That I did XD It is very cute and I love the main girl because she doesn't change and keeps all her weirdness. You will understand if you guys ever see it. I really enjoyed it
@Akayaofthemoon Yeah, I think it was a really good slice of life type show and I loved how unashamedly quirky it was. The music was great too, the lyrics of the main song were really encouraging and sweet.
@Loony Tut tut you're one of the smartest 16 year olds I've met.
@Akayaofthemoon That won't be for long. @ V @ Damn you wont believe that this post used to be longer.
@21308 Smart is not something I'd call someone who shuts themselves in freezers to get their cousins to stop bickering, but if you say so. XD To be fair though, unlike chasing the goat into the landmine or trying to use a washing machine as a hiding place, this actually did work out in my favour and as intended, but still. *shot*
Also, Raijin, (I feel bad for not asking this earlier and immediately assuming before but...) is it likely for Mars to be friends with Candice to begin with?