Lol, hey Vert, have you ever played with a mod for NV called Dust? Been playing it and find it pretty cool. Anyhow, yeah I appreciated the joke with a giggle. Knowing where it was aimed. As for how long we stay in the vault. I dont really know, its up to you and the others. I am pretty flexible.
Also fill free to use my character as a pawn to get us out of the vault. Her bein maintence, she might hear something from the other techs about problems with life support or something. What ever you have planned. Who knows you could always go with Deathclaws hitting the vault again like you did in that one role play.
Something less, death incarnate, lol thats good to hear. I do want Ki to witness the great thunder lizards though. Even if it is from a distance. Or perhaps a not so mean Super Mutant.