertanz was fiddling with the little golden candelabre at his neck, working a kink from the delicate chain when the crinkle of paper alerted him to the dragon's presence. He looked up with a start! Oh dear! The tone unnerved him at first, but he let Lusser speak his peace before replying. He rallied admirably, stepping forward and grasping the other's paw with both of his own, one inside and one out for an energetic handshake! "A pleasure! I do apologize if I was brazen last night. As my mother said, it is better to ask forgiveness than permission!" His paws were warm, despite the biting cold, and he released the dragon as a second joined their number - and a third not so far behind her!

Working quickly, the little quilava slid up alongside Alina with a confident smile and put his arm over her shoulder. Now this was somewhat uncomfortable territory for him; he really didn't know what to do about her commander or her evident reluctance. But he saw the fear in her eyes and he latched onto that. He wanted to reassure her. "Well, Alina, I for one am happy to have you. I like you already; you're beautiful. I can tell that you're sharp, I can see it in your eyes - so why don't you quit hiding behind that little flyer, huh?" He didn't prolong the contact, sliding off of her so that it didn't get weird (did she already thing it was weird? He hoped not!) and gave her the same energetic handshake with which he'd greeted Lusser. He made absolutely sure to make eye contact, since she seemed so keen to avoid it!

Of course, Feuertanz had absolutely no way to recognize Erion's royal blood. He was foreign, that much was clear by his accent, but that wasn't anything unusual. Yet he handled that Espurr a little more gently, who was less than half his height - such small creatures! He grasps the newcomer's paw nonetheless. "And you as well, welcome, all of you. What is your name? And yours, sir dragon?" He stepped back from the princeling and took point near the gate, holding his paws wide. "I am Feuertanz! I'm glad you've all chosen to come with me on this expedition. We will wait a short while to see who else might arrive. We'll be venturing north to Mannheim you see, to the old ruined city - because nobody knows what's out there. We'll be working together, so may I ask for introductions? I'm an acolyte, by the way, a student of Anhara for those unfamiliar."

Nihonto, Schwarzenburg Square

Accosted by an all too familiar face, Nihonto was rather caught off guard. But he held his ground - while Thorvald was no doubt a threat, he wasn't about to lose his cool over a single spear in his face. Instead he took a careful step back, raising his paws with the palms flat, a warding gesture that expressed his desire to diffuse the conflict. Simultaneously, the same position put his paws in a good position in case he did have to defend himself - from this point it was a small motion to grab or deflect the weapon whose haft was simply wood. "...Thor?" He asks, his ears folded against his head. "... I thought you were dead! Look. You're not the first pokemon to have it out for me." He spoke, watching the other lower his spear. "...But I've got a job and unfortunately that job gets messy sometimes. People die. I have to kill them. I'm good at it. Younger soldiers get pressed into the military - I don't like that policy but what can I do? It's practically rule number one of the Empire. As for your mentor, he was a smarmy little shit and he deserved it."

The last, though, he said with a faint smile. Was it a joke? Partially. The knight took his sword, Nagina, from the ground and slid her into her sheath at his side. "If you remember anything about me, Master Thorvald, it's that I mean what I say. This mission isn't primarily to help those affected by the... for lack of a better word, we're going to call it an attack, because it sure as hell sounds like one. I'm not a doctor. Are you? The nearby villages are likely better equipped to send relief and we're short on supplies here as it stands. If we can help, certainly, we will. But our primary goal is to figure out WHAT has caused it, and who, and how we can stop it from happening again. And I will take anyone that wishes to come- as long as you understand that I cannot guarantee your safety."
His gaze settles on the cubone as he says this - a gentle reminder that she's rather small, and seemingly rather young. But he was thus when he first went to war; he wouldn't deny her if she so chose.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Evanist
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Evanist The Mewing Mew

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Erion looked at the quilava, who handled with care because of how small Erion was. Seriously... he hated being so small compare to everyone else... but what could he do about it? It's not like there were a growth potion or anything that existed. He breath deeply, and then think. Erion wasn't that much of a common name where he comes from... and saying his name here could attract... unwanted attention. Although here, there were low chances that people would actually recognize him by his name... and if they did... and were out to get him, then they were better off dead. He was fast with his blade, and it was not like they were a army people people... And he would be with these guys for a while... He breath deeply. He didn't want to lie here. Now to hope they don't recognize who he is.
"Name is Erion..." he says. shaking the paw of Feuertanz.
"And I might not seem like it but I can handle a blade well. I... am a knight from far south. My king was killed by poisoning... and I did not want to fallow the usurper. So I moved away." he then says. Best to lie on that part of who he was. They will learn about it soon enough... but he wanted to be far from the city before even giving any clues on who he was.
"And it is nice to meet you Feuertanz." he adds. He give a gentle bow to him, showing respect. At least it was a acolyte of a known religion.... meaning he was less likely to a assasin. For the others though, less likely. That kirlia didn't seem like the type at all, being a bit scared, but that bagon... He was unsure. Man he was being paranoid... but with what he lived not long ago.... he didn't have any choice but to be.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Kamen Evie
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Kamen Evie Masked Witch

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Lusser frowned and stroked his chin as he tried to analyze the Kirlia beside him. Judging by what she said, she was some sort of soldier, though she seemed to lack the confidence one would expect from such an occupation. Perhaps Alina was simply incompetent, and this commander of hers was hoping to be rid of her for a while. One of the problems of indiscriminate conscription, he supposed. The cloaked Espurr, though easily less than half his height, seemed to have a much better understanding of the situation. Shaking the Quilava’s hand, Lusser found himself letting loose a short laugh along with his smile.

“Well, I suppose you could say I operate by the same principle.” Lusser said, understanding the fact that it was often that those he met never knew that he would be slighting them in the first place, but it was technically true nonetheless. Something about Feuertanz’s energy, despite his prior slight and seeming naivete, struck Lusser as likeable; he liked a Pokemon with passion only somewhat less than how much he despised those who haven’t worked a day in their lives.

“My name,” Lusser answered once he was prompted to introduce himself. “Is Lusser von Steigen. Formerly a banker, currently a gambler, and occasionally a showman of sorts. While I admit I am under-equipped, I can say for certain that I know my way around a fight. Hopefully, though, things shouldn’t escalate to that point during our journey.” He nodded and tipped his hat to the group, thinking his situation over; there was a wide-eyed acolyte, a cowardly soldier, a pint-sized knight, and himself. You have to play the cards you're dealt, Lusser reasoned, and if he didn't bother to stack the deck beforehand, then that was his own fault.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Lugia
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Lugia Legendary Bird

Member Seen 3 mos ago

The look on his face as he insulted my old mentor told me that he was joking, and he explained that we aren't exactly doctors, or even healers for that matter. Even if I did know druidic magic, I focused on weaponizing it, and thus, never learned how to heal another using said magic, unfortunately. Oddly enough, he remembered me, and thought I died, but wasn't suspicious of me. I then notice a possible third ally, a Cubone who seemed to be in a guard's uniform. She asked me to calm down a little, and I assure her "I'm fine, I wasn't going to attack him anyways, just, I dunno, catch his attention, maybe," she looked a little young to be doing guard duty, but, for all I knew, she could have just put off evolving for some reason or another. I then look back towards Nihonto, and say "Hm... an attack, huh? Well, either way, I guess we're going to find out once we get there, right?" Odd that I'd find myself teamed up with this... pokemon, but I suppose I needed more money, and if we were defending someone from an attack, we were bound to get paid at some point, right? If nothing else, I could always just live off of the local berries until I get paid, I knew what was edible and what was poisonous. I may have to keep tabs on what we're doing and why, though, the last thing I'd want to do is get all tangled up in some other war, fighting for a country I didn't like... again. "So, after you, oh glorious leader," I then say to Nihonto after going over a few scenarios of what might end up happening in my head. Sure, I would follow orders, but I would make sure that I knew what they were, and why they were being issued.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by AdamTheChao
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AdamTheChao Monster Hunter Extraordinaire

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

While Alina refrained from backing off, she appeared to just stop moving as Feuertanz put his arm around her. Having absolutely no clue how to react and almost dropping the flyer in surprise. Even still, she couldn't help but find herself leaning into it. The surprising warmth emanating from him as she stood beside her helping keep her at ease. With a brief and slightly wishful thought floating through her mind that perhaps he simply noticed she had little protection from the cold, and wanted to help her warm up. Though she soon found herself rapidly turning a deep red as he complimented her, suddenly finding the ground the most interesting looking thing in the world when he called her 'beautiful'. Nevertheless, if his hope was to calm her it worked, and she couldn't help but smile in response.

She weakly accepted his handshake after he had slid back, more so just grabbing his hand than shaking in return. "O-Ok... Thank you." She mumbled, with her head still down she only barely kept eye contact before pulling away. Now letting the hand holding the flyer hang at her side. She gave a quick glance to the Espurr and Bagon, however this only proved to turn her face further red, so she quickly returned her gaze to the ground. As they introduced themselves, she did raise her head up a tad again. Trying to respectfully keep her focus at least somewhat on them. Although the smile she had gained did momentarily falter at the mentions of a poisoning and fighting.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Anlu
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Anlu Only A Little Crazy

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Feuertanz, Schwarzenburg Gate

On an impulse, Feuertanz slipped the little golden candelabra off his neck and pressed it into Alina's nervous hands. He says nothing for it, only flashing her a friendly and reassuring smile. "Well, I'm sure you can guess my stance on fighting!" Declares the small quilava, who nonetheless may well be among the tallest of the group by simple virtue of race. Lusser's remark held his attention for a moment as he went on to elaborate. The reference to the dragon's criminal background completely flew over his head though - the banker's son wasn't at all off the mark when he thought of Tanz's naivete. "But! ...If it comes to that, if it truly comes to that, I am confident in Anhara's gift." Of course he was. Without flare or ceremony, the acolyte rolls his paw over and snaps his fingers, spinning a small and simple flame into existence, cupped in his palm and cradled close to his breast. He showed no caution toward the cloth, which seemed almost to pull the little flame inward.

In any case, now he turned his full attention to Eralion. He dismissed the fire, waving his paw as though wafting smoke, and bows to the supposed knight. "In any case, though it is a pleasure to make your acquaintance, It grieves me to hear that you have suffered such treachery. I hope that Sabiland agrees with you, even if it is not quite home. We will always be a singular people, regardless of the flag that flies in our castle." He gestured offhand to the Moere banner, rising over the square in which a second expedition was gathering, well out of earshot.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Pearion_Rehtyer
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Pearion_Rehtyer The Hug Dragon

Member Seen 10 yrs ago

Frey stayed staring at Nihonto, realizing what his gaze was trying to tell her. Her gaze was marred by a bone helmet of course, but she did her best to imply that she relished in the fact that things might be a bit rough on her. Wanting to solidify this fact she stated, "I could use the experience...maybe I'll end up as more than a guard when all this is said or done, or maybe I'll end up as a victim of whatever caused this 'attack'. I know what I am getting into Sir Knight."

She turns to the Sceptile afterwards, looking him and his gear over as he had her. She was indeed a bit young to be a guard, but she had pressed and pressed herself until she was able to take her place amongst them. She merely lacked the combat experience she figured that both Nihonto and this Sceptile had, "I hope to learn well from you, Sceptile. My name is Frey, and I believe I have not heard the story of your master before this, but Nihonto's skill with a blade is not a thing to be made light of." She looks up at the Typhlosion and his blade, then her own lance, which hid her blade inside it. Nihonto's blade was somewhat different. She could simply feel that looking at it, and this other old pokemon may not have had a weapon like Nihonto but surely he had skill. Frey had nothing but determination, but that was enough to see her through her the rigors of becoming a guard, and that would be enough to keep up with these two experienced fighters.

"So 'leader'." She addressed Nihonto, "Anyone else joining up? If not when do we set off, and what preparations have been made for our journey? Do we have a caravan, and entourage. Or is it just those who answered the call today?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Evanist
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Evanist The Mewing Mew

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Erion nods before breathing deeply, and then saying something under his breath.
"I guess this place could be my home... Although I don't plan on leaving that bastard as the king... kick me out of my own home..." he said in his breath, shaking his head a bit. He looks up in the air and sighed.
"Sorry... it's just being force away like that... I might talk about it when we get away from the town... I... kinda dislike talking about it in public." he says calmly. Could he trust these peoples? Maybe... maybe not... but they didn't seem that dangerous... the one he was worried about was more of the bagon, who seem to know a trick or 2, hearing his background. Although he probably isn't a assassin, that is for sure... And what if one of them was a spy... there goes his crazy thinking again... He really need to be less paranoid about things. It's not like every single person wanted him dead... In his kingdom probably now cause of his brother's mind tricks and lies he will be spewing out... But probably not.
"And I won't lie but... I can hold on in a fight also quite... well." he says before showing his hand and then a lightning bolt started to form, moving around in his hand as he then closes it, shaking his hand a bit.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by AdamTheChao
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AdamTheChao Monster Hunter Extraordinaire

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Alina was a tad stunned when Feuertanz moved to hand her the small Golden Candelabra. Actually dropping the flyer this time as she found herself cupping in in both hands, her previous 'wishful' thought being thoroughly dismantled. Holding it close and admiring the detail. She looked back up to Feuertanz and tried to say something, but as soon as she began to open her mouth her faced felt as if it turned red enough to be mistaken for some kind of shiny Pokemon. Thus she settled on nodding with a shy smile. Before giving the Candelabra a 'closer look' as she momentarily buried her face in her hands.

Calming herself to a slightly more manageable level, Alina looked over the chain while the others spoke. Unable to just slide it on despite the size difference, she found the clasp holding it together and clipped it on around her neck. Making certain it would lay on top of a softer part of her armor so as to not risk damaging it. She did slow down however, when both Feuertanz and Erion each demonstrated their own magics, her expression showing a clear amazement of their abilities. Once she and they had finished, she found her mouth was willing to work with her again and tried to speak up. "I hope we don't have to fight. I mean, we shouldn't right? If it's just ruins..." She added in, nervously glancing down to the sword she was forced to call her weapon.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Kamen Evie
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Kamen Evie Masked Witch

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Lusser watched in wonder as fire appeared in Feuertanz’s hand from seemingly nowhere. He had seen magic before in his travels, but it still managed to capture his intrigue and ambition every time. He felt almost… disappointed to see it disappear from existence. He hoped to master such arts during his lifetime, the idea of making reality bend to his will about as tantalizing as making others do the same, though all he could do for now was crudely imitate it through his own deceptive dexterity. About as amazing to him was Erion’s own display of mastery over lightning, though he made sure to take note of it; the pokemon seemed to have a skeleton or two in his closet, that much was certain.

“Even the most seemingly mundane of roads are fraught with conflict,” Lusser said to Alina, speaking from his own experience. “At least, in some form or another. I would go as far as to suspect that other groups may be interested in the secret behind these ruins themselves, and I would hesitate to say that their methods or intentions would be as pure as our own.” Of course, Lusser’s own integrity was arguable, but in his mind, is was far better than the alternatives. He looked over to the Moere banner that Feuertanz had pointed to earlier, frowning as he thought to himself.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by KaBling
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KaBling Perpetual Watcher

Member Seen 9 mos ago


ANYWAY, LIVING IN THE FOREST IS ACTUALLY QUITE COMFORTABLE. I DO NOT NEED THOSE FANCY CLOTHES, MY LAST SURVIVING BROTHER'S TAXES OR MY STEPFATHER'S HELP. I AM PERFECTLY FINE LIVING LIKE THIS, AS IT ALLOWS TO CONTINUE PLOTTING TO... kill that bastard and his party of slaveholders... WHILE ALSO BUSY SMASHING ALL THE CONVICTS AND CRIMINALS WHO TREAD MY GROUND. SURELY THEY UNDERSTAND MY CUSTOMS AGAINST THOSE WHO BREAK RULES, YES? MY... tribe had a rather rich history, something I will never get back of them. All I can do is avenge my family and tribe, before chartering a boat back to the land I have never seen since I was a little child.



However, it does get a bit lonely. All the brothers, family and friends my brother described to me... why, I just wonder what sort of life I would have had, had that heartless Pokemon did not trespass through our lands and stole the lives of everyone. Was it really my fault for not accepting the customs of my tribe? These people here... why, they are less civilised than we were. We knew the ways of old would destroy us all, spreading our ideas throughout the land to warn everyone of a precious new age that has come after the Cataclysm. Some of the elders were hundreds of years old, and they could still remember when this world was not a wasteland. Now, their memories are gone, and that remains is the tribes that survive in my old lands and my own brother. Sitting down and thinking of everything... just how did this happen?


Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Anlu
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Anlu Only A Little Crazy

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Nihonto, Schwarzenburg Square

For a few long moments, Nihonto held the young cubone's gaze. It was a thoughtful look, one that weighed her. And then, he offers her a split-toothed smile. "You're eager enough. I like that- you remind me of myself. Do me a favor? You might expect me to tell you to keep your head down, or stay out of the way? Don't even think about it. I want to see what you're made of, eh?"

Lifting his attention to the waning crowd, then, Nihonto frowns. "I would have preferred a somewhat larger company - no entourage, no caravan, little one~. It's just we three. But so be it; like old times then, eh Thorvald? You're really going to have to tell me what happened to you. Did a good job of disappearing on us. But for now? ...We'd may as well get moving. Any supplies you need? By the way, guys, just call my Nihonto. Hell, Nih will do. None of that Sir Knight stuff, hear?" He looks back at Frey.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Anlu
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Anlu Only A Little Crazy

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Feuertanz, Schwarzenburg Gate

Had he only known the inner workings of Lusser's mind, Feuertanz would have been distressed to know the way the dragon thought of their power. For him, it wasn't about bending the world to one's will. It was a gift! As it stood, however, Feuertanz knew no such thing; he clapped his paws together with delight on seeing the crackle of energy that crawled over the knight's fingers. The smell of ozone is a sharp one, distinct, and he's always been drawn to it. But seeing easily how flustered Alina was, he kept his focus on her with a smile. "Eloquently put, Lusser. Our friend is right; though we may go peacefully, there is never any promise of safety. I go in hope that we will face no great tribulation; I am nevertheless glad to know that we are not without defense."
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Evanist
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Evanist The Mewing Mew

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Erion smiled slightly, before breathing deeply, thinking a bit now.
"So... guess we will be starting the journey soon? I won't be lying... I kinda expect something to happen during the journey... although I kinda want to get some experience and learn more about our world." he then says smiling a bit. The journey was probably not gonna be empty without anything happening. He then turned around, looking towards north, accidentally having his cloak reveal slightly his green clothing under his cloak, as well as a slight symbol of a V. He breath deeply as he looks up in the deep blue sky.
"And it will be nice to travel around more and see the world..." he says calmly. The weather was great and nice... and it really felt good to have the wind move around slowly around him. He was used being stuck in the castle grounds, training. His father wanted him to have more education on how being a duke would be... but Erion was not interested in that... He was more interested on finding out how the world worked... on seeing the world in a different view... He actually, even if he heard the rumors... didn't want to be king. He had another plan if that would have been bestowed on him... but because of his brother... He swear... his brother would pay for his actions.
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