@pyroman Alrighty, I'll see what I can do with this. XD
I'll have a few sketch ideas (not even going to outline them so MESSY LINES HELL AWAY~ because I get so scared of outlining things by hand now angjndkf) and I guess you can pick which one you like best? Also if I should have some sort of example for the hair because I'm a little confused as to how it exactly looks like Orz *shot*
Also, I somehow find it a lot more easier to imagine Sodalite with a battle-skirt (as you put it) rather than something more akin to a gown, but ye, I'll draw both and you can tell me what you think.
Edit: Could you at least give me a face, eye, and nose shape, at least? Normal is sort of vague. Just as a written description is fine.
Other than the combination that's in her picture because I can't seem to pull it off XDAlso, no worries about your art, trust me, it's a lot more than 'not really good' as you put it, and it'll only get better. Heck, it reminds me a lot of my art from just a few months ago, and though I'm not the best artist either, it's improvement and that's all you can really strive for as an artist, I think.